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The HPV vaccination... Interesting

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So apparently here in Malaysia they are giving the HPV vaccination to all 13 yo girls...free of charge... AT SCHOOL.


The information I saw didn't say the word "mandatory" but it was most definitely implied and well, people just don't question the government here like they do in the U.S.


It also said "for those girls who do not go to school, they can get the shots at the free government clinic". :001_huh: So they don't have to go to school but they need to get the shots??


Interesting. How would you feel if the government started doing this in America?

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Not wanting to wade into the debate, but just curious: was parental consent required?


Yes there is a parental consent form, however, the illiteracy rate here is staggering.


I really think it is the wording they are using that is bothering me. They keep using words like "all" and "every" and "will be" that IMPLY something mandatory. And honestly, parents here don't really argue with school leaders. They just do as they are told.


I have issues with the lack of choice implied.

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Yeah. I know how you feel. It's the same here. My friend was actually given 3 TB vaccination shots all in the same session at school because the person poking her kept saying she didn't pinch her skin just right. Couldn't that be dangerous? She said the skin at that site fell off badly and now she has a pretty gnarly scar. And no one batted an eye. Why? Well the person giving the shots knows what she's doing... right?

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When I was in elementary school, I remember lining up at school to get our vaccinations.

I'm 41, and maybe they did away with the practice long ago. Does anyone else recall shots at school in the US?

I'm 48, and I can remember getting the smallpox vaccine and the polio sugar cubes in elementary school. They also did something where they hooked us up to leads like an EKG, and in middle school everyone was checked for scoliosis.
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When I was in elementary school, I remember lining up at school to get our vaccinations.

I'm 41, and maybe they did away with the practice long ago. Does anyone else recall shots at school in the US?



I remember being driven in a van with other kindergarteners to another building for shots. There were actually two lines, one group got shots while another group got drops under the tongue. I don't remember which vaccine it was, but I got the drops. I do remember being so glad about that on the van ride back with the crying kids that got the shot in the arm.

Edited by bairnmama
horrible spelling
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If they tried to vaccinate my kids at school today, I'd be apoplectic.




Maybe that's why this is bugging me so much. Between the forceful language they have chosen (and these are TV commercials) and the idea of kids being lined up for vaccinations at school like it is no big deal, my American individualism rears it's ugly head. :D

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I would cheer. I think all medically indicated vaccines should be free and readily available.


They are. County health depts offer them free or greatly reduced. Ours are offered twice monthly.


As for the vaccines, even in the US parents are made to think they're mandatory. I know many, many parents that had no clue they could refuse them.

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I went to elementary school in the States in the 1970s and I was vaccinated there...multiple times. No parental consent, we were just taken to the gym, class by class, and vaccinated. I remember the German measles vaccine clearly. Don't remember what the others were.


We were also brought into the nurse's office, had to strip down to our panties and stand in line for something. I think it was a scoliosis check, but I'm not sure. I was 7 and just remember that all of us girls were standing in line covering our chests. LOL

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So apparently here in Malaysia they are giving the HPV vaccination to all 13 yo girls...free of charge... AT SCHOOL.


The information I saw didn't say the word "mandatory" but it was most definitely implied and well, people just don't question the government here like they do in the U.S.


It also said "for those girls who do not go to school, they can get the shots at the free government clinic". :001_huh: So they don't have to go to school but they need to get the shots??


Interesting. How would you feel if the government started doing this in America?



To be fair, Heather... when I was in elementary school, my dad was in the Navy and I went to a school where all the kids were military kids. We got vaccinations AT SCHOOL more than a few times. So, I don't think Malaysia is the only place that doesn't question government very much.


That said... I would want full knowledge that vaccines were going to be given and I would want the ability to opt my child out. I don't have a positive opinion about the Gardisil vaccine, so I'll just stop there. :001_smile:

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I suspect it's more like it is here in Canada. They have the shots in schools and at "free" government clinics - public health offices. That's where my daughter had hers.


It's not mandatory though, they just want to ensure access.



Yes. Here it is at the public health nurse's office. They will also mail you a reminder when the children are young unless or until you inform them in writing that you will not be seeking any further vaccinations.

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When I was in elementary school, I remember lining up at school to get our vaccinations.

I'm 41, and maybe they did away with the practice long ago. Does anyone else recall shots at school in the US?


I remember getting the polio vaccine on sugar cubes in school in the early 60's. There was no parental consent. Everyone just was given the sugar cube


Yes. I remember getting shots and sugar cubes with the polio vaccine in the early 60's. My mother seemed to have known when they were doing it, but I don't remember her giving consent.

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I would cheer. I think all medically indicated vaccines should be free and readily available.


In fact, I'm always a bit annoyed at our pediatrician since she never reminds anyone when they're due for the next set of vaccines.

I remember having some done in school when I was growing up in Wales.

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I went to elementary school in the States in the 1970s and I was vaccinated there...multiple times. No parental consent, we were just taken to the gym, class by class, and vaccinated. I remember the German measles vaccine clearly. Don't remember what the others were.


We were also brought into the nurse's office, had to strip down to our panties and stand in line for something. I think it was a scoliosis check, but I'm not sure. I was 7 and just remember that all of us girls were standing in line covering our chests. LOL


I remember the rubella vaccine but we had parent consent. Had the sugar cube once too.


The trip to the nurse's office for us was for our annual weight check.

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I don't remember ever getting vaccinated at school. I atteneded elementary in the early 70's. There were annual scoliosis checks. I remember everyone lined up in the gym. Girls on one side and boys on the other. Thanks to that check my scoliosis was caught. I wore a brace for 4 years. Although, to this day, my mother is amazed that the school nurse caught it. She always thought that particular nurse was not the brightest bulb in the box.

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I wonder what they would do if the parents (or girls, for that matter) refused? I remember lining up for the smallpox vaccine in school, but have no idea if my parents' consent was needed. I don't think parents questioned vaccines back then, or if the school was doing the right thing.


Our school did a similar thing with the swine flu vaccination a year or two ago. Kids were lined up in the hallway one classroom at a time, and given an injection. However, the school was very careful to get parental consent; it was not mandatory, just highly advised.


I would want to be able to give parental consent, for sure. At the same time, I think its good that some vaccinations are given freely and easily to those who want them.

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When I was in elementary school, I remember lining up at school to get our vaccinations.

I'm 41, and maybe they did away with the practice long ago. Does anyone else recall shots at school in the US?


No, they did hearing tests and vision tests, and in Australia we even saw a dentist once a year, but no shots at school. My mother used to write a note every year claiming religious exemption (Ha!) in lieu of a shot record. I did get a smallpox jab to be able to go to Europe.


But I am older. I had CP in K, "three day measles" along with all the rest of the 3rd grade, and mumps when I was 10. Shots were becoming standard, and mumps was only a few kids here and there. I THOUGHT I'd had measles (it was CP), so I got no vac and got the durned disease when I was in my 20s. I thought I would die. It was awful.


I do recall walking down to the public health office and getting myself a tetanus vac. My mother was anti-vac, and I was around horses every second I could be, and I decided I wanted a vac. I thought she would say no (my mother said no a great deal), and rather than risk her knowing I wanted one, I took "the long route" home from junior high a few times and popped down to public health and got my dT. They didn't ask for a permission slip. I certainly looked underage, but I had rehearsed, and made it sound like I was just doing what my mummy told me to do.


But, this was small town Kansas, and we had a vet school, too, and tetanus was given to every mammal that could be caught. :001_smile:

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I grew up in Germany. We had routine doctor screenings in school, some vaccinations were given in school, and the dentist came to school for checkups.

Notes came home prior to this to inform the parents. I definitely know that my parents opted out of some vaccines for us because my immuno-compromised brother could not be exposed to the live vaccine (our year would still have had the smallpox, one of the last years to get it - but I never did because of that.)


I think it is actually a great resource to reach kids whose parents could not afford regular medical and dental care - if the parent can opt out.

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