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Curly Girls?

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I picked up the book Curly Girls from the library a few days ago, which I'd seen recommended by friends before. Her "no poo" method is different from the general "don't use shampoo, using baking soda instead" idea that I've discussed on some forums. So I'm wondering if anyone else here does the Curly Girls no shampoo program? It's designed specifically for those with naturally curly to wavy hair. You use conditioner in place of shampoo (she describes a specific way to do so, with a certain type of conditioner).


In just two days, I've become utterly amazed. I haven't gone long enough yet to see if my hair gets greasy without shampoo, but based on what I see so far, I don't think that's going to happen. What I DO see, for the first time in my 20+ years of knowing I had curly hair (I didn't know I had curly hair for years 5-21 or so), are curls that look good and not frizzy, and hair that I can wear down most of the day instead of feeling like I need a clip or ponytail within an hour of my hair being dry. WOW -- that's pretty amazing after all this time.

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I've been using this method for about 4 years. My hair is in the best condition is has ever been in. My hair has always been dry so it doesn't get greasy. I use an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse about 1x per week.


Nice to hear. The biggest change for me will be two-fold. One is not shaking my head hard once done in the shower to get all the extra water out and then immediately squooshing it with a towel and and wrapping it up in the towel for a long time (so that when I take the towel off, it's almost dry). Now I touch it very little getting out of the shower so it takes longer to dry and just not touching it is very different. The second thing is doing this daily or every other day. In the last few years, I've only needed to shampoo every 3-4 days, so doing it this way will create a little more "work" but the results were pretty dramatic.


I'm not all that into looking great (i.e., trying not to focus on that too much), but it's just interesting to see my true natural hair after all this time. I knew it was curly, but didn't know it could be this kind of curly.

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DD8 uses Deva Curl's No Poo shampoo and One Condition. She also uses Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask. Between these products and the "Curly Girl" salon that cuts curly hair while dry, her hair is finally beautiful!


We tried the no shampoo and only conditioner for a while. Didn't work.

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I did it for about 2.5 years and then my body chemistry changed and it no longer worked for me. If I took the time to find a different conditioner than what I had been using it would most likely work again.


So that is a good question, if you do follow the method, what conditioner do you use?

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My hair has always been very oily. Even after a day it starts to show. How do you get past it?



I don't have oily hair and haven't done this long enough to find out about what happens after several days anyway, yet. From what I read in the book, the conditioner and some light rubbing will act well enough as a cleanser on their own; shampoo is not necessarily necessary. She says most shampoos are pretty hard on your hair and scalp. It's new to me! I'm not saying it will work for everyone.

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... the "Curly Girl" salon that cuts curly hair while dry, her hair is finally beautiful!



I hope to find a hair dresser familiar with curly girl issues and this specialized type of hair cutting. We live in a smallish town, though, so we'll see. I read at Amazon last night that the later edition of this book has tips for cutting your own hair. I'm thinking my girls and I can learn to do each other's, maybe.

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My dd does good with only conditioner. She needs a deep conditioning treatment once in a while...but we live in south florida and it it always humid! She hasnt gone for a haircut since she was a toddler since they thinned her hair out. I use the Curly Girl book as a guide and I trim her hair at home. I loved that book. We havent had the money to purchase her good conditioners right now and we have been using the new Dove oil conditioner. It seems to be working great as a low cost alternative for now. Im sure it is full of junk...but it is working.

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The "no-poo" method doesn't work for me. My hair isn't extremely curly or extremely dry. It is curlier than wavy, though, if that makes sense. I only wash my hair about 2 times a week though. On the other days I either put it up in a messy bun or wet it and put a tiny bit of gel in it, and I'm good to go.

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The "no-poo" method doesn't work for me. My hair isn't extremely curly or extremely dry. It is curlier than wavy, though, if that makes sense. I only wash my hair about 2 times a week though. On the other days I either put it up in a messy bun or wet it and put a tiny bit of gel in it, and I'm good to go.


This was/is me, too. My experience these past few days is how different my hair has reacted if I don't touch it much both in the shower and out. I don't think it's exactly so much about not using shampoo, but more about applying the conditioner a certain way and keeping my hands off. Instead of loose, sort of bunchy (and eventually frizzy) curls, I have tighter individual curls that bounce and hold their own all day. I don't have to put it up because it's driving me nuts. It's just been interesting to me to discover this so "late" in life.

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I can't do the no poo method because my scalp gets really gross (scabby and smelly.) I use a tea tree oil shampoo, but I put it on my scalp and rub it on there with my head upside down. Then I rinse well. Then I put on conditioner and comb through. I rinse the conditioner with tepid water (or as least warm as I can stand), but I don't rinse it all out (no squeaky clean here.) After I get out of the shower, I put a little hair gel in and let air dry (or use a diffuser when I need to go out soon or during the winter since I get cold really easily.)

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I had completely straight hair for the first 33 years of my life, except for about 4 months after my third son was born (it was straight above and below the curly section, it was WEIRD). I always used shampoo and conditioner only, never any styling products, and spent about 30 seconds per day on hair. I tried to get a perm once and it only worked on half my hair, then went straight a few weeks later.


Last year I went through chemo and lost all my hair, and the last few months it has been coming in TOTALLY CURLY.


While it was still just starting to come in, a friend recommended the Deva Curl book and products, and they have helped me figure out what to do with the curls. If I do nothing, it looks like a clown wig, LOL!! I am using No-Poo, One Condition, and AnGel (lots of this!), purchased through Amazon. My hair is now about 4 inches long if I pull the curls out, but they spring up to less than one inch away from my head.


It was hard for me to get used to NOT doing the only things I have ever done:

1. Do not use shampoo.

2. Do not squeeze all the extra water out.

3. Do not dry with a towel.

4. Do not use a hair brush.

5. Do not use a blow dryer.

6. Do not touch my hair while it is drying.


Reading the book and watching the video helped me figure out WHY I shouldn't do those things, and since I found out about it while my hair was still super short, my current hair has never been shampooed, brushed, or blow dried.


After the "gel cast" has dried, I rub my hands through my hair gently to soften the curls and that is it -- and my hair feels SO HEALTHY! It is still in an awkward phase growing out, but I can tell that it is going to be really cute when it gets longer. I still only spend a couple of minutes per day on hair, I just have to remember to allow 2 hours for it to air dry.


As for the question about oily hair -- I find that my hair is fine the first and second day, but starts to feel oily on the 3rd day. This was also the case when I had straight hair and used shampoo/conditioner. If I am in a hurry on the morning of the second day I will just wet my hands and get my hair slightly wet, but it looks better if I put my head in the sink and get it completely wet (this also rinses much of the previous day's gel out).


So far I love having curly hair! :) Many of my friends who have always had curly hair tell me I will hate it eventually, but honestly I'm just thrilled to no longer be bald. ;)

Edited by Colleen in SEVA
fixing typos :)
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I do only conditioner, and have for about 2 or 3 years now. I "wash" my hair with conditioner (really scrubbing in into my hair and scalp, then rinsing it out) about twice a week. Other days I just rinse it through with water, then put conditioner on at the end. I have had NO complaints about my hair being gross or smelly (and DH would tell me!) and it's in better shape than it's ever been. I've finally been able to grow it long, which I could never do before.


I have extremely, extremely dry hair, though. Even with only using conditioner on it, it still gets dried out pretty easily. If I didn't have such dry hair, I'm not sure if conditioner-only would work nearly as well.


I asked about kids' hair the other day, because I'm tempted to go no-poo with my DD, but I'm not sure. She also has very curly, very dry hair, but it's also really fine. Plus, she's 1-1/2, so she's always doing stuff like rubbing food in her hair. Conditioner-only seems to provide enough cleansing for my hair, since it's so dry and I'm not like rubbing peanut butter into it at lunchtime, but I'm not sure if it would be enough for DD.


But, yeah, I've had fabulous luck with conditioner-only. My hair looks good, and it's also really cheap, which is a plus. I really like Tresemme conditioners, either the curl moisturizing one or the extra moisturizing one. One bottle lasts me about 3 weeks or so (maybe 4--I don't really keep track). I also use some gel if I'm wearing my hair down. But that's pretty much it. I used to spend a lot more because I'd get anti-frizz stuff to basically try to put back the oil I'd strip away washing it (and it never worked well). The first couple of weeks I did feel a little itchy, but once I got past that, I've had no problems.

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My hair has always been very oily. Even after a day it starts to show. How do you get past it?


I think to some extent it is just a matter of giving your scalp time to get used to less stripping. When you wash your hair every day, it starts to produce oils like crazy to replace what is lost, and it takes some time for that to back off.


So maybe just start lengthening the time between washes.

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I've been using this method for about 4 years. My hair is in the best condition is has ever been in. My hair has always been dry so it doesn't get greasy. I use an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse about 1x per week.


Does the vinegar get rid of product build-up?


My leukemia medicine makes my hair and scalp even drier than it was before. I can go forever without shampoo and have no oil on my scalp, but I still use a gentle shampoo every couple days to get rid of product build-up. So if the vinegar rinse does that, I'll try that in place of shampooing.



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I do mostly conditioner only. Every couple of weeks I have to shampoo the under part of my hair (around the nape) because it gets too greasy. I think it's just because of how thick my hair is. I don't use shampoo on the crown or front, it stays too dry as it is.


A few weeks ago, when my dh was in the hospital, I used shampoo on all my hair because I just felt "icky" from being at the hospital so much. It has taken 2 weeks to recover :lol:


Not using a terry cloth towel helps a ton as well. I just use an old t-shirt to "plop" my hair in, and then wrap a towel over that to dry a little.

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I hope to find a hair dresser familiar with curly girl issues and this specialized type of hair cutting. We live in a smallish town, though, so we'll see. I read at Amazon last night that the later edition of this book has tips for cutting your own hair. I'm thinking my girls and I can learn to do each other's, maybe.


I cut my own hair too. However mine is so curly I could make huge mistakes and no one would notice. I cut the curls dry, it makes a difference. I just got sick of paying money I don't have to have this look :001_huh: when I'd walk into a salon. Then they'd cut it wet and I'd go home and cry.


Does the vinegar get rid of product build-up?


My leukemia medicine makes my hair and scalp even drier than it was before. I can go forever without shampoo and have no oil on my scalp, but I still use a gentle shampoo every couple days to get rid of product build-up. So if the vinegar rinse does that, I'll try that in place of shampooing.




Vinegar does help with build up. I have very thick hair and it is best to rinse hair with very cool water. I wash my hair in the shower and hate cool water. It helps with the acidity of your scalp or something, I read a link here once. It can be drying to the hair itself which is why I only use it once a week.

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My dd does good with only conditioner. She needs a deep conditioning treatment once in a while...but we live in south florida and it it always humid! She hasnt gone for a haircut since she was a toddler since they thinned her hair out. I use the Curly Girl book as a guide and I trim her hair at home. I loved that book. We havent had the money to purchase her good conditioners right now and we have been using the new Dove oil conditioner. It seems to be working great as a low cost alternative for now. Im sure it is full of junk...but it is working.


If you live near a trader joe's you can get their Tea Tree Conditioner. (Its is almost fully all natural...one of the most all natural conditioners I've ever seen to be honest...and it is only $3-$4 a bottle depending on your location....I found out about it thru a recommendation on a curly girl board years ago when I first got started with the method. (and unlike alot of "greenwashed" conditioners that claim to be natural but have hidden SLS or parabens or silicones this one doesn't)


I haven't *washed* my hair in over 2 years now....with shampoo anyway. The benefit of the tea tree conditioner is it makes your scalp feel clean while not striping the hair, and it is very moisturizing. I have large loose curls (very fine but very thick, about the size of crayola marker). My hair stretched out reaches to my thighs, curly it hits at my lower back. This method/conditioner helped me get my hair to this length (I have serious "nappy" issues with detangling such long/curly hair and this conditioner really works with that...)


I also use Kinky Curly's Knot Today (detangling) and Curling Custard (styling) and that's it. (These 2 items are very expensive...but worth every penny to me, and a little goes along way)


Ingredients in Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner: Purified Water, Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Nettle Oil, Thyme Oil, Birch Leaf Oil, Chamomile Oil, Clary Coltsfoot Leaf, Yarrow Oil, Mallow, Horsetail Oil, Soybean protein, Cetyl alcohol (plant derived), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Trace Minerals, citric acid (corn), sodium hydroxymethylgycinate, Grapefruit seed (citrus derived) ** and more than 1/2 of the above have an * indicating organic. I really love this stuff!!!! Its not oily at all...but very silky and has lots of slip (from the mallow) for detangling in the shower.


**I also do a weekly vinegar rinse, its great for buildup....and if I feel like coloring grey I use henna (the henna cream already prepared.)

Edited by Xanadu
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I have very wavy, long, messy hair and when I follow the whole Curly Girl routine my hair looks amazing, far better than I ever dreamed possible. However, I am also a dedicated swimmer, which complicates matters, and with a grabby toddler running amok I can't usually just leave my hair down to dry thoroughly (never mind the whole clipping thing) so it's usually pulled back anyway. But the method itself (I use Devacurl no-poo 'shampoo' after swimming and then lots of product -- Jane Carter Solutions is my favorite -- and squeeze dry with a old cloth diaper) has been just wonderful for my hair. I can't believe how much less dry and frizzy it is now than it used to be.


I actually got my hair cut at Devachan over the summer and it was such a great cut that I have so far refused to look for a salon here in TN and am instead waiting until we go back to visit family before getting another haircut.

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it was good for awhile. Probably almost 2 years. Now I am noticing I get oily on top about once a week. I use the Suave naturals shampoo that one day and it's fine. Still use conditioner other days or just rinse depending on the weather. My curls too look so much better than when I was younger!


On vacation I forgot to bring my Tea Tree Conditioner and DH ran out and got Suave naturals conditioner as a replacement. I got greasy with it as well. (after having not used shampoo for over a year) After reading the label...(and I may not be remembering this correctly) I think I remember it having some hidden silicone or sls. I'm pretty sure it was a silicone (anything ending with an ~one is usually a form of silicone..and its the silicone that is bad for your hair. It makes the hair look good the first day or two...but it damages the hair by drying it out and causes the build up by acting like glue to hold dirt/product onto the shaft...the silicones won't wash away with just water/conditioner so you have to use the shampoo after awhile. Try a conditioner without any silicones and the no poo should work for you without ever having to shampoo. I love the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Conditioner. (I love it because it is a truly natural, or as close as I can get to chemical free) But some even more economical alternatives are VO5 *cream* conditioners, usually under $1 a bottle and some regular suave conditioners (I think the coconut is one) You just have to read the label and make sure there are no ingredients with ~one at the end.



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its the silicone that is bad for your hair. It makes the hair look good the first day or two...but it damages the hair by drying it out and causes the build up by acting like glue to hold dirt/product onto the shaft...



Of all the things I got from the Curly Hair book, this was the most helpful. Over the years I tried every anti-frizz product on the market and the results were inevitably a disaster. Keeping the silicones far, far away from the top of my head has done more to improve my hair than anything else, I think.

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I don't have oily hair and haven't done this long enough to find out about what happens after several days anyway, yet. From what I read in the book, the conditioner and some light rubbing will act well enough as a cleanser on their own; shampoo is not necessarily necessary. She says most shampoos are pretty hard on your hair and scalp. It's new to me! I'm not saying it will work for everyone.


I can see how this could work! What brand of conditioner are you using? Does it matter?


This would not be a possibility for me in the summer but it might be ok in the winter with an occassional Deva Curl lo-poo.

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Oh, I need to read this. Traditional no -poo doesn't work for me but perhaps this would. My hair has gotten curlier after the kids, after the last it was really curly but has straightened a bit in the front, the back is still really curly. Right now though it is a frizz mess as I had gel in it and then brushed it out. Thanks for bringing this up I need to read up on the method again.

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I can see how this could work! What brand of conditioner are you using? Does it matter?


There are four things, she says, to look for -- humectants, emollients, protein and moisturizers (I think on the last one, don't have the book with me right now).

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Are you happy with the conditioner that you use? What is the brand?


I just started about four days ago, so haven't had time to really experience it yet. I bought a Yes To Carrots brand conditioner from the natural foods/products section of the grocery store (chosen because it was the least expensive, on sale). I didn't have the book with me when I bought it, but I think it has all four things in it. Up above someone mentioned Tresemme and it's likely that if it has all four things in it, with no silicone, I'll try something less expensive like that next time (something not in the healthy section) since I'm not rubbing it hard into my scalp like I did with shampoo.

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I've been almost poo-free for about 4 years. I may have shampooed after an occasional camping trip. I use the deva curl products and get my hair cut by a stylist trained in that method. My hair has never been better in my life. I do want to try the TJs brand that another poster recommended.


I do most of my styling in the shower. I do comb the conditioner through with a wide comb. This eliminates tangles and minimizes the touching I need to do once my hair is rinsed. For me, the real trick is to apply the gel and style when it's REALLY wet. I tend to want to dry my hair too much, but the curls look best when the hair is sopping wet but not dripping. If I don't touch it after that, it looks great all day.


Now, if I could just get someone to explain Next Day Curls to me and how to accomplish this.

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If you live near a trader joe's you can get their Tea Tree Conditioner. (Its is almost fully all natural...one of the most all natural conditioners I've ever seen to be honest...and it is only $3-$4 a bottle depending on your location....I found out about it thru a recommendation on a curly girl board years ago when I first got started with the method. (and unlike alot of "greenwashed" conditioners that claim to be natural but have hidden SLS or parabens or silicones this one doesn't)


I haven't *washed* my hair in over 2 years now....with shampoo anyway. The benefit of the tea tree conditioner is it makes your scalp feel clean while not striping the hair, and it is very moisturizing. I have large loose curls (very fine but very thick, about the size of crayola marker). My hair stretched out reaches to my thighs, curly it hits at my lower back. This method/conditioner helped me get my hair to this length (I have serious "nappy" issues with detangling such long/curly hair and this conditioner really works with that...)


I also use Kinky Curly's Knot Today (detangling) and Curling Custard (styling) and that's it. (These 2 items are very expensive...but worth every penny to me, and a little goes along way)


Ingredients in Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner: Purified Water, Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Nettle Oil, Thyme Oil, Birch Leaf Oil, Chamomile Oil, Clary Coltsfoot Leaf, Yarrow Oil, Mallow, Horsetail Oil, Soybean protein, Cetyl alcohol (plant derived), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Trace Minerals, citric acid (corn), sodium hydroxymethylgycinate, Grapefruit seed (citrus derived) ** and more than 1/2 of the above have an * indicating organic. I really love this stuff!!!! Its not oily at all...but very silky and has lots of slip (from the mallow) for detangling in the shower.


**I also do a weekly vinegar rinse, its great for buildup....and if I feel like coloring grey I use henna (the henna cream already prepared.)


Can you tell me what this product is?

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Can you tell me what this product is?


Its the Surya brand cream hair color (I buy it from luckyvitamin, which is the link below)




Brand: Surya Brasil

Type: Henna Brasil Cream Hair Coloring with Organic Extracts (Does have some preservatives)


My hair is naturally a dark auburn. I use Burgundy...its a great cover for the grey, and a nice deep auburn. (NOT Purple by any means...Red is just too red, and dark brown is too dark....I've tried all 3 over the years).


Powder is by the far the most chemical free, healthiest option....but I don't do powder....Not after the last attempt years ago...It just too messy, time consuming and an all around PITA to deal with.....plus powder rarely covers grey well unless you do a 2 step powder henna which is even more time intensive. I really like the cream but you do have to leave it in for the max time to cover grey.

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I've been conditioner-only (shampoo maybe once every month or two) for years. I use clear gel and let air dry. Love it. I'm wavy, not curly, but it has made me look wavy & not just fuzzy. My dry skin on my face has improved, as well. I really believe that harsh detergents in shampoos are unnecessary, and only produce more scalp oils if you are oily to start with. Give it a few weeks and try a few types of conditioners/gels before you decide it is not for you.

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I am so excited to try this!

I have quite long, very curly hair, and my daughter does too.

I don't brush, and I only pick in the shower with conditioner, to get out the snarls. . . but I have a feeling that's not good for the hair.

Also, I only wash it twice a week because . . . it just dries out.


I never do much with it, or it completely goes finger-in-the-light-socket on me.


I think this may be great!


Funny, I asked another long haired, very curly woman the other day what she did with her hair, and she told me about this book.


Must be something in the air!

Thanks for all the good reading on this!

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