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How many writers do we have here?

How many writers on the board  

  1. 1. How many writers on the board

    • I'm a published writer
    • I'm a writer who doesn't care to be published
    • I'm a writer waiting to be published
    • I like to say I'm a writer, but haven't actually written anything yet
    • The closest I'll come to writing is saying I know a writer
    • I wish I were a writer
    • I'm not a writer
    • Other, because there is always someone

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I'm an other, because it all depends on how you define writer, published, and waiting. ;)


I like to write. I have been paid to write things that have been put on real paper with real ink. I haven't had the time or patience to write anything even remotely interesting in, gah, a year? I'm "waiting" until the kids are older. And quieter.


They DO get quieter, right??!?!?

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Wow! I'm impressed.


Every once in a while someone mentions they have written something but I've never kept track of who has written what. Seems we have more writers than I realized.


It is something that every once in a great while I wish I could do. Most of the time I'm happy I don't write.

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I am not a writer, but my mom is! Has anyone been to the "writingsite" (.com)? She runs that. She holds a short story contest every year. She gets many submissions to the contest from all over.


A good friend introduced me to her fiance a few years back and he is an aspiring writer and we get into this conversation about writing and I tell him about my mom's site and he was amazed. I didn't realize it was a popular site for aspiring writers.

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My short story was one of a collection from our pre-honours history class at uni that was to be published. We edited, and re-edited and re-edited and the publisher decided they couldn't afford to after all. I was a bit disappointed to have hacked my little story to pieces and not even get to see it in a book, even though I would never have wanted to read the book. True crime? Urgh.


I wrote a simple picture story book one day. I had the pip because I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I wrote it. It's nothing to be proud of but it got it out of my system, heheh.


I have some ideas I want to write about, but it's all flavour text and no actual story so I can't write. Oh well. :)



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Other. I have published training manuals and several articles in professional journals. (ETA - I guess I legitimately could have chosen option 1, but it was so long ago, it seems.... not so relevant!)


I am currently working on entering into writing as an actual career as my homeschooling years wind down (2011-2012 is my 13th and final year). I will be looking for some light freelance nonfiction work, while concentrating the bulk of my writing time on fiction and translating an existing novel into a screenplay.

Edited by AuntieM
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I regularly write articles and devotionals for the magazine Mission Mosaic, and devotionals for Open Windows. Both are paid assignments.


I have a couple of books in progress and hope that they will be published some day.

Edited by dlcricket
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I've had two magazine articles published years ago.


I wrote lots of poetry years ago. It was during a period of great stress. I love what I wrote, but have no inclination to write more.


I wrote a children's biography of Sweyn Forkbeard that I would like to have published, but I've not made a real effort to get that done.


I've written VBS curriculum and used it, but it wasn't for publication.


I've written a speech about hands for a church ladies' day.


I'm currently writing a speech about peace for this year's ladies' day.


Wow. I didn't realize I had done that much.

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I put "other" because none seemed to fit. I have started writing 2 books. I have not finished either one. My husband thinks I'm good at writing. I'm not sure. It certainly has not been tested since I have never sent anything in for publication, nor had any adult feedback. (except from this wonderful man of mine who thinks I'm amazing at almost anything I do!;))


So, I don't know if I can dare to call myself a "writer". Maybe I'm more of a writer-wanna-be, or a potential-writer.


I actually hate the process of writing. I avoid it and I always find a new excuse to do something else first. BUT, I love the results of writing. I usually like what I've written once it's done. The part I'm completely unsure of is, will anyone else like it?

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The only thing I've ever been published in was my highschool newspaper. :D


I love to write though and always have-poetry, journaling, fiction and nonfiction. I once responded to an article on a website and was asked to write for them based on my response. I turned them down. I just really don't have time now.


However, I fully intend on writing for publication when my youngest is older and I have more time on my hands.

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I voted 'other'. When my middle dd first went to our local high school in 9th grade, her class was asked to write a speech. DD, being so new to school & unsure of what level of writing was expected, was in such a panic. It was due the next day, and dd was adamant she had no idea on what to write about, how to write it, etc, etc, that it ended up being almost completely my speech! Bad, I know!! :blush:


Anyway, the teacher raved about it, she got an A, and was asked if it could be printed in the school newsletter! So, yes, I could say that I wrote a speech that went to print!! Only it was under my dd's name!:tongue_smilie:

Thankfully, dd went on to gain her confidence and could keep up the A's herself!!


It did make me feel pretty good, though, and since then several people have commented after different things that I have helped them with (submissions for award nominations, scholarships etc) that I could do something in that field. So maybe one day I'll look a little further into it, but at the moment it just seems like hard work!!

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I worked from home as a business writer for several years before starting my doctorate in Christian Psychology. I wrote newsletters, marketing pieces, presentations, and grants.


In college I wrote for our year book, and later became the editor of our college paper. I wrote lots of pieces for both of those and enjoyed it immensely!


Most recently I wrote an eBook on couponing in less than 2 extra hours per week. It teaches organizing, reading Qs, stacking, using free tools online, and spending far less money on far more products.


I know, most of what I write is boring to most, but I enjoy it :)


Honestly, I enjoy editing more than writing :confused:

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I'm working on it. Consider myself a newbie writing since getting the bug in 2007. Have 3 wips that need to be edited and one first draft currently working on. Plan on taking one, polishing it up really well and then work on getting an agent. Hubby wants me to go agent route first before attempted self publishing. Involved in ROW80 this year so it keeps me accountable and get to hang out with lots of writers in all phases of the game.


Speaking of writers I'm so stoked. I won the bid on Cherry Adair's (romance author) guest house in washington during diabetes auction so guess where I'll be next week. Maybe some of her greatness will rub off on me. Yes, I get to meet her.

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I have been published in magazines and local newspapers and won awards for screenwriting in college. For some reason, I don't feel like that counts - I almost voted that I was hoping to be published.


I'm working on my 3rd novel, and hoping for publication in creative writing soon. I've also started writing short stories and flash fiction, and hoping to start entering contests soon. I'm in the cruel phase of editing right now.

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I said "waiting" to be published, but I think "waiting" is more expectant than I deserve. I have a lot of notions of publishing my personal narratives in magazines and I also have a couple of partial books, but I haven't done the actual legwork that makes publishing likely.


I haven't maintained my blog in a year. I was intending to go Word Press (I'm on Blogspot), but I haven't figured out enough of the technical headache stuff to do that. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Antalya

I'm new to this community and it makes me happy to see so many writers! I'm a grad student in creative writing, and I've published around ten short pieces, but my heart's not in the shorts. This is a hard business, and it's awesome to see how much success you guys have had.

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I'm an other. I don't consider myself a writer. I don't write anything beyond board posts and FB status updates for 11 months of the year. Then November shows up and I participate in NaNoWriMo. I crank out my 50K+ words in November and stop writing Dec 1. Of the 3 years I have tried, I have made my word count 3 times but only finished 1 "novel". The other two times my characters got away from me and I just couldn't finish their story. I have no desire to be published or even for another human being to read my work.

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I'm published (small stuff), and then there's the twos and threes of people who follow my blog. (:seeya: Hi, Mom!)


I'm working on a non-fiction book now (n/f scares me; I'm much more comfortable with dragons). In fact, you all should feel free to ask me about my progress--the more often, the better--because eventually I'll get annoyed by all the questions and have to start working on it seriously.

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I don't know if I am or not. I wrote that science curriculum years ago, and Rainbow Resource carried it. That's different than fiction, though, so I don't know if I really count as a writer. :)

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I don't know if I am or not. I wrote that science curriculum years ago, and Rainbow Resource carried it. That's different than fiction, though, so I don't know if I really count as a writer. :)


Why would you have to write fiction to be a writer? Isn't that like saying you're only a carpenter if you build cabinets? ;)

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I write but I have issues with finishing.




I got about 1/3 through my steampunk novel and then got distracted by parenting duties. Now I want to do a rewrite but I have no idea when I'll get to it. It'll probably never get finished. I change my mind too often.

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I'm a writer! (Though sometimes I wish I wasn't because rejections can be heartbreaking!)


A few years ago my novel Table for One was published by a small press, and I've written 324987320487320947 since then, trying to break in with a larger publisher. Currently, I have an awesome agent who is getting my work out there, and a request from an editor to see a full manuscript after she read the proposal. Prayers appreciated :)


If any of you are wanting to write for the Christian fiction market, I HIGHLY recommend ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) because it's the single best thing you can do for yourself if you're serious about making it a career.

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