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Do you leave your purse, wallet in the car normally?

Do you leave your purse or wallet in the car purposely?  

  1. 1. Do you leave your purse or wallet in the car purposely?

    • No, that is asking for it to be stolen
    • Yes, but only in rare circumstances (maybe beach?)please explain
    • Yes
    • Other

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Purse in the car, are you out of your mind? :lol


No. The risk of a smash and grab where I do this is very low, though that would not be true everywhere. I have a significantly higher risk of being in a wreck than having my car window smashed, yet no one would say I'm just asking for trouble every time I get in my car.

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Purse in the car, are you out of your mind? :lol:


No, but I'm also not so attatched to stuff that I'm willing to plan my whole life around it.


Like anything else, it's a calculated risk. If carrying my purse with me is going to be so uncomfortable or inconvenient that it ruins whatever I'm doing outside of the car, I'm willing to accept the small risk associated with leaving it.


As I said, it never sits out in plain view. And I have usually removed from the purst anything a person might possibly want to steal before I walk away from the locked car. I don't carry anything expensive or interesting in the purse that doesn't go with me when I leave it. My phone, keys, ID, debit card and any cash I have on hand go in my pockets. I don't have credit cards or jewelry in my purse or wallet, anyway.


Yes, I have had my purse stolen once, although it wasn't from my car. And, yes, I do remember what an inconvenience it was to replace everything. And, in fact, my car was broken into a couple of years ago when I was distracted enough to leave my iPod sitting on the front seat.


But I'm not willing to live my whole life worrying about that kind of thing. I'd much rather do my best to minimize the risk and then get on with my life.

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I was told never to leave any bag in view, whether it be a purse, backpack or plastic bag. If I leave a plastic bag on the seat I always open it up so the thief can view its contents. DH has occasionally left a napsack in the trunk and I don't feel ggreat about that. Apparently there are a lot of thieves at nature preserves, trails, getting into peoples' trunks. A woman I knew got her daytimer stolen and window smashed when running into pick her child up from daycare. I guess they thought it was a wallet.


Really, reading all these stories you have to wonder who these thieves are. What kind of people do this kind of thing? If they are caught do they end up going to jail?

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I have a purse/diaper bag combo (oversized purse, basically) and the only time I've left it in the car is at the playground where the car is in view the whole time or the paintball place where there was nowhere else to put it. If we go to a ball game or something else downtown sans kids, I don't bring it at all. Theives started popping trunks in parking garages first because that's where people were hiding their belongings.


In the small towns surrounding my college town, I was surprised that everyone leaves their keys in their cars. Not only would I worry about some meth head stealing it, I'd worry I'd be one of those parents on the news explaining why my toddlers were joyriding down the street at 4:00 in the morning.

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I do it on rare occasions where I need my purse with me, but can't carry it the entire time. Your beach example is a good one. I leave it in a spot in my van where no one would see it. They'd have to be breaking into the van for other reasons in order to get it. I don't like doing it, so it is rare, but sometimes it's my best option.

Edited by floridamom
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i figure it would be much more likely to be stolen out of my stroller, diaper bag or even off of me.


I've had my purse/wallet stolen twice in my life, and both times they were on me or close by. With my stolen purse, the thief actually ran up behind me, sliced my purse strap with a knife, and ran off with my purse. My wallet was stolen when I set my purse down on a counter and got distracted by ds, who was a toddler at the time. I didn't know it was gone until long after I got home.



I'm waiting for someone to pipe up and talk about hoodies as essential, running red lights as SOP.

Purse in the car, are you out of your mind? :lol:


I'm puzzled by the bolded. I'm not sure what that statement means. As for the question, no I'm not out of my mind. As a PP said, it's a calculated risk.

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I put yes, but it probably should have been other. If I am carrying a purse, which has happened once in the past 6 months, I take it with me 90% of the time, or hide it under something if I leave it in the car. If I have my big bag of kid stuff, I tend to leave that in the car and my wallet tends to be buried in there somewhere, 90% of the time.

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I've had my purse/wallet stolen twice in my life, and both times they were on me or close by. With my stolen purse, the thief actually ran up behind me, sliced my purse strap with a knife, and ran off with my purse. My wallet was stolen when I set my purse down on a counter and got distracted by ds, who was a toddler at the time. I didn't know it was gone until long after I got home.



Similar story, here. The one time my purse was stolen was while I was having lunch with my husband in Manhattan one day. I had set the purse on the floor (or possibly draped it over the back of my chair), and got distracted chatting. I didn't notice it was gone until we were leaving to head back to our offices.


Funny story: Another day, I was having lunch at one of those hot bar-type places in Manhattan and had set my purse on the floor. I reached down to grab something out of it and found the hand of a man at the table behind me reaching over to take the purse. I smacked his hand lightly and told him to knock it off. He apologize and left quickly.


And, as I said before, the only time I've had my car broken into was the day I stupidly left my iPod sitting on the front seat in plain sight.

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I don't carry a purse, haven't for years. I have a wallet, sometimes I carry it with me, sometimes not. Otherwise it is in the glove box. Our area has a low crime rate and I don't know that I've heard of that much around here, aside from a stint of break-ins in church parking lots, which was short-lived. I don't do a lot of running period and if I'm shopping then I need it, if dh is with me then we use his and leave mine in the car.

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I very rarely carry a purse, so if I am carrying it I clearly need it where I am going and it stays with me. My wallet stays in my pocket 95% of the time and does not get left anywhere. If I'm going to the gym I carry very minmal stuff (like my ID, one CC and some small cash) and have a tiny pocket on my gym clothes to keep them in. At the pool I do use the lockers, which makes me nervous so I leave almost everything home. But the lockers are better watched than the cars. Usually I bring just my ID and maybe $5.


Stuff like hikes, nature trails, etc, the wallet just comes with me.

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I live on a dead-end private road, that breaks off a dead-end road. I often leave my purse in my car in my driveway. (now that the weather is turing, my son has to clean up his project so I can park in the garage.) I've even left it under a seat in the car when I run in the library to return/pick-up books.

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I used to have to wear a hoodie all the time, and roll through red lights if it was safe enough, and nothing ever in the front seat.


I've been through a smash and grab, though they were polite about it and didn't break the glass...I was stupid and had the doors unlocked. Never again.


The second time, the doors were unlocked and I learned to run intersections and never come to a complete stop and sit there like an idiot.


The hoodie is to cover up your hair if you are driving alone.


But in other places I've been, it's custom to unroll your windows, open the glovebox and unlock the doors if you leave your car.


Just depends on where you are at.


I carry a purse now, but in some places or if I'm in urban settings, nope..not carrying one.

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A man I used to work with put his wallet in the glovebox of his car. The car was left parked in the garage. Once some thieves actually broke through the wall of his garage, ripped off his wallet, and embarked on a crime wave with his credit cards that took him years to fix.


The only thing he can figure out is that "they" must have seen him put his wallet in the glove box when he was putting gas in the car, and followed him home.


Our purses and wallets belong on our persons or in our homes. JMHO.

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I don't carry a purse. I keep my cards and such in my wallet which I normally carry in my back jeans pocket. If I am not wearing jeans, I will put it in a spot out of sight in my car (along with my cell phone, if I don't need it).


Times when I have done this: when I go to church, sometimes when I take the girls swimming, other rare occasions. It makes more sense than carrying it with me in plain sight (especially since I'm likely to put it down and leave it somewhere).

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I leave my truck unlocked overnight with my purse in it. My bed is literally only several feet from my truck and I have the windows wide open all night. I live in the back of a wide open large lot with a gate and high walls and you also have to go through a security guard to get into my neighborhood. It's funny that I would never do that in America, but people are so afraid of Mexico. Mexico has lots of crime, but it's different crime. Sounds weird, but it's true.

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I wonder the percentage of theft from off a person versus stealing from a car. Nonetheless I keep my wallet in the glovebox, I don't take and put it there when I get someplace. There would be nothing for a thief to catch me doing. If thieves want to randomly check cars for who might be leaving something in there, so be it. Besides there just aren't that many people around here watching to see what you are doing.

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Why not? :confused:


What's so perplexing about that statement? Do you wear your purse when you're swimming, skiing, or participating in various other sports? If you were working outside the home, would you wear your purse slung over your shoulder all day and carry it with you when you went to the bathroom or to make copies? No one I know does.

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I will leave it in the back of our SUV underneath a divider shelf if we are going hiking, but otherwise I think it's asking for it. When I was 19, my mom gave me 40 dollars for groceries one week, and I accidentally left it in the middle console under some other papers. Someone saw it peaking out, broke my window and stole it. I had to get by on mac and cheese that month!

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I never even considered this! We live in rural KY. I leave it tucked under the seat. I usually misplace it when I carry it with me to an event! This way it's always "locked up" in my car.


Wow! I guess I'm naive!


I started this habit with the diaper bag. I realized that I didn't need to carry it with me, just have access to it. I am glad to live in a very low-crime area (most people leave their cars unlocked probably), but I will be more careful after reading this.

Edited by Beth S
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I used to have to wear a hoodie all the time, and roll through red lights if it was safe enough, and nothing ever in the front seat.


I've been through a smash and grab, though they were polite about it and didn't break the glass...I was stupid and had the doors unlocked. Never again.


The second time, the doors were unlocked and I learned to run intersections and never come to a complete stop and sit there like an idiot.


The hoodie is to cover up your hair if you are driving alone.



I'm not sure there is enough money in the world to make me live in an area like that (I've driven through areas like that and know what your are talking about though - I've had the clean windshield to prove it :tongue_smilie:).


At first when you made the comment about hoodies being necessary, I thought "well, of course they are!" :lol: but now I know what you mean. Yikes!

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I never even considered this! We live in rural KY. I leave it tucked under the seat. I usually misplace it when I carry it with me to an event! This way it's always "locked up" in my car.


Wow! I guess I'm naive!


I started this habit with the diaper bag. I realized that I didn't need to carry it with me, just have access to it. I am glad to live in a very low-crime area (most people leave their cars unlocked probably), but I will be more careful after reading this.


I don't think it's naive if you know the risk—which isn't the same in every location, though I understand why people who have never lived in rural, low-crime areas might believe otherwise—and are comfortable with it. People here leave their cars (and houses) unlocked, sometimes even with the vehicle still running while they run and pick up some items from the corner mom-and-pop store. :lol:

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What's so perplexing about that statement? Do you wear your purse when you're swimming, skiing, or participating in various other sports? If you were working outside the home, would you wear your purse slung over your shoulder all day and carry it with you when you went to the bathroom or to make copies? No one I know does.

Well, first, the question was whether or not we "normally" leave our purses/wallets in the car. The conversation has sort of straggled all over the place.


I don't normally leave my purse in the car.


If I'm going somewhere that I cannot take my purse, such as swimming, I take something else such that I can keep I.D., credit cards, etc., with me--IOW, not my whole purse, not leaving anything in the car, not a normal situation (not for me, anyway. :D ).


If I were working, I wouldn't leave my purse in the car, either. :D Where I left it would depend on where I was working.

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