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Will he ever find a job???

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My poor husband has been out of work since March of 2009. He sends in resume after resume. He gets interview after interview. He gets so much positive feedback from the interviews and then they go with someone else. Now we have read an article and heard from two different HR people (one even in retail!) that if you have been out of work for 6m you are considered not a good risk.

He was laid off with a lot of other people. He was told over and over again it was just the way he fell in the structure of the company.

He has not even had any luck in retail. It's a little nerve racking.

Thanks to some savings and a great severance package and now the rest of his 401k and very little debt to begin with we are ok, but things are getting tight. We have had to put off some bills here and there and make late payments. We are just trying to keep up. Now this last job wanted a credit report check. He did not get the job but it was not because of our credit. It's not bad yet, but if this keeps going it has potential to be bad. Late payments, mostly.

It's just this never ending cycle. I feel so bad for him.

Now we have people questioning why he has been out of work so long. If he's even trying to find a job. It just makes me so mad.

Thanks for listening. God has provided so much. Our surprise baby was born just before our COBRA subsidy ran out so most of her bills were all taken care of. We have very, very little debt from that and we are working to pay it off. We have food to eat, a place to live, clothes to wear.. we are so blessed. I just wish that something would give.

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:grouphug: -- I am so sorry for the situation you're in. Ours is not a whole lot better, and it is very frustrating. It's heartbreaking to see companies not valuing your man's talents and experience. I have repeated Big Tent Revival's line about "again, God provided for bills He'd incurred" to myself many, many times; God has provided for us in so many ways, little and big, and it's just amazing. But still very hard.

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My poor husband has been out of work since March of 2009. He sends in resume after resume. He gets interview after interview. He gets so much positive feedback from the interviews and then they go with someone else. Now we have read an article and heard from two different HR people (one even in retail!) that if you have been out of work for 6m you are considered not a good risk.

He was laid off with a lot of other people. He was told over and over again it was just the way he fell in the structure of the company.

He has not even had any luck in retail. It's a little nerve racking.

Thanks to some savings and a great severance package and now the rest of his 401k and very little debt to begin with we are ok, but things are getting tight. We have had to put off some bills here and there and make late payments. We are just trying to keep up. Now this last job wanted a credit report check. He did not get the job but it was not because of our credit. It's not bad yet, but if this keeps going it has potential to be bad. Late payments, mostly.

It's just this never ending cycle. I feel so bad for him.

Now we have people questioning why he has been out of work so long. If he's even trying to find a job. It just makes me so mad.

Thanks for listening. God has provided so much. Our surprise baby was born just before our COBRA subsidy ran out so most of her bills were all taken care of. We have very, very little debt from that and we are working to pay it off. We have food to eat, a place to live, clothes to wear.. we are so blessed. I just wish that something would give.


:grouphug: We're in the same boat with you. Somedays I just have to keep reminding myself of what you stated above.

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:grouphug: We're right there too - same amount of time, same scenario even. Except we're up to our eyeballs in debt :(


Dh has applied for jobs across the country - back where we used to live - but the salary would not support our family of 7. Sigh.


You're right - something's gotta give. Hopefully it won't be my sanity.

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We're in the same boat, except dh lost his job in March 2008. I'm working 2 jobs now while dh is home with the kids. At this point he's competing against his own 18 year old son for jobs -- the 18 year old just got a job at a new Walmart -- and dh can't afford to work for under a certain amount of money due to daycare. My 2nd job pays a lot per hour so it isn't worth giving up.


All that to say that I know what it is like to be where you are and it is really hard. I'm hoping that your dh is able to find something soon as I think we've pretty much given up.



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We were right there with you. Dh was laid off beginning October 2009. He just went back to work 2 months ago....at half the pay and twice the hours. And we are grateful. He heard time and again that he was over qualified or had too much experience or had earned too much at his previous job. Then we hit the 6 month mark and he became a risk. He couldn't even get a job at Walmart. He found a place that was desperate for a worker; we dummed down his resume to almost laughable; he does everything they ask and more. He is working.

Hang in there. Something will give. I hope it is soon.

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Praise God that you have seen how He has provided for you all! Praise Him that things are not as bad as they could very well possibly be! Yes, it is stressful to be out of work that long and for people to question and ask, "Why?" when you, and your husband, have done everything you thought you needed to do. I do not know all the answers but God does. I will pray that VERY soon He will show you His plan for you in this stage of your life; I will pray that that answer will explain what has been happening in your life. You are LOVED!

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I am so sorry you are struggling. I know it stinks, but is it possible for him to volunteer anywhere in his area of expertise, even at a for-profit business? When my DH was starting out, volunteer work at a friend's business helped him build his resume.

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Wow. I hear every day on the news how bad the economy and unemployment is, and I believe it, because we have been living that nightmare since October 2008 when my husband was laid off. He has sent out literally hundreds of resumes, had probably two dozen interviews, and a couple of very "promising" opportunities we were sure would come through (but didn't). He's depressed, I'm depressed, we're in a rural, depressed area, and nothing is coming around.


We lost all of our equity when we had to short-sell our home in Atlanta (after the real estate market tanked). We've spent all our 401k we ever had. I'm working part-time doing substitute teaching, and dh is generating what money he can from a start-up IT business. It's been HARD and VERY humbling and VERY difficult to face my family, because I've always been successful. Our marriage is struggling, but we're hanging on, thinking this has to end some time, right?


Here is a link to an article that my husband read to me last night. He just kept repeating, "Wow. Wow." It was like reading his/our story on paper. It's a long article but well worth the reading:




Just wanted to add another story to let you know you are not alone, but hoping we'll all have a turn-around real soon.

Edited by HootOwl
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How awful this must be for you and your husband. It sounds like you were so very responsible financially, and have been doing all the right things.


The only thing I would imagine you might consider is totally relocating. (I see you are in FL & I think it has one of the worse economies right now.) Could your husband seek out a job in a region with better job prospects? Do you know anyone who lives in one of those pockets of stronger economies that your husband could crash with for a couple months while he tries to find a job? Then you could relocate the family once he is in a job & you can afford to get a home w/o accruing dangerous debt?

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It will happen but the journey is not fun. My dh was out of work in February of 2009, found a new position in January 2011 - 1 week before unemployment ran out. Talking about God's Grace! He had gone to several interviews and said "he was becoming real good at it." He is in engineering/energy/construction and this industry was virtually dead in CA.

Now we are moving and that is bittersweet but waaaayyy better than waiting for something to happen.

Some days, one has to just focus on what needs to be done for the next hour and not look too far ahead or fear of the future takes over.

Tomorrow is a new day, potentially a day for something good to happen! :001_smile:

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Has he thought about going back to school? DH wasn't unemployed, but after becoming increasingly underemployed (his last job was for a quarter above minimum wage), he finally decided enough was enough and started college.

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We're in the same boat- since Oct. 2008. W/O the severance pay & the 401K, we'd be in trouble. God has provided, our faith has increased, and our priorities are becoming crystal clear. It's tough.


I heard the same thing about being unemployable. He's done software testing... but he just can't seem to get a position.


Hopefully things will turn around soon.

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Just reading through this makes me want to reach out and give everyone :grouphug:.


IF y'all don't mind sharing, put down the preferred field(s) for a job and whether or not you'd be willing to relocate and maybe someone in the hive mind knows about a contact. It can't hurt to try. Some areas of the country are doing better than others.


In our area, the economy has just started to pick back up. I'm hopeful it will continue. Hubby is self-employed, so technically hasn't been without a job, but some months, the income was about 1/4 what it normally is. Without my mom we'd be in really bad shape.

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:grouphug: It's so heartbreaking to see how many people this has happened to.


My dh had been out of work since around the same time as the op, I think. He's finally working, sort of. He's doing work training through the state, where they pay him minimum wage to work at a local company. He's at a manufacturing company right now, getting paid literally half as much to do the same work as the people around him. :glare:


They really ought to make it illegal for companies to use your credit rating as a deciding factor unless you're going to be working with large amounts of money. My dh has had potential employers check his credit, and these were general labor jobs! Maybe ten years ago you could somehow intuit a person's character from that, but today, with so many people hurt by the economy, it's just an arbitrary way to weed people out.

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My dh has had potential employers check his credit, and these were general labor jobs! Maybe ten years ago you could somehow intuit a person's character from that, but today, with so many people hurt by the economy, it's just an arbitrary way to weed people out.

:iagree: There are so many people just trying to make ends meet.

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:iagree: There are so many people just trying to make ends meet.


It's ridiculous to check the credit report of someone who has been out of work that long. What do they think they are going to find? People are struggling to provide basic necessities. They are not overextending themselves. It makes me angry.


Many people cannot relocate because they would have to sell their homes in order to do so. And we all know what the housing market is like in so many areas. It's a catch-22.


OP and everyone else who has been struggling with unemployment: I truly hope things will pick up for all of you soon, and I pray that a job will surface for all who need one. :grouphug:

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It's ridiculous to check the credit report of someone who has been out of work that long. What do they think they are going to find? People are struggling to provide basic necessities. They are not overextending themselves. It makes me angry.


Many people cannot relocate because they would have to sell their homes in order to do so. And we all know what the housing market is like in so many areas. It's a catch-22.


OP and everyone else who has been struggling with unemployment: I truly hope things will pick up for all of you soon, and I pray that a job will surface for all who need one. :grouphug:


Beyond that, they scrutinize people who have been looking for so long. With the job market such as it is, how quickly do they think someone can find something, locally or otherwise? As you said, regarding moving elsewhere, that can exacerbate financial troubles depending on what you can get for your house. Bottom line, in my opinion, prospective employers don't care....at least there is no evidence to support they do.

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My has been under/unemployed for a year. We ended up relocating because there was no business where we were, and no one was hiring for his industry (construction). Add self-employed into the mix and there is no unemployment.


Without family we would have been lost. We moved and cut our expenses drastically. He's been working out of town, mostly at families' houses and then getting referral work. Things are trickling in and only because we've cut our expenses have we been able to survive.

:grouphug: to all of you.


I won't even get started on the credit thing. :glare:

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April 2009.


Overqualified, made too much, not a good risk. Dh is applying for jobs at 1/3 his prior pay. And he has had many postive interviews-just no job offers.


On the positive side, he's in college now. He found a new path through volunteer work- but it'll take six years :ack2:. We've got to figure out how to keep ourselves fed and housed through the process.

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Not sure what kind of work your hubby does, but...


has he tried to go to a temp agency, work a bit of blue collar? That would help with the "he hasn't had a job in 6m" bit. Many companies are only hiring people that are currently working...and it doesn't matter what they are doing, as long as they are showing initiative to work, even if it's digging a ditch (which pays pretty darn well, btw).

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My heart breaks to see how long you have been unemployed. We've not been through unemployment, but when I was growing up, my father was unemployed for 2.3 years. The stress in our home was very high. He finally found a job and died 3 months later. I truly believe it was from the stress of being unemployed. He was 53. I pray that doesn't happen to any of you, just wanted to share my story and how I can relate.


Many hugs,



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Thank you all so much. For this and for the Private Messages. I promise to respond a little later. It's helped to find out that we are not alone in this boat. We have talked about relocating, even if it's just him for awhile. I don't know yet how that will work. The temp agencies around here are all saying the same thing, "Come in, take the test, leave your app, we'll see." Not offering much hope. I know it's all going to work out I just wish it was sooner rather than later. :)

I will be praying for all of you as well.

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Thank you all so much. For this and for the Private Messages. I promise to respond a little later. It's helped to find out that we are not alone in this boat. We have talked about relocating, even if it's just him for awhile. I don't know yet how that will work. The temp agencies around here are all saying the same thing, "Come in, take the test, leave your app, we'll see." Not offering much hope. I know it's all going to work out I just wish it was sooner rather than later. :)

I will be praying for all of you as well.


:( I'm sorry. I'll be praying for ya'll.:grouphug:

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DH was laid off for a year mid '09 to mid '10, while drawing unemployment he went back to school. This way there was very little gap, and he became more desireable to employers. I think the biggest thing though is that we have been willing to move, anywhere from just a couple hundred to more then 1000 miles for a great job.

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