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So how many times do you REALLY...

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Before homeschooling, and then getting a dog I always intended to wash my kitchen floor every week, but it would really only get done after a kiddies party, or after I'd been cooking with a 3 yo and 5 yo. These days it really does get washed once a week, Sunday morning when they're all out at Church (I have asked if they could take the dog too).


Now the floor in our hallway is another matter altogether ... I'm longing to wash it at the moment, but really haven't been able to find a spare hour half hour :glare:.


Does that help? Maybe not :D.

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wash your floors?? REALLLY?? Not intend to :) I just want to know if I'm the only one out there that intends to once a week but gets to it whenever it really needs it :)


Before my kids were old enough: I meant to do it weekly....:tongue_smilie:

Now that my kids have mopping on their chore charts: once a week! :D

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Swiffer JET is my lifesaver!!!! I sweep and then mop with that thing almost daily (we don't have carpet except in our bedrooms) and only have to really mop once a month or so unless there is a major spill. Before I got the swiffer I mopped when it got to disgusting to walk on lol.

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More now. With our hardwoods I could just sweep most of it and it looked good. Now we have linoleum and it's keeping me busy! I swifter mop twice a week now. The parquet floor I can get away with sweeping and not mop as often but the swifter is so easy and it's out already--basically for once I am keeping up on the mopping. Before it was only when it needed it ;-)

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I spot clean until that doesn't cut it anymore. Ideally I would clean it every week, but reality is more like every other week... Or so!


Yep....this is how I do it. My oldest dd comes and does it for me once a month because she is stronger than me right now. In between, me and the little boys grab mops and we do it together.


The bathroom floors get mopped daily. The bedroom, school room, living room floors get swept and vacuumed daily...and mopped on Saturday morning. The kitchen floor is the bane of my existence....and that one needs to be scrubbed....that is why dd comes to help.



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Until we moved, it was every other day. We had all tile in our other house, and I hated feeling sticky or sandy under my feet. I vacuumed daily, sometimes twice, and used my steam mop every other day. Now our house has carpet, so I just vacuum daily, including the kitchen and bathrooms. I mop the bathrooms and kitchen twice a week or more if it needs it. I am rather obsessive about floors though lol.:001_smile:

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Somewhere between once a month and once a season! I sweep the floor fairly often and we all wear slippers. The dog licks up anything really yummy.


ETA: I forgot to mention. I wipe the floor around the toilets at least once a week with a cleaning wipe. Two many men in this household not to.



Edited by Laura Corin
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My floors get mopped exactly twice a week.


Of course, I do none of that mopping. My housekeeper comes twice a week, ;)


If I didn't have my beloved housekeeper, I don't know what I'd do, but mopping twice a week wouldn't be on the list. Probably once a week ideally, but realistically, twice a month and especially the day before company was expected.



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I spot clean with a rag after most meals because my son is an extremely messy eater. Usually I just wipe the table and then use the rag on the floor too though. I steam mop areas too as needed--I love my steam mop! I haven't done the hands and knees whole floor from corner to corner in a very long while. I probably should. I don't vacuum enough either. Floors aren't a big deal to me I guess.

Edited by sbgrace
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You're supposed to wash your floors :confused:....


:lol: ;)!!!!



When someone spills a glass of water and I wipe it up, does that count????


Wehavelived here 18 months., the answer is not yet.


My housekeeper has done it maybe 6 times. (she lives far away and comes up rarely and when she does we do big projects such as painting, garage reorangizing, tearing the cardboard and squirrel lived in installation from the attic.... )

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My youngest is walking so... not as frequently as I used to.


I shoot for once a week for the kitchen, once every other for the wood floors. That doesn't actually happen anymore.


I have always gone barefoot in the house, but since we've moved out of the city, I have taken to wearing slippers. My boys track in a constant stream of dirt from the backyard. Since I can't feel every crumb under my feet now, I have lowered my standards considerably.

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