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Do you wear gloves when you clean?

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Guest jab300

I go through so many gloves it's not even funny! I can't stand dry hands so yes, I always wear gloves when cleaning.

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If I am using a heavier chemical like bleach or Comet, I do wear gloves. If my hands are going to be in water for a long time, like washing base boards, I do wear gloves.


For a 5 minute dish washing session, using chemicals like vinegar/baking soda...I do not.

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I almost always wear rubber gloves when doing any cleaning with water. I use Palmolive dish washing liquid, so no, not natural. My skin suffers greatly if I wash even one sinkful of dishes without gloves.:tongue_smilie:

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We don't have a dishwasher so I spend a lot of time doing dishes. My SO does all of the cooking so I try to do the majority of the dishes.


I got in the habit of wearing gloves and now I can't do them without it. I am able to be more aggressive with cleaning and it's nice to not worry about nails or hands. My nails are pretty weak to begin with and I usually have nail polish on them. I also REALLY hate dry hands. I put lotion on my hands all day!


I've started wearing gloves to clean the bathroom. Now I get squicked out not wearing them. I kinda wish I hadn't gotten in the habit! lol

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I don't clean nearly enough to have anything happen to my hands. :lol:


Ha ha! :lol:


I only wear gloves if I'm using something particularly harsh -- say, submerging my hands in bleach water. For washing dishes and scrubbing toilets I do not wear gloves. I don't like the way they feel.


I manicure my nails 2x per week usually and moisturize my hands daily. They look pretty good.

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I don't clean nearly enough to have anything happen to my hands. :lol:



:iagree: This is me! :D


I don't wear gloves when I do clean. If my hands are feeling dry I just use some lotion. Although while I don't specifically use it on my hands, I also apply body lotion after a shower, or apply foot cream with shea butter, so I guess doing these things may help moisturize my hands too.

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No. I can't stand those rubber gloves.


And I don't really care what my hands look like. I'm kind crazy I guess in that I just see them as tools for getting a job done. Lotion maybe if they get too dry, but that's about it.

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No, I don't wear gloves when I clean or when I do dishes (twice a day). I think my hands look great, and my husband always says they are the softest hands he's ever felt. I don't use harsh chemicals a lot, though. When I do use bleach cleaner, I put it in a spray bottle and dilute it with water, spray it on, and wipe it off. After cleaning, I immediately wash my hands and put on lotion. I use Avon Moisture Therapy Intensive hand cream. It's the best lotion I've found!

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I rarely wear gloves, but I don't use harsh cleaners either. I wear gloves when I use oven cleaner- that's about it.


I use moisturiser on my hands, but my hands really don't get so much rough treatment anyway. Maybe I have princess hands because I don't do enough cleaning :)

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