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Where is Harold Camping now?

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A few days ago I read an article saying that he had pre-released a letter for "after he is gone." Presumably for the rapture, or else on vacation. Incidentally, the vast majority of people who work at his station did not believe the rapture was coming.


Most of the donations are tied up in program licenses, so he doesn't have access to a lot of cash.

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Yes, because he is the one who is deserving of our sympathies. :rolleyes:




What he did was not harmless or blameless. I bet he's in hiding. He probably should hide.


At least some of the people (It would only take one.) who bought into what he said, might just be inclined to come after him--especially if they feel they have nothing to lose.

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Have you seen this?




Oh. my. goodness.

Thank God the friend showed up. Those poor girls. I cannot imagine. How in the world did she manage to do that to two children that age? Did they go along willingly? Did she drug them? You'd think they could overpower her if not.

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Oh. my. goodness.

Thank God the friend showed up. Those poor girls. I cannot imagine. How in the world did she manage to do that to two children that age? Did they go along willingly? Did she drug them? You'd think they could overpower her if not.


I would assume not. I'm pretty sure they survived. The reporter seemed a little confused.

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Quote from the article.


"The paperwork shows Camping has so far, never taken a penny for his own salary, but Family Radio has plenty of other paid employees."


He is not blameless, but it appears he is not it in for the money either.

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I would assume not. I'm pretty sure they survived. The reporter seemed a little confused.
There's little information about it. Just a TV new story or two and an article in a local paper (paywall). Here's a summary of the newspaper article:



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From my reading and from situations of "prophetism" in the past....

It seems that the "prophets" rarely believe what they are preaching. I don't know if this is the case here... Anyone?

Either way, I think people like this should be charged with fraud and taken to court.

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From my reading and from situations of "prophetism" in the past....

It seems that the "prophets" rarely believe what they are preaching. I don't know if this is the case here... Anyone?

Either way, I think people like this should be charged with fraud and taken to court.


Well, I think the JWs were sincere when they did it, but they quit that when they kept being wrong.

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I hope he's somewhere with people who love him and won't make fun of him.


Pardon me if I don't feel a bit sorry for a false teacher who's been leading people astray and telling them to leave their "apostate" churches and listen to him instead for years.

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Well, I think the JWs were sincere when they did it, but they quit that when they kept being wrong.


:iagree: The whole situation reminds me of the Millerites, too. William Miller was very, very sincere, even after the day passed. :( The whole thing is just sad. I don't know if Harold Camping truly believes his message, but I wouldn't assume he doesn't. He spent an awful lot of money to warn people.


I feel so bad for everyone involved. It's easy to make jokes because of the very nature (and I definitely have, I'm not innocent), but I have to wonder how they're feeling right now. Alone, lost, confused, and abandoned by God, I would imagine. They really have my prayers.

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For me, if the people were seriously following him and truly led to believe that yesterday was "the day", then the last of our worries should be the aftermath because there is something very wrong with these people to begin with. No sane person jumps on that band wagon, but then again the second coming and organized religion is a contrived idea to control people...but that's just me.

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For me, if the people were seriously following him and truly led to believe that yesterday was "the day", then the last of our worries should be the aftermath because there is something very wrong with these people to begin with. No sane person jumps on that band wagon, but then again the second coming and organized religion is a contrived idea to control people...but that's just me.


Not just you.

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For me, if the people were seriously following him and truly led to believe that yesterday was "the day", then the last of our worries should be the aftermath because there is something very wrong with these people to begin with.




No sane person jumps on that band wagon, but then again the second coming and organized religion is a contrived idea to control people...but that's just me.


Ah, another conspiracy theory. Well...they come in all flavors.

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He raised $100MILLION with this campaign. Hundred million.


Also, the fact that he takes no salary could just be financial dancing. As evidenced by major corporations of late, we know that salaries are not the only way people are paid - they get bonuses, gifts, stock payouts, etc. Just because a man isn't getting a salary doesn't mean he's not benefiting financially from his employer.

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Either way, I think people like this should be charged with fraud and taken to court.

I do not agree with this. We are all responsible to know what we believe and why. I KNEW what he was saying was false because of a knowledge and belief in the Bible. It took know time at all to recognize the falsehoods that were there.


We really can't blame someone else if we are negligent in knowing what the truth is.

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I do not agree with this. We are all responsible to know what we believe and why. I KNEW what he was saying was false because of a knowledge and belief in the Bible. It took know time at all to recognize the falsehoods that were there.


We really can't blame someone else if we are negligent in knowing what the truth is.


But what if you read his literature and found his logic reasonable? He explained fully why he believed that yesterday was supposed to be the Rapture. Complete with Bible verses.

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But what if you read his literature and found his logic reasonable? He explained fully why he believed that yesterday was supposed to be the Rapture. Complete with Bible verses.


Well, the Bible has a very clear verse on who gets to know the timing. And we are supposed to take the Bible over a regular man's writing/radio show. I think people were genuinely deceived, but that's what happens when you listen to man over the Bible. It's sad all around, but God does give us the tools to avoid falling into these things. It's our job to use them.

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Well, the Bible has a very clear verse on who gets to know the timing. And we are supposed to take the Bible over a regular man's writing/radio show. I think people were genuinely deceived, but that's what happens when you listen to man over the Bible. It's sad all around, but God does give us the tools to avoid falling into these things. It's our job to use them.


:iagree: with you 100%.


I read somewhere that HC somehow explained away that verse about only God knowing the day and the hour - does anyone know what his reasoning was?

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I read somewhere that HC somehow explained away that verse about only God knowing the day and the hour - does anyone know what his reasoning was?


I did too… I think it was something to the effect that the "no man knows the time" stuff only applied at the time it was said… something like that anyway. Brushing it off as not applicable to today.

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Harold Camping taught all sorts of heretical things including that God gave control of the churches over to satan in 1988. His explanation for the Matthew 24 verse was that it only applied to the church age, which according to him ended in 1988. If people fall for false teachers it is sad but they are accountable for their own actions. HC did not really site verses to explain his prediction. He mostly just said he has study the whole of scripture and applied a bunch of numbers and calculations which gave him the May 21st date. If his followers do not believe him to be a false prophet now then they are completely ignoring God's Word.

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I can't get the site to load right now, but he explained that while there is the verse about how no one knows the time, etc, there is something in Daniel (?) that basically can be interpreted to mean that there will come a time that we WILL be able to know and that the information about the specific time is available in the Bible.


There was something about how once the Seventh Seal was opened (which he thinks happened in 1988), then it would be possible for True Believers to read the Bible and interpret when the Rapture would occur, using certain dates as starting points.


Okay, that page did load for me: http://www.familyradio.com/graphical/literature/nomanknows/nomanknows.html


You can dismiss him out of hand all together all you want. As an agnostic, I'm all in favor of discrediting "end of times" speech.


HOWEVER, if "no one knows the time, etc" and most Christians believe that yes, Jesus will come back, then why is it so ridiculous to think that yesterday couldn't have been the day? You can't both say "no one knows the time" AND "May 21st is definitely not the date of the Rapture."

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For me, if the people were seriously following him and truly led to believe that yesterday was "the day", then the last of our worries should be the aftermath because there is something very wrong with these people to begin with. No sane person jumps on that band wagon, but then again the second coming and organized religion is a contrived idea to control people...but that's just me.


Also, not just you.

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That's exactly right Amey311. Jesus can return at any time he chooses it is not for us to know. Harold was off on a lot more than just his prediction of the date and that is why he is dismissed. His whole theory of the rapture followed by 5 months of judgment and then the whole earth being destroyed in Oct. is not in line with scripture in any way.

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So, you take issue with the scripture he cites? Because I don't think it's fair to say that just because it says in one part of the Bible that "no one knows the time" then it means that's the firm statement. There are other contradictions in the Bible. The idea that one book might say "you'll never know - it's a secret!" and that another book (or books) might say "you can find out if you're very clever!" isn't completely strange.

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I can't get the site to load right now, but he explained that while there is the verse about how no one knows the time, etc, there is something in Daniel (?) that basically can be interpreted to mean that there will come a time that we WILL be able to know and that the information about the specific time is available in the Bible.


There was something about how once the Seventh Seal was opened (which he thinks happened in 1988), then it would be possible for True Believers to read the Bible and interpret when the Rapture would occur, using certain dates as starting points.


Okay, that page did load for me: http://www.familyradio.com/graphical/literature/nomanknows/nomanknows.html


You can dismiss him out of hand all together all you want. As an agnostic, I'm all in favor of discrediting "end of times" speech.


HOWEVER, if "no one knows the time, etc" and most Christians believe that yes, Jesus will come back, then why is it so ridiculous to think that yesterday couldn't have been the day? You can't both say "no one knows the time" AND "May 21st is definitely not the date of the Rapture."


Well if NO ONE knows the time and a bunch of people said it was May 21st, 2011, then it couldn't be that day because then a bunch of people would have known the time. :001_smile: And it certainly wouldn't have been "like a thief coming in the night" with all the media coverage.

Edited by Sputterduck
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So, you take issue with the scripture he cites? Because I don't think it's fair to say that just because it says in one part of the Bible that "no one knows the time" then it means that's the firm statement. There are other contradictions in the Bible. The idea that one book might say "you'll never know - it's a secret!" and that another book (or books) might say "you can find out if you're very clever!" isn't completely strange.


Well, Jesus is extremely clever, and He doesn't get to know the time! If Jesus can't, I wouldn't think we would be able to either.

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HOWEVER, if "no one knows the time, etc" and most Christians believe that yes, Jesus will come back, then why is it so ridiculous to think that yesterday couldn't have been the day? You can't both say "no one knows the time" AND "May 21st is definitely not the date of the Rapture."


I'm not sure that Christians (those who didn't subscribe to HC's views) would say "May 21st is definitely not the date of the Rapture"; I think they simply say that they don't know one way or the other.

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Well, Jesus is extremely clever, and He doesn't get to know the time! If Jesus can't, I wouldn't think we would be able to either.


I'm willing to back out of this at any time, FYI.


If you're going to go with Mark 13:32 "“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


What do you then do about the Holy Trinity? If God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, how does one part know and not the other?

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I'm willing to back out of this at any time, FYI.


If you're going to go with Mark 13:32 "“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


What do you then do about the Holy Trinity? If God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, how does one part know and not the other?


Well, that's a whole different can of worms. But the trinity doesn't bother me, personally, in the least considering that we live in a physical state with all sorts of rules that God doesn't have to abide by. But, still, I'm one person and my parts still require communication between one another. And then there are people with lobotomies and what their right brain is thinking is totally unknown to their left brain and vice versa. They can't even communicate with themselves, but that's doesn't make them two people. Even so, the trinity is taught at 3 persons, one God. It doesn't take any effort on my part to wrap my head around that.


Also, sorry if I didn't say any of that too clearly. I have a migraine right now. Hence why I'm posting here instead of being at church.:tongue_smilie:

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Something occurred to me that might solve Camping's dilemma, here.


I have too much time on my hands, today. ;)


Remember how the Israelites were led out of Egypt by God, with Moses as the line leader? The whole point of that long trek through the desert was to get to the Promised Land. However, once they arrived and were faced with asking its current inhabitants to kindly move over, the Israelites got scared and refused to enter (except for Josh and Caleb, who urged, "Come on! We can take 'em!")


As it turned out, God made the whole population wander in the desert for 40 years more due to their lack of faith.


Camping could say, that because there were so few with faith that God was going to rapture them on May 21st, we are all forced to wait longer to meet Jesus in Heaven.


I don't know. It'd be worth a try, I guess. :001_huh:

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Please point me to the scripture he sites because I have yet to see any. The Bible also tells us to judge a prophet by if what he says is true and clearly what HC says is not true. People twist and pervert scripture all the time. There multiple things that scripture teaches must happen before the world ends and most of them have yet to be accomplished. HC is just part of the birth pains that Jesus said would come before the end.

Mathew 24:3-15

Signs of the Close of the Age


3As he sat on(C) the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him(D) privately, saying, "Tell us,(E) when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your(F) coming and of(G) the close of the age?" 4And Jesus answered them, (H) "See that no one leads you astray. 5For(I) many will come in my name, saying, 'I am(J) the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. 6And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you(K) are not alarmed, for this(L) must take place, but the end is not yet. 7For(M) nation will rise against nation, and(N) kingdom against kingdom, and there will be(O) famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are but the beginning of(P) the birth pains. 9"Then(Q) they will deliver you up(R) to tribulation and(S) put you to death, and(T) you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. 10And then many will fall away[a] and(U) betray one another and hate one another. 11And many(V) false prophets will arise(W) and lead many astray. 12And because lawlessness will be increased,(X) the love of many will grow cold. 13(Y) But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom(Z) will be proclaimed throughout the whole world(AA) as a testimony(AB) to all nations, and(AC) then the end will come.

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I'm willing to back out of this at any time, FYI.


If you're going to go with Mark 13:32 "“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


What do you then do about the Holy Trinity? If God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, how does one part know and not the other?


LDS believe God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct beings. So, not an issue here :).

:lurk5: for the Trinitarian (is that a word?) answer though.

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Please point me to the scripture he sites because I have yet to see any.




This has the scripture he uses to justify his May 21, 2011 date.


He is working from a Young Earth creation position as well since he lists a specific year for the creation.


And again - in case my position isn't clear, I didn't think he was credible. My reasons weren't Biblical though.


There was a joking part of me that was hoping he was right - it would mean I wouldn't have to clean house - I could just move next door. She's a way better housekeeper than I am :)

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LDS believe God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three distinct beings. So, not an issue here :).

:lurk5: for the Trinitarian (is that a word?) answer though.


How do you all account for Tomas in the Bible calling Jesus "My Lord and My God"


And "the Word was God" in this-


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.


There came a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light.


There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.


And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’â€


(I quoted extra to include the part that makes it certain that "the Word" is Jesus)

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This has the scripture he uses to justify his May 21, 2011 date.


He is working from a Young Earth creation position as well since he lists a specific year for the creation.


And again - in case my position isn't clear, I didn't think he was credible. My reasons weren't Biblical though.


There was a joking part of me that was hoping he was right - it would mean I wouldn't have to clean house - I could just move next door. She's a way better housekeeper than I am :)


That's really funny because he forgets to address the one scripture that reeeeeally ousts him as a false prophet.


But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Matthew 24:36

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