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Small update

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Thank you all for your encouragement and PMs. I can't believe how just a couple of days makes a world of difference in the babies' development/milestones and my own recovery. Both babies are on room air, IVs will hopefully come out in the next few days as their feedings increase. Baby Boy is still on light therapy but should be off that soon. Baby Girl had a spa bath this morning (all wrapped up in a blanket while the warm water soaked in, head wrapped in a tiny turban :)). 5 days ago I thought they were going to die yet here they are 6 days later doing amazingly well.


I wanted to share three things that have happened that have shown us just how involved God has been in this ordeal. Yes, He protected these little ones in the air and at the hospital yet these smaller things have shown us yet again that He cares even about the tinier ways to reveal His presence and love.


1. Dh dropped me off at the hospital at 4:30am then went to get breakfast at McDs. In his bleary weary state he forgot his wallet yet when he told the lady at the drive-through window he would go get it and come back she told him to not worry about it, that it was covered.


2. My mil took the other 9 dc swimming at the YMCA (a huge treat!). When they arrived and everyone was checked in my mil asked how much the charge would be for this huge crew and was told to not worry about it, that it was covered. The lady at the desk didn't know us so it's not like she knew the current situation nor did anyone outside our family know that my mil was taking them up there.


3. We do not miss church for anything other than travel or serious illness; even having a new baby hasn't prevented us from attending no matter how new the baby is (I think 3 days old is the youngest we've had). Our dc take going to church just as seriously as dh and I do so our 14yos just assumed they would be going this last Sunday even though dh and I were not there. When he was told by my mil that church was not a planned event my ds was very upset. We told ds on the phone Sat. night to just go with the flow (not something ds is good at doing). Early Sunday morning our cell phone rang with incredible news: someone at church who had recently purchased a Mercedes passenger van called on Saturday night to see if they could come by and pick up our dc for church!!! No one had called them first, they just knew God was telling them there was a need. So off our dc went on Sunday morning, praise be to God!


At this point all I can do is be still before an awesome God who has poured out His protection on these babies and His love on my family.


btw, dh decided on Juliette Elise for our little girl's name. I really wanted Autumn Elise but figured since I got to name most of our other dc and chose Baby Girl's middle name that dh could have his way. He just likes to say "Juliette" with what he thinks is an authentic French accent. :D Since we have a Carissa Renee and a Charlotte Rose I think Juliette Elise goes rather nicely.


Babies are ready for feeding so off I go again. Please know how much it means to me that you ladies are thinking of us. Those of you who have endured a c/s, twins and/or preemies and offered your advice and encouragement have been a lifeline for me. I find myself reading through the responses every time the emotions threaten to overwhelm me.

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Oh, Juliette's mama, what a wonderful post!


I did not reply to your previous thread... it had gotten soooo long! But I have prayed for you and was very surprised to learn that your little friends came so early!


Praise the LORD for His obvious care of and for each of you! Keep your eyes open for those small blessings. Those are the ones that keep fuel in your tank, especially as the "celebrity" status of twins (combined with such an *exciting* delivery!) fades a bit as you settle into your new family structure.


God is ever faithful, I am joyful for you that you see His hand at work. Prayers for your continued healing, that your aches from and memories of that fretful c-section are soon replaced by thoughts of chubby bouncing drooley cooing fuzzy-headed adorable babies. Give their clean little baby heads a sniff for me. Ooooo, clean cuddly baby smell... there's nothing else like it. Enjoy!

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