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What is your current spiritual condition?

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I agree that it is not a proper question, which is why I quoted song lyrics that are meaningful to me but that betray nothing about my doctrinal beliefs or anything.


I was thinking about this in the shower just now and got the giggles, though. Can you imagine if this question was posted as a poll?


What Is Your Spiritual Condition?


1. Saved

2. Not saved.

3. Not saved but not scared.

4. Saved from what?

5. I've found God.

6. I didn't know God was missing.

7. I can't answer this question until we define "spiritual," and "condition."

8. I've been spiritually adrift since I stopped following the Dead.

9. This is not a valid question as it presupposes an intrinsic preoccupation with a personal spiritual status that could only possibly be maintained or evaluated on a metaphysical (or dare I say imaginary) level at best as a matter of concern for the whole human race and not for just those who were indoctrinated as children to care about these things.

10. This is not a valid question as the wording excludes too many groups who do care about their spiritual well-being but can already tell that they wouldn't be having the conversation you want.

11. Wouldn't it be more to the point to ask what I'm doing for the betterment of humanity than to ask such a personal question?

12. Other.


I could go on all day. Really, what a question. BTW, my vote in the above imaginary poll is #7. I need definitions first, and also why you want to know.

Edited by Tibbie Dunbar
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You know, I wanted to do that a while back (and likely still would, even just for the experience).. but unfortunately, there isn't one anywhere even close to us so I never got the chance. (I'd have to drive for about five hours :p )


A pretty common problem in parts of America. Pray for a mission to start up closer to you! I will add that to my prayers, too. You know, our mission wasn't in any directories for awhile, so maybe there's something closer that you're just not aware of. Anyway, I just chuckled when I read your post because I finally got comfortable with a Christian faith that's not based on my understanding/reason, but just is. We just live it, stumbling along but in a safe place that brings healing.

Edited by milovaný
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I was asked this recently and thought it would be an interesting question to pose here.


So, what IS your current spiritual condition?


My answer depends on who's asking and the context of the question.


Virtual stranger or acquaintance on a bad day, "Why do you ask? On a good day, "I'm a sinner, saved by grace. Thanks for asking."


For someone I'd consider a friend and worthy of an honest answer, I'd go deeper with any struggles I'm currently dealing with.


For the most part, it's a very personal question and not one I'd be willing to cheerfully answer to someone I don't know well. There's typically an agenda behind asking that to a stranger.

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As for my personal spiritual condition...I'd say it's overcast lately. I have had a strong Christian faith but the past year has really thrown me too many curve balls. I lost my Mom last January and this month is her bday. She was my best friend. Life without her seems weird and I can't get used to it. I live mostly in denial b/c when I come out of denial for too long I get depressed. Aside from that, I had a great job doing contract work on my own hours from home and the state cut our funding. Additionally, my house flooded from tree roots breaking and I got rear ended (minor but when added on top of everything else just seemed unnecessary!) And all this happened in a 2 month time span.


So I'm going through a very dry spell. I'm hoping it won't last forever b/c it's been ongoing for about 6 months.

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I've no idea what that means. But then I don't have a 'spiritual' bone in my body.


I think I'm somewhat spiritual, and I don't have any idea, either. I wouldn't be sure if it was a new way of asking if I was "saved," if it was more of a "What's God doing in your life right now?" kind of question, if it was asking me about spiritual disciplines, or what. And, regardless of which of those it was, I don't think I'd be comfortable answering unless it was somebody I knew very, very well.

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As for my personal spiritual condition...I'd say it's overcast lately. I have had a strong Christian faith but the past year has really thrown me too many curve balls. I lost my Mom last January and this month is her bday. She was my best friend. Life without her seems weird and I can't get used to it. I live mostly in denial b/c when I come out of denial for too long I get depressed. Aside from that, I had a great job doing contract work on my own hours from home and the state cut our funding. Additionally, my house flooded from tree roots breaking and I got rear ended (minor but when added on top of everything else just seemed unnecessary!) And all this happened in a 2 month time span.


So I'm going through a very dry spell. I'm hoping it won't last forever b/c it's been ongoing for about 6 months.


I am so sorry about your mom. :grouphug:

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And I would probably run 100 MPH away from anyone who asked me. I don't want to have to listen to the "good news" that always follows this question. :D



True. That's usually what follows. :lol:


However, to answer the question seriously... I don't believe in gods but that doesn't mean I'm not spiritual. My spiritual condition is peaceful and true.

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I have a question for the OP: was this person a native of this country? Because in India, the common greeting upon seeing another person can be loosely translated as "How is your practice?" (Google "Indian greeting How is your practice?" to see how often this shows up in interviews, lectures, everything!)


The "practice" referred to here is one's spiritual practice. So the greeting is essentially asking about how your spiritual practice is going. It is meant to be an encouragement. A lot of my teachers mention this and praise it as a much more meaningful greeting than "How are you?" The latter question can sometimes result in a listing of various aches, pains and misfortunes. On the other hand, "How is your practice?" is a question that reminds you that you have a lot of control over the way you move through life and how things land on you.


So, I wonder if perhaps the person asking you was simply translating directly into English a very common greeting?


Thanks, and please excuse my terrible grammar/syntax today.



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Wouldn't it be the height of arrogance to say one is perfectly happy with one's spiritual condition? No being God, I'm sure each and every one of us has room for improvement. LOL


Not necessarily. IMO your spiritual condition is your connection with God. Sometimes you are distant from Him and other times you are very close. Someone can be very happy with their relationship with God despite being a flawed human being. That's not arrogant.

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And I would probably run 100 MPH away from anyone who asked me. I don't want to have to listen to the "good news" that always follows this question. :D

:iagree: Pretty much nothing gets me more irked than a conversation that assumes that because I don't believe in gods, I'm spiritually adrift and need saving.

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I was asked this recently and thought it would be an interesting question to pose here.


So, what IS your current spiritual condition?

I posted this last night from my phone while waiting on my dd's martial arts class to let out, and apparently I somehow deleted the whole middle paragraph - which explained the question! Sorry for coming across so... weird.:blushing:


When the question was asked, it was by a friend to a group of friends of different beliefs in the context of a conversation about the seasons of our lives and how our spirituality tends to change from season to season as well. For me, it's day to day sometimes.


Evolving is the word I used to describe my own spiritual condition. I am coming to realize that I don't have to just look within my own faith to find peace and spirituality and it's very comforting to me.


Anyway, that's all the question was about. I thought it was interesting hearing my friend's thoughts and figured since there are so many more people with varying beliefs here that it would be even more interesting. I certainly didn't mean to be inappropriate and I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone.

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My spiritual condition is probably "disordered" or something similar.


I like Wendi's post a lot. Also, if I ever describe myself as spiritually "dry," please somebody point me to some Holy Massengill.


Yeah, I'm going to the special hell.



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Only God, I, and my confessor are privy to a truthful answer to the question.




Heh. My answer to most people who would ask that question to my face would be "Just fine, thanks." You may translate to "bless your heart" :D


The truthful answer, since no one is asking right to my face, is both fine and frustrated. I'm quite happy with my beliefs, but circumstances are preventing me moving in the direction I need to move for the practice. This seems to be a season for collecting information and I guess practice will come later.


11. Wouldn't it be more to the point to ask what I'm doing for the betterment of humanity than to ask such a personal question?


I pick this on the imaginary poll. :)


Nice post, Buddabelly! :) :)



Edited by Rosie_0801
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Interesting question. I left a church that I had been attending for the better part of 10 years last fall. I just started going to a new church this summer and it has been so refreshing. My spiritual life is actually stronger since I left the former church. I know my Faith and am not seeking. I want to be around people who have the same values I have; which, sadly, was not the "Christian" church I left.


One word... peaceful. :)

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My spiritual condition is probably "disordered" or something similar.


I like Wendi's post a lot. Also, if I ever describe myself as spiritually "dry," please somebody point me to some Holy Massengill.


Yeah, I'm going to the special hell.




Save room in that special hell for me. The things that come out of my mouth make this former Sailor blush.

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I have a question for the OP: was this person a native of this country? Because in India, the common greeting upon seeing another person can be loosely translated as "How is your practice?" (Google "Indian greeting How is your practice?" to see how often this shows up in interviews, lectures, everything!)




I googled this and came up with nothing useful. I am from India by the way, and speak Hindi and a couple of other Indian languages fluently. I am not aware of such a greeting :)


Perhaps you are referring to "Namaste" or "Namaskar" which is a common Indian greeting in several languages. While its etymological meaning is roughly "I bow to you", people never really mean this :D . It is just a way of saying "Hello!".

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Most Christians I know would consider me Lost. I just consider me Detoxing.

Most Christians I have known have started thinking the same thing about me. Sometimes I am a little sad, because I am doing really well (spiritually speaking), but I really do not owe anyone an explanation. ;)


Breathe deep, in...out. At least it's what i keep telling myself!

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Not necessarily. IMO your spiritual condition is your connection with God. Sometimes you are distant from Him and other times you are very close. Someone can be very happy with their relationship with God despite being a flawed human being. That's not arrogant.



Still, I just love me some Jesus. I love the idea of a just, merciful God. I love the idea of a God who acknowledges the fact than mankind fails, but still wants to accept them into His awesome presence. I love the fact that it has all been done for me, because nothing that I can do will ever make me worthy of being in His presence.


I fail daily, hourly, all the time. I am a craptastic, at best, Christian. I totally suck at the Jesus thing. But He still loves and accepts me. That rocks.


The biggest stumbling block for me is, honestly, other Christians. I hate judgement, mostly because I acknowledge how craptastic I am. I accept all people because He accepts all people. The "Gays" don't bother me one bit. Other people's business is NOT my business. I'm too wrapped up in trying to fix my multitude of flaws. I think Jesus-love, and to me that love means to serve. Serve those less fortunate. Serve those looked down upon by others. I think everyone would be a Christian if all Christians would remember that Jesus hung out with hookers and thieves.

LOVE this. :iagree:

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Most Christians I know would consider me Lost. I just consider me Detoxing.


You're not lost. You are right there! I see you.


FTR, I did not think the OP meant to convert anyone by her question. Spirituality is not limited to Christians. Some of the most spiritual people I have known haven't been Christians. I thought the question applied to Christians, the variety of Pagans we have here, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. I would guess that many Atheists/Agnostics have some sort of spiritual life.

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FTR, I did not think the OP meant to convert anyone by her question. Spirituality is not limited to Christians. Some of the most spiritual people I have known haven't been Christians. I thought the question applied to Christians, the variety of Pagans we have here, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. I would guess that many Atheists/Agnostics have some sort of spiritual life.


:iagree: Spirituality to me is separate from religion. It is search for your true self, for your core beliefs. People can find meaning through religion, but it is not essential.

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:iagree: Spirituality to me is separate from religion. It is search for your true self, for your core beliefs. People can find meaning through religion, but it is not essential.


:iagree:Yep. That is what I meant to say. Religion does not equal spirituality. You said it much better.

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