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What grade did you start to work hard for teaching math?

When did you have to start working harder to teach math?  

  1. 1. When did you have to start working harder to teach math?

    • 2nd grade or below (math book level, not child's grade)
    • 3rd grade
    • 4th grade
    • 5th grade
    • 6th grade
    • 7th/8th grade
    • high school math
    • I like math, it's never hard
    • I don't like math, it's always hard
    • Other

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I have tutored algebra and trig, so was surprised at the grade level I started to have to work hard and read the whole HIG for Singapore.


Is it just me?


(4th grade math for Singapore here.)


I'm pretty good at math and worked as a statistician for a while, so I'm fine for quite a ways, all the way through Calc and Differential Equations, actually, but I was surprised at the amount of review and work needed for 4th grade Singapore Math. Up to now, I've just been able to glance at the textbook and HIG and teach. I can just glance at Algebra and Trig and teach!! (Although if it's new math, I have to review their explanations and explain both that and the normal way.)

Edited by ElizabethB
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I did okay until algebra. I'm working ahead of ds. My math education stopped at algebra II.


Granted, my ds gets math and generally only has to have a concept explained once. Algebra has forced me to get more intentional with my math vocabulary. I may know how to do something, but to explain the concept with the correct terminology throws me sometimes.

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Geometry nearly kicked my tush when DS15 was doing it. Fortunately, his two older sibs were available to help out. I had forgotten all that proof stuff.


Other than that, I have slid thru pretty easy until this year. DD17 is homeschooling calculus and I have had to actually read the text to keep up.

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I have had absolutely no problem teaching through Algebra I. My oldest took Alg. I in eighth grade, and I think most of his siblings will, too. I'm kind of proud that I can get them all that far, but I just don't feel as confident about teaching other high school math courses. So I don't.


We use DVD instruction for high school math, combined with daily discussions with DH. He is certainly qualified to teach these subjects but he doesn't have time. He does have time to help with homework, re-teach hard concepts, and answer any questions.

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We are getting into pre-algebra. So far no problems on my end. But I don't teach math. I let Steve Demme do it via DVD. I don't have any trouble helping dd along if she needs extra help though.


I imagine since I didn't go further than algebra I in high school that will be when I have troubles.

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I see us doing that in a couple of years (using DVD instruction). I will be working along side my kids though because I want to learn too.


That's what I want, too. But I've been really disappointed to find that I just don't have time. :( If I were only homeschooling one or two instead of a houseful, I could probably work alongside my kids.


I'm hoping I'll still be able and interested when my youngest child goes through high school, because he'll be my only student for those years. I'll have time, then! But will I have brain cells left??

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I would have had to begin really prepping myself at trig/pre-calc. It had been too long since I'd used it and my own high school course in this was for wanting.


But, I didn't have to teach pre-calc. Dh took that over for me. YEAH!


I am planning on doing that again with ds. The next youngest is very likely to go through calc 1 and he'll probably do it as an online college class with dh tutoring him.



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My degree is in math so haven't had too much trouble. Had to review some geometry for ds. I will tell you though, there was a learning curve to figuring out how Singapore teaches things. I love the way they do and wish I'd found it earlier, but it took some time to get used to it.


After reading Liping Ma, I didn't find the switch hard at first--now it is taking a bit more work, but I know it's worth it. For some reason, for me at least, up until 3rd grade, their little pictures were about all I needed to be able to teach.


I spend more time worrying about teaching arithmetic than I did teaching high school math!


Me, too! Of course, that's post-Liping Ma, I didn't worry about it enough pre-Ma.


Pre-school kicked my butt :D






That's just because you were doing 6 different math programs!

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When I switched DD's spine from Right Start to Singapore 3A :blushing: I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to teach her myself. I'm planning to take her through Discovering Math 1 and then re-evaluate. Pre-algebra and the beginning part of Algebra 1 I think I can handle teaching. Beyond that, we'll just have to see.

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When I switched DD's spine from Right Start to Singapore 3A :blushing: I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to teach her myself. I'm planning to take her through Discovering Math 1 and then re-evaluate. Pre-algebra and the beginning part of Algebra 1 I think I can handle teaching. Beyond that, we'll just have to see.


After all that Singapore math, you should be good to go!

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I hated Geometry and slept through Algebra II, so those are my trouble-spots. DS#1 did fine with Geometry without my help. The older boys are now working on Algebra II together, and we're stuck on solving systems of 3 linear equations using Matrices in Row Echelon format. We're figuring it out, but it sure is slow going, and that is after watching the DVD.

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I taught high school math for four years--everything up to and including trig. My department head was talking about me taking on AB calculus (which would have stretched me) when we moved away. I know that I can teach anything up to that level, but even when I was teaching math as my profession I put time into lesson planning and working out problems on my own. I could probably just wing it for algebra 1 and 2, but I think geometry (proofs) require some teacher work as do trig and anything higher than that.

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Geometry. I can DO proofs, etc., but teaching them is another story. I tried to pass it off to dh (MA in math), but he's just not consistent enough to be of any help. He'd pull out unrelated board games and leave math undone for weeks at a time. Getting back to Algebra and Trig, I've been much more in my comfort zone, though Calculus is coming for ds1 and Geometry for dd1 and I'm not looking forward to either.

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We're only on First Grade here but I've had some challenge in presenting it differently than I was taught, not the material itself. I took up to Calculus and Trig in college, of course by the time we get there it will be more than 2 decades since then. I've always loved Math though and look forward to brushing up on those skills I've lost.

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I have tutored algebra and trig, so was surprised at the grade level I started to have to work hard and read the whole HIG for Singapore.


Is it just me?


(4th grade math for Singapore here.)



:iagree: Same scenario here. 4th Grade Singapore was too time consuming to work the problems myself. It was the first year I purchased the HIG. To be completely honest, a few of those problems had ME stumped.

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I could handle through Alegbra II. After that I handed it over to dh. I could have gotten through the math, but the time it would have taken me to review and remember was too great. Dh is a whiz at calc and diffy q's, so he could easily jump right into the high school maths.

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I love math and always did well. Now that we are starting pre-algebra and I'm using my old text books, which don't have the teacher's manual, I have to solve the problems myself to figure out if ds has done them correctly. It's not hard, but it is certainly more time consuming than if I had the answer key.

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4th Grade Singapore was too time consuming to work the problems myself. It was the first year I purchased the HIG. To be completely honest, a few of those problems had ME stumped.



I wonder how on earth I managed to get A's in calculus at Stanford but get stumped by problem in an elementary math textbook. :tongue_smilie:

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I wonder how on earth I managed to get A's in calculus at Stanford but get stumped by problem in an elementary math textbook. :tongue_smilie:


IKR!!! Cause they're all like "Solve this algebra problem without using algebra." and I'm all like "What the . . . ?"


Crazy Bar Graph Aliens!

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