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I might be having twins!?

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I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Today was my first visit with my midwife. We did the weight, blood pressure, urine, iron yada yada. I love her. She's so friendly.


So I lay down and she measures me. Twice. She says, "Hmm, you're measuring at 28 weeks. Your dates must be off"

I of course say, that I really don't think so. . .I had been meticulously charting.


Then she listens for the heart beat on one side. Then the other. I ask what it is and she says, "It was 132 on this side and 156 on the other."

I of course say, "huh". . .She told it was possible to have that kind of variance but that it was strange for her to be able to get a heartbeat on both sides if the baby is only 19 weeks. She also said that the "head" she felt feels small. . .so she wants an ultrasound just to see, and that there's a possibility that there might be more than one in there.


Now I'm not the kind of gal who has ever wanted twins, but since she's mentioned it. . .I've really gotten my hopes up.


What do you think? What have ya'll s experiences with multiple babies been? (ok. . I admit it. . .my hopes are up;))

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Let us pause for a moment while I do my traditional laugh and point dance...


I was measuring large for dates after a molar pregnancy (measuring large for dates is a sign of molar pregnancy) so we went for an early ultrasound. And the tech said "oh, did they send you early because they heard both heartbeats?" yeah, we're still not over that and the boys just turned 7. :lol:


Congratulations! (and, likely, welcome to the nuthouse!)

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When I measured 14 weeks at 9 weeks, my midwife sent me for an ultrasound. I have really big babies (one before the twins weighed in at 11 lbs. even) so I didn't think it was twins. The second the tech put the wand thingie on my abdomen, I saw both heads. They'll be 6 in a couple of days!

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oh my..... with the ages of your kids, you will have your hands FULL!!! BUT, I'm so excited for you just thinking of it!!!


Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:


Let us pause for a moment while I do my traditional laugh and point dance...


I was measuring large for dates after a molar pregnancy (measuring large for dates is a sign of molar pregnancy) so we went for an early ultrasound. And the tech said "oh, did they send you early because they heard both heartbeats?" yeah, we're still not over that and the boys just turned 7. :lol:


Congratulations! (and, likely, welcome to the nuthouse!)


When I told my mom in law about our visit and the "possibility", she laughed hysterically. We have always been terrified of twins. My brother and sister are twins. . .and I have twin nephews. But now that I think there might be 2. . .I want 2. :)


I can't WAIT till my ultrasound. I'm certainly not doing a good job of not getting my hopes up.

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Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:




When I told my mom in law about our visit and the "possibility", she laughed hysterically. We have always been terrified of twins. My brother and sister are twins. . .and I have twin nephews. But now that I think there might be 2. . .I want 2. :)


I can't WAIT till my ultrasound. I'm certainly not doing a good job of not getting my hopes up.


Mine weaned at 3 1/2. I'm generally of the demand feeding camp, but with them I took the "if one guy's hungry, everybody eats" tack. Otherwise, I literally wouldn't have slept their first year or so. After the newborn period, I could nurse them on a bench at the mall without causing a scene. :D

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Woo-Hoo! :D


We started with three and came to the finish line with b/g twins. -- when the arrived, our dd was 19 months old.


it was a, er, um, challenging year or challenging 10 years -- they will be 11 next month.:001_smile:


My advice: as a mom who had twins about 6 mos before I did told me: get family to help.

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How exciting!!


When I was pregnant with my twins we didn't find out until I went for the routine 18 week u/s. I had been bigger that I was with my first pg and we kept joking that it was going to be twins. When they began the u/s I immediately saw two heads on the screen and I said, "is that what I think it is?!" The technician looked at me and said, "is this your first u/s? Or did you know you were carrying twins?" I thought dh would fall over. :lol:


Twins are so much fun!

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With my twins, my OB took a long, long time listening to "the baby's" heartbeat. He said he heard two heartbeats and was sure it was twins. I was not big at all (still in all pre pregnancy clothes and no weight gain) at about 14 weeks but he said I was measuring a little big. It took us about 3 weeks to get in for an u/s! It was the longest 3 weeks ever. We saw the 2 heads right away.


With my youngest, another OB said she heard heartbeats and that I was measuring large. I thought I was going to throw up! I got in for an u/s that morning and there was only one small baby. So....it could go either way. My first OB was 100% sure and his staff said he had never been wrong. I think some doctors are better at detecting twins reliably than others.

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:lol: I am right there with ya!! I'm around also 19-20 weeks pregnant and with twins!!

I've known for about a month when I was measuring 22 at 15wks.

Hopefully you will be able to get an ultrasound soon so you can know for sure and start to focus on what to expect. I was so thankful I got one that same day I measured off, my brain was already in insane mode! DH was the first one looking at the ultrasound screen and boom! the first image that popped up was of 2 little heads!!


Definitely lots and lots to think about, hopefully you can get some sleep tonight!


We will be going from a 5-kid-minivan family to a 7-kid-"yikes,-what-to-drive-now" family :tongue_smilie:


Wow, looks like our other kids are close in age too, it would be great to have someone to compare notes! :D

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Ok. . .I'm reminded myself. It might not be twins. It might not be twins. My husband is convinced that it is, so he's not helping.;)


It's so nice to know that so many other people have survived having twins. . .and homeschooling. Um. . .Anyone else have two toddlers and twins???? I know it can be done.


I'll be sure and give an update when we find out one way or the other. I should have an ultrasound in the next week or two.:lol:

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Ok. . .I'm reminded myself. It might not be twins. It might not be twins. My husband is convinced that it is, so he's not helping.;)


It's so nice to know that so many other people have survived having twins. . .and homeschooling. Um. . .Anyone else have two toddlers and twins???? I know it can be done.


I'll be sure and give an update when we find out one way or the other. I should have an ultrasound in the next week or two.:lol:


I hope it is twins! I am of the opinion that twins are the luckiest people on earth. My eldest wasn't quite 2 when her sisters were born. It was extremely insane for about 3 months. After 6 mths, I found twins to be way easier than singletons.


Nursing two isn't a problem at all. You just stick 'em on and they do it.:lol: I nursed both out in public with no one knowing what I was doing.


Most annoying thing about twins is the stupid remarks people make. One lady argued with me that they were NOT twins.:confused::glare: I think I would know...:001_huh::lol:

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Most annoying thing about twins is the stupid remarks people make. One lady argued with me that they were NOT twins.:confused::glare: I think I would know...:001_huh::lol:


I had a woman *insist* that boy-girl twins can be identical. Her cousin had them. Uh huh.



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You perfectly described the dialogue that took place when my twins were detected. But my doc had an ultrasound lab on site, so we just walked across the hall and took a look. There they were! It was very exciting.


At 14 weeks, I was not entirely surprised. I am convinced I felt movement at 10-11 weeks, and the pain from stretching ligaments was intense! I'd told him at my previous check up that something was different about this pregnancy, but he and everyone else just brushed me off, saying that in all pregnancies subsequent to the first, women were just more aware of things. It was fun to give him the I told you so look.


I am sorry you have to wait to find out, that's the hard part! Let us know when you find out!

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I also had one insist that mine were boy girl because they obviously were fraternal. People are so....stupid sometimes.


Hysterical!!! I think that the twin moms among us could write a book on ridiculous twin comments. Having twins certainly attracts the weirdos when out in public! :tongue_smilie:

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Ok. . .I'm reminded myself. It might not be twins. It might not be twins. My husband is convinced that it is, so he's not helping.;)


It's so nice to know that so many other people have survived having twins. . .and homeschooling. Um. . .Anyone else have two toddlers and twins???? I know it can be done.


I'll be sure and give an update when we find out one way or the other. I should have an ultrasound in the next week or two.:lol:


Well, my dad's cousin had triplets when her oldest was only 18 months. Somehow they made it work. I'm sure you'll be fine either way. :)


My mom has fraternal twin brothers. My grandma found out about an hour before they were born when the nurse detected two heartbeats. I think she was in shock for awhile! :)

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Well, my dad's cousin had triplets when her oldest was only 18 months. Somehow they made it work. I'm sure you'll be fine either way. :)


My mom has fraternal twin brothers. My grandma found out about an hour before they were born when the nurse detected two heartbeats. I think she was in shock for awhile! :)


My half sisters are twins... nobody knew until the first was out and my step-mom still had a big bump left in her belly:eek: (this happened in the '90s even!! Not sure how they could have missed that:001_huh:)


My great aunt had 3 sets of twins and a singleton all before she was like 26!! (and she lost a set too) Insane!!!:blink: A quivering quiverfull!

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My grandma was a twin, and she has a set of twin boys, a year later a singleton boy, and a year later another set of twin boys!!! (I told her now that would get you a reality show!) She managed somehow. (although she admits she had the doctor prescribe sleeping pills or something for the toddlers at one point!)

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My half sisters are twins... nobody knew until the first was out and my step-mom still had a big bump left in her belly:eek: (this happened in the '90s even!! Not sure how they could have missed that:001_huh:)


My great aunt had 3 sets of twins and a singleton all before she was like 26!! (and she lost a set too) Insane!!!:blink: A quivering quiverfull!


My two favorite multiples stories:


As told by a doctor friend: A lady had an ultrasound and was told she was having twin boys. Turns out the "boy" parts were a third girl hiding behind her sisters. Can you imagine have a nursery and clothes prepared for twin boys and then getting three girls?


An aquaintance of mine is a twin. Her mom married at 17 and had a set of twins the first year of marriage. And a set the second year. The third year she had a singleton. By the time she was 19 she had 5 kids.:svengo: Unfortunately, she became an alcoholic.

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Ok, here's my not-story:


Dh proposes. We talk about the future, etc. I've always wanted 4 dc. I tell him I want at least 4, no more than 6. From that moment on, I just *know*--we're going to have 4 dc, & the 5th one will be a surprise. Set of twins.


So I'm pg now w/ our surprise #5. Oldest has *always* known the gender of his sibs. Even before he knew what gender meant. Like a gift. He tells me what I've already sort-of known: b/g twins.


The same mw has seen me for all of my pgs, & for the first time, she says we need a sono. Looks like twins. We talk about options for home birth, hospital, etc.


Sono: one boy. Pretty clearly ONE. BOY.


There's like one set of twins on my dad's side & that's it, so I KNEW it couldn't be. I knew it wasn't. I told ds, so he wouldn't get his hopes up. But the two of us made a pair leaving the u/s that day. We both felt like we'd lost a baby, as UTTERLY ridiculous as that is. At least he has the excuse of being 10. I'm just SILLY. I mean, good grief, I'm having a FIFTH baby. I'm SO blessed. (We were told we couldn't have any more after #2.)


And since then, I've dreamed about the little girl we're not having. :glare: :lol:


Anyway, good luck--whichever way that means, & congratulations no matter what! :001_smile:

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Twins is great... eventually. I always say I wouldn't wish that first year or so on my worst enemy though. And I had such shock when I found out. I went from happy pregnant lady to in mourning.


But mine just turned 7. They're way easier than the singleton kids I know. Built in playmate. Less competitive. It's wonderful.

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I had a woman *insist* that boy-girl twins can be identical. Her cousin had them. Uh huh.






Have you seen the National Geographic "In the Womb - Multiples"? It discusses the rare occurrence of boy/girl identical twins. I watched it while I was pregnant with my b/g twins and was like :001_huh:! I wish I could remember exactly how it works but this is what I remember. In these rare instances, before the egg splits it has XXY chromosomes instead of XX or XY. So when it splits one identical twin gets XX and the other XY. Watch the DVD for a MUCH better explanation :lol:.


So now when people ask if my b/g twins are identical, and then get a horrified look on their face when they realize what they said, I can soften the blow by telling them it is possible :001_smile:.



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I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Today was my first visit with my midwife. We did the weight, blood pressure, urine, iron yada yada. I love her. She's so friendly.


So I lay down and she measures me. Twice. She says, "Hmm, you're measuring at 28 weeks. Your dates must be off"

I of course say, that I really don't think so. . .I had been meticulously charting.


Then she listens for the heart beat on one side. Then the other. I ask what it is and she says, "It was 132 on this side and 156 on the other."

I of course say, "huh". . .She told it was possible to have that kind of variance but that it was strange for her to be able to get a heartbeat on both sides if the baby is only 19 weeks. She also said that the "head" she felt feels small. . .so she wants an ultrasound just to see, and that there's a possibility that there might be more than one in there.


Now I'm not the kind of gal who has ever wanted twins, but since she's mentioned it. . .I've really gotten my hopes up.


What do you think? What have ya'll s experiences with multiple babies been? (ok. . I admit it. . .my hopes are up;))


Well, it definitely sounds like it could be twins :001_smile:. I found out very early I was having twins so I didn't really pay attention to how I was measuring. They actually only measured me once and it was just for fun!


I hope they can get you in for your u/s soon, you must be dying to find out! Did you have a feeling you were having twins before this? For some reason I knew I was having twins before I even had a + HPT. I told my dh and he didn't believe me. Well you can bet he believed me at my u/s when the dr said "here's the baby.......and here's the other one" :eek:!


Good luck and I hope you get the results you want!



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Have you seen the National Geographic "In the Womb - Multiples"? It discusses the rare occurrence of boy/girl identical twins. I watched it while I was pregnant with my b/g twins and was like :001_huh:! I wish I could remember exactly how it works but this is what I remember. In these rare instances, before the egg splits it has XXY chromosomes instead of XX or XY. So when it splits one identical twin gets XX and the other XY. Watch the DVD for a MUCH better explanation :lol:.


So now when people ask if my b/g twins are identical, and then get a horrified look on their face when they realize what they said, I can soften the blow by telling them it is possible :001_smile:.




I have read about it, yes. But that's a genetic aberration, not the norm.

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I have no idea on earth how you could have managed that! Do tell! :D


I cheated and used a nursing shirt. :D I had one in particular that I wore whenever I was going out. It had snaps or buttons or something on both sides hidden in pleats. It was a button down shirt, so when undone with a baby football held in each arm and attached nothing showed unless you came in really, really close for a look. I did get a few horrified strangers who had come up and started rubbing their heads.:lol::lol::lol: At that point, I had no modesty and just let them get their luck giving baby head rub along with a bit of a womanly show... I have also been known to walk through Walmart pushing a buggy with one baby and a toddler in it while nursing one. Couldn't stand to hear that hungry cry in public!

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The same thing happened to me....our b/g twins are 29. Everything about it has been great. AND you will be able to nurse them both- I did for almost a full year. When you find out, look for some of the books that are out now on twins- they're great. Also, La Leche League has a pamphlet about nursing multiples- it helped me so very much. I'm hoping for YOU! :001_smile:

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