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Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it

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I glanced at the article and then busted up laughing. :lol: Of COURSE this would be Portland LMBO! I love my home state but I swear the things they come up with.... 6-8 oz of urine in 80 million gallons of water. Yeah, that should be an issue :glare:

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I think they oughtta deduct $36,000 from that Water Bureau administrator's paycheck. Those were hard earned public dollars.


How many people have relieved themselves in that reservoir that *weren't* caught on video? Stupid, stupid, stupid.... but who let it actually happen? What's wrong with the process, that nobody called this "Stupid" loud enough to stop this from actually taking place? I mean, it takes more than one man to pull the plug on a reservoir that size.

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You have to wonder how many people peed in the lake that weren't caught on camera. If they hadn't told everyone, no one would know!




What happens to all the fish and everything when they drain it?


I found this humorous:


He apologised publicly for his behaviour, adding: "It was a stupid thing to do. I didn't know it was a water supply, I thought it was a sewage plant."I wouldn't mind paying for it but I don't have a job right now. I'm willing to do community service to clean up the place because I feel bad and feel pretty stupid." Sergeant Pete Simpson, of Portland Police, said: "It's really an unfortunate incident that probably could have been avoided if he had just chosen a bush."


:smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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Yes, it's actually a true story.

And yes, they caught it on camera, so they knew whether he told or not.

And yes, you can drink your own urine straight from your body. Some people do it for health reasons. Dont ask why I know this. and don't do it first thing in the morning :lol:

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So....where does this water go when it's drained?? How do they get the water back? :lol: I mean.....seriously. I have no clue how they do this.


And....wouldn't you think that by the time they do all of this and fill the reservoir with water again....that some prankster is gonna do this on purpose....AGAIN.

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