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Yes, I am a fuddy duddy. But seriously - the vulgarity. I'm tired of it.

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Bumper stickers. Youtube advertisements.


What in the world???!!!

So now it's "politically correct" to have songs mentioning physical body parts, acts of sensuality, casual sx...? I can be driving down the road and have my child in the back seat read me a bumper sticker that mentions female body parts in a very graphic way? Male one's too. Let's not discriminate!

Curse words are just selected at will and printed on any and everything?


You would think we, as a society, might at least have some sense of propriety in public!


So I know the whole deal about free speech. But what about just plain good manners for the love of Pete!


Wow. Just wow!


My dh was "accosted" on our outdoor mall months ago by someone showing him very explicit material and encouraged to enter a store there selling "things". Avoiding impropriety is getting harder and harder for our youth.

Rant over.

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You can rant all you want! :) It's hard in this day because it is everywhere, but I've really tried hard to teach my kids how to handle all the "junk". What to avoid with their mouth, their eyes (by looking the other direction), their ears (by walking away, or turning things off). It feels like it is everywhere, but they can learn how not to let it affect them or at least not to repeat it. At least that's what I've tried to do! BTW - I've banned youtube from my younger boys. :001_smile:

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We were in a nice Italian restaurant just the other day, and a man was sitting behind us, so my dc could see the back of his shirt, and it had an invitation for what any random woman was welcome to do to him. :001_huh: It was one of those "Big Dog" type shirts that advertise a bar. It was disgusting toward women (who obviously would just read that shirt and want to pleasure him immediately because of his great clothing taste, cuz that's how we all are, right? :glare:)


And the billboards in the city for Harley Davidson, liquor, radios stations, etc. are gross. We have had some interesting discussions, sure, but I am just sick of looking at it all the time. I've noticed a general decline in proriety: bear butts with tp stuck to them, show names with curse words in them, discussing underwear wedgies, etc. It's one thing to avoid TV and popular music - that does help - but now it assaults me when I drive down the road or see t-shirts.


I know the idea is to wear us down, so that it all seems normal and fine, but I am making sure to express to my dc that it isn't okay and normal.

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I agree!!


Currently I am thankful that my boys, on their own accord refuse to look at immodestly dressed women. My oldest who is almost 11 will tell me, like when I was trying to watch Wonder Woman with my dd that "she is NOT dressed appropriately and we shouldn't be watching this, and that is not a good example for my younger sister" My 9yo son agreed.

I guess my kids are fuddy duddies too.

I soooo hope they stay like that. It wasn't something I purposefully taught them, and I am not all that conservative.


But yes, lately the overt s*xuality everywhere I turn is getting tiring.

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Bumper stickers. Youtube advertisements.


What in the world???!!!

So now it's "politically correct" to have songs mentioning physical body parts, acts of sensuality, casual sx...? I can be driving down the road and have my child in the back seat read me a bumper sticker that mentions female body parts in a very graphic way? Male one's too. Let's not discriminate!

Curse words are just selected at will and printed on any and everything?


You would think we, as a society, might at least have some sense of propriety in public!


So I know the whole deal about free speech. But what about just plain good manners for the love of Pete!


Wow. Just wow!


My dh was "accosted" on our outdoor mall months ago by someone showing him very explicit material and encouraged to enter a store there selling "things". Avoiding impropriety is getting harder and harder for our youth.

Rant over.


I am reight there too -- I am so sick and tried of it all -- I feel like i am constantly under attack as i take my boys out (to family and or kid places -- doctor offices, target, the park) .... i long for teh 1800 when a knee was never seen!!!!

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You would think we, as a society, might at least have some sense of propriety in public!




I'm with you!!! My dh was watching Letterman the other night, and there sat "Lady" Gaga looking very unladylike to me. :glare:


(And while we're on the subject, momee, I think your avatar needs to go put some clothes on. :D )

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I hear you. We were at a drive through and the car in front of me had some pretty vulgar bumper stickers. F-bombs seemed to the theme of this gal's opinions.


Also, there was a billboard advertising waxing services as a local spa. There was a picture of a totally naked woman, strategically posed, but you could plainly see she was nekkid as the day she was born. Many people protested it and now there's a big red circle over her body that says CENSORED! I was kind of surprised that enough people complained that the owner would censor the woman's body. But, it's a locally owned spa, so I guess they do care what people think.

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We went into a gas station to use the restroom. It was a nice one that we go in all the time. One with cappuccino machines. The restroom was occupied, so we stood there and waited outside the door.


First there were teenagers getting chips and throwing around the "F" word. Then dd started doing the potty dance and I told her she could use the men's. She didn't want to, at first, but the topic came back up. We weren't complaining. The person in the women's restroom yelled out "You'll need to come back, I'm taking a s**t.". Um. Thanks. How about just saying it will be a while.

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We are not very modest...we wear two piece bathing suits, tank tops, shorts, etc. We watch tv, listen to rock music. But even I wish things were less vulgar. I don't need nearly nude women posted on every billboard, and I certainly don't want to walk into Hot Topic or whatever and have curse words written on ever other shirt and bumper sticker. For heavens sake! Even the country station plays a song that has a** in the first verse, and it could just have easily been bum or rump or even bu**, which I would not think of as a curse word at all. There is NO need for the a** word, and I certainly don't want my kids singing along to that word!

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My 'favorites' are the huge bulletin boards screaming " Next Stop Adult Toys! " "NUDE NUDE NUDE" , "WE BARE IT ALL!!" on I 95 throughout all of North and South Carolina, and, ironically, side by side with the fetus bulletin boards of "Abortion Stops a Beating Heart" . I always hope it's dark by the time we get that far. Many times I've cursed my kids' early reading skills.

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My 'favorites' are the huge highway bulletin boards screaming " Next Stop Adult Toys! " "NUDE NUDE NUDE" , "WE BARE IT ALL!!" throughout all of North and South Carolina.


In Texas there are billboards for "Gentlemen's Clubs" - but they typically don't have pictures, surprisingly. That said, my kids have asked me what they are!

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My 'favorites' are the huge highway bulletin boards screaming " Next Stop Adult Toys! " "NUDE NUDE NUDE" , "WE BARE IT ALL!!" throughout all of North and South Carolina.


We have them here, too. :glare:

And then there are various restaurant billboards with slappy sayings and happy looking half naked "ladies" holding up a cold brew...puh-leeze!


I very much dislike the decals on cars and trucks like the little boy peeing or the busty gal...tasteless.

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I'm with you!!! My dh was watching Letterman the other night, and there sat "Lady" Gaga looking very unladylike to me. :glare:


(And while we're on the subject, momee, I think your avatar needs to go put some clothes on. :D )


That made me giggle too...


I do agree with how tiring it is....to see so little propriety everywhere.

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So now it's "politically correct" to have songs mentioning physical body parts, acts of sensuality, casual sx...?


I think the phrase you're looking for is "massively profitable," not "politically correct."


I don't listen to much pop music, but from what I've heard, it's pretty vulgar and disgusting. But, it has nothing to do with "political correctness" and everything to do with the market. If there wasn't a market for it, if people weren't making tons of money off of it, they'd stop producing it. If people weren't buying vulgar shirts and bumperstickers, nobody would be selling them.


I'm always shocked at the slogans on shirts worn by preteen girls, but obviously there is a market for those items, and that's why they're being made. If they were languishing in stores unsold, they'd stop being made really quickly.

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DH was telling me that the employees he works with (he doesnt manage them specifically) talk about their private s*x lives to each other like they're talking about the weather. And he was telling me how uncomfortable he was overhearing the vulgar language they use. I asked him how old these people are, and get this, they are as young as sixteen and they are girls. He is very concerned about sending our DDs to high school, which is our plan. How do we keep our girls from turning out like this, without keeping them locked up? It makes me sick.

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DH was telling me that the employees he works with (he doesnt manage them specifically) talk about their private s*x lives to each other like they're talking about the weather. And he was telling me how uncomfortable he was overhearing the vulgar language they use. I asked him how old these people are, and get this, they are as young as sixteen and they are girls. He is very concerned about sending our DDs to high school, which is our plan. How do we keep our girls from turning out like this, without keeping them locked up? It makes me sick.


Me too. Ugh.

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Superwoman has disappeared into the closet to put clothes on :lol:


Point taken.


You know, I think Superwoman was tame compared to what we see today. Her bathing suit looks much better than what I see in the grocery store many days. The thong wearing tatooed booties I see on women who are - well. Let's say big.


Superwoman was "gifted" to me by my teenage son who thinks she should be my avatar :))))))) (gush - now blush).


I don't have as much problem with the clothes, though I do have a problem with that. It's the in your face vulgar cursing, sexual talk and inappropriate stuff that's in my kid's faces.


And btw, I cannot get her to disappear as my avatar :) though I'm trying. Says file won't upload!

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The I 95 ones have pictures...of scantily clad women with giant breasts


Gee- sorry I missed them.;) The few I have seen on 183 didn't have them, but I don't venture too far out of our town if I can help it!

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Yes, and it's migrating even to health PSAs. I'm Sick. To. Death. of it.


I saw in our local paper this week:


"Bikes for Boobies"--motorcycle event for breast cancer. Sigh.


"What's up your butt?"--billboard campaign on the importance of colonoscopies. This was approved for our area but recently overturned due to public outrage (thank God!)

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Superwoman has disappeared into the closet to put clothes on :lol:


Point taken.

She was "gifted" to me by my teenage son who thinks Superwoman should be my avatar :))))))) (gush - now blush).


That is very sweet....I actually love your avatar. But it did make me giggle when I saw your subject line.

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We are not very modest...we wear two piece bathing suits, tank tops, shorts, etc. We watch tv, listen to rock music. But even I wish things were less vulgar. I don't need nearly nude women posted on every billboard, and I certainly don't want to walk into Hot Topic or whatever and have curse words written on ever other shirt and bumper sticker. For heavens sake! Even the country station plays a song that has a** in the first verse, and it could just have easily been bum or rump or even bu**, which I would not think of as a curse word at all. There is NO need for the a** word, and I certainly don't want my kids singing along to that word!


:iagree: This is us too. Well, I don't wear bikinis! But, that's not because I have anything against them. I just don't feel comfortable in one.


Anyway, I agree! It's ridiculous. My sons and I were talking about this the other day. My 13 yo says that he's one of two people who doesn't swear on his baseball team. The others feel completely comfortable dropping the f-bomb. ACK!!!

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Count me in as well. I'm not even remotely conservative compared to many homeschooling families we know . . . but lately I have found myself tsk-tsking like a 75 year old grandmother who is constantly lamenting the passing of yesteryear. ;)


The other day my kids and I were standing in line next to a man who had a T-shirt on that spelled out the "F" word. In gerund form. As in, "I'd rather be . . . . !" Really? That's where we are now as a society??? :001_huh:

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I am reight there too -- I am so sick and tried of it all -- I feel like i am constantly under attack as i take my boys out (to family and or kid places -- doctor offices, target, the park) .... i long for teh 1800 when a knee was never seen!!!!


I wouldn't go that far, but I do wish people would keep their underwear... you know... UNDER.

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I must be way too busy paying attention to the road to see all these horrid bumper stickers, that or Atlanta must not be a hot-bed of bumper sticker/dom~ :D


I also fail to notice all these folks in x-rate t-shirts. Billboards... again I'm watching the road. Maybe that's why so many in getting into auto accidents?


Learn to turn the other cheek, move on, life is way too short to get all hot about what makes others happy or not.

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We bought a kids book - I think Diary of a Wimpy Kid -- at the thrift store. DS9 says, "Look, it has a sticker in it! What does that mean?" I look. The sticker said "Viva la v*lva!" I was :lol: then :blink:. I'm sure someone thought that was funny. It looked like the kind of sticker someone would put on their car.


Although we are in Berkeley and the other day I was driving around and went past the Ladies of the Night Foundation Thrift Shop. Now I love thrift stores but didn't think they would have many homeschooling books in there...

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I must be way too busy paying attention to the road to see all these horrid bumper stickers, that or Atlanta must not be a hot-bed of bumper sticker/dom~ :D


I also fail to notice all these folks in x-rate t-shirts. Billboards... again I'm watching the road. Maybe that's why so many in getting into auto accidents?


Learn to turn the other cheek, move on, life is way too short to get all hot about what makes others happy or not.


I also see very little of this. I do see some of the preteen girls in my neighborhood wearing shirts with slogans I find very problematic. Once in a rare while, I'll see somebody walking around with their pants down and their underwear showing. But, beyond that, I just don't see a whole lot of this sort of thing, and I live in a very urban area.


Maybe I don't notice. I don't know. I also hear very little profanity. The few times it's happened, it's been quite memorable, like one time years ago when I was at a playground and three or four teens were swearing so much I had to ask them to stop since there were small children around. But that's literally the only time I've encountered anything like that from a group of teens, and the other incidents of hearing profanity in public have generally been from homeless people who were obviously mentally ill.


Being online always makes me realize that I must either be a very oblivious or a very fortunate person, because all sorts of bad behavior that people seem to see all around them, I just don't find myself surrounded by at all, even living in a city.

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I don't consider myself a prude, but I was shocked at the bare bottomed thong tushes staring at me from a sign on the back of a taxi when I was in Las Vegas years ago. The only thing I've seen locally was a scrotal sack hanging from under a large truck. Tasteless.

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Watching American Idol last night was also an eye-opener, as it has been all season. Steven Tyler leering at underage girls, his prolific use of profanity, everyone drooling over JLo, the Lady Gaga mentor night, and then last night when she performed and so did Beyonce. It makes me sad, but I think we are done with American Idol. I muted the song Gaga was singing, but then had to change the channel when my son was staring at it and asked what her dancer was doing to her. :001_huh:


I do realize that's different in a lot of ways because I can choose to turn it off, whereas bumper stickers and billboards are all over the place.


It makes me sick too.

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I am reight there too -- I am so sick and tried of it all -- I feel like i am constantly under attack as i take my boys out (to family and or kid places -- doctor offices, target, the park) .... i long for teh 1800 when a knee was never seen!!!!


Ah yes back when women were second class citizens. Oh wait, we still are.



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Guest jab300
Yes, and it's migrating even to health PSAs. I'm Sick. To. Death. of it.


I saw in our local paper this week:


"Bikes for Boobies"--motorcycle event for breast cancer. Sigh.


"What's up your butt?"--billboard campaign on the importance of colonoscopies. This was approved for our area but recently overturned due to public outrage (thank God!)



Sorry, that one almost made me spit tea all over the computer!:lol: I'm all for free speech and having 5 males in my home, well, things can get kinda gross. But go ahead and put me in the fuddy duddy column because I, too, think it just goes too far. Seriously, there are executives sitting in boardrooms, listening to agencies pitch these ads for tv or billboards or whatever to them and they think, "Yeah, sounds great, run with it???" I cannot stand the Hardee's commercials with the cowgirl woman half naked and eating the big burger. They lost a big audience with that one I would think. We get those "We Bare All" billboards when we drive down to Disney World...ugh. I do admit that I giggle at the "Save the tatas" bumper stickers, though. :)

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I also see very little of this. I do see some of the preteen girls in my neighborhood wearing shirts with slogans I find very problematic. Once in a rare while, I'll see somebody walking around with their pants down and their underwear showing. But, beyond that, I just don't see a whole lot of this sort of thing, and I live in a very urban area.


Maybe I don't notice. I don't know. I also hear very little profanity. The few times it's happened, it's been quite memorable, like one time years ago when I was at a playground and three or four teens were swearing so much I had to ask them to stop since there were small children around. But that's literally the only time I've encountered anything like that from a group of teens, and the other incidents of hearing profanity in public have generally been from homeless people who were obviously mentally ill.


Being online always makes me realize that I must either be a very oblivious or a very fortunate person, because all sorts of bad behavior that people seem to see all around them, I just don't find myself surrounded by at all, even living in a city.


Same here, and I'm so glad! :001_smile:

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I must be terribly uncouth because I fail to see anything wrong with words like boobs, butt or vulva. For crying out loud- even my 6 y/o ds knows what a vulva is since he has a little sister. Obviously there's a time and place for different kinds of words, but overall I just can't find it in me to get worked up over mere words.


I do, however, think that anyone who has a large pair of testicles swinging from the back of their truck is utterly crude and tasteless. :driving:


Other than that, which unfortunately seems to be commonplace around here for men who own big trucks, I really don't see or hear much vulgarity in public on a day to day basis. Maybe I'm oblivious or maybe my tolerance is such that what some of the posters here consider vulgar doesn't even register on my radar...?

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I must be way too busy paying attention to the road to see all these horrid bumper stickers, that or Atlanta must not be a hot-bed of bumper sticker/dom~ :D


I also fail to notice all these folks in x-rate t-shirts. Billboards... again I'm watching the road. Maybe that's why so many in getting into auto accidents?


We look at all sorts of things while I am drving: the clouds, for animals in the fields, signs, etc. Maybe it's a personality things; we notice everything, read everything, discuss everything, whether on the road or elsewhere. I don't think that's a bad thing.


(And I have a perfect driving record, tyvm. :D)

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Guest jab300
I must be terribly uncouth because I fail to see anything wrong with words like boobs, butt or vulva. For crying out loud- even my 6 y/o ds knows what a vulva is since he has a little sister. Obviously there's a time and place for different kinds of words, but overall I just can't find it in me to get worked up over mere words.


I do, however, think that anyone who has a large pair of testicles swinging from the back of their truck is utterly crude and tasteless. :driving:


Other than that, which unfortunately seems to be commonplace around here for men who own big trucks, I really don't see or hear much vulgarity in public on a day to day basis. Maybe I'm oblivious or maybe my tolerance is such that what some of the posters here consider vulgar doesn't even register on my radar...?


I grew up with four brothers...can't say the topic of my vulva ever came up. :confused:

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I grew up with four brothers...can't say the topic of my vulva ever came up. :confused:


Are you suggesting that it's odd for a 6yo with a little sister to know what a vulva is?


My son knows that his sister (and other women) have vulvas, and men have penises. He's seen me change her diaper, and he was curious, especially at first, about what girls look like "down there." I don't see anything wrong with his knowing what a vulva is, or using the word.


I seriously doubt it will come up in conversation with DD, but he knows what parts he has and what parts she has, and what the proper names for them are.

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Guest jab300

Not suggesting that at all. The topic is about these words on billboards and tshirts...not whether or not children should know them.

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Sorry, that one almost made me spit tea all over the computer!:lol: I'm all for free speech and having 5 males in my home, well, things can get kinda gross. But go ahead and put me in the fuddy duddy column because I, too, think it just goes too far. Seriously, there are executives sitting in boardrooms, listening to agencies pitch these ads for tv or billboards or whatever to them and they think, "Yeah, sounds great, run with it???"


Sigh. Yep. It was a real campaign. It actually was supposed to show a woman with a crabby look on her face and then the um, slogan.

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Raising children in this day and age is hard.


I get so sick and tired of it all. I feel especially sorry for my ds10, with all the immodesty.

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Changing diapers: "Her penis is gone! Where it go? Why her just have butt?" No, sweetie. That's her vulva.




[okay I have to admit that the colonoscopy "what's up your butt" ad post made me laugh - I've never seen the ad, but that phrase gets used in our house a lot as a light hearted way of poking at a cranky personĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ :p ]

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