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it is a fold up camper...I don't know if you can see the taillights of the van...maybe if you are a big truck or a taller vehicle...


my husband and I just had a huge blow up over it becasue I feel unsafe...and he feels like I am not trusting him. It's not him so much I don't trust...it is all of the other drivers on the road...and not only am I concerned about the safety...but where the money will come from if we get pulled over...we will be on the road for hours...over the course of 3 days. Maybe I am over reacting...I don't know.

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Definitely come at it from the "We can't afford the tickets" argument, not the "unsafe" argument. The men in my life are very proud of their wonderful driving abilities, and any mention of something being unsafe puts them on the defensive. They're SUCH good drivers it doesn't matter if everyone else on the road is an idiot. They could easily avoid them, of course. So just don't make safety the issue.


I'm pretty sure most if not all states require working tail lights. Appeal to his logical provider mind. "I know you can fix this, and wow, it would be so much cheaper than possibly getting multiple tickets on this trip. I would really appreciate not having to worry about getting pulled over. You know how anxious that makes me."

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It may be fairly easy to sus out the problem if you have access to a multi-meter.

Is it just a bulb issue (in which case a trip to Pep Boys will do the trick), or is it more complex than that?

Can you trace the wiring to see if there is a break somewhere? If it's a pop-up, you may be able to access enough of it to figure it out.

If fixing it is too hard, can you rig up temporary brake lights? Or buy a temporary, magnetic, kit?

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He probably feels bad about it now but maybe cant admit it. Maybe gently ask him if its possible to get them fixed first, just to make you feel better? It really shouldn't be a big job to get them fixed.

I would not feel comfortable going that far with no brake lights.

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He probably feels bad about it now but maybe cant admit it. Maybe gently ask him if its possible to get them fixed first, just to make you feel better? It really shouldn't be a big job to get them fixed.

I would not feel comfortable going that far with no brake lights.


your advice comes to late...we already had a big fight...and his ego is totally bruised...please read my other thread...maybe you can help me with this whole thing. UGH!!

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ride in a van that is towing a camper that the break lights don't work? We are driving this thing from Nebraska to Michigan...going through several large cities (including Chicago). Would you do it??



NO. And I for sure would not allow my kids in that vehicle.


Also, I know in Michigan it's a pretty hefty fine for no working brake lights. If you cannot afford to get the brake lights fixed professionally, you cannot afford that ticket.

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No way.

Dh is a risk taker but this is something even he would not do.


My thoughts exactly. My dh scares me often, he is a crazy driver and he will not drive without tail lights. It actually has happened a couple of times that our tail lights were lost for one reason or another but he would have me drive another vehicle behind him to get the other home.

I read your other thread. :grouphug:

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ride in a van that is towing a camper that the break lights don't work? We are driving this thing from Nebraska to Michigan...going through several large cities (including Chicago). Would you do it??



No way!!!!


For starters it is illegal. The ticket is hefty price. A friend of mine didn't even realize his taillight was out and he got pulled over. The police refused to allow the car to be driven any further... a tow truck was called in and take the car off the interstate.


It is unsafe!!!!! Especially driving through Chicago!!!!!! I live in Chicago area and driving around here is nasty. People tailgate and traffic stops suddenly repeatedly especially no with all the construction. Semis are horrible about tailgating around here. I have driven in many cities and states... Chicago is horrid!!!!!!!!


I just won't allow me or my children to be deliberately put in such a dangerous position... and I don't care if it would hurt my Dh's feelings, etc. IMO, if he wants to put me/kids in such a situation knowing it scares me, then he has a problem about showing respect and love for me.

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No way. Dh just got a ticket for towing a trailer with no lights last year. It is a long story but he was doing a df (friend) a favor who was stuck on the side of the freeway in a collectors car at night. Dh went to pick up same friends truck and trailer from a nearby city, and then drive to rescue him about 1 hour away. He didn't realize until too late that the lights weren't working.


He got pulled over 1/2 mile down the road.


Dh got a ticket for no lights.

Dh got a ticket for the truck not having proof of insurance in it (even though dh has it on all of our own cars, the friend's truck didn't--it was being stored)



The truck and trailer got towed since they weren't legal to drive.

Got a tow and store bill.

I had to go and rescue dh and dd4 in the middle of the night from over an hour away. (I was at work so he had dd4 with him)


Df was still stranded on the freeway.

Df paid the tow/store bill due to the truck not being insured.


Dh got the insurance ticket dropped because the friend called his insurance agent and got them to do a one month policy on it.

He was stuck with the no lights ticket on his record and fine. His friend offered to pay it, but dh turned him down and we ate it.





If you do get pulled over and they tow it....what will you do then? Storage can run $100 a day.

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I probably would, but I wouldn't allow my kids to.


I'm more of a gambler, but I always fold when it comes to the kiddies.

:iagree:and yeah, just no way. We rented a Moving truck from FL to PA and found out the lights didn't work but the hazards did. I followed behind dh the whole time I was so nervous. And we hit some wicked fog in VA.. oh never again.


Please do consider getting it fixed or staying home.

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I was in that position with our pop-up camper, driving home alone with one kiddo from a trip about four hours from home. We had a pretty good idea what was wrong, and it did turn out that that the dealer had to order the part--it wasn't something they normally keep in stock.


It was Sunday evening so what I decided to do was stay on back roads as much as possible and drove annoying slow so everyone would pass me. I also pulled over to let traffic pass as a courtesy and for safety reasons and I didn't want anyone behind me in danger because the camper signal lights were out.


It was stressful and I didn't relax until I was home. The brief few miles on the interstate were the worst. I absolutely would not drive across country like that.

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