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Bat exposure while sleeping, rabies series, and breaking the news to DD5--help!!!

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How long does this vaccination last? Just curious.


I'm curious for a selfish reason - if we have another bat in our house and have to get the shots, will they last a few years in case we get more bats????


The protocol is two additional rabies' shots everytime there is an exposure. But you won't need the RIG the second time.

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No one here EVER said they are a medical expert and that the OP should take their advice over medical professionals. I believe most, if not all, indicated what they thought was true of bats and bat bites.

Thank you. I was wondering if someone was going to catch that. :iagree:

The comments have all been out of confusion and SHOCK!

We are all very worried and want to ask questions so we know what to do if this happens to us. There have been a lot of questions and stories, but mostly just confusion!

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. I hope it goes/went ok.




We had a bat in our house a couple years ago but it was right after dinner and I was sure that no one had been bitten. I did a bunch of googling after that and that's when I learned of the protocol to have the shots if you're asleep when the bat is in the house.

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It is the issue that the mom and daughter in the original post were both asleep when the bat was in the house, thus any bite would have been undetected.


If you are awake, and startle the bats, they will fly. If you do not get bit/no bat lands on you, you will be fine and I would not worry. If you get bit, get the shots.


I would not avoid sperlunking because of bats. They will startle, fly away (though if you are between them and the exit, they'll buzz your head) and that's it.


I'm not worried about us getting bitten, but two PP's mentioned that you could get rabies from the bat saliva and fecal matter. Those would most certainly be in a cave.

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Ugh! I'm so sorry! We had a bat in the house recently and I was so worried for the few hours I thought we might all have to go through the rabies protocol! :( Luckily, in our case, no one had been asleep in the time the bat was in the house, so they determined it was unnecessary.


Really, I'm so, so sorry.

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Yeah, she hates hates hates shots. And it seems the immune globulin shot (only administered once, thankfully) hurts like you know what. I feel so horrible! She's been so kind to me about my having to have the shots :crying:



It does! According to my dd at least. She needed an immune globulin shot when she was attacked by a cat in the neighborhood. SHe never needed a rabies series, but as an unimmunized child being attacked she had to have the TIG shot (tetanus immune globulin). This happened over a year ago and she still talks about the shot more than she talks about the cat attack. Everytime we pass the building the shots were done in she comments on it. It was a big needle and freaked her out.


I would tell her you have to go to the hospital to make all the bat germs get out of her. That the dr has to give a needle to make them go away. That is what I told dd when dealing with the cat attack. She needed several shots to deal with it and give enough tetanus immunity. She still cried and such but I just kept telling her the Dr/nurse was making all those nasty cat germs go away. She did very well with it despite still talking about the shots.


She had her final immunizations last week to finally have her up to date in everything, and even that day though she cried she talked about how the shots were making the cat germs go away :001_smile:


:grouphug: to you and dd for having to go through with this.


I also wanted to say you should ask for them to use emla on your dd if there is time before the shot to numb the injection site. We have then use it when the kids need IV's and such at the hospital. The place that does immunizations here doesn't use it so it is not always an option but I would ask if they do.

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I only think people are suggesting otherwise because they don't know the updated protocols and that it's possible to be bitten without even knowing it, not because they think I shouldn't bother. I had no clue until last night. I was the one who told DH to open the door and let d*mn thing out!


And yes, I suspect that's what's going to have to happen. I'm thinking American Girl supplies might do the trick--they're high on her list right now.


Exactly!!! I lived in city with major bat problems. It was a common to wake up with one in the room and I never thought to get the shots.


:grouphug:To you guys again!

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The human immunoglobulin shots hurt (like penicillin), but the rabies shots are really easy shots. they are in the arm, not the stomach. You'll need the immunoglobulin the first time, but only one rabies shot in subsequent visits. It's not as bad as you imagine.

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It's the standard protocol now if anyone was asleep with a bat in the room because bat bites can be small and easily missed:






Once the bite starts to itch and tingle etc., you're too late for prophylaxis.


Additinally, there was a case in which a man removed a bat from his home, using a towel. He reported no bites, no scratches, etc. but contracted rabies and died. There is too much unexplained in terms of bat contact and rabies transmission, so any contact--unless you catch the bat and get it examined and it's clear--will result in the rabies vaccine.

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Wow, this has given me the heebie jeebies. OP, I hope your family is all okay!


Talk up the donuts or ice cream you will be getting afterward...or a new doll/stuffed animal you will go out to buy. Also ask her to help YOU be brave because YOU have to get the shots, too (and you deserved a treat, too!)


Yup. This is one situation, where I would SHAMELESSLY bribe with almost anything the kid wanted (within reason and budget).

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It is the issue that the mom and daughter in the original post were both asleep when the bat was in the house, thus any bite would have been undetected.


If you are awake, and startle the bats, they will fly. If you do not get bit/no bat lands on you, you will be fine and I would not worry. If you get bit, get the shots.


I would not avoid sperlunking because of bats. They will startle, fly away (though if you are between them and the exit, they'll buzz your head) and that's it.


Additinally, there was a case in which a man removed a bat from his home, using a towel. He reported no bites, no scratches, etc. but contracted rabies and died. There is too much unexplained in terms of bat contact and rabies transmission, so any contact--unless you catch the bat and get it examined and it's clear--will result in the rabies vaccine.


Yep. Cancelling the family spelunking trip this fall, FOR SURE! I've grown up going through caves my whole life and never had an issue. Now I'm freaking out!!! :willy_nilly:

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Yep. Cancelling the family spelunking trip this fall, FOR SURE! I've grown up going through caves my whole life and never had an issue. Now I'm freaking out!!! :willy_nilly:



I don't blame you. Bats creep me out.

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We went through this 2 years ago!


We had a bat in our house while we were sleeping and the CDC told us the same thing.


We ALL got the shots, all 5 of us. Our insurance covered all but $700 total for all of us, but it was a pain in the rear!




PS: Dh didn't want to do it, but once I had been completely freaked out by talking to the CDC in Atlanta and reading more I told him that $700 was worth my peace of mind!

Edited by DawnM
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We had a cat who would catch bats and bring them through the doggy door and let them go. Alive. One bat was in my boys' room and we found it in the morning. I decided not to get the shots for them, but it was a torturous 2 weeks until the bat autopsy came in. I was so relieved when I got the call (negative) that I started crying in the check out line of Office Depot. It's a hard decision to make whether or not to get the shots. I'll be praying for your family!


After the second bat (in the living room), we took the cat to the pound. No cat is worth that much stress!

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Sending hugs and prayers for calmness and easy shots. I'd bribe with presents or treats.


Last night we had a bat in the house. I had fallen asleep in the living room for a little while, and we have no idea whether it was in the room with me while I was asleep, so I have to go to the ER to start the rabies series tonight (possibly tomorrow AM). However, I know the bat wasn't hanging around before I fell asleep, and then suddenly it was there AFTER DD5 woke up and came out of her room to get some water--like, I spotted it immediately after I tucked her back in bed and sat back down on the couch. So I'm very concerned that it may have been hanging around in her room and flew out when she opened the door.


So the health department, ped, CDC, my doctor all agree that we need to head over the to ER to start the series ASAP. But DD5 doesn't know yet that she'll need the shots too. She is going to FLIP OUT. What do I do here? How do I get her into the ER with me without her being a hot, screaming, kicking mess the entire time? Has anyone BTDT with something huge like this?


I'm terrified and heartbroken. Oh, and I'll soon be $1,200 broker, just when we can least afford it :crying::crying::crying:

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Last night we had a bat in the house. I had fallen asleep in the living room for a little while, and we have no idea whether it was in the room with me while I was asleep, so I have to go to the ER to start the rabies series tonight (possibly tomorrow AM). However, I know the bat wasn't hanging around before I fell asleep, and then suddenly it was there AFTER DD5 woke up and came out of her room to get some water--like, I spotted it immediately after I tucked her back in bed and sat back down on the couch. So I'm very concerned that it may have been hanging around in her room and flew out when she opened the door.


So the health department, ped, CDC, my doctor all agree that we need to head over the to ER to start the series ASAP. But DD5 doesn't know yet that she'll need the shots too. She is going to FLIP OUT. What do I do here? How do I get her into the ER with me without her being a hot, screaming, kicking mess the entire time? Has anyone BTDT with something huge like this?


I'm terrified and heartbroken. Oh, and I'll soon be $1,200 broker, just when we can least afford it :crying::crying::crying:


. We lived in a home for 6 years and had bats almost every night in the house. Our neighbor would come and get them out for us in the morning if they were still there. We consulted our pediatrician on this and she said that there was nothing to worry about at all. I had 6 kids at the time and we never had a problem.


I have never heard this before. And it's illegal to kill bats in Iowa so we always had to have our neighbor or us put on a glove and take them off the wall and outside.

Edited by Mosaicmind
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Thanks everyone. She actually overheard me on the phone with the pediatrician (doh!) last night, so she sort of knew what was happening. She wasn't happy, but she definitely understood why we were doing it. It was helpful that I was having it done too!


She did pretty well in the hospital until they came in to give her the shots (3, like a PP said, all done at once). She started freaking out, and I had her sit backwards on my lap while I held her wrists. She didn't squirm though, she held still, and it was all done in seconds. With everything that was going on, I forgot to ask about sedation/EMLA cream etc., but I actually think it was better this way. She was just watching a movie and everyone was calm until the very second they all came in, and then it was over very quickly. I think my DD8 cried longer than DD5 did because she was so upset about her sister being hurt :crying:


Then we had to go over to the adult non-urgent care area and waaaaaaaaiiiiiittttt for my shots. It took hours, and DD5, who originally didn't want to see me get shots (when she didn't know about hers!) insisted on coming back into the room with me. She waited the entire time, snuggling and watching Ice Age with me until 11:59, when they swooped in to get the shot done so we could stay on the same follow-up schedule. Everyone except one nurse agreed that it was necessary. However, they didn't give me the immune globulin shot, saying that it wasn't necessary unless I had a visible bite. That's not at all what I've read online, so I called the health dept. this morning and confirmed. Now I have to get that too when we all go back on Saturday. Gah!!!


Anyway, the worst is indeed over. The bat has not reappeared, and DH has to go digging around in the attic to see if he can spot how it got in. I hope he doesn't find something scary up there! How weird is it that this all happened about 40 minutes after we finished watching The Lost Boys on Netflix? :confused::lol:


Oh, and ETA that she chose Build-A-Bear as her reward!

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I am so sorry you guys are going through this! :grouphug: I hope it went better than expected.


This totally freaks me out, I just never knew this was the protocol if found in your house.


I don't think it's protocol if found in your house. If so....people would have to be getting the rabies shots all.the.time. I think it is if you are sleeping in a room with a bat.


I understand the precaution...but it still does seem a little unnecessary. You sure would think you'd know if you were bit by a bat or not. And...yes, I know they have tiny teeth and all that. The likelyhood that the bat had rabies is very, very small. But...again, I understand about better safe than sorry. Even though bats are protected and you aren't supposed to kill them....in a situation like this, you need to if at all possible. I really hope your dh can find out if you have more in your attic or if it just flew in by the door. If you have more, you may need your home bat-proofed by someone like my dh. I am married to Bat Man. He removes bats from homes. Bats are great for the environment, but your home is not the place for them, that's for sure.


To the person who was thinking of exploring the caves....imagine all the bat guano that would be in there. Ew....and you definitely do not want to be breathing that. I don't know how much exposure you need, but you can get histoplasmosis from breathing bat guano.

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I am glad it went okay! Sorry, it has to happen at all but I am glad that we have the vaccine and protocols to treat you both! There are so many accidents in the world that aren't treatable with a few shots and a hospital bill. I am glad that at the end of it all, you both will be happy and healthy.......and well, alive!

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I'd tell her once you are there. Be matter of fact, honest, but don't act too emotional.


It's going to be OK. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


This is what I'd do. I never announced shots ahead of time to my kids and so far none of them has needed therapy for it. ;)

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I understand the precaution...but it still does seem a little unnecessary.


It feels totally unnecessary! I feel like a hysterical first-world helicopter mom! But...if, heaven forbid, I guessed wrong and either of us HAD been bitten, I could never, ever forgive myself. In the long run, it's a small price to pay to be sure we're safe (even though it doesn't feel so small when I look at the % of our savings account it will involve :().


I am glad it went okay! Sorry, it has to happen at all but I am glad that we have the vaccine and protocols to treat you both! There are so many accidents in the world that aren't treatable with a few shots and a hospital bill. I am glad that at the end of it all, you both will be happy and healthy.......and well, alive!


Thank you. That was the bottom line for me.

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