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Homeschool planner for Mac in the works

Would you buy a Mac homeschool planning software?  

  1. 1. Would you buy a Mac homeschool planning software?

    • Yes! I am a Mac user and I would love to have a Mac hs planning app.
    • No. I am a Mac user but I wouldn't switch from my current software.
    • No. I am a Windows user.

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Hi everyone, I am a homeschooled teen hoping to get some suggestions and feedback on a Mac application I am programming that is intended for homeschool planning and record keeping, as well as other features such as journaling, goal setting, chore tracking, etc... If you have any ideas or feature suggestions I would really appreciate it. My mom and I have a pretty good framework going but we would like some outside feedback and ideas on different features, learning styles, and any other comments you would like to throw in. If you have a favorite feature from some other homeschool planning software or any original ideas that you would love to see, please post them.




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Hi everyone, I am a homeschooled teen hoping to get some suggestions and feedback on a Mac application I am programming that is intended for homeschool planning and record keeping, as well as other features such as journaling, goal setting, chore tracking, etc... If you have any ideas or feature suggestions I would really appreciate it. My mom and I have a pretty good framework going but we would like some outside feedback and ideas on different features, learning styles, and any other comments you would like to throw in. If you have a favorite feature from some other homeschool planning software or any original ideas that you would love to see, please post them.





No suggestions... but I'll be :lurk5: & watching for updates. I have been longing for a good homeschool planning app for my Mac.

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I would love to be able to print a to do list for students that they can check off, or send it to an ipad or ipod touch app. Printable weekly schedules would be nice too. Oh, and reasonably priced. I'll add more if I think of it. Let me know when you need a beta tester.:D

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Good for you! I used to be a programmer and have often thought about making my own planner. But, I'm too busy with being a teacher now...


I don't use a Mac but would be interested if it was for the iPad as well, there aren't many options. I also really love online things, that way I'm not tied to any one device.


Have fun!

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A iPhone/iTouch/iPad app is definitely planned and it will have a higher priority now due to the clear support from everyone.


Thanks for all of the great feedback everyone! Keep it coming. :)

And if everyone could let me know what version of Mac you have that would be great. I still need to make the final decision of what versions it will support, currently the plan is to support Leopard and up but if there are a lot of people who have Tiger and plan to have it for a while I might rethink things a bit.

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i don't have a mac only poor ole windows but my iPad is quickly ( in the month I've had it) replacing everything!!!!


I'll tell you what I like from the end result product and let you figure out if it's doable :D


1) ability to format assignments in a sonlight type schedule sheet AND the ability to have it run a page report like a syllabus


Thus I can print one style for the younger kids and still print out a syllabus for the older just by filling in the blanks (maybe that's more a fillable template thingee???)


2) I want to open it up, check off attendance, mark assignments with grades or completed and then flip to the another page that is updated showing what is left for that day/week/month/year


3) Transcript is there waiting and ready


4) ability to type in the assignment, page number and then tell it to schedule that over a period of time in a non complicated way. LOL!


After viewing stuff on the ipad, it would be neat to have it look a lot like the calendar and you can just click and go to the other stuff as needed. I love the istudiez pro but it's not a "teacher planner" I love the regular calendar's look but it needs more. if the two could get married and have a new and improved kid, that may be a sweet ticket.

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Quick update:

One of the features that I am considering for the app is a login system. It would allow the parent and each of the kids to have their own account in the app and have a different operating experience. (I don't think this feature would work well on an iphone or ipad version so this idea is primarily for the Mac)


For e.g. the parent would have full access to all of the features of the app, they could access all of the data and could add/remove/edit whatever they want. The kids (different privileges depending on age) would have access to less of it, they would only see their own data, and they would only be able to do certain things to the data, like mark it complete.


Pros: Allow the parent to set what data the kids have access to. Each user could make some visual changes to their own account and have their own preferences.


Cons: One extra step that everyone needs to take before even getting into the application.


Let me know what you think. :)



Edited by Wizecoder
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Quick update and request:

One of the features that I am considering for the app is a login system. It would allow the parent and each of the kids to have their own account in the app and have a different operating experience. (I don't think this feature would work well on an iphone or ipad version so this idea is primarily for the Mac)


For e.g. the parent would have full access to all of the features of the app, they could access all of the data and could add/remove/edit whatever they want. The kids (different privileges depending on age) would have access to less of it, they would only see their own data, and they would only be able to do certain things to the data, like mark it complete.


Pros: Allow the parent to set what data the kids have access to. Each user could make some visual changes to their own account and have their own preferences.


Cons: One extra step that everyone needs to take before even getting into the application.


Let me know what you think. :)




I think the login would be worth it to allow the kids to mark off their work as they complete it. It could really save on printing out checklists for those who are more inclined to working on-screen than on paper.

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A iPhone/iTouch/iPad app is definitely planned and it will have a higher priority now due to the clear support from everyone.


Thanks for all of the great feedback everyone! Keep it coming. :)

And if everyone could let me know what version of Mac you have that would be great. I still need to make the final decision of what versions it will support, currently the plan is to support Leopard and up but if there are a lot of people who have Tiger and plan to have it for a while I might rethink things a bit.


This would be fabulous. I have a Mac OS X Build 10J869 and iPod Touch 4th Generation. I currently use no online/software homeschool planner because I don't want to bother with having windows on my mac. :)

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Quick update:

One of the features that I am considering for the app is a login system. It would allow the parent and each of the kids to have their own account in the app and have a different operating experience. (I don't think this feature would work well on an iphone or ipad version so this idea is primarily for the Mac)


For e.g. the parent would have full access to all of the features of the app, they could access all of the data and could add/remove/edit whatever they want. The kids (different privileges depending on age) would have access to less of it, they would only see their own data, and they would only be able to do certain things to the data, like mark it complete.


Pros: Allow the parent to set what data the kids have access to. Each user could make some visual changes to their own account and have their own preferences.


Cons: One extra step that everyone needs to take before even getting into the application.


Let me know what you think. :)




One extra step wouldn't bother me. I'd probably not use it now, but once DD gets to high school, having her the ability to manage her own schedule would be nice. :)

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I'm a Mac user, and I agree that Mac application would be a great thing. It would definitely be of value to me to have an iPad/iPhone version.


A piece of advice about a project like this: it is a good idea to figure out, in a general way, what it ought to do in the long run, even though you will not have it do everything right away. Architecture decisions you make today will still be with you years down the road. In other words: think big, but start small.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm running OS X 10.6.7 and am DYING for a good planner. I love the feel of the planner over at simplycharlottemason.com but it doesn't let me see anything past 2 days. I need something that allows me to see all week, next week, etc.


I would LOVE to have the login info for the student so she can see what needs to be done without having to deal with all of my "stuff". The ability to at least see your plan on the ipad or ipod touch would be fantastic.


An app you might want to look at is http://www.cozi.com They are an online organizer that will automatically update all of your devices (ipad, ipod, etc) because the actual data is online. However, as long as nothing has changed since you last updated, you can view the info offline as well.


This may be far reaching - I'm not sure how in depth you want to be, but I would love a really thorough planner that would make me feel comfortable enough to not put it on the computer AND paper for once!




Quick update:

One of the features that I am considering for the app is a login system. It would allow the parent and each of the kids to have their own account in the app and have a different operating experience. (I don't think this feature would work well on an iphone or ipad version so this idea is primarily for the Mac)


For e.g. the parent would have full access to all of the features of the app, they could access all of the data and could add/remove/edit whatever they want. The kids (different privileges depending on age) would have access to less of it, they would only see their own data, and they would only be able to do certain things to the data, like mark it complete.


Pros: Allow the parent to set what data the kids have access to. Each user could make some visual changes to their own account and have their own preferences.


Cons: One extra step that everyone needs to take before even getting into the application.


Let me know what you think. :)



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Guest prayingmother

One feature (although this may need to wait for a release further down the road) I would like is to be able to sync the planner across multiple devices. I.e. My iPad, my computer, my kids' computer (we only have Macs), my daughter's iPad. And if it was possible to say only sync stuff pertaining to my daughter to her iPad so she doesn't need to see her brothers' planning.


Another feature I would really want is that when I enter some assignments, I could apply it to all students or just a few. I have four kids, but we use unit studies as much as possible, so when we all work on a project together, I dont want to enter it four times. I think that feature is on HS Tracker.


With that said, I will be so happy with a homeschool planner for my Mac, even if it doesn't work on my iPad. I've searched for years for that. So please don't wait to incorporate every feature, once you have something working. I've even loaded Windows on my Mac so that I can use HS Tracker, but I hate launching Windows, so I stick with paper. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have something ready at least in a Beta fashion by late summer so that I can use it for next year. You will make my year! I can't wait.


I run OS 10.6x on my Mac and iOS 4.x on my iPad and iPhone.

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Haven't read responses but I would like something that can be:


an index of books, materials and locations

Sync across iPad iPhone desktop etc

Easily change the date of an activity--move it to a different date or time if it doesn't get done as planned

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Thanks everybody for the great feedback! There will definitely be a iPhone/iPad version of the application and I am thinking hard about how to implement syncing.


With that said, I will be so happy with a homeschool planner for my Mac, even if it doesn't work on my iPad. I've searched for years for that. So please don't wait to incorporate every feature, once you have something working. I've even loaded Windows on my Mac so that I can use HS Tracker, but I hate launching Windows, so I stick with paper. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have something ready at least in a Beta fashion by late summer so that I can use it for next year. You will make my year! I can't wait.
I hope to be able to release the application in some form or another by the end of summer but I won't be able to make any promises, the syncing is clearly a crucial feature but it is a complex feature that will take a while to figure out.


an index of books, materials and locations
An index of books and materials is planned but could you expand on what you want with locations?


Thanks again everybody, it is really encouraging to get this great of a response and the feedback is helping alot in the decision making.

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One feature (although this may need to wait for a release further down the road) I would like is to be able to sync the planner across multiple devices. I.e. My iPad, my computer, my kids' computer (we only have Macs), my daughter's iPad. And if it was possible to say only sync stuff pertaining to my daughter to her iPad so she doesn't need to see her brothers' planning.


Another feature I would really want is that when I enter some assignments, I could apply it to all students or just a few. I have four kids, but we use unit studies as much as possible, so when we all work on a project together, I dont want to enter it four times. I think that feature is on HS Tracker.


With that said, I will be so happy with a homeschool planner for my Mac, even if it doesn't work on my iPad. I've searched for years for that. So please don't wait to incorporate every feature, once you have something working. I've even loaded Windows on my Mac so that I can use HS Tracker, but I hate launching Windows, so I stick with paper. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have something ready at least in a Beta fashion by late summer so that I can use it for next year. You will make my year! I can't wait.


I run OS 10.6x on my Mac and iOS 4.x on my iPad and iPhone.


If the developer is kind enough to take advantage of all that OS X Lion and iOS5 will offer this year---you should be able to keep a planner in sync over all iMacs, Macbooks, iPads, iPhones and iPod touches via the new, free iCloud features. Just like Mail, iCal, contacts, iPhoto etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everybody, just letting you know that I am still working hard on the application and I do hope to have a beta version ready by the end of august.


Currently I am trying to decide on a name for the application, I have a few ideas already but I would like to get some outside opinions, suggestions and feedback. My current ideas are:


Holly - The Homeschooler's Organized Life and Learning Yearbook.




Olly - The Organized Life and Learning Yearbook.


So please let me know what you think of those options and if you have any other ideas feel free to comment. Thanks :)

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Hey everybody, just letting you know that I am still working hard on the application and I do hope to have a beta version ready by the end of august.


:party: Looking forward to trying it!


I like the Holly option best, but really, you could call it R2D2. If it did what we need it to do, no one would care!

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Thanks for the feedback. Please keep it coming, this is a very tough decision and I would appreciate as many outside opinions as possible.


Originally posted by Melissel

I like the Holly option best, but really, you could call it R2D2. If it did what we need it to do, no one would care!


I know the name probably wouldn't make that big of a difference but it is just one of those things that feels like it needs to be just right. Knowing that whatever name we pick could be associated with the app for years to come makes it a tough decision.:001_unsure:


Originally posted by kalanamak

What about Wizetracker? Or WiseTracker.


I was definitely thinking of something like that but I am developing this to be a product of my mom's new company and we decided that it would be best to keep my own naming convention out of it, but thanks for the suggestion. :)


Thanks again everyone I really appreciate all of the support.

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These are some features that I would love.


Being able to type in all the info/lessons for a specific book/subject, type in the number of times per week you want to do it (and maybe which days) and it and it will magically divide it up for you across the calendar.


Then, if you don't check something as compete, it will roll it over for you.


Or if you have a specific activity on a day, it will skip that date automatically.


When you complete a lesson, it could calculate the % of that book/subject/whatever completed.


See, I would like to enter things in units, like a book... not by each day. It is too laborious! All the online things I have looked at are too irritating to input. They are counter-intuitive to my brain...and they all seem to be very similar.


Good luck! Looking forward to it!




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I run VMFusion so can run a lot of PC applications. Running native is preferred though (i.e., easier on me!).


I would want it easier to use than HST through. I have tried a few times to get going with that and it just confounds me. :confused:

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Hi everyone, I am a homeschooled teen hoping to get some suggestions and feedback on a Mac application I am programming that is intended for homeschool planning and record keeping, as well as other features such as journaling, goal setting, chore tracking, etc... If you have any ideas or feature suggestions I would really appreciate it. My mom and I have a pretty good framework going but we would like some outside feedback and ideas on different features, learning styles, and any other comments you would like to throw in. If you have a favorite feature from some other homeschool planning software or any original ideas that you would love to see, please post them.





Hi Aengus,

I'm chiming in now, although I've followed the thread with interest since you first posted. I am a Mac user and would LOVE to have a tool for recording and keeping grades, generating report cards and attendance, and ultimately creating transcripts from high school. If you add these to your list of capabilities, then I will be one very happy hs mom!




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Quick update:

One of the features that I am considering for the app is a login system. It would allow the parent and each of the kids to have their own account in the app and have a different operating experience. (I don't think this feature would work well on an iphone or ipad version so this idea is primarily for the Mac)


For e.g. the parent would have full access to all of the features of the app, they could access all of the data and could add/remove/edit whatever they want. The kids (different privileges depending on age) would have access to less of it, they would only see their own data, and they would only be able to do certain things to the data, like mark it complete.


Pros: Allow the parent to set what data the kids have access to. Each user could make some visual changes to their own account and have their own preferences.


Cons: One extra step that everyone needs to take before even getting into the application.


Let me know what you think. :)




I love this! It sounds exactly like the planner we used to have for Mac several years ago... the company disappeared, and I had to quit using it because the calendar "ended".


I would like something relatively simple - HS Tracker is way too complicated for our needs and far too time consuming. I'd like to be able to schedule multiple lessons, add assignments to multiple users and print daily schedules. The kids would like signing in and checking off assignments on the computer. :) Something where they could customize their desktop/home screen would be a plus in this house, even if it's as simple as color choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tracy.digigirl

Hi everyone! I'm late joining this conversation but I definitely have an opinion!


I have used Homeschool Skedtrack this last year and have been only moderately satisfied with it. It's not intuitive at all and is quirky in some key areas. My biggest complaint there would be the inability to print weekly assignment sheets. Having to print an assignment sheet for each day of the week is cumbersome and wasteful. My son needs to see a hard list of expectations so printing for us is a must.


I scanned the comments (not reading them carefully) but I don't think I saw a comment regarding importing course assignments. I find that creating the assignments in a spreadsheet then importing works best for me so I'd like to see an import feature.


I would also love a login feature for each of my kids and myself. Since I print sheets weekly, I rarely check off completed work on the day it was completed. Having the ability for the kids to check off their own work would be fabulous but for my younger student, I would love a simpler, more intuitive way to check off multiple days, multiple subjects, of completed work that doesn't require 37 relays to the server.


I love the idea of device synching but since we travel a fair amount, I'd like offline access, too. Is it possible to have it both ways?


I would also love it if this app could interact with iCal so that I can see assignments and activities there, if desired. How cool would that be???


Finally, the most important feature, in my opinion, would be ongoing support and improvements. It's not realistic to think you'll get this 'perfect' right off the bat so I would want to know that there's a realistic future for feedback and response.


Thank You for serving the Mac community! This has been a need for a long time!


BTW, do we have an update on when this app may be ready for release?

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Thanks for all of the suggestions! It is nice to have all of the feedback.


"print weekly assignment sheets"


This is definitely in the works, I want to have a full reports/printouts section of the app for printing various day/week/month assignment sheets along with transcripts and other things.


"import feature"


This is an interesting concept. It might make it into a version at some point but probably not version 1.0, there are a lot of features to think about and it will be hard enough to figure out how best to enter in assignments in the application itself.:tongue_smilie:


"login feature"


This will be in the app, there was actually a post about it I think on page 2. The plan is to make the interface fairly simple for the students to be able to easily mark completion, attendance and a few other things without having access to all of the planning features.


"device synching and offline access"


I am still a bit hazy on how this will all work, I am planning on using the new iCloud service(possibly with dropbox for people with ios 4 or leopard/snow-leopard) but I am not in the developer program yet so I am not sure exactly how it will work. I am hoping that offline access will work though.


"interact with iCal"


Definitely a possibility although yet again this is a feature that might come in a slightly later version.


"ongoing support and improvements"


Of course! Once this app starts selling I am hoping I will be able to save enough to buy a macbook to be able to continue development at college.



Thanks again for the support, it really helps motivate me seeing posts like this. As for release date I am still not sure about the final release date but I hope to be able to start a beta around the end of august.

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Can I tell you how excited I am about this? I started using homeschool skedtracker or whatever it is called, and although it is functional, it is a bit hard to maneuver. I'm a more visual person. I don't want to have to click 5 places to see things.


I did find a student schedule planner app called "Pocket Schedule", and it looks nice, but I'm not sure if it will allow me to track hours, I don't think so. I also do not think it will sync. So say I have it on my ipod, and my ipad, they won't have the same information.


I tried using cozi, and I like the idea that it syncs instantly as long as you have an internet connection, and can be viewed online. However, it doesn't keep records, or make reports like I would need.


I'm currently trying to print forms to make my own paper planner :( Even that is frustrating me, and making me want to buy the well planned day planner. LOL *ugh!*

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Hi everyone, I would like to announce that I just created a Twitter profile for the Olly app! You can see it here, I hope to post at least once a day with random thoughts and updates.


By the way, as you can see we decided on the name Olly for the application. There should be a website online in the next week or two to try and raise awareness and spread the word. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, I would just like to announce that OLLY now has a website! The site is still not yet fully developed but if you want to check it out you can find it here.


On the main page is a sign up form to sign up for email updates. We will probably be doing a closed beta and will most likely be sending copies to people who sign up or to people who have helped out with feedback on this post.



BTW I am pleased to say that we have officially passed 100 people who have voted yes on the poll. Thank you all for the great support! :D

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I'm just starting on the Mac journey as my PC laptop died and my first Mac is due to arrive in a few days. I use Homeschool Tracker Plus and love it....so I'm so upset that I can't easily use it on my new Mac. So the thing that I haven't notice posted yet and love about HST+ is that I would want to see is the ability to make lesson plans and place them on a child's assignment schedule. I like how I can make the lesson plans in advance...schedule them when needed....and reuse them for younger kids when they get to that point. It saves so much time by only creating the lesson once but being able to reuse it since I've got 3 kids. I also like to be able to make weekly lists of assignments, track grades/attendance and create report cards.

Looking forward to what you create!:001_smile:

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