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Low-carb breakfasts--please save me from the eggs!

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I love eggs, but I really can't eat them every single morning or they start to gross me out. I don't have to be carb-free, but the lower-carb I eat, the healthier and better I feel. Plus, I also need to eat a good-sized breakfast--I need to have lots of food in my stomach to take some meds. So, if you have suggestions for low-carb breakfasts that don't include eggs, or that include them only as an ingredient, I am all :bigear:



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I make a casserole that has spinach, cottage cheese, eggs, shredded cheddar cheese, and butter. Mix it all together (kinda use whatever proportions you like -- I'll use a bag or two of spinach, a large container of cottage cheese, couple generous handfuls of shredded cheddar, a stick of butter, and 8-12 eggs) and bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes, or until set and slightly golden on top. Those proportions fill a couple of two-quart casserole dishes.


Cottage cheese with blueberries is also good.

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That sounds good, kinda like a quiche.


It is a lot like a crustless quiche. It originally came from a slow cooker book and included flour mixed into it. I omit the flour to make it lower-carb and haven't missed it, and I bake it in a regular oven instead of the slow cooker. It also reheats very well; I often make it for dinner, and DH reheats it for lunch the next day, or we have it for breakfast.

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I'm starting strict low carb and am allergic to eggs.


For breakfast I often make an "un-omlette" which is stir fried peppers,onions, mushrooms, and sausage, topped with cheese. Or sometimes I do a cheap steak or slab of ham with a side of broiled tomatoes.

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My favorite lately is two or three pieces of bacon and a bowl full of fresh berries and cream.....:drool5::drool5: I know officially the berries are carbs but they are good carbs (right???), anyway they don't bother me like a bowl of cereal would.



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Last week I read the book called the SOS Diet (Stop Only Sugar) and I've been having to switch away from my bagel breakfast. I'm mildly allergic to eggs so I have to eat them in moderation--like twice a week at the most. Not easy finding LC options when you don't do eggs.


I've been cooking up diced chicken, spinach, and red beans ahead of time. So for breakfast, I mix a little chicken, spinach, beans, heat it, and then add some feta. I think it's pretty tasty. Or else a low carb/high fiber english muffin with peanut butter or butter and/or sugar free jelly. Then I try to eat a smoothie most mornings made with blueberries, strawberries, a banana, water and ice. I used to make them with juice, but I tried them with water and think they're still pretty good.

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I often have Larabars or Mrs. May's Trio Bars for breakfast. I'm not sure if you can do nuts or not, but I quite enjoy soaked almonds too. I also make a quick and easy trail mix - pistachios, cashews & raisins - and will often have a handful for breakfast. I don't eat grains, sugar, or dairy, (<-Oxford comma alert!) and I'm not a morning person who cooks, thus the limited options.

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Ugh, eggs!! I love that they hold me over longer than most breakfasts but they generally do gross me out! Especially the random times there was blood in them. Yuk. SICK.


Anyways, our stores here in CA have Ezekiel Bread. I focus more on no white sugar, no white flour. So when I am desperate to have something besides eggs...(occasionally cheat with yogurt but makes my blood sugars go crazy)...I put a piece of that in the toaster. Butter or peanut butter on it. My husband makes fun of how disgusting the bread tastes...calls it weeds from our yard. Have you heard of it? It might be acceptable for your diet. It isn't delicious but I am glad to eat it when I don't want eggs! There are probably other speciality breads like that (it has no flour at all) wherever you live.


My friend that did South Beach claimed just a handful of almonds did the trick for her in the morning. Can't imagine that working for me!! :tongue_smilie:

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I love eggs, but I really can't eat them every single morning or they start to gross me out. I don't have to be carb-free, but the lower-carb I eat, the healthier and better I feel. Plus, I also need to eat a good-sized breakfast--I need to have lots of food in my stomach to take some meds. So, if you have suggestions for low-carb breakfasts that don't include eggs, or that include them only as an ingredient, I am all :bigear:




I'm the same way. I need a low-carb breakfast, but cannot eat eggs every day. I rotate back and forth between an egg on toast and melted cheddar on toast. Regular peanut butter doesn't do it for me, probably because it has too much sugar, but the natural stuff might be okay.



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oh--another idea: I buy those Flat Out light flatbreads (they have, I think, 5 or 6 grams net carbs) and then just melt cheese and butter on them in the toaster oven, for a white pizza type thing. Or a cheese toast type thing, if you want it to sound breakfast-y :D (really, I'm just trying to think of things I eat throughout the day that are sort of breakfast-ish. I actually can't stand anything heavy first thing in the morning. I, umm, usually eat a couple of squares of 85% dark chocolate for breakfast).

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I recently had a delicious appetizer that would make a good breakfast. Very thin zucchini slices (slice long-ways) add some cream cheese and a bit of smoked salmon. Roll it up. Eat it


I am not a smoked salmon fan but I really liked this! I wonder what else could be rolled up in these zucchini slices? Tomato and mozzarella? Tuna salad?

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-Greek yogurt (unsweetened) sometimes with Stevia, sometimes with a few berries

-Cottage cheese or ricotta


-one minute muffin with flax or almond flour

-chicken salad, egg salad (I personally can tolerate egg salad/deviled eggs in the morning more easily than fried or scrambled eggs)

-when they are in season, I love delicata squash peeled and cubed and sauteed with chopped up bacon and onions and sprinkled with garlic and salt. A slightly sweet but very yummy version of homefries. So good.


-a piece or two of deli ham with a piece of cheddar in the middle and fried in a skillet. Like a ham and cheese sandwich sans bread.

-deli meat wrapped around cream cheese

-breakfast casserole. Our fav is ground beef and sausage browned, and then you add cream cheese and stir in until it melts into the meat mixture. Mix that with cooked green peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Top with 4-8 scrambled eggs (fewer eggs means it will be less eggy obviously. I don't find this very eggy at all, personally). Top the whole thing with cheese. This is great for us because I can make it on a weekend and then we eat the leftovers for another 2 days or so.

Edited by Momof3littles
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  • 2 weeks later...
I like cottage or ricotta cheese, a few berries, and sliced almonds. I could happily eat that 3x a day. LOL.


I detest cottage cheese. I tried it as a kid and thought maybe I would like it as an adult. Nope, still hate it.


I remembered your ricotta idea though and tried it today for a snack. OH MY! Thank you!


I had half thawed blueberries, ricotta, sliced almonds, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. YUMMY! I can't wait for morning so I can eat this for breakfast!

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RTD vanilla, chocolate or strawberry protein shake (I like Pure Protein RTD bottled type) or make shakes with protein powder (I like BioChem brand) and some berries, ice and half & half


Plain, full-fat, greek yogurt with berries


Canteloupe or honeydew with sharp cheddar and prosciutto


Yogurt shake made from plain, full-fat greek yogurt and berries (touch of liquid vanilla splenda for sweetness)


BLT wraps (large iceberg leaf, tomato, bacon, mayo, S&P)


Cold cut wraps (in lettuce or just the cold cuts wrapped around good cheese)


Meat lovers omelet with lots of cheese (still eggs, but totally masked by the meat - bacon, sausage, ham, pepperoni, cheddar)


sausage muffins (again, still eggs, but lots of sausage just really held together with the egg as its glue to be muffin like in shape)


Oopsie roll with any meat & cheese on it


Tuna salad


Egg salad (egg again, I know, but this way is often tolerable) or deviled eggs


Toasted pepperoni & cheese (broil pepperoni in oven, top with shedded cheese just before it's crisped)


Crudite veggies & dip with maybe some cheese for protein


Chicken salad with pecans, celery, minced red onion, mayo and a 1/2 teaspoon of raisins chopped finely


Cucumber rounds topped with smoked salmon, sour cream and fresh dill


Leftovers from the night before

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Yogurt and fruit.

Cottage cheese and fruit.

A breakfast casserole. They have eggs, but it's not the same as eating scrambled eggs.

Cheese, nuts, and fruit.


Apples and peanut butter (or other nut butter)




I know you said low-carb, but when I think of low-carb I think of not containing flour. Fruit doesn't count as a carb in my low-carb diet.

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it's low carb! (if it's dark enough)...I look at it as my version of coffee in the morning ;)


*LOVE* your thinking. You are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!:D


What brand do you buy? I used to like Trader Joe's dark chocolate with orange in it. It was low carb! They no longer make it. :glare:

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Smoothie: One cup of coconut milk (Silk or So Delicious, not canned), 1/2 frozen banana, tbsp chocolate, protein powder. This is truly a delicious breakfast. And healthy. I started to say that it's low carb, but that banana might knock it off the low-carb list.

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Wheat Thins are not at all low carb.


True. I use the term "wheat thins" in the same way I use "cheerios", "bandaids", and "qtips". Wheat thins and cheerios have BHT in them, and wheat thins are not whole grain. We actually buy a100% whole, multiple-grain cracker by Back to Nature that is all natural. They are not necessarily lo carb, but they are GOOD carb! We just say wheat thins because that's what they look like. It's easier to say, "Pass the wheat thins" than "Pass the back to nature whole grain squares". LOL!! The idea was to eat hummus with a grain to make a good protein without being eggs, and she can substitute wheat thins for her favorite lo carb cracker. :)

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