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What's for dinner at your house tonight? I'm uninspired...

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Well, here's what we're having for the next few meals.


Breakfast burritos: Ground sausage, scrambled eggs, and shredded cheese in a tortilla.

Chicken alfredo.

Tacos (to use up the tortillas from the breakfast burritos).

Roast with carrots and potatoes (so easy in a crockpot).


Any of that sound good?

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Well, we'll be eating at VBS this week (it's a really nice break for me!). Dh and I help out, and they provide meals each evening before VBS for the workers. Although I am baking cakes to take tomorrow, it will be a much easier week for me, dinnerwise . . .

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Well, I'm going to be rushing around this afternoon so I'm making meatballs early, then making cream of mushroom gravy to put them in later. This will be served over rice. We'll probably have spinach too.

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Some meat product thrown on the grill with veggies and salad.


Typical summer fare ;)


This made me laugh. We do the same thing most nights. But the way you said it made it sound like a bad diner with some waitress that has a cig hanging from her mouth. :lol: (Which is how I feel some nights:001_huh:)

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We'll be having:


homemade pizza & salad


breakfast burritos

meatballs w/crm. of chicken (we hate mushroom) & rice

roast in the crockpot w/veggies & rice


We're going out Saturday, and Sunday is breakfast at church.


Woohooo!!!! I'm all set.



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I made soup for yestarday's dinner. I posted the recipe a few days ago and it reminded me of it. A bag of dried Minnestroni with lots of water....boil with french red lentils, two teaspoons cumin and two cloves crushed garlic. Add can of chick peas when it is smooth. It is so easy and very good with crusty bread and pickles.


Have you thought about fish cakes. I make them with salmon and mashed potatoes. Add egg and mustard. Fry for 4 minutes on each side on medium. Always a hit here.


Egyptian rice works well too. It is better with ground lamb but ground beef works too. Fry one lb meat....add two cans of stock (or homemade) and one cup of rice (I use brown rice). A dash of Worchestshire sauce and three tablespoons soya sauce. Serve with plain yogurt and slivered almonds.


Hmmmm. Excuse me. :D

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In case you needed a little more inspiration we'll be having Asian Chicken Wings.


Soy Sauce

Sesame Seeds



Green Onions


Marinate in above ingredients for a while and broil. 15 minutes on one side, 10 more on the other. YUM!!!!!

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I think tonight will probably just be fetuccini alfredo, some bread and a salad.

I'll be out this afternoon and on my way back from said outing I plan to pick up a few things for shish kabobs..that's tomorrow's meal :D


I very much like the 'some meat product thrown on the grill' summer fare thing hehe


well, no, not 'meat product' that sounds bad haha can't remember if the original poster said 'product' or not..sorry..anywho..yes I'm rambly today, just had caffeine :p

*meat on grill* that I like :D

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Well, Aunt Flo is here and she is as much of a joy as ever, so....

I'm making some kind of taco pie or amazing cheeseburger pie or whatever you call it when you brown ground beef with an onion and put it in the bottom of a pan and put some cheese on it and top with either a corny batter or a plain one.


ho hum....


sometimes people are lucky just to get a meal, you know?

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Black beans and corn in tortillas, served with salsa and cheese.


Tomorrow night is Chickfila at church (they bring it in for us once a month!).


Last night was chicken pot pie, if that helps any.


Right now there is ciabatta in my oven, just because. I may eat all three loaves.

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I hit submit before I completely finished my thought.....


Last night was grilled chicken with rice and a salad. Tomorrow is baked tilapia with risotto and steamed spinach, and the next night is baked pork chops with roasted potatoes and broccoli.

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Well...I cooked some chicken w/ salsa in the pressure cooker 2 nights ago.


Last night, I mixed that w/ some refried beans, more salsa, diced tomatoes, onions, peppers, um...etc., & layered it w/ corn tortillas (that dh bought by accident) & some weird kind of Mexican Velveeta (that my grmother brought us).


It's actually pretty good. Not healthy, but tasty. Add a salad, & we're having leftovers. :D

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Well, Aunt Flo is here and she is as much of a joy as ever, so....

I'm making some kind of taco pie or amazing cheeseburger pie or whatever you call it when you brown ground beef with an onion and put it in the bottom of a pan and put some cheese on it and top with either a corny batter or a plain one.


ho hum....


sometimes people are lucky just to get a meal, you know?


I am :lol:...I can so relate!

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I made a dish of brown rice, black beans, tomatoes, green onions and cilantro. We had that with some leftover grilled chicken. I made this same dish (black beans/brown rice) last week with salsa, and it was great! But I'm trying to cut back on sodium, so I used fresh tomatoes this time. Not as great, but still good and good for you! :001_smile:


Yesterday we had shrimp w/pasta & veggies, and a salad.


No one is allowed to turn the oven on here again until October, but oh, what I wouldn't give for some homemade bread! I can smell it from here, Kelli. (Send me some?) :Angel_anim:

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Well, Monday night dh grilled pork back ribs with honey barbecue sauce. We also threw some mostly baked potatoes on the grill and made corn and green beans to go with it. It was delicious!


Last night we had sloppy joes and steak fries.


The rest of the week looks like this:


Grilled Chicken w/fettucine alfredo, salad, garlic bread


Grilled bratwursts w/some sides that I haven't quite figured out yet


Maybe some grilled pork chops?


We love to grill in the warm weather!

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