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Anyone heard the alarming new sunscreen research findings?

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When I was researching which suncreen to use a few years ago, I chose one with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, no other active ingredients. I don't remember the exact reason now. The brand I use (& my 6 year old) is Blue Lizard baby 30 SPF. Hopefully it's still considered safe.

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this is the article I read recently that prompted us to change our sunscreens.



and this is the site you can see how your sunscreen rates or pick one of the top sunscreens.





We bought the Badger after looking at our sunscreens and found all had a bad ingredient in them. Add in our allergies and we were severely limited. And I miss not having a spray now, but hopefully we are doing better for our skin :001_smile:

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I started using the recommended sunblocks that aren't on the potential cancer list:


California Baby is only Titanium Dioxide and Zinc (Target in the baby sections -- not the regular suncreen section).


Johnsons Baby -- Target; again, in the baby section.


Aveeno is putting out a stick for faces that is also only Titanium Dioxide and Zinc. I find it at Target too.



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Yes, this story first broke two or three years ago but was viewed as a 'green/overanxious parent issue' vs. something mainstream now.


Here is some info (a ton at the first link if you read all the tabs):



I found this interesting: http://loveyourmother.livejournal.com/8928.html

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I've been skeptical about sunscreen for years. Thankfully most of mine don't need it as long as they don't overdo it. My favorite sun protections are shade, shirts, and hats...in that order.

:iagree: Here too. Since our winters are so fierce I keep dd as uncovered as possible spring - fall to get as much Vit D going as possible.

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Yes. This is why we use sun blocks (Badger or California Baby) rather than sunscreens, and only when necessary.

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My mom told me that she heard some report about the dangers of MOST types of sunscreen for kids. I can't find it on the abc website. Anyone know about this?


It's actually not new news. I've been avoiding sunscreens for a number of years. The only one I feel safe with is a non-nano-particle zinc oxide.


Here's an interesting article on sunscreen safety: The Truth about Sunscreens.


Another option that I've been using is SunPill. It's an actual pill you take that protects you against UV rays.

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Ok, so can someone tell me what type of sunscreen to buy. I need to get some before we go an vacation next week.:lol: My head is hurting reading all these articles and I still don't know what to buy.


Depends on what you are most worried about. I'm more worried about skin cancer but my kids are allergic to many sunscreens especially those with fragrance so I'm kinda limited. I do like the Neutragena pure minerals stick (3 on Skin Deep website) and the Coppertone Water Babies Pure and Natural lotion (2). Both leave a white residue so rub, rub, rub. But they haven't caused reactions and have decent ratings.

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Depends on what you are most worried about. I'm more worried about skin cancer but my kids are allergic to many sunscreens especially those with fragrance so I'm kinda limited. I do like the Neutragena pure minerals stick (3 on Skin Deep website) and the Coppertone Water Babies Pure and Natural lotion (2). Both leave a white residue so rub, rub, rub. But they haven't caused reactions and have decent ratings.


Not exactly sure what I should be worried about.;) I rarely use or put sunscreen on me or the kids unless we will be in the sun a lot. My older two kids are fine with any I have used but the younger two have more sensitive skin especially my 3rd. So I need something for sensitive skin, and I will just use it for all of them. I just really do not want them getting sunburned.

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So I need something for sensitive skin, and I will just use it for all of them. I just really do not want them getting sunburned.
My littlest has quite sensitive skin and is also prone to sunburn. She does well with Badger sunscreens (zinc oxide). They are not marketed as sunblocks, but I think most sunblocks are called sunscreens now.
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Dh and I have never trusted sunscreen and don't use it or put it on our kids at all- and dh at least is not a conspiracy theory guy- it just seemed like common sense to him. Never have and we live in a very hot place and love the beach. We just cover up and stay out of the midday sun. It's not hard.

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Ok, so can someone tell me what type of sunscreen to buy. I need to get some before we go an vacation next week.:lol: My head is hurting reading all these articles and I still don't know what to buy.

Click the 'safemama' link in my post above - it's a cheat sheet with safe sunscreens that protect against UVA/UVB rays.


(There are actually two separate safety issues with sunscreen:

1. False SPF advertising and inadequate UVA protection (UVB rays cause sunburn, UVA rays cause skin cancer - until the 2000's almost all sunscreens just protected against UVB rays which is why they have not been shown to protect against skin cancer - doh!)

2. Ingredients that are hormone/endocrine system disruptors OR increase the risk of skin cancer (Vitamin A in particular).)

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Dh and I have never trusted sunscreen and don't use it or put it on our kids at all- and dh at least is not a conspiracy theory guy- it just seemed like common sense to him. Never have and we live in a very hot place and love the beach. We just cover up and stay out of the midday sun. It's not hard.

:iagree: Same here.

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15 years ago, when my oldest went to kindergarten I signed a release tat I did NOT want my child completely smothered in sunscreen every day. Smae when they started primary school. It was and is the Government policy that all children have to put on sunscreen before going outside. They also have to wear hats. To be fair to the government they are trying to curb the rate of skin-cancers, which in Australia is 1 in 3 people.

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The ones that go on white do not stay white. After a few minutes the white fades.


Does the California Baby go on and stay on white? How about the Johnson's?


That is my main problem with the physical block sunscreens! Is there one that is acceptable that goes on clear and isn't greasy?

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My problem with the more natural sunscreens are that they do stay white. So you look like a ghost out there in the pool LOL. My kids wear swim shorts and rash guards to swim in. If I could avoid putting sunscreen on their faces, then I would. But they can't swim in the pool with a hat on....so I use it on their faces.

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I am not a big sunscreen fan either, but, there are times when I find it necessary to slather my kids and myself with sunscreen: trips to WDW, beach trips, anytime when we will be outside for an extended period and when layers of clothing aren't practical.


I will not use most sunscreens on the market because I don't like what I've read about oxy and avobenzones.


My favorite natural sunscreen right now is Loving Naturals.

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We converted last summer. The only place I could find the good sun screens on the list was at Whole Foods. We have two different kinds. One is thicker than the other. One is Badger I think it is the thicker one. The other is Jason.

Edited by OrganicAnn
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My kids are mixed and very rarely do I put sunscreen on them. They have never burned. I, on the other hand, burn ridiculously easy. I hate that I can't be out with other people and I even burn in the shade. I wear a lot of sunscreen even if I am just grocery shopping because I burn in the car with my tinted windows. Now I am really freaked out! My sunscreen is a 6!

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My problem with the more natural sunscreens are that they do stay white. So you look like a ghost out there in the pool LOL. My kids wear swim shorts and rash guards to swim in. If I could avoid putting sunscreen on their faces, then I would. But they can't swim in the pool with a hat on....so I use it on their faces.


Maybe we are just so pale that it's not apparent that they stay white - LOL ! I put the white ones on thick and let them sit a few minutes, then I rub them in and the whiteness is mostly gone, and the sunscreen works very well still. I read these instructions on a surfing forum I think. It came up on a search. I wear a white zinc oxide sunscreen on my own face every day for melasma. This is how I keep from looking like a piece of paper. :lol: Coat, wait, rub.

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I use Badger and Blue Lizard Sensitive Skin. I tend to only put it on the girls if we're going to be outside for a long period of time as they both burn. I wear it almost all of the time as I will break out into hives if I'm in the sun too long. I have to wear it in my car as I'll get hives/burned in there too.

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I have been anti-sunscreen for years and then only using as little as possible when absolutely needed. I fully expect the health proression to catch up to me with regards to flouride and mercury soon.




Back when my kids were in school, I remember them constantly reminding us to put sunscreen all over them before dropping them off. We were supposed to do this every single day. I just never did. The only time I have them use sunscreen is when they absolutely have to be in the sun for a long time.


I've been refusing fluoride for my kids for years and always got a stern look when doing so. Then about a year ago I was told by someone in the dentist's office that the recommendations had changed and (and I quote) "you were right all along." What's weird is that I really don't know why I refused the fluoride.


As for the mercury, are you talking about in fish? Or is there something else?

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