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What is the one food you buy occasionally

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I usually have a stash of shrimp in my freezer. It's just for meeeeeeee.


I also have a supply of Very Nice Chocolate. When my friend's husband travels to Belgium he sometimes brings some back for me. I give the kids the ones that I don't like as much, but the rest is all mine!!! :D

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well, my hub keeps getting into my dark chocolate

I'm going to have to start smacking him or actually HIDE it *rolls eyes*

I can't seem to keep any of my goodies from him anymore!! But the kids..no way. Touch my candy, touch my CHOCOLATE, lose a limb. Period.

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Probably my "diet" foods like Fiber One bars, Weight Watcher ice cream, Slim A Bear bar, stuff like that.


My MIL used to do this when dh was a teen, and he'd eat like 3 Weight Watcher meals at once (because they weren't filling enough). :rolleyes:

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Claussen's little dill pickles. HAVE to have these, as I get severe pickle cravings (have for the past 5 months)! Isn't that the weirdest thing?


Btw, I'm out--see ya after the store.


Oh boy. My dh has to have pepperoncinis or something in vinegar when his blood pressure is low.

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that is just for you and you won't share.:p When I am anxious or upset it's hot wings the boys get a little upset when the find the box in the garbage. When it's that time of month M&M's or cherry garcia ben&jerry's ice cream.


Cherry sours and gummy bears! I keep them in my panty drawer so no one can find them! Unless of course someone else decides to put up the laundry! NOT!

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Dark chocolate and raspberry squares from Ghirardelli. Pity the fool who takes those without my handing them out. My treat -- unfortunately, the others in this house love them too :(


Oh, these sound yummy! I promise I won't steal yours, :D...but I'll looking for some on my next Target trip.


I always have some kind of chocolate (preferrable dark) around. I don't usually have to hide it, since no one else here likes dark, but I will hide it when necessary. :cool:

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Lima beans. I really like them. Dh and ds gag just thinking about them. I will sometimes buy a can of lima beans, heat it up and eat it with toast for a lunch, but I can only do that if they aren't around, which isn't too often. I consider it a real treat.

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