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Spin-off of a spin off: A Google search experiment

Do You Get The Wikipedia Entry on Moby Dick As A Result  

  1. 1. Do You Get The Wikipedia Entry on Moby Dick As A Result

    • Yes, it is the ninth listing
    • Yes, it is not 9th but on the first page
    • Yes, it is on the second or third page
    • I don't see it and I don't want to go rooting back to find it and/or no.

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Okay, please riddle me this: In my gmail, I mentioned to a friend a sculptor named Cargill. I later went to a site that had an advertisement for a company called Cargill. I'm know it wasn't a coincidence, but I really, really want someone to tell me that it was.


My husband wants to stop using email. We know that it isn't actually someone sitting in a little room reading our emails, but it is still creepy to see ads pop up about things we are discussing.




He wants to stop using Gmail, not email.

Edited by suzybluecheese
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8th on google search, 18th swagbucks, and I had dh search it on his nook (which has never been used to view the boards but is on the same wireless network as my laptop, so should have the same IP address I think) and it was 8th for him on google.


Bill's thread is first for all of the above.

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Moby Dick was #10, but I thought it was funny that this thread made #1!



s/o Have You Noticed Your Goggle Seaches Being "Personalized ...


http://www.welltrainedmind.com › ... › Parents' Forum General Board

6 posts - 5 authors

Just now (as I mentioned in another thread) I did a search for the phone ... with the following parameters: perpendicular press phone number Iowa city. ...


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Exactly what I was thinking. Can you all arrange that?




I e-mailed my sister and a friend, both of which do not use WTM or even homeschool. Sister hasn't responded yet, but friend did the search and called me with results. Your thread was #1 and Moby Dick was on the first page.


So I guess it's just an eerie coincidence? :confused:


I'll report back when my sister checks in.

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I e-mailed my sister and a friend, both of which do not use WTM or even homeschool. Sister hasn't responded yet, but friend did the search and called me with results. Your thread was #1 and Moby Dick was on the first page.


So I guess it's just an eerie coincidence? :confused:


I'll report back when my sister checks in.


Thank you for your efforts :001_smile:



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but I want to know why you're calling the Russian Math guy when he will personally answer email. hmmmm? care to share? collaborating on a math book, perhaps? :bigear:


ETA: nevermind, I hunted it down. I'll post over there.

Edited by wapiti
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Interesting.... I just tried it using GoodSearch and can't find any mention of Moby. I even looked past page 8 and the Wiki article wasn't there and neither were these board listings!


ETA: Of course, GoodSearch uses Yahoo! so it's probably a moot point.

Edited by bairnmama
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