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Controversial thread #2....

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I did not like Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts".


I thought it was self-indulgent, theologically sketchy at times, and reading it was like wading waist-deep through sticky-sweet molasses.




I said it.


I know Christian homeschooler moms are SUPPOSED to love this book but i didn't. I'm sorry. I'll turn my membership card back in.


Let the tomato-throwing begin.... :tongue_smilie:

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There are quite a few books like the ones that have been mentioned lately that I roll my eyes and consider wordy and far-stretching in their ideas.


I haven't read this particular book, but I know exactly what you mean.


I just wish that people would read their Bible, and not read about what someone else says the Bible says. Gah!


And why, oh why, do they have to take everything to the extreme? And why, oh why, do they get to pick and choose - you have to tithe but we don't stone anyone more - and I can't.

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A df sent me some excerpts and I have to agree-I would never read the whole book! And her writing style just bugs me anyway-when we read A Child's Geog I had to basically read it first and summarize for the dc. Way too ethereal.


:iagree: The Shack!! I had a df I was mentoring-she was not a Christian yet but was leaning-and the Shack totally screwed her up as to the nature of God, etc.

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Didn't read it after reading about it. Didn't read The Shack either after reading about it. I figure I can let someone else waste their time on books I wouldn't want to read!:tongue_smilie:


I was subbing to Ann's blog and had to turn it off. Just not my style at all. Is that weirdly disjointed writing supposed to be poetic or something? Strange. I did like her photography though.

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:iagree: The Shack!! I had a df I was mentoring-she was not a Christian yet but was leaning-and the Shack totally screwed her up as to the nature of God, etc.


So sad. That's exactly the reason I've given to my friends for disliking this book.


I just think that the subject matter is one that should be so respected that one would not attempt to write this kind of book about it. It seems irreverant to me.

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So sad. That's exactly the reason I've given to my friends for disliking this book.


I just think that the subject matter is one that should be so respected that one would not attempt to write this kind of book about it. It seems irreverant to me.


I think it's fine to write about that subject and there are good authors, whether one agrees with them or not, that do a good job with it. John Spong comes to mind. But to reduce it to pop fiction? It's the difference between a full course meal and a pixie stick.

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I don't think you're the first to say that. I've not read it myself, but I remember from a previous thread that she had a strong voice and some didn't like it. But better to have a strong voice that some don't like than none at all, or worse yet, one that's forgettable.

Edited by justamouse
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The verbage on her blog annoys the crap out of me. So I was absolutely not interested in reading her book. I have read a few good posts on her blog but most of the time I'm sitting here yelling at my screen, "Just tell me what you're trying to say already!!!!!"


Never read The Shack either. No desire to do so.


I also don't care for Francis Chan's books.


I don't really fall for the "this book/author is so amazing and popular right now you must read it!!!!!!!" junk.

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I have it in my Kindle, and read one chapter at a time. At least try, lol. Long-winded and convoluted, with a few gems here and there.


That said, I do pick up the Bible once in a while, but it depends what mood I'm in and the interpretation changes. I'm usually left frustrated, bored, outraged or angry, so I go to read snippets of scripture or stories instead. I like Bible storybooks way better. And I'm a Christian who prays and believes in God.

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Can I add that I would really, really like Ann to take a poetry class. I really, really want her to realize that 1 trope a sentence, maybe even 1 trope in a whole paragraph (or, gasp, idea even) is really, really enough?!? (I realize that this might actually be a new style as I've read other books with the same awful problem but can I just submit that as a style, it leaves the reader really hanging out to dry? I read a LOT and I have a hard time figuring out what she is trying to say at times. Where was her editor?????

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The verbage on her blog annoys the crap out of me. So I was absolutely not interested in reading her book. I have read a few good posts on her blog but most of the time I'm sitting here yelling at my screen, "Just tell me what you're trying to say already!!!!!"





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I did not like Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts".


I thought it was self-indulgent, theologically sketchy at times, and reading it was like wading waist-deep through sticky-sweet molasses.




I said it.


I know Christian homeschooler moms are SUPPOSED to love this book but i didn't. I'm sorry. I'll turn my membership card back in.


Let the tomato-throwing begin.... :tongue_smilie:


I didn't realize I'm even supposed to know about this book! I'm so out of the loop. Now I have to google and see what the fuss is about.

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There are quite a few books like the ones that have been mentioned lately that I roll my eyes and consider wordy and far-stretching in their ideas.


I haven't read this particular book, but I know exactly what you mean.


I just wish that people would read their Bible, and not read about what someone else says the Bible says. Gah!


And why, oh why, do they have to take everything to the extreme? And why, oh why, do they get to pick and choose - you have to tithe but we don't stone anyone more - and I can't.


You are a wise lady.

There are lots of books that send me running for my insulin.....GAH!! Is right.


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I'd never heard of Ann Volskamp until this thread, so I went and googled her book and then her blog.


My first impression is that she has some good thoughts buried in the prose [?], but I prefer straightforward, even blunt communication, and I don't find sugarcoating everything to be more Christian than not. (Some people try to strive for slathering every strong thought with a coating of honey, presumably because this is kinder and more godly. While I agree that honey catches more flies than vinegar, it isn't necessary to coat everything with honey. I imagine the occasional spoonful of vinegar is probably good for the body.) I have a friend who does this, and I sometimes want to grab her shoulders and give her a shake and say, "Just say what you mean!" :001_huh:


I doubt I would purchase her book simply because I don't like her style of communicating. That said, a lack of writing skills doesn't reflect badly on one's character; it only reflects badly on their writing ability. ;)

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For those of you who haven't read the book, don't give up just because a few people here don't like it.


It's a beautiful book. Potentially life changing.


Sometimes it's popular to not like popular books. :D


I don't read most of the crap that the christian marketing machine puts out. But I have been really touched by ann's blog (yes, sometimes her writing is hard to get through) and thought I would check out her book. I am really glad I did. Despite a few theological differences in our thinking:D it made me think about some things in new and really positive ways.


And comparing her book to the shack is wrong.



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I didn't care for the book, and I don't identify with (or even understand) every blog post, but I adore Ann Voskamp. I read her blog every day, and am reminded to keep reaching for my own version of spiritual growth, emotional peace, and a determination to raise happy and healthy children without being paralyzed by the scars from my own past.


Blessings on Ann and her family. I know her book is blessing many, whether or not it had anything to say to me. Her blog, on the other hand, blesses me beautifully and often.

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Originally Posted by Heather in NC viewpost.gif

I know Christian homeschooler moms are SUPPOSED to love this book but i didn't. I'm sorry. I'll turn my membership card back in.


Never heard of her, her blog, or her book. Do I have to turn in my Christian homeschool mom card too? :D



:iagree: You are not alone.:001_smile:

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Didn't read it after reading about it. Didn't read The Shack either after reading about it. I figure I can let someone else waste their time on books I wouldn't want to read!:tongue_smilie:


I was subbing to Ann's blog and had to turn it off. Just not my style at all. Is that weirdly disjointed writing supposed to be poetic or something? Strange. I did like her photography though.


:iagree: Yup!

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Guest Laura D.

This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.

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I haven't read either of those books.


I'm guessing it would actually be a pretty popular opinion here, but I hated Love Wins. The catch is that I actually am a universalist. I should have liked it. I agree with Bell theologically. But, the book drove me crazy. I hated how it was written, I thought it was poorly organized if not downright incoherent, and I kind of wanted to punch Rob Bell by the time I got about halfway through. I'm sure he's a really, really nice guy in real life, but everything about that book just bugged me, despite my agreement with the overall premise.

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I did not like Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts".


I have looked at her blog a few times, and I read some pages out of her book, and didn't like either of them. The writing style is too syrupy for me.


"Just tell me what you're trying to say already!!!!!"




And comparing her book to the shack is wrong.


In my mind, I compare the two because of the writing styles. Too flowery, trying too hard to draw intense emotions out of people. Some people like that, some don't.


This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.


Welcome to the WTM boards, Laura! :)


Something to know here is that people post all sorts of opinions, and most of the time they are pretty constructive. Because of the nature of a forum based on the WTM book, you will find positive and negative opinions here about anything and everything. If an author puts a book out there in public, there are going to be positive and negative reviews, with perfectly valid reasons for both sides, out in public.

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I thought it was poorly organized if not downright incoherent


Funny, I just had this out of the library, and didn't get around to reading it before it was due back. I did have a few looks at it, and yeah, I can see what you mean by this!!! I knew it was probably going to be hard for me to read - it seemed to jump all over the place. I don't know, it seems like there are a lot of books like this on the market, esp. the "Christian book" market these days. I'm pretty much "done" with "Christian books" that try so hard to drag emotion out of a person.


Hey, Heather, stop bringing up controversy!! ;) (just kidding)

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If this relatively mild criticism is going to damage an author, perhaps they should reconsider their calling.


I will say this, and I don't think it's "mean": if an author feels the need to utilize several different Bible translations in a single chapter, chances are they're conforming the Bible to their message rather than their message to the Bible.

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I like her blog--I think it's lovely, and some days I just need some beauty in my life.

But it's sort of a "small dose at a time" thing for me.

If I did read her book, I doubt I'd read the whole thing in a couple sittings--more like pick it up, read a few pages, put it down for a while--because it's probably also something to contemplate, small bits at a time.


But y'all are entitled to your opinions, and I doubt Ann would be hurt. She's got big girl panties and it sounds like they fit pretty well. :D

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This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.


For some one who has a best seller on her hands I'd hope she'd know by now that readers will either like, dislike or be ambivalent about her writing. Books and materials are discussed ad nauseam on these boards with likes and dislikes openly discussed.


I could not make it through Ann's book. I read a lot and rarely put down something I've started. She writes like Gina Welch (In the Land of Believers) which is what leads me to believe that it's an actual style, rather than just poor writing. The bottom line is that her ideas are great (as far as I can tell- her writing was so confusing at times I wasn't sure- literally). I would think she would reach more people with it if it was better stylistically. This is constructive criticism, not meaness. She needs to develop her style!

Defending her writing because she's your friend is a sweet sentiment but doesn't really address the point of the OP.

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I expected not to like it as I don't enjoy her writing style very much. But I ended up really really liking it. I can see a lot of the problems with it, but I though there was a lot she had to say that was very true. It may have just been the right book at the right time for me.


I think you can still keep your homeschooler card though. Who says we have to all like the same things? Anyone spending two minutes on this forum will see that's not ture.

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This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.


People give book reviews all the time. It's par for the course if you're an author. I think it's unfair to make personal what is essentially a book review thread. :001_smile:


I haven't read anything on this thread that constitutes "really mean." Some people just don't like Ann's style; some do; some don't care; some like me have never heard of her before today. No biggie.

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Never heard of her, her blog, or her book. Do I have to turn in my Christian homeschool mom card too? :D


Me either, and I'm a big reader of a lot of Christian NF, and I work at a library where patrons check out a lot of Christian fiction.


I didn't read The Shack either. I'm not interested, and I'm realizing that I dislike allegory.

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For those of you who haven't read the book, don't give up just because a few people here don't like it.


It's a beautiful book. Potentially life changing.


Sometimes it's popular to not like popular books. :D


I don't read most of the crap that the christian marketing machine puts out. But I have been really touched by ann's blog (yes, sometimes her writing is hard to get through) and thought I would check out her book. I am really glad I did. Despite a few theological differences in our thinking:D it made me think about some things in new and really positive ways.


And comparing her book to the shack is wrong.




This (in red);) I did not like it at first, but then I slowed down and was really moved by the book. it has given me much to reflect on. i think that I needed it.

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This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.


:confused: Not everyone is going to like her writing and people should be free to talk about why. It's something ALL authors have to deal with. Heck, there have been threads here that are critical of Susan Wise Bauer's style and books and she runs the whole darn board. It's the nature of publicity.


If I were AV I would hope that I'd read this thread, shrug my shoulders and realize I'm not to everyone's taste and then smile a bit because I'd know that despite a lot of the criticism there was traffic being generated to my blog and Amazon listing that would probably result in a few sales. None of us who aren't fans are going to buy but by having this discussing we're very likely drawing in some folks who WILL like her style but might never have heard of her.

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