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Do your children know what color eyes you have?

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:D Do you know what color eyes you have?

Actually, mine are changing color and have gradually for years. They are getting lighter and lighter brown.


I asked my kids. Some said brown. Some said hazel-y. :)


I'm not sure what you mean by seeing the top and back of parents' heads, either. One kid thought you meant because kids are in the car a lot.

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Lately I keep thinking about this whole generation of children who are growing up mostly seeing the top and back of their parents' heads.




What deliberate steps have you taken to make changes in your own iLife?


I would like some ideas.




my iLife....Apple iLife? I don't use it.

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my iLife....Apple iLife? I don't use it.


Seems like there is always a computer screen or e-device close by and being used. Does this generation of children know we really could survive w/o this stuff? Are we in it so much that they would have to think hard and long if someone asked them what color eyes mom has?


I'm making some changes and just wondering if others are too. Of course, this is probably not the best place to ask!

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Lately I keep thinking about this whole generation of children who are growing up mostly seeing the top and back of their parents' heads.




What deliberate steps have you taken to make changes in your own iLife?


I would like some ideas.


I hate to hijack, but I can't help but think there are a lot of parents out there who dont' know what their INFANTS look like. Dh and I are always commenting on the number of "bucket" babies we see. No one carries their baby anymore, they just drag it around in a detachable carseat, swinging wildly and bumping into their knee as they walk quickly, cell phone in hand. The babies are constantly surrounded by plastic, and human touch seems to be avoided in the name of convenience. Aside from the emotional void, I doubt that being surrounded in plastic constantly can be a good thing. Off-gassing, etc.


Sorry, OP. It's just kind of a hot-button topic for me.



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Seems like there is always a computer screen or e-device close by and being used. Does this generation of children know we really could survive w/o this stuff? Are we in it so much that they would have to think hard and long if someone asked them what color eyes mom has?


I'm making some changes and just wondering if others are too. Of course, this is probably not the best place to ask!


I do think it's a good question to ask. For us, we're techie's, so we have the toys and TV's, but we're also "older" and didn't grow up with all the stuff; and that's what it is, it's stuff.


We try to balance our lives, which isn't always easy when everyone around seems to have devices grafted to them. We don't specifically limit screen time, but also don't encourage it, which for us is working out nicely since DS isn't all that interested in TV, and his interest in using the computer and devices, or playing on the Wii, is within reasonable (a couple of times a week). He doesn't like to play the Wii solo, so it's with DH or me - he says it's boring to do alone (yeah!).


When we vacation we tend to totally disconnect - no TV, no phones, no computers, no devices (with the exception of DH who has to keep his phone and beeper with him no matter what, but barring an emergency, he doesn't touch either while we're away).

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Seems like there is always a computer screen or e-device close by and being used. Does this generation of children know we really could survive w/o this stuff? Are we in it so much that they would have to think hard and long if someone asked them what color eyes mom has?


To put this in perspective, I couldn't imagine how my parents survived their childhood without television. My father was an adult and my mother was in high school when TV became a regular feature of life. My kids are amazed by my own lack of VCRs, microwaves and computers until I was in my teens. When I explained that I had graduated college before cell phones became common and I didn't have an email account until after I had finished grad school, they were amazed. I'm sure their children will wonder how they survived their childhood without being able to stream anything they want to their own tablet device instantly. However, they all know that we can survive without any of this. They've lived without electricity for a couple of weeks and didn't die. They were very glad they are 21st century people, but they know that sometimes you have to make do without technology.

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LOL, my kids were surprised to notice in this past year (age 4) that my eyes are blue. Theirs are almost black (I am not their birth mom). Like someone mentioned above, it sparked a discussion on genetics - though I only gave a half explanation, since we haven't yet discussed their birth father and his contribution to their existence ;).


But yes, I think I know what you mean. There's something about eye contact that can't be substituted with anything else. I do notice the difference when my kids and I have more of it.

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He just started public high school and banned himself from his phone. Going from a less distracted life of homeschooling, on-line and city college classes to the daily, hectic 2400 student life caused him to pause.


He said, "I cannot bring my phone. It's too distracting." I thought that was interesting and encouraging. So I'm sure he knows my eye color.



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Just asked all four of them and got "How many guesses do I get? What do I win if I guess right? They're blue, right?" "Blue. That's why you have to wear sunglasses outside. If your eyes were brown, the sun wouldn't hurt your eyes as much." "Blue, duh." and "Blue. Can we go to Pizza Hut?":001_rolleyes:


I do get your point though, and I know a parent or two who probably couldn't tell you what color each of their kids' eyes are.

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Are you talking about parents spending too much time on the computer or texting and not enough eye to eye/one on one time with their kids?


Funny… emails and texting have actually *improved* relationships here. Dh doesn't like to talk about much of anything - but he WILL email about it. If there's something big we need to discuss, I write to him at work and he writes me back. He's opened up a LOT more since we started doing that. :D


Dd14 and I text all the time.. I send her funny poems each night before bed and she loves them. She'll talk to me about boyfriends and stuff via text (or sometimes on FB)…she loves the fact that her mom can text faster than she can. :laugh:

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We have a lot of screen time in our family but we're still close.



and the kids do know what colour my eyes are, sort of. They and their dad all have deep brown eyes but mine are a puzzle to them because depending on the light and what I'm wearing they can be either blue, grey or green.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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We just had a funny discussion on this topic recently as our baby girl was born with blue eyes and she looks like dh's dad...but dh did not know what color eyes his dad had and I had a hard time convincing dh his dad's eyes were indeed blue...he had to call his mom and ask :D


I was right, he was clueless!


Years before technology :001_huh::lol:

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Lawsy. I have a hard enough time figuring out what color eyes my kids have. I have to fill out a form for an Ontario fishing license each year and I always stumble. My oldest two boys have blue eyes. This I know. The other four kids I have to look at.


Sad but true, and it has nothing to do with screen time. :)

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I am right there with Wishbone Dawn. Depending on the day, they are more blue or my green or my gray. Usually somewhat graying blue-green. My son has mostly bluebut somewhat like mine with some hints of green and gray, my older dd has mostly grey, and my youngest actually has blue. Dh has blue.


The ever-changing eyes thing is sort of fun. I can dress and accessorize to change the colour. :D Grey is by far my favourite.:)

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Yep- they know my eye color. I will say that I am happy that my kids can go without electronics without having a melt down. I know this since when we were out of the country there was no tv or computer. They did fine. I also intentionally never got the portable dvd players for the car. I can't tell you how many productive conversations have happened for us!

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I hate to hijack, but I can't help but think there are a lot of parents out there who dont' know what their INFANTS look like. Dh and I are always commenting on the number of "bucket" babies we see. No one carries their baby anymore, they just drag it around in a detachable carseat, swinging wildly and bumping into their knee as they walk quickly, cell phone in hand. The babies are constantly surrounded by plastic, and human touch seems to be avoided in the name of convenience. Aside from the emotional void, I doubt that being surrounded in plastic constantly can be a good thing. Off-gassing, etc.


Sorry, OP. It's just kind of a hot-button topic for me.




I see your point here! I wore my last baby. I tried to wear my first tw but I didn't know about the nifty wraps, only the snuggly and that thing was not comfortable so I didn't wear it much at all, and only when they were less than about 15 pounds.


Hot button for me too and just to feed it, a lot of people don't want kids they want mini adults. JMO. :)



ETA: Guess I better answer the OP question! :) Yes my kiddos know my eye color, we have discussed eye color at length and my ds9 is the only hazel in a sea of blue. :)

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My ds knew, if not he could just go to our blog and look. :tongue_smilie:


Screens have increased our communication. Dh and I e-mail or text a lot. I leave ds notes on our private school blog.


Ds and I also spend a lot of time just talking together. Plus he sees my eyes when he gives me a morning hug, I love that. :D

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My daughter knew-brown like hers. My son is in the shower-will have to ask him when he gets out.


I'm pretty careful with screen time. I am usually not on the computer more than a half hr. to an hr. a day and much of that is while they are sleeping in the morning. When I'm sick or we're on vacation I spend way too much time online. I have a cold right now. :001_smile:


My daughter gets a half hour a day on Webkins and my son looks at games online every now and then. He prefers to spend his media time on video games. He gets an hour each day since he's 16.


We spend a lot of time together reading aloud, playing games and just talking.

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