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sorry if I upset anyone with low post counts

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I understand the importance of the post count and am trying to post often to get the count up. Also, I understand a blog is mandatory too so I have been working diligently to establish one. :grouphug:


I've been coming here for 15 years. I forget what my username was on the old board, but I only went to the curriculum boards anyway.


I've never had a blog.

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I understand the importance of the post count and am trying to post often to get the count up. Also, I understand a blog is mandatory too so I have been working diligently to establish one. :grouphug:

Blogs aren't mandatory any more than posting often is mandatory.

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Apology accepted, Jeannie - I missed the whole thing, anyway :tongue_smilie:


I understand the importance of the post count and am trying to post often to get the count up. Also, I understand a blog is mandatory too so I have been working diligently to establish one. :grouphug:


Blogs are *not* mandatory.


Wow, I must have missed quite a bit. Dang...

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I understand the importance of the post count and am trying to post often to get the count up. Also, I understand a blog is mandatory too so I have been working diligently to establish one. :grouphug:




been coming here (old board and current board) for about 12 or 13 years. I don't understand why post count is "important" and blogs are most certainly not mandatory. I would've been kicked out a long time ago if that were the case! :)

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I obviously missed something this morning!


I wanted to write out something that has been on my mind, but slightly off topic. I sense many people's frustration with other forum members suspicions of certain things: Low post counts, lack of blogs, and other such things. One thing to consider is blaming those who are suspicious, or wary of trolls, is a bit like blaming the victim.


The truth is we have had them, they have hurt people. People respond, heal, and move on from those experiences differently.


If we are going to blame someone, BLAME THE TROLLS :D. (Not our true fellow board members. Newbies and veterans could both use a little grace ;))

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I probably will never have a high post count either.


Me too! I come on this forum about once a day to read the first couple pages. But I hardly post, I just don't have a lot to say. I'm a new mom interested in homeschooling so I don't have much experience, parenting or teaching.

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Blogs aren't mandatory any more than posting often is mandatory.


And isn't that a blessing? I often figure that people roll their eyes at my posts. I know I do sometimes. I cannot imagine anyone being subjected to my long, convoluted thoughts! No, no... a blog of what is in my head is quite out of the question! I am positive that having a blog would bring about suspicion that I am a troll, not reassure someone I wasn't! :lol:

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Looks like I missed something again. Stupid time differences. I guess I fall in the 'low post count' category so could be considered dodgy... does it help if I tell you I'm not?:001_smile: I was (falsely) accused of being a troll on another forum years ago - it got amazingly nasty and impacted several members who were my 'co-accused'. I'd just urge you to go carefully until you are totally sure of the "facts" and even then... there's a real person underneath even the troll-iest troll, so voice your doubts for sure... but try to leave some skin on them.


Now I need to go and tend to my 19 children including 4 sets of triplets in my 300 room mansion. Oy, I feel tired just thinking about that!

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I am always amazed to see when someone people joined and how many posts they have already gotten up to. It is pretty impressive. I consider myself having been here a fairly long time and I haven't even hit a 1000.


I personally could care less how many posts a person has. We were all new at some point.

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Given how easy it would be to create a fake blog, I don't see where including a link in one's signature proves anything.


I've got a blog but don't put it in my siggie because it's been much-neglected ever since my 2nd child was born.


I found your blog the other day! I was searching something about HSing (I can't even remember what now!) and your blog answered my question, so I poked around a bit more and recognized your name from here. It was like recognizing someone I knew, LOL.

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Post count really doesn't mean anything anymore. We have a regular poster who comes here and who has a rather high post count, but only seems to like controversy. Member's M.O. is to post a link to an article that will provoke and just keeps posting replies that SEEM (imo) to further fuel the fire. :glare:


And now we have people who seem to say, "Oh, all it takes is a higher post count and a blog? I can do that!" So, blogs mean nothing, either.


Anyone can start an maintain a fake blog. Look at Betty Bowers! :lol:

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I obviously missed something this morning!


I wanted to write out something that has been on my mind, but slightly off topic. I sense many people's frustration with other forum members suspicions of certain things: Low post counts, lack of blogs, and other such things. One thing to consider is blaming those who are suspicious, or wary of trolls, is a bit like blaming the victim.


The truth is we have had them, they have hurt people. People respond, heal, and move on from those experiences differently.


If we are going to blame someone, BLAME THE TROLLS :D. (Not our true fellow board members. Newbies and veterans could both use a little grace ;))


:iagree: I don't understand the idea that people think there are "requirements." I have a blog, but it is because I want to - not because of some requirement. I don't post very often at all, but read pretty often. I don't think that in the sea of people that are here, that I have all that much to add to the conversation, so I don't. I have a higher post count by number, but it accumulated over many years. It isn't a big deal to me one way or the other and frankly, I don't worry about whether I matter here one way or the other because I know I really don't. :lol: :D

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A person who speaks often does not necessarily have more to say.


People who evaluate others based on post count or the existence of a blog ... are not people I would worry about too much in my life. Contribute what you wish, and don't worry about people who try to diminish you over silliness. Your time is more valuable than that.


You don't have to give anybody here permission to police you or your thoughts.


And welcome :)

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I understand the importance of the post count and am trying to post often to get the count up. Also, I understand a blog is mandatory too so I have been working diligently to establish one. :grouphug:


If a blog is mandatory, first I've heard of it. I don't have one and probably never will. :D

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I'm confused by this thread. A blog and a high post count are necessary (or not) to do what? Just be taken seriously? Or to do something specific? I know some websites have post count rules before you can sell things or before you have access to certain parts of the site.


Sorry, I'm new here and I think I'm missing something. I have a ton of blogs, though I never update any of them!

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I'm confused by this thread. A blog and a high post count are necessary (or not) to do what? Just be taken seriously? Or to do something specific? I know some websites have post count rules before you can sell things or before you have access to certain parts of the site.


Sorry, I'm new here and I think I'm missing something. I have a ton of blogs, though I never update any of them!


post counts and blogs don't matter here at all. Some newer people feel that they're not accepted because they have low post counts. That's what started this thread.


We all had low post counts at some point.


Continue on. :001_smile:

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I've been coming here since the old boards, but mostly just read and don't post much. I graduated my son so am finished homeschooling, but still come and contribute if I think I have information or experience that may help. Even when I was homeschooling, I never felt like I had the time to post as much as other people. Anyway, I missed the original thread, but wanted to agree with others who said low post count does not automatically mean newbie.

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I find the post count "comfort zone" interesting. I was on a forum that got "trolled" several years ago. It was like 2 or 3 gals (it was a women only forum so I assume the members, even the trolls, were female, but you understand about assumptions and all... :tongue_smilie: ) who came in and started posting quite a bit. Within a month of so of joining, they had crazy high post counts. That itself turned out to be a red flag.


I think time in, post count, contributions, etc. need to all be evaluated when determining a troll, kwim? If people post all the time (to where you wonder when they parent or teach) and seem to know it all about everything while also seeming to have a never ending source of intense drama in their lives, be on guard.


I missed the drama that prompte this thread. Darn! :lol:

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post counts and blogs don't matter here at all. Some newer people feel that they're not accepted because they have low post counts. That's what started this thread.


We all had low post counts at some point.


Continue on. :001_smile:


That is NOT what started this thread, at all.


And sunflowers thread was not deleted because of low post counts, either.



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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I was a little offended, but not much. I am new here... but my reason is pretty valid. I just started homeschooling in September and my kids are only 3 and 4 years old. I do have a blog, but I didn't know it was a big deal to have one.


I sure hope I am welcomed in the group because it seems like a great one... for the most part, drama free. I am more than happy to give anyone my facebook on request to prove I am "real" as well :-)

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because you keep picking my posts apart and are being rude to me.


no threat or insult, just someone who's getting tired of it.


How am I being rude? Am I calling you names or insulting you? Am I being sarcastic or smarmy?


By pointing out that fact that the moderators closed the other thread and the reason was NOT anything to do with low post count? Or that Jeanne thought that sunflower was a troll b/c of low post count AND then started this thread to apologize?


I don't see how factual stuff can get you so upset as to block me. Of course I understand I have no say in who blocks whom or why they block anyone.


As for picking your posts apart...it's a message board. I'm baffled that you'd get offended that you'd classify my responses to you as picking your posts apart.



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I was a little offended, but not much. I am new here... but my reason is pretty valid. I just started homeschooling in September and my kids are only 3 and 4 years old. I do have a blog, but I didn't know it was a big deal to have one.


I sure hope I am welcomed in the group because it seems like a great one... for the most part, drama free. I am more than happy to give anyone my facebook on request to prove I am "real" as well :-)


There is no need to give anyone your FB, or provide a blog, or a statutory declaration, or your passport, or your favourite cinnamon roll recipe. This is not high school where you have to give the cool kids your lunch money.


Welcome to the boards. ;)



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There is no need to give anyone your FB, or provide a blog, or a statutory declaration, or your passport, or your favourite cinnamon roll recipe. This is not high school where you have to give the cool kids your lunch money.


Welcome to the boards. ;)




I disagree! It's in the rules that she must share her favorite cinnamon roll recipe!:tongue_smilie:

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There is no need to give anyone your FB, or provide a blog, or a statutory declaration, or your passport, or your favourite cinnamon roll recipe. This is not high school where you have to give the cool kids your lunch money.


Welcome to the boards. ;)




If only everyone knew this. I know it but the cool kids who don't (or pretend not to) really irritate me.


Oh, & :iagree:

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There is no need to give anyone your FB, or provide a blog, or a statutory declaration, or your passport, or your favourite cinnamon roll recipe. This is not high school where you have to give the cool kids your lunch money.


Welcome to the boards. ;)




Hmm, I might be on board with requiring cinnamon roll recipes (will also accept cookies and cake) :lol:

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I disagree! It's in the rules that she must share her favorite cinnamon roll recipe!:tongue_smilie:


Like I care what you think, you aren't the boss of me!


And I disagree with your interpretation of the rules. She only has to share her favorite cinnamon roll recipe IF SHE SAYS SHE HAS ONE. If she never mentions cinnamon rolls, she is under no ethical obligation to provide the recipe.


So to all your newbies out there, if you make your living by your special cinnamon roll recipe, full of secret herbs and spices (the cinnamon is clearly not secret) then you'd better not ever mention it. If you people with low post counts aren't trying to buy curriculum for less than one forty-ninth of retail price or starting politically sensitive threads, it is really not your fault if someone on here gets in a tizz. It wasn't your responsibility to serve them their morning coffee in their special "Is it too early for Irish coffee?" mug.


Rosie - *blowing raspberries at Denise*

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Wow, I really feel like I missed something important.


As a - okay, not an old-timer, but not a newbie either - but someone with definitely low post counts - but who would like to post more, but who usually doesn't have a worthwhile contribution, AND is sometimes unsure how welcome she is to post BECAUSE of her low post count - I wish I knew what on earth was going on.


I have a favorite cinnamon roll recipe. People far and wide (in my town) beg me for my cinnamon rolls. But I got the recipe from an incredibly controversial former board member's terribly successful blog. So - I'm not sure if I should post about that. :tongue_smilie:

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