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When do you exercise?

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I keep fining excuses to not do it.


DH exercises at around 8pm. I just hate that.....too late for me and he watches car shows while he exercise, which does NOT inspire me! :D


I can't seem to exercise first thing in the morning either as I need to have coffee before I can get going.


We do school from about 9am-2pm with some breaks in between and I was considering exercising while the boys do their ind. work, but I tend to need to be available for questions/help.


I have GOT to get back into some sort of shape, even if it is just enough to get through Disney without my feet killing me.



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I struggle with this as well. I was taking the boys to the gym with me from either 9-11 or 10-12 [that includes travel time], but.... That's 2 whole hours 3 to 4 times a week that we could be doing other things. Plus I would still have to find time to shower once back home. I've been looking at joining another gym that would have better childcare and class options, but I still think I'll have the same time suck problems. I'm NOT a morning person, and my toddler still needs a lot of support getting to sleep. I've gained 15 pounds in the last year and I'm truly sick with myself. I REFUSE to go out and buy more clothes, but if I don't turn things around, I'll have to. :(


So yeah...



Maybe I can motivate my neighbor to go walking with me early. She's less of a morning person than even I am, but I could try. I have an elliptical in the basement, but my basement is a pit, and I hate it.


Sorry, mostly I posted so I could hear other people's ideas. :bigear:

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I keep fining excuses to not do it.


DH exercises at around 8pm. I just hate that.....too late for me and he watches car shows while he exercise, which does NOT inspire me! :D


I can't seem to exercise first thing in the morning either as I need to have coffee before I can get going.


We do school from about 9am-2pm with some breaks in between and I was considering exercising while the boys do their ind. work, but I tend to need to be available for questions/help.


I have GOT to get back into some sort of shape, even if it is just enough to get through Disney without my feet killing me.




I do 40 minutes on the treadmill everyday after lunch while my middle kids are cleaning up lunch, and my littlest kids are napping or reading. (It doesn't take the middle kids the whole 40 minutes to clean up. When they're finished cleaning up, they do some independent schoolwork.)


I hate morning exercise and late evening exercise, too. By 1:00 everyday, I'm starting to drag. I'm either going to need a nap, or another cup of coffee, or the treadmill. The treadmill is the best of those options. It gives me the pick-me-up I need to finish out the school day well.


Think of it this way. When you exercise, you ARE educating them. Their questions can wait while you teach them by example that healthy habits are a priority.

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This is a huge problem for me, especially now that we'll be starting school this week. During the summer it was easier to find times to fit it in.


For me, the only time to guarantee to get it done is first thing in the morning. Like 6am, before the kids are even up. :glare: BUT, with me not being a morning person and all, that just rarely works out. (ha! pun not intended) DH and I have been working on a schedule, so both of us gets a chance to get to the gym a couple of times a week, and work out at home as well. I am going to probably have Saturday morning as one of my gym days, just because I know I can get into the class and DH will be around for the kids. The other day is yet to be determined.


My only advice is to actually SCHEDULE it into your day and do it. Make it non-negotiable, like a Dr. appt or a math lesson. Ya know? It is so easy to make it less of a priority, but really, everyone suffers. Take care of you! :)

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Thank you all. I know I just need to make this a PRIORITY and DO IT!


I will start today.


My neighbor wants to walk with me, but she wants to walk during our school time and she spends the entire walk criticizing homeschooling and telling me how much better her house is than mine (she is trying to sell and has lowered the price twice and will be lowering it again.)


So, I have decided I really don't need her negativity and will have to do this on my own.


I thought of joining the closest gym but it is really pricey and they only offer one class per day, most of their services are machines on your own type of thing.



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What about going at 2:00 or so, right after finishing your school day?


I usually go in the evenings but am considering switching to right after school. I'm usually ready then to get out and have some non-kid time, so that might be an extra boost.


I agree with a previous poster that you should schedule it and make it a solid priority. Try committing to every single day for one month. That is a manageable goal.


I go every day. Going every day has created such a strong habit that I don't want to miss. I'm in better shape than I was in college.


I love my exercise time (I run and walk) nowadays -- I can't do without it. I used to think that was a ridiculous thing to say, but now I'm saying it.


Good luck!

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I try to do it shortly after lunch, when DS has his 'DEAR' time. I can't stand to have people watching me when I exercise. His swim schedule has messed with my workout schedule, though, so sometimes I have to send the kids to their rooms in the afternoons when we get back home. I hate doing it, but the break does everyone good.


I work out using the Wii, so I have to be in the living room for it to happen.

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When I am on a schedule (like during the school year) I exercise in the morning. There are all sorts of excuses that pop up during the day to prevent me from doing so otherwise. I put on my exercise clothes as soon as possible. If I stay in my pjs (like now -:glare:), I would not get my act together. I guess I am like kids, I thrive on routine.

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I put out my running clothes, make sure my shoes and socks are out, get the dog's collar and leash next to them.


I am a coffee person too, but I quickly found that I could get up and run/walk and that I would be okay - then I make coffee when I get home. If I give myself even 10 minutes, I think of a reason not to do it. So the minute I wake up, I drink a glass of water, throw on my clothes, and head out the door.

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Thank you all. I know I just need to make this a PRIORITY and DO IT!


I will start today.


My neighbor wants to walk with me, but she wants to walk during our school time and she spends the entire walk criticizing homeschooling and telling me how much better her house is than mine (she is trying to sell and has lowered the price twice and will be lowering it again.)


So, I have decided I really don't need her negativity and will have to do this on my own.


I thought of joining the closest gym but it is really pricey and they only offer one class per day, most of their services are machines on your own type of thing.




Exercise in your room (if you have the space) as soon as you get up and brush your teeth. Start with half an hour and then increase it once you get the hang of the new routine.


Good luck.

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I am so embarrassed to say this, but we have a mini-gym in our basement! I have NO excuse whatsoever!


We have a large TV down there with surround sound. We also have a treadmill and a bow flex and some weights.


Yup, I probably go out of my way to AVOID exercise! :lol:




Exercise in your room (if you have the space) as soon as you get up and brush your teeth. Start with half an hour and then increase it once you get the hang of the new routine.


Good luck.

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I exercise first thing in the morning. There are no excuses it's only an hour of my day and it's done. Only 1 hr. or 30min or whatever your goal is. I just get it done and don't think about it. Another thing I do is get my clothes out the night before because I quickly loose interest if I have to look for something.

Edited by lynn
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I go to the gym for a 12 o'clock class Mon through Fri. Of course that means leaving home before 12 and showering when I get back so I have built that time into the schedule for it. This gives me time with other adults every day, which is super for me because I work evenings and weekends so social time is very difficult for me to come by.

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The most reliable time is first thing in the morning. For you, that'd be coffe 7-7:30, exercise 7:30 - 8:30, school by 9. (Be glad you start at 9; We're starting at 7 this year!)


Another good alternative is the lunch hour, but you'd likely need to eat very lightly in the morning to avoid nausea. Put your workout stuff on when you get up, school for a couple hours, then work out while the kids are eating and having recess. Upon your return from working out, get them going on something mostly independent for the first hour after lunch, then grab your shower once they are working, and eat your lunch (light, you won't be hungry since you just worked out and it suppresses appetitie . . . lunch hour is THE best time to workout for weight loss IMHO) . . . while you are juggling the kids for that first hour after lunch.



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I am so embarrassed to say this, but we have a mini-gym in our basement! I have NO excuse whatsoever!


We have a large TV down there with surround sound. We also have a treadmill and a bow flex and some weights.


Yup, I probably go out of my way to AVOID exercise! :lol:




Can you gussy up your basement so you don't hate walking into it? I know that feeling. Try to make it as pleasant and inviting as possible.

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I get up early. I usually get up at 6, but sometimes a little later. I walk 4 miles 6 days a week. On Fridays I hire a sitter to come at 5:30 a.m. so I can do anywhere between 8 and 12 miles (I'm training for a half marathon). I started in April and I am so glad that I'm doing it. I do sometimes nap later when the kids are doing piano practice and catching up with schoolwork. We are usually ready to start school by 8:30-9:00.

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Well, this is what I do. Dh and I have coffee around 6, and he and dd18 leave a bit after 7. I have a drawer with my exercise clothes all ready. I get dressed and start my tape at 7:30. My younger girls are usually coming down for breakfast while I'm at it, and give me some encouragement. Yesterday they were both down like a flash, and watched me do the whole 40 minutes. I told them that if they were in the room, they would have to exercise with me. Poof, no more audiences this morning! :) So, the short answer is 7:30 am. School starts at 9. Nap at 2:30 for me. :D

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Ok, I walked for a little over a mile.


The basement has been in a state of being worked on for a long time now.


It is finally near finished. It is much better down there now. Far more light, etc....and that just happened this last weekend.


Hopefully it will get easier.



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We have a lot of good gym equipment here at home (BodyCraft XPress Pro home gym, Sole Elliptical being delivered this week, NordicTrac treadmill, weight bench) which makes it very easy for dh and me to pick the time that best suits us to exercise.


DH: he runs 2 1/2 miles every morning before work and lifts weights in the evenings 4 times a week


Me: I love working out in the afternoon when I get home from work. I work no later than 1:30 on any given day, so I can come home and exercise before the boys get home from school. I alternate the cardio and weightlifting...usually cardio 5-6 days a week and weights 3 days a week.

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It's too hot here in Florida to go anytime but early morning or late evening. I never have time in the evening and it gets my heart rate up so that I have trouble sleeping if I exercise then. I do it early, before the kids get up. It was a lot of work at first (I've been doing this for a good 4 years or so) but now I really enjoy it. The birds are singing, there is usually a nice breeze at that time of day and I get to watch the sun come up while I pray. :001_smile: On the weekends, I'll sometimes walk in the evenings since I'll be staying up later anyway and our evenings are more relaxed.


I get up at 6, have coffee, computer time and read my Bible. Then I head out for a 2 mile walk at 7. I wake the kids as soon as I get home and we start our day. I used to walk longer but have found it only makes me more tired and hungry so have found 2 miles to be a good amount for me. I stay pretty active the rest of the day though. I also exercise a lot more when it turns cool outside. I can walk in the morning and again in the afternoon and the kids and I do a lot of nature walks, outdoor activities, etc. during the Fall and Winter. I cannot wait for the first cool front of the year!

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Early morning, 6 days/week. If I don't, it just doesn't get done. It's become routine.


I totally agree... Nobody likes to get up and workout, or at least that's what you start out feeling like. I treat it like everything else I consider to be "important" (like homeschooling, paying bills, doing laundry, etc.) and do it first thing in the morning. If I put it off, it never gets back on my list for the day. Before you know it, you actually do start to look forward to it... and then you actually realize you NEED it to function as a reasonable adult! LOL


One of my favorite motivational quotes that runs thru my mind when I start to make an 'excuse' for the day is: "If the only thing you exercise is your excuses, then they'll be the only thing that gets stronger!"


Good Luck! I know you can do it :)

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I totally agree... Nobody likes to get up and workout, or at least that's what you start out feeling like. I treat it like everything else I consider to be "important" (like homeschooling, paying bills, doing laundry, etc.) and do it first thing in the morning. If I put it off, it never gets back on my list for the day. Before you know it, you actually do start to look forward to it... and then you actually realize you NEED it to function as a reasonable adult! LOL


One of my favorite motivational quotes that runs thru my mind when I start to make an 'excuse' for the day is: "If the only thing you exercise is your excuses, then they'll be the only thing that gets stronger!"

Good Luck! I know you can do it :)



Ha! That's pretty funny. I will borrow and attribute.

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I just started doing P.E. with the kids during our homeschool day. The kids know it is on the schedule and won't let me get away with skipping it. ;) Plus it is fun to do it together.


If I had to do it first thing in the morning, there is no way I could. I can barely drag my butt to the coffee maker in the morning! :D

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I'm one of those with a love/hate relationship with exercise. I usually hate it but I need it! And it's fun when it's done. :) When we're not doing school I do it first thing in the morning. When school is in session I do it right when we're done. If I try to do it before school the kids scatter, find other activities and I have to drag everyone kicking and screaming to the table so I do it after school. :) I do exercise almost exclusively at home. It's just easier!

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Ok, so I've got a newborn right now, so exercise is totally off my radar, but otherwise I try to get in some cardio in the morning and toning throughout the day. Keep a set of weights in your school area, do push ups or lunges while you wait, anything to start building that fantastic fat burning muscle- it makes it so much easier to feel like working out hard. Just remember to push through he first week or two when mind and body resist sooooo much!

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It's easier this year since older dd is going to middle school. Younger dd and I go 11:30 - 12:30 at least three days a week. Younger dd walks on the treadmill or does the elliptical (sp?) right next to me. I finish school with younger dd while older dd does homework. I've never been good at going in the morning or at night. If it's during the middle of the day I feel much better and am able to do it more often.

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I keep fining excuses to not do it.


DH exercises at around 8pm. I just hate that.....too late for me and he watches car shows while he exercise, which does NOT inspire me! :D


I can't seem to exercise first thing in the morning either as I need to have coffee before I can get going.


We do school from about 9am-2pm with some breaks in between and I was considering exercising while the boys do their ind. work, but I tend to need to be available for questions/help.


I have GOT to get back into some sort of shape, even if it is just enough to get through Disney without my feet killing me.




I get up and go run between 630 and 700 am about 3 times a week. It does mean that school tends to start later than the 800 am goal that I have in my head.


On the other hand, my 8 yo runs with me and my 11 yo runs at the same time (but not with me as he's a lot faster). So I will cheerfully count this time as PE.


In fact, the 11 was pretty reticent when he got started back at the beginning of the summer. But he ran a 5k last weekend and was glowing all day. Especially when we crunched the numbers and pointed out that he was in the top half of all the men's times. :hurray:


I love my coffee too. But I get it after I run and shower. Running way earlier or after school just didn't work for me.


I will hit the gym and lift weights in the morning on weekends and occasionally on afternoons. I've really prioritized fitness this last year, because I realized that I wasn't going to be able to enjoy life unless I was able to move around and be active. My fitness time now is investment in mobility and health when I'm sixty.

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