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Found out baby's gender!

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If you look at my signature, we had 5 girls in 9 years. Our oldest son wanted a brother sooooooo bad, so when #7 turned out to be a boy, we brought home a present for him- cute little boy sleepers with trucks and balls on them. When he opened him he was so excited one would have thought we'd handed him the moon. Fun fun.


Girls are great! If you keep going though, you never know. It took us a while decade! ;)

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Congrats on another little girl. It looks like you and your family had a great time, and they rejoiced with you.



When we told family we were having our 3rd boy the reactions were actually irritating to say the least. Most people let out sighs and said, "Oh well as long as it's healthy." My mil exact words were, "Oh, no. I wanted it to be a girl. I even started sewing the baby's quilt already and it's all pink. What am I supposed to do now?" :glare: Nice.

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If you look at my signature, we had 5 girls in 9 years. Our oldest son wanted a brother sooooooo bad, so when #7 turned out to be a boy, we brought home a present for him- cute little boy sleepers with trucks and balls on them. When he opened him he was so excited one would have thought we'd handed him the moon. Fun fun.


Girls are great! If you keep going though, you never know. It took us a while decade! ;)



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Congratulations! We have 3 boys so I'm familiar with the dynamics of a same gendered children family and, to be honest, I love it. I think there is a special bond that the 3 of them form.


BTW, noticed the Jacksonville Jaguar jersey. Now that's not something I come across every day on here. :D

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