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Another thread on acne issues

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I am way to old to still be dealing with acne and such, but here I am doing it.

I have tired ProActive and that reduces my pimples by about 1/2 or 2/3, but then it also dries out my checks if I do all 3 steps. Then if I dont do all 3 steps, my T zone breaks out worse. I have tried only applying all 3 to the Tzone, but that doesnt seem to work well either, as my hair and jaw line break out. It is quite embarrassing to still be having this problem at my age.


Sometimes a product will work for the first few weeks and then it is like my skin adjusts and comes back with a vengence.


I tried neutrogena bar years ago and that didnt help at all. Have tried Phisoderm, that was a joke.


I def do not want to do topical or oral antibiotics.


I very rarely eat anything with sugar. I do use honey. Could that be a culprit?


Is there a way to tell if my skin issues have more to do with allergies than with my face wash without going to an immunologist first? In otherwords, could I do a self evaluation and then based on the results make an appointment if needed. Rather not pay a doc to only find out that I need to go to a different kind of specialist.


Where would I go for skin help without going to a dermatologist who will more than likely want me to support the pharmaceutical business?

Edited by lmkzbcb
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I'm sure it won't be a miracle cure, but washing her face twice a day with the ProX face brush helped get my daughter's face under control. Her acne wasn't as bad as yours sounds but it was worse than my own ever was. The brush doesn't dry out skin either; actually my shallow wrinkles and skin tone looks loads better since I started using it. Cant hurt, may help.



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Why do you definitely not want to use an antibiotic?


I got a topical Rx antibiotic and my skin became about 95% perfect. I also went on the pill and after that my skin became 99.999% perfect. I might get one zit every 3 or 4 months, but I also have weaned off the topical and only use it once in a while.


I realize YMMV, but I was so FED UP with acne! I had tried natural non-prescription approaches for years and it never made a difference. The acne was just getting worse and worse, with painful nodules (under the skin, no head) and pustules (SOOOO ugly!) and numerous dark spots from earlier zits.


Looking back, I don't know why I messed around for so long instead of just seeking medical help earlier!

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I've never thought about allergies being tied to acne but my problems didn't start until after we moved to FL so now I'm wondering. I never had acne problems growing up but now in my mid-thirties I am and its driving me nuts. I've tried everything the OP listed and had the same issues. I've thought about going back to bangs to try to hide the problem around my hairline and forehead.:glare:

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Why do you definitely not want to use an antibiotic?


Because of the effects of being on antibiotics. Also, I developed an allergy to penicillin later in life and don't want that to happen with other types of antibiotics.

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Don't know if you've tried this, but I bought ds AcneFree from Walmart, and it cleared up his face in two days. No lie. It boasts that it's better than Pro-active, and I believe it after seeing how it worked for him.

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Do you have any other symptoms of PCOS? (such as irregular cycles)


It's great that you don't eat much sugar, but how about carbs in general?


No on PCOS. I do eat a lot of wheat products. Could be that? How can I test myself to see if it is alergy? How long would I have to be off of something before I knew the results?

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Don't know if you've tried this, but I bought ds AcneFree from Walmart, and it cleared up his face in two days. No lie. It boasts that it's better than Pro-active, and I believe it after seeing how it worked for him.


Funny you mentioned this. I am trying that right now. I am having the same problems with it as I did with Proactiv. It is making my cheeks very dry, as in they are rough and peeling. I noticed my nose is starting to do that too.

I think it works well enough (still have a few pimples around my chin, jaw line, and forehead) but a little too much in my case because of my cheeks.

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I suffered from more severe acne as a 35 year old woman than I ever did as a teenager! It was so extremely frustrating.


After trying many different OTC things (ProActive, Nutrigena, and several others) I bought the entire Clinique skin care line. All three steps. It took about 2 months, but my face is now pretty clear. I do still have a few flare-ups before my period, but they are usually gone pretty quickly.


I do have to be very faithful about washing my face twice a day. When I miss a morning of washing my face, I will have a break out by that night. So, for me, it is very important to remain vigilant and wash my face often.

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@Maddykate - I have wondered if I needed to go to more expensive products. I have always been under the impression that name brand stuff is the same as generic or cheaper brands but without the fancy label. However, maybe that is a wrong assumption.


I am getting to the point of pure exasperation.

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No on PCOS. I do eat a lot of wheat products. Could be that? How can I test myself to see if it is alergy? How long would I have to be off of something before I knew the results?


I'm not familiar with an allergy causing acne. I was just thinking of carbs generally as affecting insulin issues, which are a root cause of PCOS (for some people, too much insulin can cause the ovaries to produce testosterone, which in turn can cause acne).

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Another random acne treatment I came across recently is Grapefruit Seed Extract. I have no idea if it is effective at all. I'm trying to clear up some acne on my chest (it would help if I could get myself away from the sugar, etc. :glare:) but I'm not optimistic.

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Just ordered the Oil of Olay Pro X brush. Wanted to get the clarisonic, but will give the cheaper knock off a try first.


@wapiti - I had no idea about insulin and testosterone. Maybe that is the issue.


Good grief, I feel like a blindfolded cab driver, thinking maybe this is it, maybe this is it. It gets so frustrating. Who would I go to, to find out if it is a hormonal thing? Endocrinologist??

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What worked for me was the Mary Kay Time Wise line. They have a different formula for normal/dry skin and combo/oily skin. It's a three step like the more expensive brands, but cheaper. I think it's very high quality stuff, like the department store brands, but costs less. I used it for a few years and it worked very well. I did have to be very good about washing my face two times a day though. The only thing that works better for me is being pregnant, but I'm not gonna keep doing that just to have clear skin :glare: I think I might go back to it, because I've hit the point after baby being born that my skin is breaking out like I'm 15 again:001_unsure:

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The allergies may be the culprit. I was convinced that I was having some kind of hormonal issue because I was breaking out along my forehead, hairline, etc. Nothing was helping. Then one day, on a lark, I applied some California Baby Calendula Cream that I use on my daughter. In two days it was almost completely cleared up. I guess I was having a reaction to something, I'm thinking maybe my shampoo.

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Have you had your hormones checked? High estrogen and lower progesterone can cause this too.

:001_smile:And then what? What do you have to do to get that evened out? I posted on the oily skin thread about my dd's acne so I'm interested in seeing this thread continuing...;)

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Try taking "Chelated Zinc". The Zinc must be "Chelated" or it won't work. Take at least 90 mgs per day and your skin should clear up in about two weeks, maybe sooner. It's available at drug stores, a 30 day supply is about $5 - $8.


I had my oldest take Chelated Zinc all through her teen years and I could always tell when she would slack off because the acne would return. Now I have my 15 year taking the stuff. A few weeks ago she had five zits which is a lot of her. Now her skin is acne free. Of course, you will still need to find a good face wash and moisturizer and use them everyday.

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:001_smile:And then what? What do you have to do to get that evened out? I posted on the oily skin thread about my dd's acne so I'm interested in seeing this thread continuing...;)


Not sure about children but for adult women, progesterone cream is often prescribed - bio-identical progesterone to even estrogen out. Also, if testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are out of balance, a naturopath can help with this. Often a liver cleanse is suggested as well.

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How did you know which of her products to use? I went to her site and got overwhelmed at the choices. I am a visual learner though, and her site is very busy so that may have contributed to my feeling of being overwhelmed.

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acne.org acne.org acne.org


This is not spam. It's just little old BBB. A year ago last fall, when I turned 41, I developed the worst acne of my life. My skin had been flawless, and then WHAM! Almost overnight, I developed the worst acne. I counted 35+ major spots on my face on Christmas Day, quite a few were cystic.


And then someone on this board recommended I go to acne.org and read up.


Within a month of following the regimen suggested by the author of that website, my acne was under control. I did buy the products that he sells because they are very reasonable and much more effective than anything I tried from a department store or drug store. He does have suggestions for products that are easily accessible.


I still use the AHA regularly (though it isn't a part of his basic regimen). It's my go-to moisturizer now! I still get a hormonal breakout during my cycle, but that's only because I have become lazy about using the benzoil peroxide. If I used it religiously I wouldn't have *any* breakouts, even during my period.

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The only thing that works for me is this..Ponds original all day clean w/ vitamin E towelettes. I use one each night to clean my face, then rinse with warm water and then cold water. I then put a thin layer of Neutrogena visibly firm night cream on and I'm good to go. No breakouts at all for over a year. When I shower in the morning I just wash my face with Dove soap and towel dry. I wear makeup everyday and my face is staying in excellent shape by doing this, and it's cheap. :)

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Funny you mentioned this. I am trying that right now. I am having the same problems with it as I did with Proactiv. It is making my cheeks very dry, as in they are rough and peeling. I noticed my nose is starting to do that too.

I think it works well enough (still have a few pimples around my chin, jaw line, and forehead) but a little too much in my case because of my cheeks.


I was not able to use AcneFree either. It practically scalded my skin, which was like burlap after 3 days of AcneFree.


Just ordered the Oil of Olay Pro X brush. Wanted to get the clarisonic, but will give the cheaper knock off a try first.


@wapiti - I had no idea about insulin and testosterone. Maybe that is the issue.


Good grief, I feel like a blindfolded cab driver, thinking maybe this is it, maybe this is it. It gets so frustrating. Who would I go to, to find out if it is a hormonal thing? Endocrinologist??


I just went to my regular primary care doctor. Luckily, his prescriptions totally rectified my problem.


I felt exactly like you describe. I gave up dairy. I gave up sugar. I used Tea Tree Oil, I increased certain vitamins, I used Progesterone Cream, I used topical cleansers. I changed my pillowcase every day, I drank gallons of water, I exercised...honestly, I jumped through hoops for years and years trying to find a natural solution. None of these things made the tiniest shred of a difference and each potential solution took months to realize it didn't work. Once I went to the doctor, my acne totally vanished in ONE month. I cannot believe I suffered through that for years messing around with all these supposed factors that had nothing at all to do with it. Perhaps some people do find that dairy was all the cause, or a dirty pillowcase, but for me it was hormones and bacteria on the surface of my skin. Once those two things were corrected, that was it.


I would suggest calling your doctor and starting there.

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Paula's Choice products worked for me, specifically the beta hydroxy lotion.



My sister and I love love Paula's Choice. Nothing else helped our acne. There is a great live chat option, and they are so nice. They'll tell you what you need.


I have the new Acne cleansing system, and my acne is gone. If I skip a day I'll have a pimple the next day.


Her products are great, especially the Acne products.

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@ Shellers - why the zinc? What is it good for? Or maybe a better way to say it is, what part of the body does it affect (and why) in order to make acne better?


I'm not really sure why it works but it does.

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@ Shellers - why the zinc? What is it good for? Or maybe a better way to say it is, what part of the body does it affect (and why) in order to make acne better?

I have often read and heard that zinc is essential for clearing up acne. I've read this:

Zinc can stop the growth of bacteria that cause acne.

Zinc slows the production of oil in the skin.

It also helps the body process essential fatty acids and vitamin A.

Too much zinc causes copper deficiency, which can LEAD to skin problems. More is not better.

25-50 mg per day


Use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption. L-OptiZinc is a patented form of bio-available zinc – bio-available means best absorbed

She mentioned chelated zinc. She may very well be right and I've copied and pasted her post to keep.


cutting down on the amount of dairy products eaten made a huge difference with me & ds#1 as well.

Me too.

Cow's milk especially. Not plain yogurt. Yogurt doesn't affect me at all. Whenever my dc have too much ice cream or milk products, breakouts galore.

Milk is said to be the #1 acne culprit.


My sister and I love love Paula's Choice. Nothing else helped our acne. There is a great live chat option, and they are so nice. They'll tell you what you need.

I have the new Acne cleansing system, and my acne is gone. If I skip a day I'll have a pimple the next day.

Her products are great, especially the Acne products.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


So many fabulous suggestions here.

The Brush mentioned in the first post looks good.

I have LOTS and LOTS of tips, but don't want to overwhelm you further.

I agree about not going on antibiotics. I loathe antibiotics, except when absolutely necessary.

I posted some tips on this recent thread.

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Acne on the hair and jawline is "normal" for women our age. It's a hormone thing and can only be cleared up by drugs. Sorry, just my experience. When I'm healthy, I have little to no acne. When I am having female problems or other illnesses, I break out worse than a teen.


If you don't want to do the Pill, ask your primary about Spiranolactone. It's the only thing that cleared up my acne, and I don't even have to use it all the time now. I wash my face with Dial antibacterial soap, use Renew lotion, and take Spiranolactone when it starts to get bad again. Benzoil Peroxide helps my back and chest, but it also bleaches my sheets.

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In case you haven't gotten enough advice, here's some more.


A vegan diet will clear up acne. Be sure and take some b-12 or a multi-vitamin because the diet has no b-12 unless you use fortified foods. Your body produces fewer hormones on the vegan diet, so the acne gets better.


Zinc is also good for acne. Don't take it on an empty stomach or it could make you nauseous though. Take 50 mg./day.


If you use both approaches, it is more effective than just one approach. Most natural remedies are that way. They are gentler solutions than pharmaceuticals, so they might not be as strong, but by combining different approaches, you can get a strong effect.


If this doesn't work, you can go see a dermatologist. There are effective medications for acne.


Best wishes.

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I know the OP is not interested in antibiotics for various reasons, but for others reading this thread I agree with Quill. I avoided antibiotics for 20 years. Then I got a dangerous staph infection that began in a pimple. The strong antibiotics for the staph cleared up the acne within two days. After finishing the course of stronger antibiotics for the staph, I asked the dermatologist about the long term side effects of (less strong) antibiotics and none seemed worrisome (some women get yeast infections if they are prone to them, some people are allergic and can't take them).


The weaker antibiotic now keeps me 100% zit free until "that time of the month." Even then there are only a couple and they go away much sooner. Remember acne is a bacterial infection, Acne vulgaris is its scientific name. Skin cleaning habits, hormonal fluctuations, diet etc. may improve or retard the growing conditions for the bacteria, but they don't destroy the bacteria like antibiotics do. Anyway, I really wish I hadn't waited so long, I could have avoided a lot of scarring, and I haven't experienced any side effects.

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Do you drink milk? Because milk is a BIG culprit when it comes to skin conditions. A friend's dh's face was so red from acne that his nickname was...Red. One year she decided to clean up their diet, and that included eliminating all dairy. Within a few months her dh's skin had cleared up so much that people who had known him since childhood didn't recognize him.


Rosacea can also look something like acne.

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This is a little long, but in the end, it has to do with diet and acne. :)


My husband had terrible migraines for years. He tried every medication out there, and finally, he came across a book called "Heal Your Headache." In it, the author talks about the various triggers, mostly concentrating on food we eat since those are triggers we can control.


His belief is that migraines encompass much more than just headaches. It can be sluggishness, or even acne, with no headache at all! The migraine gene in our family is very high. Four out of my five children get migraines, the one who doesn't has the sluggishness, and two of them have had bad acne.


My husband went on the migraine "diet" for two months, and 95% of his migraines went away. One by one, my children went on the "diet" too. The one who had the acne problem was one of them. Her acne completely cleared up in about two months.


You can read the book to find out more about it, but generally, the diet includes removing tomatoes, old cheese, citrus, peanuts/peanut butter, onions, nitrates, MSG, caffeine, and new bread from your everyday diet, though once in awhile they are okay.


Anyway, just a thought, in case you're tired of meds and creams.


Not to highjack thread, but I have been eating peanut butter every day and have horrible headaches. Good to know. Do you have to wean off it, like caffeine?

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This is a little long, but in the end, it has to do with diet and acne. :)


My husband had terrible migraines for years. He tried every medication out there, and finally, he came across a book called "Heal Your Headache." In it, the author talks about the various triggers, mostly concentrating on food we eat since those are triggers we can control.


His belief is that migraines encompass much more than just headaches. It can be sluggishness, or even acne, with no headache at all! The migraine gene in our family is very high. Four out of my five children get migraines, the one who doesn't has the sluggishness, and two of them have had bad acne.


My husband went on the migraine "diet" for two months, and 95% of his migraines went away. One by one, my children went on the "diet" too. The one who had the acne problem was one of them. Her acne completely cleared up in about two months.


You can read the book to find out more about it, but generally, the diet includes removing tomatoes, old cheese, citrus, peanuts/peanut butter, onions, nitrates, MSG, caffeine, and new bread from your everyday diet, though once in awhile they are okay.


Anyway, just a thought, in case you're tired of meds and creams.


WOW! Now that is a new one. Is this the book you are talking about:



I do get migraines, have been sluggish (thought it was thyroid), and acne. Maybe so....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to give an update.


Been using the Oil of Olay face brush for a little over a week and I love it. It is great. I don't find it to be too abrassive. (a complaint by some). There are 2 speeds and you can increase or decrease pressure, so I find it works great. Thanks for the recommendation Barb.


I received my sample packets from Paula's Choice a couple of days ago. So far, I am not too pleased, but I need to give it more time. The cleanser seems a little too mild, maybe....

If anyone else is going to get the sample packets, please be aware that the toner sample is good for only 1 application. Ther other packets get about 2-3 applications.

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Just wanted to give an update.


Been using the Oil of Olay face brush for a little over a week and I love it. It is great. I don't find it to be too abrassive. (a complaint by some). There are 2 speeds and you can increase or decrease pressure, so I find it works great. Thanks for the recommendation Barb.



Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear it has helped some. I've become psychologically addicted to the nice facial massage each morning.



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How did you know which of her products to use? I went to her site and got overwhelmed at the choices. I am a visual learner though, and her site is very busy so that may have contributed to my feeling of being overwhelmed.



Paula is all about treating the bacteria that causes acne... and while food choices might affect some folk, it's really all about treating the bacteria. Pore size, along with oil production, makes a huge difference as well. Some people simply, genetically, have larger pores and greater oil production, which is a perfect envirnoment for bacteria to thrive. It's not about cleanliness.


I was under the impression that ProActive used anti-bacterials.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I'm surprised no one else has said this, but I LOVE Retin-A. It gets rid of acne and it makes your skin look younger.:leaving:


:iagree: I love it. My skin looks much younger (some fine lines disappeared completely after using if for a while); it has more of a youthful "glowing" appearance; and my acne is gone.

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