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How do I not kill neighbor kids?

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We live in the middle of no where. We have one neighbor who has children. They show up at my house all the time. I tell them to play outside they tell my kids they don't wanna play with them if they can't come in. My kids are not allowed to play in their house. Their mother has made it plain she is not a sitter. No problem from me because I really don't like my kids going in other peoples houses.


They are not allowed to have any toys outside at all. They constantly beg my kids to bring their toys out. My kids say no again they threaten well we won't play with you. From what the older child has told me they are not allowed to have bikes because they mistreated the bikes they had. I can see this as they treat my kids bikes badly.


It's rare I invite them over they just show up. They expect to run in and out of my house using the bathroom, they ask for food and drinks and anything else. I don't want to feed them. They have showed up here before to play with Happy Meals?? You don't bring your dinner to play at someone elses home. Their mom told them eat outside so they don't make a mess, why does that mean they can come here.


They will come in my yard when we are gone and take the kids bikes to ride. I have to lock them in the barn now. I have found the kids toys strung up and down the road from them taking them when we are not here. It is really crummy to drive down a mile long road searching for my kids stuff.


How can I not lose it? I have talked and talked even at one time they were not allowed here at all. They came said they would behave now it is starting all over again. GRRRRRRR

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We live in the middle of no where. We have one neighbor who has children. They show up at my house all the time. I tell them to play outside they tell my kids they don't wanna play with them if they can't come in. My kids are not allowed to play in their house. Their mother has made it plain she is not a sitter. No problem from me because I really don't like my kids going in other peoples houses.


They are not allowed to have any toys outside at all. They constantly beg my kids to bring their toys out. My kids say no again they threaten well we won't play with you. From what the older child has told me they are not allowed to have bikes because they mistreated the bikes they had. I can see this as they treat my kids bikes badly.


It's rare I invite them over they just show up. They expect to run in and out of my house using the bathroom, they ask for food and drinks and anything else. I don't want to feed them. They have showed up here before to play with Happy Meals?? You don't bring your dinner to play at someone elses home. Their mom told them eat outside so they don't make a mess, why does that mean they can come here.


They will come in my yard when we are gone and take the kids bikes to ride. I have to lock them in the barn now. I have found the kids toys strung up and down the road from them taking them when we are not here. It is really crummy to drive down a mile long road searching for my kids stuff.


How can I not lose it? I have talked and talked even at one time they were not allowed here at all. They came said they would behave now it is starting all over again. GRRRRRRR


Stick to your guns. They're kids, of course they're going to say they will behave! They want what they want. If you do not want them there, tell them they can't come. Although it will be hard to get it across, they will eventually get it. It's going to take longer this time around because you gave in, so they are going to expect you to give in again. If the cycle keeps happening?...well you will only have yourself to blame.

Edited by Momto4kids
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Basically, when this kind of neighbor kid visits, you have to treat them as if you were their parent, not as if they are your guests. You have every right to set house rules, and maintain appropriate limits. Just do it with a smile.


It's *good* to be the house where everyone hangs out - it means you get to set the rules and keep an eye on what goes on.


Invest in some cheap food - popcorn is a good choice. Have them drink water if you like, or perhaps lemonade (1:1:6.5 lemon juice:sugar:water).

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So let me see if I understand this? The mother of these children does not let your kids go inside their house because she "is not a sitter" and her kids have no outside toys to play with, but she sees no problem sending her kids over to your house so YOU can be a sitter or they can play with YOUR outside toys, which they then disrespect and leave everywhere?


Do your kids WANT to play with them? If not, I would just be the bad guy and repeatedly tell the kids your children can't play and would go over to their house and talk with their parents about them taking toys from your yard without permission and ask them to please make sure their kids are not stealing toys out of your yard when you are not home and you will expect them to replace any toy that gets damaged or broken if they fail to properly supervise their children.


If your children DO want to play with them, I would lay down the law-I would tell those kids that they have made it clear that they really have no desire to be friends with your children based on their comments about "not being their friend if they can't play inside or play with their toys" and now the rule is they can play outside only, and if they say anything about "not being friends" anymore they will immediately be asked to go home. I would say that if they can prove to you that they will treat your children and their belongings with respect, you will reconsider allowing them inside to play, but that will be a long process. I would also tell them that they will be sent packing if they treat any of our toys/belongings with disrespect and if they take them without asking, you will be telling their parents or calling the police because that is stealing.

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Good post, bbmom!


If there are times you can tolerate it, I'd invest in a green flag and a red flag. Cheap, cut up sheets or a tablecloth or tarps or something. Fly it from the front porch. Red means don't come over; green means you're having the kind of day where you can tolerate these kids for a bit. It'll probably take a few times for the neighbor kids to respect the flags, but at least it'll be moving in the right direction. You'll have to do a few more green days initially to 'train' them to trust there will be green days (so they stay away on red days), but again - right direction.


Quick chat or note to their mom explaining the flag system (and perhaps, why). Non-judgmental, just a heads up between moms :)

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The parents are nice when I have spoken with them. Things change for a bit then go right back to where it was. They are literally the only kids in the three mile radius. I would hate to get to the point but I see it coming. Maybe I am just an odd person. My kids never ask for food or anything unless it is family. My kids would not eat in front of others or take food to other houses. They would never dream of going in someones yard taking toys. The daughter did destroy a game outside and supposedly she can't come back till she can pay for it. I am taking that as a she won't be back because the parent is not going to replace it.

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So let me see if I understand this? The mother of these children does not let your kids go inside their house because she "is not a sitter" and her kids have no outside toys to play with, but she sees no problem sending her kids over to your house so YOU can be a sitter or they can play with YOUR outside toys, which they then disrespect and leave everywhere?


Do your kids WANT to play with them? If not, I would just be the bad guy and repeatedly tell the kids your children can't play and would go over to their house and talk with their parents about them taking toys from your yard without permission and ask them to please make sure their kids are not stealing toys out of your yard when you are not home and you will expect them to replace any toy that gets damaged or broken if they fail to properly supervise their children.


If your children DO want to play with them, I would lay down the law-I would tell those kids that they have made it clear that they really have no desire to be friends with your children based on their comments about "not being their friend if they can't play inside or play with their toys" and now the rule is they can play outside only, and if they say anything about "not being friends" anymore they will immediately be asked to go home. I would say that if they can prove to you that they will treat your children and their belongings with respect, you will reconsider allowing them inside to play, but that will be a long process. I would also tell them that they will be sent packing if they treat any of our toys/belongings with disrespect and if they take them without asking, you will be telling their parents or calling the police because that is stealing.



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They expect to run in and out of my house using the bathroom, they ask for food and drinks and anything else. I don't want to feed them.


How far away do they live?


If they need to use the bathroom, teach them to knock on your door and then escort them directly to the bathroom and keep an eye on the door for when they come out, then escort them right back outside.


If they ask for a snack, tell them they need to go home to get a snack but they can come back later after they have finished it at home.


If they are asking your children, tell your children to have the neighbors come ask you directly. They likely won't continue begging you but they may keep on begging your children with the hope that they will give in.


If you are okay with providing water, buy some extremely cheap plastic cups at Walmart and write names on each cup, one per child. Tell them those are their water cups for outside use only, and only when they are at your house. If they take them home, they will have to go home to get them if they want water.


I really wouldn't provide any snacks unless you are prepared to do it every time they visit. They won't understand they can have a snack only sometimes. They will come to expect it. Again, if they ask for a snack, tell them to run home to eat and come back later to play.


They have showed up here before to play with Happy Meals??


If they bring *any* food over to your house, send them home immediately. Tell them they need to eat their food at their house, but that they can come back later to play.


I have talked and talked even at one time they were not allowed here at all. They came said they would behave now it is starting all over again. GRRRRRRR


That's easy. You already told them once that they couldn't play if they didn't behave and it sounds like you enforced it. Just do it again.


I know you don't want to be the bad guy, but it sounds like these children do not understand any boundaries. It's great that their parents are nice, but I have a feeling they aren't talking to their children about the importance of your rules. And if they are, then they should completely understand when you send the child(ren) home for not following your rules.


Do you have a safe place where you can lock up your outside toys? I would make it a daily habit to put away all outside toys before your kids go in for the night. If you don't want to do that, get your kids to help you put the toys inside the house just before you leave. It sounds like a huge hassle, but having to buy replacements is going to be annoying. I'm not sure I would trust the neighbors to replace broken/missing toys. That means your kids are out of luck, and that just seems wrong.

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They live half way down the mile long road. I know it is silly to send them all the way home to the bathroom but when I say they constantly want to use mine I MEAN CONSTANTLY! They also tend to trash it. Water everywhere, toilet paper etc. I have gotten to the point I warn them they get one bathroom pass so they had better use it wisely.

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Basically, when this kind of neighbor kid visits, you have to treat them as if you were their parent, not as if they are your guests. You have every right to set house rules, and maintain appropriate limits. Just do it with a smile.


It's *good* to be the house where everyone hangs out - it means you get to set the rules and keep an eye on what goes on.


Invest in some cheap food - popcorn is a good choice. Have them drink water if you like, or perhaps lemonade (1:1:6.5 lemon juice:sugar:water).




although I'll admit to not always having a smile! We have been living in an RV for the last 1.5yrs (moving into the house this weekend!) and for the last 4m there has been a neighbor boy who I'd like to just smack now and then, though I think I'd smack the dad first... anyway, he has no concept of manners, no concept of how to treat toys, no concept of sharing or getting along with others. He's an only child and he goes to public school and is your "typical" kid who's parents can't be bothered to discipline or spend time with him. So he's here all.the.time. I act like his parent "in our house we...." "the rule here is___ if you want to play here you will follow the rules" I've sent him inside his own house a couple times because he wasn't following the rules, he went inside and stayed inside (I keep waiting for his mom to come ask what has happened). He has a healthy respect for me as an authority figure, I'm fairly certain I'm the first person to ever equally tell him no and tell him he's doing good. I actually am feeling a little bad that we're leaving him here.

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They also tend to trash it. Water everywhere, toilet paper etc. I have gotten to the point I warn them they get one bathroom pass so they had better use it wisely.

Call them inside and make them clean it up! Either they'll learn not to trash it or they'll get sick of cleaning it up and not want to use it anymore.

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One of the many reasons I hate neighborhoods at times. We have a pool so we have dealt with that stuff many times over. :grouphug:

My friend has kids in her house ALL the time, including mine, and I don't know how she stands it! Her kids are VERY loud and when they are here they drive me nuts after 10 minutes. Perhaps if you sent the kids packing a few times they would get the hint? Or just don't answer the door when you are obviously home?

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They live half way down the mile long road. I know it is silly to send them all the way home to the bathroom but when I say they constantly want to use mine I MEAN CONSTANTLY! They also tend to trash it. Water everywhere, toilet paper etc. I have gotten to the point I warn them they get one bathroom pass so they had better use it wisely.


I live in the country. I grew up in the country. If I had kids trashing my bathroom and looking for drinks constantly, I would tell all the kids to use the outside bathroom (as in a tree somewhere) and show them where the outside water faucets are.


My kids explore a lot. It's not practical for them to run a 1/2 mile home to use the bathroom when they have limitless natural opportunities as their disposal. Country kids use trees. It's a fact of life. Likewise, I don't want them tracking their sweaty, dirty bodies through my kitchen for a drink of water when they have a limitless supply of cold water outside.

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Is this mostly worse in the summer?


It would depend greatly on whether my kids wanted to be friends with them or not. If not, I would put an end to it, if they did, I would find a way to make it work. I would tell MY kids the rules (you can only have popcorn and lemonaid when they are over, or whatever) just to make sure they didn't ask for something else while their friends were around.


It honestly sounds like their home is not very friendly and I might try to make my home a bit friendlier for them because I would feel bad for them, but I would say, "When you are in OUR home, these are our rules that we expect everyone to abide by."


As far as the bikes, I am not sure what to tell you. We buy yard sale outdoor toys so I am not as concerned with how they treat them, we also have some extras because I buy them used, but I wouldn't want them trashed either.



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I can (mostly) sympathize.


We mostly have a good relationship with our neighbors. However, my dh was one of a group of kids who basically ran around the neighborhood as a child. He simply does not get that there need to be boundaries AT ALL. So when they walk right in, he thinks that's okay. He's been known to invite them to stay for dinner without discussing it with me first.


Me? Not so much. If my kids did that at someone else's house, I'd be peeved. This is not the same situation at all. These are little kids, (5 and 7), their mother is home and she feeds them.


The 7 yo has started pulling the whole "I'm a guest" routine. Having been a kid and having had "friends" who said things like that to me (usually when they wanted something of mine or to play only what they wanted to), I'm familiar with where he's going with it. :glare: So I'm spending a bit of time listening and nipping it in the bud. (The "In our house..." line is quite familiar. :lol:)


I have noticed that my kids have no problem telling them what good manners are/aren't. :D I haven't had to say much.

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I was having a huge problem with neighborhood children. There were at least 7 kids from a few different families coming here all the time. Sometimes their behavior (fighting, swearing, etc) bothered me, so I always intervened but let them stay if they stopped. Finally my tenent complained and I made a rule that kids can only come over if I have time to sit outside and watch everybody so they behave. The kids didn't like this rule and are now boycotting our house.

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So let me see if I understand this? The mother of these children does not let your kids go inside their house because she "is not a sitter" and her kids have no outside toys to play with, but she sees no problem sending her kids over to your house so YOU can be a sitter or they can play with YOUR outside toys, which they then disrespect and leave everywhere?


Do your kids WANT to play with them? If not, I would just be the bad guy and repeatedly tell the kids your children can't play and would go over to their house and talk with their parents about them taking toys from your yard without permission and ask them to please make sure their kids are not stealing toys out of your yard when you are not home and you will expect them to replace any toy that gets damaged or broken if they fail to properly supervise their children.


If your children DO want to play with them, I would lay down the law-I would tell those kids that they have made it clear that they really have no desire to be friends with your children based on their comments about "not being their friend if they can't play inside or play with their toys" and now the rule is they can play outside only, and if they say anything about "not being friends" anymore they will immediately be asked to go home. I would say that if they can prove to you that they will treat your children and their belongings with respect, you will reconsider allowing them inside to play, but that will be a long process. I would also tell them that they will be sent packing if they treat any of our toys/belongings with disrespect and if they take them without asking, you will be telling their parents or calling the police because that is stealing.




I would also get some cheap toys that you dont care about for outside play so if they do get messed up its not a big deal.

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Ugh, I'm dealing with this right now, a 5 yr old boy from next door. What a pain in the butt he is! He rings our doorbell CONSTANTLY until we answer (which is really irritating, especially if my little one is napping). My two older kids will play with him (they are 8 and 9.5), but many times don't want to, and he's so hard to get rid of. I have to literally PUSH him out the door!


Normally, I say no playing inside, but when they are outside, he's running in for who knows what reason, and leaves our patio door open. We have had a couple of our indoor-only cats get out (luckily my kids were able to grab them quickly and get them back inside).


He invites himself for lunch or dinner whenever I say he needs to go home, we are getting ready to eat.


My DH tells me that maybe we should let him eat with us - we are being rude if we don't???!!!! WTH?


On top of all this, he and my DS don't actually get along very well. Lots of fighting. I don't think it's necessarily either one that is wholely at fault - they just don't get along. So, I'm sick of having to get involved, I have enough of that with my own kids.


I'm getting tough now. I told my DH that I'M not being rude - this is a child who doesn't know any boundaries, and I'm not going to let him walk all over me. Oh, and yesterday my DD1 comes to me and tells me that he was looking up her dress and telling my son to do the same! His grandmother was actually here, so she disciplined him. She said he's learning all kinds of stuff in daycare this summer. Hmm....I think this is my favorite good thing about homeschooling - kids are less likely to be influenced by other kids IF YOU DON"T LET THEM COME OVER! Yeah, I've had it - just got to get DH on board!


Stick to your guns, and do what you need to do - we're too old to bullied by kids!

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I implemented an only weekend play time for the kids in the neighborhood. So far it has worked great. I just told my kids we do errands, go to the pool, etc during the week. When we get home we are tired. They don't need to play with friends when we just came from friends or went to the pool. :)


As far as bathroom, we aren't in the country. I send them home. Snacks are a no since I don't know how the parents feel about it and when their lunch or dinner is. Water is fine.

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When it comes down to it, if they are on your property when you are not there, taking the toys, playing with them and leaving them everywhere-that is trespassing and theft.


You don't WANT it to go there, obviously. Apparently these kids need a basic manners lesson.


If it were me, I would be the sheriff. I would let them use the bathroom, but I would stand outside the door and make sure it was left the way they found it- and walk them through how to do that if need be.


I would show them how to put the toys away and if they didn't they would not be allowed to play with them when they came over. You want to play at our house, you learn how to respect other people's property.


Showing up with their dinner is just not cool. They would be shooed home.

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The parents are nice when I have spoken with them. Things change for a bit then go right back to where it was. They are literally the only kids in the three mile radius. I would hate to get to the point but I see it coming. Maybe I am just an odd person. My kids never ask for food or anything unless it is family. My kids would not eat in front of others or take food to other houses. They would never dream of going in someones yard taking toys. The daughter did destroy a game outside and supposedly she can't come back till she can pay for it. I am taking that as a she won't be back because the parent is not going to replace it.


It is very difficult to deal with children who haven't learned the lessons yours have. I struggle with this a lot, particularly this weekend when I went camping with a family who had a whiner/begger :glare:. I remind myself that I focus on training my kids in the areas that matter most to me and don't even notice other things (which probably really annoy other people at times). It may be that the parents have never really invested a lot of time in manners away from home so they have no clue what is expected.


I totally agree with the person who said you need to parent them while they are at your house, and that includes setting rules and enforcing consequences. I'm not sure how much you have directly addressed with the neighbor kids, but it's totally acceptable to tell them directly what the rules are and what will happen if they are broken. I'd rather have annoying kids at my house without parents than with, because then I can tell them to knock it off. :tongue_smilie: That doesn't go over so well with Mommy is sitting right there.


I disagree with some of the advice you've been given to talk sternly with the kids and their parents. Don't make a huge deal of the "I'm not going to play with you" talk - ALL kids do this and it can be handled with a gentle reproach. No need to march over to the parents and tattle on what their kids are saying and doing. Alienating your neighbors is a bad idea, especially over something as relatively minor as manners.

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I suffered too long because I did not know how to set limits with neighbors and their kids. It took a blow up for me to finally get there. For a long time I thought I should be showing hospitality and always being "so nice" to neighbor kids. Our family suffered for it because many parents do not teach their own kids any sense of boundaries or civilized behavior. Now I know I am the "bouncer" at our house, not the "hostess". It works much better.


Only put up with them at your house when you feel like having them there and it doesn't feel like a major pain in the neck to have to deal with them. If they show up at a bad time, send them home. You are not under any obligation to welcome them. When you decide to allow them there, set very firm limits. No playing inside the house; bathroom is enforced as an in-and-out (and clean up your own mess) affair; absolutely no food and no drinks beside a dixie cup of water; only your own kids are allowed to go into the garage or get out toys. When your own kids are tired, announce it is time to pick up, put away and lock up all the toys, bring in your own kids and send them home. Same goes if everyone is not playing nice.


This is how I mentally survive our neighborhood kids. Strict rules, firm limits, a clear "welcome" or "not now" status, and enough heavy supervision that they know they may not come to our house and behave as wild children. In the last two years I have become skilled at applying rules, limits, and sending kids home. It helps so much. Our kids still play happily with neighbor kids, but on terms I can live with and I no longer live in dread of others' children.


BTW yesterday I raised my voice at a neighbor kid because he showed up to play with mine and off the bat sprayed silly string all over our front porch and bushes. It was a huge mess !!!!!! He is 11 and way old enough to know better. I would go loud at my own for this, so I will not hold back on a neighbor kid who showed up without an invitation and made a mess of our porch area with no permission and no apology. If you are at my house, you get my way of parenting. You do not go to someone else's house and spray "carp" all over it. I gave him some of the parenting he obviously does not get at home. When uninvited neighbor kids show up and then go over the line, it's very important to let them know this behavior will not be tolerated at your house. If they go home and whine about you being mean, perhaps their own parents will decide not to send them anymore, or roam the neighborhood, or perhaps the kids themselves will decide to think twice about their behavior at your house. I would rather be thought of as "the mean mom" (meaning there are rules, limits of reasonable behavior, they are enforced, and there is supervision here) than be the house other kids show up at because it's a fun free-for-all where anything goes and there are drinks and snacks etc.

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Basically, when this kind of neighbor kid visits, you have to treat them as if you were their parent, not as if they are your guests. You have every right to set house rules, and maintain appropriate limits. Just do it with a smile.


It's *good* to be the house where everyone hangs out - it means you get to set the rules and keep an eye on what goes on.


Invest in some cheap food - popcorn is a good choice. Have them drink water if you like, or perhaps lemonade (1:1:6.5 lemon juice:sugar:water).



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