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Marlboro Man sandwiches, or five things I love about these boards...

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With the sadness about the Chapman's dd last night, and the conversation today about satisfaction being a state of mind, and the discussion about what sort of community this is, I thought I'd take a few minutes to reflect on the positive impact this place has made on me. I decided it could take all night so in the interest of time, I'm going to list my top five all time favorite reasons why I love everyone here so much.


If it wasn't for TWTM and these boards, I wouldn't...


have found several perfect programs for my dd

be homeschooling anymore (seriously... I think I would have quit by now)

have a miele vacuum cleaner

have eaten Marlboro Man sandwiches for dinner

have discovered that a toothpaste ingredient caused the ulcers in my dh's mouth

have met and/or gotten to know many beautiful, intelligent women who I now consider friends



Okay, so that's six. I'm having a hard time cutting this off and sticking with five. But there's my start.


Do you have a top five?

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My five:


1. Wouldn't have had a clue that I needed to take dd10 to a Developmental Optometrist;

2. Wouldn't have known that a milk allergy caused my rash in an unmentionable place; :D

3. Wouldn't have known about many different items of curricula that we've used through the years, stuck with Latin, or be thinking about tackling Greek;

4. Wouldn't be spending this coming summer learning all there is to know about literary analysis; ;) and

5. Wouldn't have had exposure to so many different viewpoints that have caused me to really think about why I believe the things I do.


ETA: And how could I have forgotten my Miele??


E(again!)TA: And I wouldn't have started a blog. Not that I've kept it updated. ;)

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That was so nice, Robin! A great idea for a thread.


1. How much I learn every time I visit.

2. Being able to have access to folks who have walked this walk before me.

3. Knowing that three children really isn't that many!

4. Finding so many people who are voting for Ron Paul in one place!

5. Saltine toffee. 'Nuff said.


Thank you, SWB, for all of this!

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1. Curriculum advice!

2. Recipes!

3. The friends I made and would find a way to keep even if these boards were gone.

4. Social Issues, I never thought deep and hard about social issues before I started coming here

5. Environmentalism, I never thought about that either.

6. Diversity, my real world is no diverse and I learn so much about other POVs from the folks here.

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If I have stuck around this long (probably over 6 years).....it must be good for me :)


I never could understand people claiming they spend too much time on this board....geeze....is that possible? :tongue_smilie: I have learned so much....I don't think it would benefit me to leave!


I've met some wonderful friends too...and if I ever move from Florida...I bet I could run in to one of you no matter where I ended up....and that is nice to know!



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1. Ree's mashed potatoes. Mine were good but she showed me what I was missing.


2. I would never have thought about making my own laundry detergent if I hadn't read it here first!


3. Progesterone cream....I won't share the details but I learned about it here and it has dramatically enhanced my life.


4. Curriculum - I have learned a lot from this board and made several choices based on recommendations here.


5. Last but not least, I have to very good IRL friends that I met on this board. I am so thankful for them!

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You had to mention saltine toffee! Which reminds me of Jill and her Christmas bra post which is THE most hilarious thing I've ever read... And then I saw Amy in Orlando's name elsewhere and thought about her fantastic soaps (it's time to reorder - I can't believe how LONG a couple of bars can last!)...


Why didn't I saw top ten, instead of top five? Can I post multiple times and list five each time? LOL

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I have only been posting here for a month or so....but, here's what I love about these boards:


1. I now have an excuse to continue shopping for more curriculum :001_smile:


2. I have met some very wise people on these boards and am thankful for their wisdom.


3. That we can disagree, but we still love each other anyway:grouphug:


4. At least one person knows what you are talking about even when you aren't for sure.


5. All of you. :)

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If I have stuck around this long (probably over 6 years).....it must be good for me :)


I never could understand people claiming they spend too much time on this board....geeze....is that possible? :tongue_smilie: I have learned so much....I don't think it would benefit me to leave!


I've met some wonderful friends too...and if I ever move from Florida...I bet I could run in to one of you no matter where I ended up....and that is nice to know!





You know, Tammy, I almost didn't post the thread because I could go on and on all night... I can't even begin to list what sort of things I've learned or enjoyed becuase of this place! But I sure did enjoy those sandwiches tonight, and I did vacuum with the meile today... so I figured those were good places to begin! LOL


I mean... evidence of being a WTMer is everywhere in my house! The playmobile, the books, everything! It's gotten to where my husband asks whether or not I've gotten reviews from everyone here before making a purchase!! LOL


It's fun hearing what sort of things people consider the best tip or advice they've gotten here. The only advice I've tried that didn't work out was the duct tape on warts -- just didn't work for us! LOL

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1. Just knowing there are so many homeschoolers out there and I am not alone!

2. The collective wisdom on this board is really incredible.

3. The opportunity for interaction with other adults on a regular basis.

4. I love animal questions, keep them coming.

5. Mrs. Mungo's sense of humor...priceless :smilielol5:!

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The only advice I've tried that didn't work out was the duct tape on warts -- just didn't work for us! LOL


Oh, I've got a cure for ya! My grandfather was a medical doctor and had me convinced this would work:


Chew on a piece of string (yes, a piece of string) for- oh 5-10 minutes every day- and visualize the wart shrinking and going away.


Seriously! I did it, and the BIG wart I had went away. No other treatment.


Of course now I think he was testing the placebo effect on his own grandchildren. Astonishing what the power of belief can do, though, eh?


This same man spiced up our chili dinner one night with a sprinkling of automatic dishwashing detergent. Thinking back on it, I think he must have asked me for salt, and I thought he said soap. I remember handing him the box of detergent with disbelief (it was lemon scented Cascade, and totally burned into my memory) and asked him, "Soap? You mean, like this?"


He looked at the box, looked at me, and said, "Sure- that'll do." And sprinkled a handful in! LOL. We all ate the chili and it was actually really good.


(I swear, he was an awesome doctor, and pretty much legendary as far as grandfathers go.)

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My grandmother's wart remedy was to STEAL a dish towel from a neighbor and bury it. The wart was supposed to disappear after that.


Duct tape works here, so I'll stay out of my neighbor's houses when they aren't home!

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My grandmother's wart remedy was to STEAL a dish towel from a neighbor and bury it. The wart was supposed to disappear after that.


Duct tape works here, so I'll stay out of my neighbor's houses when they aren't home!


LOL!!! Dang, where did my dishtowel go?


The duct tape seems to really have some good success beyond what you'd expect from the placebo effect- neat! (And way less troublesome than starting a life of crime or a string chewing habit!)

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1. curriculum advice

2. help (and encouragement) in identifying developmental disorders in my dc

3. savings tips!

4. learning about Sparkpeople and changing my health

5. finding people to "talk" to at any hour


Remember that "Cheers" theme song? It's a community when you have a question or want to unload something or have a joke to share . . . or a prayer request . . .


It's been a blessing having these boards.

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I haven't been around all that long either, but it's funny I thought about posting a "how much I love being here" type thread this morning, but then I found this one!


1. learning about all the curriculum!

2. being able to share this journey with people I don't know IRL

3. the wealth of wisdom that can be found here

4. the fact that you guys get me to think about all sorts of things

5. now I don't have to watch the news, I just come here and you all keep me up to date!


Thanks guys and thanks to SWB for providing this for us!

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1. homemade vanilla (haven't bought vanilla in four years--lots of vodka at 10am with my boys but no vanilla!)


2. saltine toffee


3. curriculum gems that I wouldn't have pursued without hearing about them here first like Singapore Math--have we really been using this for five years?


4. Making IRL friends. :)


5. Having my mind sharpened by reading thoughtful arguments.


Now that you've mentioned Miele, I guess I need a new vacuum. Great idea for a thread!

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What a great thread!


I often reflect on the positives of coming here:


I homeschool seriously because of these boards

I feel comfortable writing, planning, and developing my dc's curricula because of these boards

I know way more than I ever wanted to about so many topics :) (My life has been enriched)

When I don't think I can go on, I come to you guys and you never fail to disappoint

You guys and SWB have helped me to not be satisfied with mediocrity


Blessings and thank you to SWB,



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My grandmother's wart remedy was to STEAL a dish towel from a neighbor and bury it. The wart was supposed to disappear after that.


Duct tape works here, so I'll stay out of my neighbor's houses when they aren't home!



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Robin - What a great thread!


Here's are my five reason why I love this board.


1. getting excellent algebra word problem help!

2. I wouldn't have found Pioneer Woman's website

3. be able to openly talk about things that worry me ( for example - college entrance, writing woes, etc)

4. I never would have found Cambridge Latin or Foerster's Algebra

5. feeling like the women on this board are friends - even though we've never met!



I could go on and on!



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Just 5....????


1. Support and daily knowing we aren't the only family at home homeschooling.


2. Better eating and living ideas & gentle pushes. Avoiding preservatives, pesticides, hormones, no more margarine, the delightful butter bell, tossing my non-stick pans, and this year joining an organic CSA Community Sponsored Agriculture group.


3. Curriculum ideas and encouragement.


4. Medical advice, assistance and good old fashioned remedies.


5. Hearing other opinions, ideas and ways of thinking.

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For me, it all comes down to the fact that this is a HUGE resource for homeschooling. And, in comparison to some boards, most people play nice.


Over the last four years or so, I have come and gone on these boards. I've left for various reasons, lurked, come back, lurked again, posted, left...


I can find ANYTHING by googling. But often the collective wisdom of this many homeschoolers in one place is more gratifying, more personal, more understanding....more on the same wavelength...which I appreciate.


In particular I:


1) Would've never thought I could homeschool if it hadn't been for WTM and these boards. While I consider myself eclectic/unschooling now, this is still the foundation, which is, often, why I return.


2) learned SO much, very quickly in terms of various curriculum's. Some I had never heard of and SO glad I did (RightStart Math)


3) was triggered by a delightful person on another board to look into my daughters reading issues by getting her tested with a Dev.Opt., the wisdom here kept leading me down the path. I am very very thankful for that.


4) Sale/Swap boards. Saved.Me.Money. And for the curriculum-always-searching-addict that I am, that is a big deal.


5)Found some pretty cool blogs, that in turn have taught me a lot. (Ree/Doc to name a few old timers who are not even here any more...)


So, even if I have a hiatus, it is here that I come to search for answers or post questions.

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Though I had already been homeschooling for years when The Well-Trained Mind was first published and these boards began, combined they lifted me to a higher level.


In no particular order,


1. I was exposed to curriculum about which I would have otherwise not known.


2. I was challenged to a higher intellectual level.


3. I was encouraged to continue my own self-education and not feel that it was nerdy.


4. I have met (virtual and otherwise) some wonderful women who have walked alongside me in elation and grief and drudgery and worry. I would like to meet every one of you one day! :grouphug:


5. I am in the place I am today because of the direction, support and encouragement from many here, and some who no longer visit, to find a way to continue what I love to do--teach!


I could go on and on with particulars, but right now, I need to get back to writing my next-to-last exam. After a year of hard and challenging work for sixth graders, on this last day of school before exam week, I have indulged them in a breakfast smorgasbord while we finished reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry followed by The Jungle Book movie. The movie is a huge leap from someone who only uses historical films and documentaries! I printed the words to "The Bare Necessities" and passed them out when the song came on. They were beaming as they sang. A nice relaxing end to a demanding year!


Now, it's back to work for me. Thank you ladies!

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Robin (Oak Knoll) - hey I like your name! - I can't remember exactly what the ingredient's name is but it's something like sodium laurel sulfate and it's in every regular toothpaste on the market. It's even in some natural toothpastes. The one my husband uses is SeaBreeze by Jason. He started using that toothpaste and his mouth ulcers completely went away. No more mouthwash, either.


Good luck!



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First, the curriculum help is the best.


Secondly, I don't have many friends so it's nice to know others have the same trials and blessings going on in life.


Third, I only make Tuna Noodle casserole because of Colleen's recipe (http://wtmboards.com/K8genJul282006/messages/1388.html)


Fourth, I only have my very own copy of WTM because I won it here. I kept getting it from the library beforehand.


Lastly, I usually don't watch the news or pay a whole lot of attention to world happenings. This board gives me the desire to read, to analyze, and to form educated opinions about the world around me.

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4. At least one person knows what you are talking about even when you aren't for sure.


5. All of you. :)


#4--YES!!! I find that simply amazing. And often I will ask a question *here* before going to Dogpile (I use that instead of google).


#5--YES!!! All of you are wonderful!:grouphug:

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But first of all, what's a Marlboro Man sandwich??? (It's not a cigarette sandwich, is it? :tongue_smilie:)


What I have gained from these boards:


1. Continued encouragement in the area of math, one of my weakest areas: thanks to Jane in NC, Jann in TX, LoriM, Charon, Myrtle, and others!


2. Encouragement in reading the Great Books and discovering other lovers of Shakespeare!


3. I've been introduced to some of the most wonderful people on these boards. Even though we all have different points-of-view, I've loved the intelligent (and sometimes spirited) discussions we've all had!


4. If it wasn't for SWB, we wouldn't have these boards, I wouldn't have read TWTM and completely changed the way I homeschooled (although I was still a newbie---I had only homeschooled 1 year before I switched over).


5. If it wasn't for SWB, I wouldn't have heard about "The Office"; now my middle daughter loves the program. I've also read so many good recipes, read good recommendations for books, movies, plays, etc.


Thanks, everyone!


(Is a Marlboro Man sandwich any good?) :)

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1. This board helps me be more culturally aware without having to saturate myself in the culture. I appreciate others' thoughts on internet issues, books, movies, and more. This has been very helpful in "keeping up" with the world my teen is in, so I can stay abreast of things. (And send her little messages and fun things on her Facebook. :))


2. This board, in addition to Susan's books, has encouraged me to take responsibility for my own continued intellectual development.


3. Also, I am encouraged in my wife & motherhood vocation~ I have such esteemed company!


4. Resources, resources, resources. Health advice, teaching advice, websites, even prayer.


5. A good laugh now and then.


Thanks everyone!

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