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What do your kids have planned for the summer?

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My oldest is going to have a hugely busy summer


VBS, which she is required to teach in so that she can go on the summer missions trip


Church camp.....


Missions trip with the youth group


Then she found out that she got a scholarship to 4-H design camp.


After all that activity, she's finding that she will only have 2 whole weeks of "summer break"


She's glad about it though.


My dd, age 9 is going to church camp for the first time too.


The rest of the time we will be relaxing, gardening and enjoying ourselves.

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My daughter will be auditioning for a couple of community theatre musicals and trying to get a part-time job. I'm encouraging her to volunteer at a local theatre's summer camps, but she's iffy on that. Her other project is helping to write the Sunday school curriculum for the high school group at our church for next year.


She's graduating in May and moving home for a couple of years. So, there's going to be some adjusting and figuring out what to do next.


My son has auditioned for the summer stock production at a different theatre and is preparing to interview for their design and tech program. If he were to be offered both, he would have to choose between them, since they run concurrently.


He is looking forward to volunteering to help with that theatre's summer camps, also.


He may continue with his voice and tap dance lessons, if there's enough interest from the instructors and other students to keep classes going over the summer.


At the beginning of the summer, all four of us are going to New York as my daughter's graduation present. She and my husband already have good tickets to two new shows, and we've built in time for a couple of TKTS attempts. She wants to hit a couple of museums while we're there, too. My son and I are along for the ride. (I'm there for back-up in case my husband and his bad back can't keep up with our daughter.) But I'm planning to get my son to at least two or three shows, too.


That will be the highlight of the summer, I sure.

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My son will be doing or taking:


writing class

public speaking class

Idea Math camp in Massachusetts which will be a vacation for the whole family

Awesome Math Year-round in August

fencing, tennis, swimming, possibly learning to golf

lolly-gagging about with friends

mowing the yard because I don't want to do it anymore! :D

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DS18 will hopefully be working.


DS9 will have Cub Scout resident camp, church day camp, science day camp, lots of time at the lake and hanging out with friends, going to the zoo, various parks, and so on.


DD5 has church day camp, science day camp, lots of time at the lake and hanging out with friends, going to the zoo, various parks, and so on.

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Swimming lessons for both. One week chess camp for the older one. Some kind of one week camp for the younger, yet to be determined. We will be watching my sister's 3 kids for a week in June and then my 12 yr. old god daughter will be spending 2 weeks with us. Last year, when she stayed with us, we went to a different zoo than our usual zoo, to a science museum, to tour a cargo ship and to the movies. This year when she's here, I want to tour a NASA facility, visit Indian burial grounds and go to an aquarium.


Other than that, we just hang out in our pool most of the time.

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Hopefully step ds16 will be working. If not at the pizza place where he's at now, at home, doing outside work. He will NOT however spend most of his time texting/talking/hanging out with his girlfriend...I don't think so. Sorry, I have issues with those two lol.


He will also probably be building a tree house with the help of ds10. There's plenty around here to do!


DS10 will be doing baseball, helping with the tree house, gardening, general yard upkeep amd helping around the house with cleaning.


DS8 will be helping ds10 lol.


DD4 (who will be 5 by then) will be hanging out with me, helping to take care of the new baby, and doing normal household stuff. She may also be doing t-ball. We will see.

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Wow - you are all so organised!


Our plans are very vague at the moment, but should include:


Summer Bible School for all

Sailing for my older two dc

"Mini Splash" (boat handling and water confidence) for my ds

A week's ballet intensive for my oldest

A week's ice hockey school for my ds


But most of that won't happen if we move, which is increasingly likely!

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The oldest is doing a week of GS day camp, a week of Girls Rock camp, and a week of Space Camp. She & her brother are doing a week of ice skating camp together.


Ds will also be doing a week or two of a sports camp for his age group, and maybe tennis camp. I think I'll probably try to do swim lessons with him now that he's moved up into the 6+ grouping.


Littlest dd is technically old enough to do miniday camp at the Y, but I think we'll leave that for another year, lol.

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My two boys (7 and 10) are facing:


Swimming lessons for both, and our first camping experiences (we've had regular bedwetting until very recently and I flat refused camping with the spectre of pee-soaked sleeping bags hanging over me).


Living history day camp at a local adobe, and each boy gets to pick one week of day camp that interests him.


The rest of the time will be filled with reading and goofing around. We've all earned it.


- Ellen

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10 weeks in Turkey, 5-6 of those in Turkish preschool for language immersion.

Hanging out at the pool or park looking for more language immersion opportunities.

Hanging out with family in Izmir, Gaziantep, Cesme, and Phokaia.

Sightseeing hopefully - Ephesus and Mother Mary's house

Once we're back in early August I want to spend a week with my family on the East Coast. Then back to our school year.

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My 10 year old daughter will be:


Continuing with her library book club


Retaking her Level 4 swim lessons as she didn't pass last year


Participating in a Movie & Discussion Club I'll be running at home


Taking a one week Spanish class at a Montessori camp/school


Taking a one week Sculpture class at a Montessori camp/school


Taking a one week Creative Writing & Theater class at a Montessori camp/school



My 5 year old son will be:


Finishing up the teeball season


Marching in a couple of parades with his teeball team


Moving on to his Level 2 swim lessons


Taking a one week Nature & Environment class at a Montessori camp/school


Taking a one week Engineering class at a Montessori camp/school


Starting the fall soccer season at the end of August.


As a family, we will be:


Going on at a three night camping trip


Hosting two Fresh Air Fund children for a week (and taking them camping, too)


Going to the lake for the day here and there


Going to the town pool here and there


Going on various field/day trips on our own and with our homeschool group. Some that are already scheduled include: Public gardens, an amusement park, a farm tour, a historical house, a water treatment facility tour, a wildlife park, and the renaissance faire.

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Ds will be doing 3 camps and a light school schedule. We school year-round, but our schedule is lighter in summer.



2 one week Marine Biology day camps through parks & rec. He did one week last year and loved it. We signed him up for both available weeks this summer.


A 4 day overnight camp called Nature Quest, with our Camp Fire USA council. This is a service learning project that he also did last year. They perform an outdoor service project while camping at the project location. Last year it was helping to remove invasive plants at a state park. No word on this year's location yet, but we have the dates.


He will also be doing some summer service projects for his Camp Fire USA service hours. Those haven't been set up yet.


And....fun in the pool, at the beach, and relaxing in the air conditioning are always part of his summer plans.

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My oldest dc will be going on a week long canoe expedition, then back home to life guard, and will attend college orientation.


My dd is looking forward to a 3 week ballet summer intensive, driver's ed. and a few weeks of summer school. Hopefully we'll have a chance in there somewhere to schedule a mini vacation.

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I really need to get on the ball! So far, only DD10 is scheduled for anything this summer. She'll attend 6 weeks of gymnastics camp (4 weeks are mandatory).


All three kids will probably attend VBS camp --the oldest as a helper. I do want to register the boys in at least one camp each this summer. Other than that, we plan to spend a lot of time at the pool, taking weekend trips to the shore, and just hanging out with friends.

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My teen will be attending a youth umpire clinic for one week in June, and he hopes to get accepted into an honors college summer program that will run for two weeks between July and August. Later in August, he will probably work for our football team during training camp again. If there is a training camp...


My younger son will attend a music camp with his community orchestra group in July, and probably play summer baseball during the month of August.


My sister is leaving her job to stay be at home with her kids this summer (yay!), so we'll have plenty of picnics and attend as many Shakespeare in the Park performances together as we can manage.

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This summer we aren't doing anything.


No ballet intensives.




No TeenPact events.


No vacations.


No church trips.


No theater productions.


No Boy Scout camps.


The price of gasoline is keeping us home this summer.


We'll be hitting the books hard, fast and continuous, though.

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ds16 requested to go to ROTC camp--5 weeks. I wonder how different the young man I drop off and the young man I pick up will be. He's very disorganized and has other issues, I think he came up with this because on some level he seeking something to help him change. I'm excited for him. He is also hoping to do ROTC in college and is really exploring college options now.


dd13 will be away 3 weeks. one week to tumbling camp with her competitive cheer squad and two weeks to nature camp (naturecamp dot net). I'm excited about nature camp, my godmother has been telling me to send her for years. She plans to study herpetology and entomology at nature camp. She's also doing swim team, tumbling and stunt practice (when home). And she will pet sit, help neighbor with guinea pig rescue, and participate in 4H.


ds9 will be home. he's trying out for swimteam this year (otherwise he'll do lessons). he also will go to an Orton Gillingham reading specialist daily and art day camp for 8 weeks. I will be teaching summer school (math and science at a private school) while he's in art camp and teaching swimming on the weekends to pay for it all. I got the art camp at a deep discount--it's at the same facility I teach swimming. He likes art and I'm hoping it will meet some OT needs he has. I will pick up ds9 in mid afternoon to go play at the pool, or visit local zoo (got 2 passes this spring and have been enjoying with him already). We will also work on math daily. I'm taking an Orton Gillingham based math course and hope to put it to good use.


I'm hoping for 2 little trips in August with dd and ds9.


It's going to be busy, but at the same time quiet (dd and ds16 will be gone at the same time). I'm excited.

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I'm just hoping we will have a summer! We had snow on Monday and it's been cold, wet and freezing since. :glare:


On the agenda is field school at the nature center, CAP and whatever HS group field trips we feel up to participating in.


Oh, and math, writing & science.

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I'm determined to have a fun, relaxing summer! No summer camps or day camps this year. We'll be spending lots of time playing with friends, going swimming, working in the garden, and maybe building a playhouse. Hopefully we'll do several camping trips as well. At most we'll probably do one or two sessions of swim lessons, but for the most part I want to leave the summer as open and unscheduled as possible.

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Gymnastics 1x/week for both girls


Summer reading program at the library, most days in June


A week or less of VBS in late July


Becca will be working into July to finish her CLE math, and both girls will have Summer Bridge workbooks. Becca's also going to devote some time to earning more AHG badges.


Other than that, lots of popsicles, pool time and basically doing nothing. :D

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First Tee golf for my ds, continuing guitar lessons for dd, and swim lessons for the youngest. We'll also do VBS. But, this summer I'm longing for long lazy days at the pool, dinners grilled out on the patio, and evenings filled with board games and fun. Don't have room in the budget for a vacation this summer, so I'm trying to make this a fun, lazy summer at home.

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