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Weirdest thing in your trick-or-treat bags?

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I'd really love to know the decision-making that went into the Miracle Whip.


We used to have an elderly neighbor who gave out those little jam packets you find on the tables at diners. She collected them throughout the year (she took pains to explain to me that she always ate her toast plain, so she didn't feel guilty about keeping one or two jam packets), then gave them out on Halloween.

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My kids were pretty psyched to get capri-suns, honestly. They drank them immediately. We *never* have them at home, so they're always a slightly exotic treat!


The mayo keeps cracking me up. Someone I know on Facebook said that they got packets of salt and pepper when a house ran out of candy and tried to just carry on.

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Some woman was giving out a handful of shelled peanuts! They were not bagged or anything, just dumped right in the bag.




One of my boys came home with a package of radish seeds.




I'd really love to know the decision-making that went into the Miracle Whip.


Probably they ran out of candy, grabbed something small and wrapped in plastic (the Miracle Whip), and hoped they could slip it into the kids' bags quickly without them seeing it, it would get mixed into the rest of the candy, and no one would ever know where it came from. That's all I can come up with.

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The weirdest thing the kids got was squares of fancy, imported dark chocolate. I can only think that the woman was unprepared for Halloween and gave out her own stash.


The weirdest thing I got was an apparently sincere offer of babysitting. We went down a friend's dead-end street which only gets occasional trick-or-treaters, and there was an older woman who invited us in, made a big fuss over the kids, and offered to babysit any time I wanted.


She gave the kids Halloween pretzels and pencils and then asked me if they could have a L-O-L-L-I-P-O-P. Um, I'm taking them trick-or-treating; you can probably assume that they're allowed to have candy. :lol:

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The weirdest thing the kids got was squares of fancy, imported dark chocolate. I can only think that the woman was unprepared for Halloween and gave out her own stash.


Was it fair trade? In the past, we've gotten tiny super nice fancy chocolate from people who object to the way big chocolate treats farmers.

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I am going to give out packets of Horsey Sauce from Arby's next year.


One year, a woman was giving out goldfish, "with your parent's permission" with fishbowls.


I said, "Oh, their mom won't let them." My kids were really little and didn't know what was going on but my niece and nephew started yelling, "YOU'RE their mom!" :lol:


The cousins did get a goldfish and it lived about 2 years! :D

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A can of generic brand soup, biscotti, an orange, a Kreuig (SP?) pod of coffee, and the free stickers the grocery store passes out. It was a weird night!

You win! Those coffee pods are $$! The soup cracks me up. Just what a kid wants to lug around.


We gave out Capri-Suns, pencils and spider rings this year. My son said kids were pretty excited about the non-traditional treats. I just didn't want leftover candy in the house, and the Capri-Suns will get used in sack lunches. It was cheaper then bags of candy too! I will definitely do that again next year.

My kids would love capri-suns. How did you get it to be cheaper? We get around 800 t-o-ters, so I'm not sure that we could pull that off.


My mom always has a game at her house. One year it was a pinata, one year it was a bean bag toss, this year it was ducks in a pool. She gives out little toys for prizes and everyone gets a piece of candy. Kids line up at her house and parents can't wait to see what she has planned for the year. It's really cute.

We did not get any weird stuff this year. One year we had beanie babies. I love the can of soup. Awesome.

We ran out of Halloween candy one year and I had to pull starlight mints out of the pantry.

That is such a cute idea. We have a big time halloween neighborhood. Maybe we could do something fun like that.

The weirdest thing the kids got was squares of fancy, imported dark chocolate. I can only think that the woman was unprepared for Halloween and gave out her own stash.


Sorry kids, that chocolate doesn't look safe. Mommy is going to have to take it, just in case...

One of my neighbors handed out handfuls of (delicious) alcohol-filled chocolates to adults who accompanied trick-or-treaters.

Our neighbor hands out jello shots to the adults.


ETA: Last year one of the teens that went out with DD got a packet of axel grease. No weird stuff this year.

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Christmas tree Reese's candy, plastic balls with "Happy Halloween from the ___'s" (yes, every ball kills a kitten)... But NOTHING to rival Miracle Whip! Roflol...


HEY! We got those christmas tree reese's candy, too!!! I voted to place them in the trash.


Did anyone get a Jesus-ween tract?


ummm, what is that???


robin in nj

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We get nearly 1000 kids visiting on Halloween so this year we opted out and went to the movies instead. If I had known I could have gathered up weird stuff and handed it out, I would have done that! Taco Bell sauce, kool-aid packs, assorted groceries that I have no idea why I ever purchased...I could have cleaned my kitchen AND participated in Halloween. Who knew?

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A really nice old woman gave the kids pennies this year. She was so creaky I was afraid she was going to fall over. She asked DD what she was going to get with it and DD looked so confused. DD leaned over to me and said, "But Momma, you can't buy anything with a penny!! Doesn't this lady know that??"


So I just told the old woman that we'd add it to her money pot and buy Xmas presents with it.


This year, our weirdest was the penny.


Last year, I did notice the kids had catsup packets. :glare:

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You all are bringing up childhood memories of the year my mom decided to do away with candy and give packets of tissues and combs instead. :001_huh: My brother and I were mortified. We have never let her live that one down.:001_smile:


Our unusual treats here were a can of soda or bottle of water from one of the houses and a Scholastic book (the homeowners work there) from another. Oh, also, someone handed out a word search printed from their computer along with their candy, and another gave out mechanical pencils. I thought those were pretty unique ideas and the kids already are enjoying using them.


Definitely haven't seen the mayo packet however, maybe that will become a new trend. Just don't tell my mom. :D

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Ha! A friend of mine ran out of candy-- she was just telling me yesterday about how she frantically combed the pantry for anything individually wrapped. It sounded like she gave people some pretty weird stuff-- pop tarts were in the mix, but no mayo packets. She said kids kept excitedly grabbing granola bars thinking they were the full-sized candy bars of lore, then trying to give them back when they realized what they'd taken. She kept telling them, "But they're chocolate chip flavor!" Her husband was so mortified he hid in a back bedroom after a while, but I think she had fun watching people's reactions.


The weirdest thing that happened to us was leaving a big bowl of mini chocolate bars unattended by the front door while we went off to trick-or-treat with family in another neighborhood, and returning three hours later to find candy still left in it! What a well behaved crowd we must have had this year!

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