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You know your a WTM boardie when...

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*gag* you're---gosh --please go easy on me.




You tell others about this place--endlessly and when they just don't get it you judge their intelligence (perhaps their sanity too).



When your 75yo neighbor tells you over the phone she is brewing tea---you giggle.

Edited by Lara in Colo
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*gag* you're---gosh-please go easy on me. One should seriously be able to edit the title!!




You tell others about this place--endlessly and when they just don't get it you judge their intelligence (perhaps their sanity too).



When your 75yo neighbor tells you over the phone she is brewing tea---you giggle.


Or, similarly, when a customer tells your dh (in the building trade), "I'm thinking of just ripping out this carpet and going with something low-maintenance." :lol: It just has layers of meaning...


How about this? When I see misused apostrophes (just saw one today on a blog), I think of Mrs. Mungo.

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I was just going to say WTM boardie when you can't resist the urge to correct!


Or when you get hives thinking about how you cannot correct your mistakes. I worry more about grammar and spelling here than I EVER did in college. Really, we should petition SWB to allow a "correct" feature for the titles.

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When you google something and the first thing to show up is a thread from this board. Then you glance at it and remember the conversation.


Or you start reading and posting on the high school board thinking it's a big, scary step. Then you realize some of your board buddies from the logic board are moving with you, and it all feels better.

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Kilts, bookshelves, tea and carpet all have more than one meaning. And they are all things I can't explain to the kids.


Bonus points if you participated in any of the crockpot, shopping cart, shoes-in-the-house, bikini or holiday discussions. And a free Mike's if you are a veteran of the math wars, religion debates or the many threads about dumbed-down homeschooling. But you can't have the Mike's (or even pass them in the grocery store) without a nod to Mrs. Mungo. ;)

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Or when the opinions from here mean more than those of people IRL.

:iagree:and also when the opinions from here mean more than those found on other websites. Oftentimes I will attach welltrainedmind.com/forums to my google searches because I figure the subject has been discussed intelligently on here and I just want to cut to the chase and listen to people I "know".

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*gag* you're---gosh-please go easy on me. One should seriously be able to edit the title!!




You tell others about this place--endlessly and when they just don't get it you judge their intelligence (perhaps their sanity too).


nope! Won't do it. I like sharing openly here about some things that only my closest/best three friends normally know. I don't want to have to filter myself because of other homeschoolers.:tongue_smilie:


When your 75yo neighbor tells you over the phone she is brewing tea---you giggle.


Now THIS is funny.:lol::lol::lol:

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You know you're a WTM boardie when...

You spent the day as usual, but checked in several times to see if the ladies had their babies!!

This board is more than a board, it's a community. I know there are other forums out there like that--but...but...well, this one is special. :D

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:iagree:and also when the opinions from here mean more than those found on other websites. Oftentimes I will attach welltrainedmind.com/forums to my google searches because I figure the subject has been discussed intelligently on here and I just want to cut to the chase and listen to people I "know".


:iagree: What's our motto? "Faster than Google and less judgmental than your mother-in-law"?

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BTW, You can correct the title... go to the " Go Advanced" button :) (And I guess I am one... since I know how to do this??;))


It only works for about a minute after you make your original post. After that, the title will appear to change--you can see the amended title from within the post--but on the main board, where you see just the thread titles, it doesn't actually change.

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When you feel a special affinity for "Mike's" even though you've never had any.

When you reference "The Hive" and everyone in your house knows just what you mean.

When your dh wants to know what the Hive thinks about "X".

When your fam know longer asks where you got the cutting edge news (cause they know what you'll say).

When you do a search on a fellow boardie to find out if they've left the hospital, had their baby or received their quilt. :001_smile:

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When you are planning on getting your hubby a Tee that says, "I Like Big Books and I Can Not Lie" and he knows why. When the await the birth of children of women you don't even know IRL as if they were your very own grandchildren. When you have a buddy for every life issue on the board. When your day is not complete until you have checked the board.

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I named my kitten Persephone since she is sweet as spring half the time and a hell cat the other half.


IRL, people think the name is dumb, here---not so much.



How often (IRL) do you wish you could temper your words with a :D ??


When I met my sister-in-law-to-be, I was all inspired when she told me her dog's name, which I heard as "Plato." Later, when I was petting the doggie and saying his name, she looked at me funny and I realized it was....

Playdough. I was so disappointed.

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Or you start reading and posting on the high school board thinking it's a big, scary step. Then you realize some of your board buddies from the logic board are moving with you, and it all feels better.


You know you're a WTM boardie (boardy? why do we use "ie" for that word, anyway?) when you realize you are "growing up" with some of the other Moms here.


When your fam know longer asks where you got the cutting edge news (cause they know what you'll say).


:lol::lol: My husband, who listens to the radio news while out driving around during his paying work, will come home and tell me (who hardly ever watches TV and doesn't listen to the radio much) about something that happened in the news. I'll say, "Yeah, I know," because I've heard about it here, and gone off to research it on a news site. And he looks at me with a puzzled look.

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Yep, dear Mrs. Mungo. I was trying to explain the kitten issue and no one else thought it was funny. I love/live her Douglas Adams quote.


Oh, yes - totally about the news stories. Dh will ask if I heard about so-and-so and I'll say, oh yeah there was this huge thread on that and kilts :001_huh:.

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