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So, uh, I think I have this, uh, condition...

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called missing-girl-genes-itis...


...I mean, I was never good with hair or makeup or fashion. My husband is a better cook than I am. I'm not sure I know what an iron looks like. And the one year I took home ec in high school, I didn't even finish sewing my stupid stuffed animal (which was coming out truly awful anyway).


I wrote a story instead. And despite my current shortcomings, I'm still grateful to that teacher for letting me pursue my own interests at the time. :P


So now, when, say, a button has to be sewed on or something, I ask my husband to do it. (Yes, he can actually sew a bit).


So, when our social studies syllabus for this week suggested making our own quilt, I blinked a few times, told myself not to panic, borrowed a few books about quilting from the library...


....and then proceeded to tell my daughter:


"We're making a "quilt" out of construction paper today!"


Okay, now, let me have it. Am I awful? :lol:

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Yeah, I *have* that girl gene and I would have made it out of paper. Quilting is a lot of work. No way would I have done it for an elementary school project.



Yours looks great!


:iagree: I think you're super creative. I love that! I love knitting, crocheting, sewing, creative stuff. But doing every creative project my 6 year old would want to do would about kill me.

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Guest momk2000

Well, I have that same girl gene, and my feelings of sheer inadequacy likely would have scared me out of completing the project. You did a wonderful job, I think it looks great! :001_smile:

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If any of my kids ever want to make a quilt, I'll ship them over to grandmas house. My mother spent years trying to teach me to cook and sew. I can manage to sew a button and I did hand-sew elastic on one of dd's costumes this year but it is something I dread every time I have to do it.


I don't cook - dh does all the cooking in our house. I don't iron - what shirts dh has that aren't wrinkle free, go out to the cleaners. I wear make-up maybe twice a year. I've only worn a skirt once or twice in the past three years.


I think the construction paper quilt is a great idea. We were going to do one gluing pieces of material to a piece of poster board.

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I'm a quilter. Doing a small quilt with an elementary student who has never sewn before is a slightly daunting experience even for someone who sews. At best it would take hours, even if you only decide to make a doll quilt. If you don't sew, I'd just advise you to do exactly what you did.


Activity books always make it sound sort of whimsical and fun--"Oh, let's make a quilt today!" Quilts take a long time.

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your daughter's quilt is beautiful!


You may not have the crafting gene/gift but you have gifts that others don't have. You don't have to share what they are, but according to your avatar, you do a FABULOUS job with your make-up. ;):D


I suffered a head injury 4.5 years ago. It's totally changed who I am. I was just telling dh yesterday how I used to be so organized, had two stocked pantries, ground my own wheat to make my own bread, done tons of baking, cooked three meals from scratch per day, had a spotless house. You know, Suzie Homemaker. That was when I was homeschooling my boys. No matter how hard I try, I just will never be the person I once was. I do wish, however, I was that person with my girls. Dd11 would have thrived doing all of that by my side.


It is what it is. :sad:

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your daughter's quilt is beautiful!


Thank you :)


You may not have the crafting gene/gift but you have gifts that others don't have. You don't have to share what they are, but according to your avatar, you do a FABULOUS job with your make-up. ;):D


Er... my husband did that. LOL. No, I'm not kidding. He decided out of the blue one day to take up face painting as a hobby and he does it whenever we have bigger get togethers with groups of kids; parties and bbq's and camping trips and stuff like that. And in my case, for Halloween. And I keep telling him he should do kids parties and charge for it, but he never has. Even though he's way better at it than anyone I've ever seen set up at fairs and festivals and amusement parks and the like. :D

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called missing-girl-genes-itis...


...I mean, I was never good with hair or makeup or fashion. My husband is a better cook than I am. I'm not sure I know what an iron looks like. And the one year I took home ec in high school, I didn't even finish sewing my stupid stuffed animal (which was coming out truly awful anyway).


I? :lol:

Nope, I'm right there with you. I don't paint my nails, have never had a pedicure. For shoes or purses, they must be basic: black flats, navy flats, white flats, brown flat and tennis shoes. Most of the time I am jeans/shorts and t-shirts. I wear a wedding ring and other than that don't like jewelry. Other doctor's wives have other priorities. ( Though not all. )


But God has such a sense of humor! He gave me a girly girl. A girl who begs me to paint her nails, asks when she can wear make-up, etc. She thinks she needs a pair of shoes for every outfit. She can be quite blunt with me when we go shopping together and what she picks out is generally better looking on me than what I would have picked. She is in 3rd grade. Thankfully, she is naturally modest. I just brush her hair, but at church or Mother's Day Out when she was younger everyone does the cutest things with her hair. I don't have a clue how to do it.


In some ways my two oldest boys are MUCH easier. I just buy them jeans and shirts and they are happy. I don't buy her anything anymore unless she is with me.



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My mom was insistent that I not have that condition. I can sew. I can quilt. I can do all kinds of handwork - knitting, crocheting, cross stitch. I can do all these things. I do them so much that I just packed up my sewing machine for lack of use. In fact the only use my machine got over the last 2 or 3 years was someone at church asking me to mend things. I haven't knitted or crocheted or cross stitched in years. I tell people I'm not crafty. Mom tried, she really really tried. But the desire just isn't there.


Oh and I think you did a great job on the quilt! It's much better than the construction paper ones my kids did!

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