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VERY promising job possibility

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For dh. I am so nervous I am nearly sick. He has been very underemployed for a year and we need this job in the worst way. It will mean a move....taking us closer to his boys, but further from my ds's dad. But we really need him to get back into his field...and this job will be with benefits---not just contract work.


Just venting. Thanks. :D


p.s. Tulsa area anyone?

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You are currently in a smallish town aren't you? Tulsa is a nice medium size city. For homeschool fieldtrips, you could visit the aquarium, Gilchrease Museum and Philbrook Museum. Downtown area has some interesting architecture and of course there is the wacky tacky architecture of ORU. When we visited on two occasions, we spent time at a large partially wooded pretty park but I can't recall name of it.

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You are currently in a smallish town aren't you? Tulsa is a nice medium size city. For homeschool fieldtrips, you could visit the aquarium, Gilchrease Museum and Philbrook Museum. Downtown area has some interesting architecture and of course there is the wacky tacky architecture of ORU. When we visited on two occasions, we spent time at a large partially wooded pretty park but I can't recall name of it.


Live in a very small town, but it is a bedroom community to a fairly big city about 20 miles away. Tulsa is bigger though. I like Tulsa. Dh worked there for 10 years before he married me a year ago. It will be new to me,but not him.


We will probably live in the Broken Arrow area...dh says that is the most affordable/safe and logical with regards to visitation issues.

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I won't advise you not to stress about it. Because that never works, eh? ;)


Use that nervous energy to clean and de-clutter. It'll come in handy if you have to move, and you'll enjoy your house more if you have to stay. :grouphug:


I know. You are right. I need to get off computer and go do some work!


The man who spoke to my dh on the phone just now did every thing but hire him over the phone. He will now be out of the office until Monday for the holiday, so I guess we won't know anything until then. We feel so confident and yet are so afraid to feel confident.


Our emotions are all over the place. We are having trouble with visitaiton issues and we've been upset over that but now this is such good news we just don't know how to feel.


Off to start cleaning!

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For dh. I am so nervous I am nearly sick. He has been very underemployed for a year and we need this job in the worst way. It will mean a move....taking us closer to his boys, but further from my ds's dad. But we really need him to get back into his field...and this job will be with benefits---not just contract work.


Just venting. Thanks. :D


p.s. Tulsa area anyone?


The bolded are 2 good reasons to take the opportunity! ;)

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The bolded are 2 good reasons to take the opportunity! ;)


:lol: You picked up on that did you?


Which reminds me of the complication of me leaving the state. XH could fight me on it, but he will lose. Hopefully he will just agree. I did give him a heads up about a month ago that we might have to leave the area. He didn't do any blustering or threatening...so maybe he will be reasonable.


Oh, boy just realized I won't be able to stay in my current state's virtual school. :(

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Live in a very small town, but it is a bedroom community to a fairly big city about 20 miles away. Tulsa is bigger though. I like Tulsa. Dh worked there for 10 years before he married me a year ago. It will be new to me,but not him.


We will probably live in the Broken Arrow area...dh says that is the most affordable/safe and logical with regards to visitation issues.


Broken Arrow is a nice little town. I have a wonderful friend who grew up there.

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Oklahoma has virtual school too. :)


We live in Owasso, which doesn't have as much to offer as Broken Arrow retail/ restaurant-wise. It is nice place to live, though. It is also cheaper. Plus, it has easier (shorter, less congested) access to downtown Tulsa, if that's where his job is located. There is a tremendous HS presence in Oklahoma.


There's a surprising amount of cultural opportunities in the Tulsa/Bartlesville area. The summers are oppressive, though.


I have my fingers crossed for you!

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Oklahoma has virtual school too. :)


We live in Owasso, which doesn't have as much to offer as Broken Arrow retail/ restaurant-wise. It is nice place to live, though. It is also cheaper. Plus, it has easier (shorter, less congested) access to downtown Tulsa, if that's where his job is located. There is a tremendous HS presence in Oklahoma.


There's a surprising amount of cultural opportunities in the Tulsa/Bartlesville area. The summers are oppressive, though.


I have my fingers crossed for you!


Is OK's Virtual School K12? I don't know what to do about that....On the one hand I wouldn't mind getting out from under the control of the state but on the other hand I love the K12 curriculum and I've become very spoiled with having it all planned out so well and all materials just shipped to me. So it is a problem. I could probably get XH to pay for K12 independently....


Anyway, isn't Owasso north? Going to look at map....North is not practical for visitation issues.

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Is OK's Virtual School K12? I don't know what to do about that....On the one hand I wouldn't mind getting out from under the control of the state but on the other hand I love the K12 curriculum and I've become very spoiled with having it all planned out so well and all materials just shipped to me. So it is a problem. I could probably get XH to pay for K12 independently....


Anyway, isn't Owasso north? Going to look at map....North is not practical for visitation issues.


Ok, I was right...it is north. Dh told me that area is very nice but too far in wrong direction from his boys.

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The waiting. It. is. killing us.


He talked to the person who will be hiring him....it sounds VERY hopeful. They even discussed salary on the phone...and dh has worked for them before. The conversation was just short of 'see ya on Monday' type of thing. Just enough to make for one miserable long weekend.


We've been cruising around on line looking for apartments for him until we can get us all moved there. Lots of cool walking paths there in Tulsa by the River.....


We are so nervous though. So hard to wait!

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I am sooooo happy for you! Congratulations. This must be the king of all reliefs.


All I can say about moving is, declutter, declutter, declutter, and decided (do we really need this?). I so wish we had been more picky about what we moved here. I still have about 30 boxes of "stuff" (although, dh is a big culprit in this and not me...do we really need college textbooks from 1985 for subjects we will not be teaching here in homeschool???? The Philosophy of Science, Abstract Algebra II, Electronic Music - so out of date that it still takes about records, cassettes, and EIGHT TRACKS :lol: - ....I could go on!




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I am sooooo happy for you! Congratulations. This must be the king of all reliefs.


All I can say about moving is, declutter, declutter, declutter, and decided (do we really need this?). I so wish we had been more picky about what we moved here. I still have about 30 boxes of "stuff" (although, dh is a big culprit in this and not me...do we really need college textbooks from 1985 for subjects we will not be teaching here in homeschool???? The Philosophy of Science, Abstract Algebra II, Electronic Music - so out of date that it still takes about records, cassettes, and EIGHT TRACKS :lol: - ....I could go on!





When dh was gone last night to take his son back to XW, I spent about 2 hours in my closet---got rid of about 25% of my clothes. Have more to do, but now I'm inspired. Dh will be staying in an apt there during the week initially...so we do have a little time....but wow, I am so ready to get rid of junk. You know I did this just a year and half ago when I down sized to half the house...then I added a new husband to the mix and his 2 kids part time...so we are back at being full to the seams.

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Thanks everyone for well wishes....there is even the possibility that he will be restored to his previous hire date....full benefits immediately. Wow.


I wish you all the best!!! My dh started a new job about a month ago. It's been nice, and weird after all the stress of under/unemployment.

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I wish you all the best!!! My dh started a new job about a month ago. It's been nice, and weird after all the stress of under/unemployment.


Oh I think I missed this news! Awesome! We've tried to be positive for the past year and focus on the good parts...but wow what a blow when he was laid off the week we got married! So yeah, very relieved...I know you know what I mean.

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Oh I think I missed this news! Awesome! We've tried to be positive for the past year and focus on the good parts...but wow what a blow when he was laid off the week we got married! So yeah, very relieved...I know you know what I mean.


My dh has been self-employed for so long. It's quite different to get a regular paycheck. It's like, look you go to work and every couple of week money just miraculously shows up in your bank. :lol::lol:


It's not a dream job, but it's a job.

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We live in BA. I do believe that the Oklahoma Virtual School uses K12, but there are several virtual schools to choose from. Let me know if you want some information, I would be happy to get it for you.


Approved sources are Calvert, K12, and ... I think the last one is Connections. Could be wrong on the last one though.

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We live in BA. I do believe that the Oklahoma Virtual School uses K12, but there are several virtual schools to choose from. Let me know if you want some information, I would be happy to get it for you.


Approved sources are Calvert, K12, and ... I think the last one is Connections. Could be wrong on the last one though.


Thank you both. K12 it will be as that is what I've used with ds since he began 1st grade. Is it like AR with only so many available spots? Or can anyone get in?

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My dh has been self-employed for so long. It's quite different to get a regular paycheck. It's like, look you go to work and every couple of week money just miraculously shows up in your bank. :lol::lol:


It's not a dream job, but it's a job.


LOL I know. By the time we pay for an apt in Tulsa, more child support to his EX and TAXES we won't be any better off as far as disposable income, but wow, to have a job will be awesome. He has basically been self-employed (stead work though) for a year...something I was NOT used to at all. Looking forward to a paycheck that will basically be the same every pay period.

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Thank you both. K12 it will be as that is what I've used with ds since he began 1st grade. Is it like AR with only so many available spots? Or can anyone get in?


Based on the amount of advertising they do, I would assume there are plenty of spots. :D. But I don't know for sure.


Congratulations! Tulsa/BA is a great area to live.

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Based on the amount of advertising they do, I would assume there are plenty of spots. :D. But I don't know for sure.


Congratulations! Tulsa/BA is a great area to live.


Oh! I just went to OK's page...and they offer K12 through 11th grade so far....12th to follow soon. Wow!


And their site says they are still taking applications for this year...so I guess they have plenty of seats in the program.

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I feel ya girl!! My husband too has been underemployed for almost two years. It's physically/emotionally/mentally exhausting having 4+ part time jobs (+ me working). I am so ready for my hubby to have a real FT job in his field and one with benefits would knock my socks off. So ready for one of these resumes to come back with a huge nod even if it means moving. I'm ready. Crossing fingers for you!

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Oh! I just went to OK's page...and they offer K12 through 11th grade so far....12th to follow soon. Wow!


And their site says they are still taking applications for this year...so I guess they have plenty of seats in the program.


They probably do still have seats available. I don't think K12 has been in Oklahoma for more than a couple of years. The most popular one here that I know of is Oklahoma Virtual High School. There is also a new one called Epic Charter that lets you pick and choose from several different curriculums. Some of the individual school districts also have their own virtual schools.

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That's great news! I know you were concerned about distance from your xh, but hon, that is soooooo not a bad thing. :D So... does this mean you won't be going any further with the plan of buying that apartment building? Just curious... that was a neat opportunity, too.

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That's great news! I know you were concerned about distance from your xh, but hon, that is soooooo not a bad thing. :D So... does this mean you won't be going any further with the plan of buying that apartment building? Just curious... that was a neat opportunity, too.


Yes that means we are OUT of the apartment buying market. What a relief! Dh did mention doing BOTH but his new job is too far away from the apts. to make that practical at all.


So thankful the job came through before we agreed to buy. Whew.


Curious to see what XH will say....I hope he doesn't bluster and threaten. :glare:


Ds has been bummed about leaving his friends and our current congregation which is all he ever remembers. But he is happy for his step-dad to get back into engineering.

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