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Dh is driving me crazy with his alarm clock!

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My wonderful, sweet DH sets his alarm clock for about 45 minutes before he is really supposed to get up so that he can push the snooze button 5 times. I am one that really, really likes to sleep uninterrupted until the very last second and then get up the first time it goes off. No snooze. But every single morning, we go through this drill where his alarm goes off every nine minutes for 45 minutes before we have to get up and then I am grumpy and groggy because I have been startled awake 5 times. I just wish that he would let me sleep until the end. That would really make me happy.


I could just get up the first time it goes off and let him sleep do the whole snooze routine, but I don't want to get up so early. And he doesn't either, which is why he uses the snooze. Any suggestions for a resolution?


BTW, we are celebrating 18 years together on Sunday :)

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My DH does the snooze thing too-and we have a young puppy that wakes up on the FIRST buzz so then he wants to go back to sleep while the puppy wakes up and starts looking for a place to pee... :glare:


We are just starting our winter schedule now and it involved him setting his alarm to the actual time we're all getting up. No more snooze time-it loses him nearly an hour of quality sleep. that doze time isn't as productive nor restfull as real sleep is...

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I have no advice, but do have plenty of sympathetic hugs for you. My husband is a "slow waker" and "needs" to hit snooze many times before getting up. I am a "quality, uninterrupted sleep until the last possible moment and then get ready very quickly" type of a person. We've been married 14 years and that is one issue that has not been resolved. Honestly, lately I've been so tired that I've just been sleeping through his alarm (an amazing feat considering I'm normally a light sleeper--guess I'm bordering on exhaustion these days!).


Good luck....sending some zzz's your way!

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Have you told him how you feel? I know sometimes dh's can be oblivious to things like that, but would he do that to a co-worker if they had to share a hotel room?


Yes, unfortunately, I told him pretty rudely this morning. I am one of those personanilities that doesn't say anything the first 30 times something bothers me and then completely explodes the 31st time. So, poor dh got blasted this morning. Thankfully, he is coming home for lunch so I can apologize for my outburst.


We do need to figure out a way for us to both be happy with our morning routine. It didn't matter so much during the summer, because I could go back to sleep after he left for work since we take the summer break. But, now that we are homeschooling full throttle, this situation is not going to work any longer.

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No! What if she ends up being the one to chase it?


I was under the impression she gets up at that time also--but would prefer not to hear the alarm go off occasionally for 45 minutes beforehand.


If I were getting up when he does, I'd set it for the time he's really supposed to get up. If he doesn't move, put the darn clanging thing under the covers next to him. But I'm evil that way. :D

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Can you compromise on one snooze?


I did this in college, and it becomes a habit - that you get so used to hitting snooze that you can do it without actually waking up, and then you *have* to keep setting it early or you *will* be late. I ended up setting mine a full *two hours* early before I finally broke the habit. Keeping the alarm across the room (or having your spouse wake you) is about the only way to break it.

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:grouphug: btdt! You might try moving the alarm to an opposite wall that would require him to get up to turn it off. No snooze alarm required. :)


We have done that and now he just gets up 4 times to push the snooze and gets back in bed. Then he puts his cold feet on me :)


OMG, James Bond does this too! It is so annoying. He actually has to get up, walk across the room to hit the button and then walks back to bed THREE times. Get the heck up already!

Han Solo sleeps in our room (his crib is on my side of the bed) and fortunately he sleeps right through it or I would go 12 kinds of crazy on JB. Interestingly, when I was pregnant Han Solo HATED the alarm. Every time it went off he would kick the bejeebers out of me. Now...nothing.

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I have no advice, but do have plenty of sympathetic hugs for you. My husband is a "slow waker" and "needs" to hit snooze many times before getting up. I am a "quality, uninterrupted sleep until the last possible moment and then get ready very quickly" type of a person. We've been married 14 years and that is one issue that has not been resolved. Honestly, lately I've been so tired that I've just been sleeping through his alarm (an amazing feat considering I'm normally a light sleeper--guess I'm bordering on exhaustion these days!).


Good luck....sending some zzz's your way!


DH and I are like this too. He likes the snooze and can sleep through anything...except me kicking him until he gets out of bed. I'm now responsible for being the alarm clock. But, it does make me feel better to kick him for waking me up early. :lol:

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My dh does this, too. A big bone of contention in our soon to be 19 years of marriage.

I think clocky is cute but the dog would be the one chasing it and he would immediately break it. If dh was the one chasing it he would just crawl back into bed after he caught it.

When we have the extra $$ I want to invest in the clock that mimics sunlight as I think that one will be least disruptive to me.

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I have not read any other responses...but a couple of years ago, when my DH got into this same habit, I threatened to KILL him. It worked. He only snoozes once or twice now :)



My wonderful, sweet DH sets his alarm clock for about 45 minutes before he is really supposed to get up so that he can push the snooze button 5 times. I am one that really, really likes to sleep uninterrupted until the very last second and then get up the first time it goes off. No snooze. But every single morning, we go through this drill where his alarm goes off every nine minutes for 45 minutes before we have to get up and then I am grumpy and groggy because I have been startled awake 5 times. I just wish that he would let me sleep until the end. That would really make me happy.


I could just get up the first time it goes off and let him sleep do the whole snooze routine, but I don't want to get up so early. And he doesn't either, which is why he uses the snooze. Any suggestions for a resolution?


BTW, we are celebrating 18 years together on Sunday :)

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I'm not going to be very popular in saying this but...some of you have very insensitive husbands. There is no way either my dh or I would interrupt the other's sleep that way.


To the OP, does your husband KNOW this bothers you and is continuing to do it? If so I would suggest he sleep in another room.

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Here dh sets his alarm for when he wants me to kick him out of bed.


Alarm blaring = me kicking him or thumping his shoulder and saying variations of "Alarm! Turn the friggin' alarm off! Hurry before it wakes the baby! Get up!"

Oddly enough, my dh never hits snooze and repeats the process.

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My dh will do this too if I let him, and I hate it. I've explained to him about the quality sleep thing. I'm a morning person but it irritates me if I have to hear the alarm 5 times before it's time to get up. It was only after I offered to sleep in another room that I noticed him trying to mend his ways...:D

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in our house, I'm the one that needs two alarms to get up. They used to be set for 5am and 5:30a. Now they are 4:30 and 5a. But unless the baby is crying, etc. I have a VERy hard time "jumping out of bed" (and when I do jump out of the bed for the baby, I end up falling asleep again whereever we sit down together -- so its not "up for the day" kind of up) What has worked for me since before I got married is to have two alarms. The first one "shakes' me awake such that the second I am able to get up to. I have NEVER been able to make Snooze work for me.

Thankfully, my husband works with me on this and knows it is necessary.

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What the alarm sounds like is whatever will make me hit less franticly. He made the mistake of using some stupid song (Metallica I think) that I swear started with a woman screaming like she was being murdered. I woke up with an adrenalin rush screaming at dh as i just about shoved him right off the bed to go to the kids and reaching for my cell phone. He didn't use that song for an alarm twice!


It usually isn't about me sleeping longer than him. Most days the alarm gets us both up for the day. I just hate waking up to loud noises and I really want to savor whatever few and rare moments I get to enjoy a cup of coffee before the kids wake up. Besides that, it gives us some quiet couple time.

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I can't even imagine DH doing that, let alone putting up with it for months--forget years! If he tried using snooze like that, on day 2, I'd throw the snooze alarm in the trash away from our house and buy a new alarm clock without a snooze feature. Losing an hour of sleep every morning would just not be acceptable for our house!

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My wonderful, sweet DH sets his alarm clock for about 45 minutes before he is really supposed to get up so that he can push the snooze button 5 times. I am one that really, really likes to sleep uninterrupted until the very last second and then get up the first time it goes off. No snooze. But every single morning, we go through this drill where his alarm goes off every nine minutes for 45 minutes before we have to get up and then I am grumpy and groggy because I have been startled awake 5 times. I just wish that he would let me sleep until the end. That would really make me happy.


I could just get up the first time it goes off and let him sleep do the whole snooze routine, but I don't want to get up so early. And he doesn't either, which is why he uses the snooze. Any suggestions for a resolution?


BTW, we are celebrating 18 years together on Sunday :)


I pull the blankets off him and kick him out of bed. :D


I can't abide the snooze button.

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This is my husband's preference too. Is it a guy thing??? :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, a couple of things finally pointed out to him what a problem it was for me. First, when we have a small baby in the house, the baby is usually next to our bed or in our bed by that point in the morning, so an obnoxious alarm would wake the baby and he knows that is a HUGE no no!


Second, I've had a bunch of knee surgery and PT this year and have had many bad nights when I've not gotten to sleep until shortly before he is getting up, so having an alarm wake me up when I have fought so hard to get to sleep is another HUGE no no.


So, somewhere in there, he has figured out that if he puts it on music and catches it quickly, I usually don't hear the alarm go off. Our alarm clock also has the feature that it begins softly and ups the volume gradually until it is turned off. So it doesn't jolt me awake even if I do hear it. This one we can live with. And on super important days, we use the obnoxious squawking setting to make sure we both hear it and don't oversleep.


Dh and I rarely argue or fight about anything, but this was the one issue that probably got us closest to a big fight than anything. I don't do well with sleep deprivation!


And I never could convince him that if he just had that extra hour of sleep that he was depriving himself of by doing all of this "snoozing" he would be able to get up better on the first alarm. I'm starting to understand, after 17 years of this, that maybe he really wouldn't feel better--he just needs that gradual wakeup. Go figure.

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Well...after reading the thread I hate to admit it but I'm the snoozer in my family. :leaving:


It's always been the way I'd prefer to wake up since high school.


That said, dh has never complained about it and is a very deep sleeper. If he told me it bothered him I'd do my best to stop. He might not have any idea how much it bugs you.


Hmm....maybe I should ask dh if it bothers him. Maybe he's seething in silence. ;) (Knowing my dh that's pretty unlikely. I'm the seethe in silence kind of gal, he's the straight-forward tell it like it is guy.)

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My hubs goes in spurts with this. If it goes on for several day I bring it up in conversation, again. If it continues after that...I move his clock ever so slightly away. It's close enough that he doesn't see it as out of place when he turns it on at night, but away from 'normal' enough that as he sleepily reaches over to slap snooze, it's not there. bwahaahaha


He wakes up enough fumbling around that the snooze is no longer needed. :D

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Either DH normally gets up at the first alarm, or I sleep through it, but this morning I woke up to him trying to answer his phone. It wasn't ringing, it was the alarm going off. He did it a second time too! Normally I'm the snooze abuser, but I put the phone under the corner of my pillow so I'm the only one dealing with it.


Now if I could get him to get his clothes out and lunch made at night instead of banging around the house in the morning, we'd be set.

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Well...after reading the thread I hate to admit it but I'm the snoozer in my family. :leaving:



Me, too! I usually just snooze once as I set my alarm to when I really, really need to get up. Trying to maximize that quality sleep. Dh almost always gets up minutes before his alarm even goes off. He's always been like that. If his alarm goes off or he snoozes then he's either sick or completely exhausted.

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Probably shouldn't admit this, but...

I kicked DH out of the bedroom for a while over the snooze button.

When we lived in an apartment, we were actually threatened with eviction because so many of our neighbors complained about DH's loud alarm!

I talked to him about it so many times and he knew how much it bothered my sleep. (And our neighbors... :001_huh:)

I finally gave him a warning - three more times and you are moving across the house to the office couch. :tongue_smilie: He slept on the couch for a year before he changed his ways. If he backslides now, I just give him the evil eye. :glare:

(BTW, we have been married 20+ years.)

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