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Poll: Do you like SPICY food?

Do you like SPICY food?  

  1. 1. Do you like SPICY food?

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Love it! I put cuisine-appropriate hots on everything!


My kids, on the other hand... Well, the 6yos are asking for red pepper flakes and hot sauce now. The 10yo is suspicious of black pepper. Interesting that genetics and culture don't seem to play a part in that. I've known people raised in cultures where spicy was the norm who just can't handle their mothers' cooking as adults.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I love, love, want to marry, spicy food.


Unfortunately, in my house I am alone in this. Therefore I always keep sriracha, jalapenos, wasabi, etc etc, on hand so I can augment dishes as required. Heck, a lot of the time I just cook separate meals anyway, which works out well because that means the curries are ALL MINE. :D

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I didn't vote. I LOVE spicy food. But, it makes me sick. As does non-spicy pico, ( I think it's the acidity of the tomatoes) and garlic, which I also love.


The garlic, I have read, you can build up a tolerance to. Maybe the spice and the tomatoes would be the same? Otherwise, I would be doing my own cooking.

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I love it! We always have to remember to turn down the heat when we have company over for dinner because it seems we've deadened our taste buds. :lol:


YES! This has happened to us many times. I'll make what our family considers a bland dish and company will be waving their napkins and asking for water. Oops!

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Unless you cook your own food, it is pretty hard to find food cooked locally that is NOT spicy here. We LOVE spicy food... the hotter the better. :D But many of our new staff members do not like spicy food at all so I guess they will be cooking a lot.


How about you? Do you like spicy food?


I am a malaysian....I guess that says it all....lol.



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I LOVE spicy food. No one else at my house does, so I don't get as much as I'd like.


DH keeps trying to come up with a pepper sauce that's too hot for me. He bought some... I think it was Peruvian peppers at a whole food store we stopped at once and made a sauce from them. I thought it was very warm. His brother (who claims to like hot stuff, IMO he's a wimp LOL) choked to death on it.

He took some to work, where they make bbq. A couple men were complaining the sauce wasn't hot enough so he brought them some of this. They poured it on their sandwiches, no believing it was as hot as he said. One about killed himself, the other persevered but sweated buckets the whole time.

I met dh's cousin's wife from Indonesia at a funeral a while back. She says the food she cooks is so hot her people can't always stand to be in the house while it's cooking. Just the smell is too hot for them. Dh brought her some of those peppers and asked her if they were hot enough. She said sorry, no they're not hot.

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YES! This has happened to us many times. I'll make what our family considers a bland dish and company will be waving their napkins and asking for water. Oops!


I have this problem with my own family. My dh can't eat spicy food at all. My kids may or maynot depending on if they want to be like me or be like daddy at that moment in time... :tongue_smilie:

I make things that I don't think are the list bit spicy, barely just flavorful enough to be palatable and they all complain about the heat.

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The only exception to spicy food that I just don't like is that bitter-hot flavor that I believe comes from some types of peppers. I've experienced it with Thai and some Indian dishes in restaurants, and it's horrible. Other than that, I LOVE spicy food! I just wish I knew what type of spice/pepper/seasoning that bitter hot flavor is so I can more easily avoid it.




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Guest momk2000

I voted yes. I love, love, love spicy food. Unfortunately, I can no longer indulge in my favorite spicy foods like I used to, they just don't love me. :glare:

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I love spicy, and I *thought* I would say the spicier the better, but when I was in Indonesia for several months I realized my spice was rather mild in comparison!


My family teases me because they joke that I put hot sauce on EVERYTHING, and I do, but I don't even begin to rival the Indonesians.



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We LOVE spicy food. I like it pretty spicy. Ds likes it a little less spicy, but still spicier than what most of his friends will eat. Dh actually orders food "Thai hot" or "Indian hot" at the appropriate restaurants - so they know to make it the way they would eat it, not watered down for American tastes.

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Most of our family of 9 loves spicy food. Except for the pickiest eater, who would make the biggest fuss. So I either make a small, milder batch for her, or we just use an assortment of spicy condiments/ingredients to add at the table. (In the same way that I'd make concessions for certain people on other ingredients -- no olives for certain uncles, no cheese for my oldest, etc.)

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I do like spicy food, but not outrageously spicy food. My favorite dish at Chinese restaurants is kung pao chicken. I like spicy Mexican dishes. But I DON'T like horseradish at all. Haven't actually tried wasabi yet.


Dh doesn't like spicy food (beyond just tacos or chili), but ds also likes some heat. But I definitely like more heat than either of them; when I added some chili paste to our favorite orange chicken, they didn't like it. But I did! Good thing I can add it to just my portion.



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We love spicy food. I think a large part of it is learned. My husband didn't like spicy food when we first married but I've won him over. 16yrs later and he'll eat food spicer than I do.


However, some people just cannot handle it no matter how much they try. I think my mom has a reaction to spicy foods. She says she cannot taste the food and it just feels like her mouth is burning. I've looked at her mouth and it literally turns red and almost rashy, like it really burns her mouth.


So while I encourage people to try spicy foods if they've never really given it a shot, I don't push it all that much.

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I've known people raised in cultures where spicy was the norm who just can't handle their mothers' cooking as adults.


Our exchange student said she has a hard time sometimes in Korea because Korean food can be very spicy. She made us a Korean dish that was a little too spicy for her. She and ds10 were downing milk and bread to help with the spiciness. Dh and I thought it was fabulous.


A related story: My friend served her tomatillo salsa to her Korean exchange student and warned her it might be too spicy because her family likes hot and spicy salsa. Her student tasted it and started giggling because to her it wasn't hot at all! :lol:



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I love, love, want to marry, spicy food.


Unfortunately, in my house I am alone in this. Therefore I always keep sriracha, jalapenos, wasabi, etc etc, on hand so I can augment dishes as required. Heck, a lot of the time I just cook separate meals anyway, which works out well because that means the curries are ALL MINE. :D


yumm, I use eat both sriracha and wasabi all the time, yummmm

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My favorite is Thai food, the hotter the better. When I order it out, I always ask for 5 stars and they give me an apprehensive look, bring it on!


Asian spicy food is my favorite.


Thai food is my favorite also!

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I had some friends who thought they were ... spicy food eaters extraordinaire. They went to Thai restaurant A (there were two), ordered five stars, then said 'The folks at restaurant B said your food wasn't very hot.'


Not one of them was able to finish his meal :P

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Unless you cook your own food, it is pretty hard to find food cooked locally that is NOT spicy here. We LOVE spicy food... the hotter the better. :D But many of our new staff members do not like spicy food at all so I guess they will be cooking a lot.


How about you? Do you like spicy food?



Very much so! I do turn it down quite a bit for the rest of my family and for company, though.

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Yes. I married a Sri Lankan man, and I am happy to say I can partake in extended family dinners without accomodations of any kind. The first time we went to Sri Lanka as a couple there would be some white curry dishes prepared for me just in case. When they realized I could eat like the locals they stopped that quickly! Our kids, however, don't seem to have inherited our taste... When I cook hot curries it's just dh and I who eat them.

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