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Confession Thread

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I hate being in constant pain, but the pain medicine helps so much with my ADD that I can get a TON of work done when I take it.
:confused: I don't see a problem here. Take the pain medicine... it's a win-win. Did you mean to word that differently?


I love your confession about lunch. We had mac and cheese for breakfast and ice cream for lunch (Friday is my cheat day).

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I keep chocolate in the house at all times. I think I can't function well without.


I don't iron clothes. We have very few pieces that need it. I just don't buy clothes that need ironing.


My storage area looks like a tornado went through. I'm waiting until garage sale time to tackle it.


I rarely clean the fridge, it's my worst job and my dh hates a dirty fridge but he won't clean it either. So I try to take something out whenever I put new stuff in. My dd10 saw me clean it last year and very seriously declared 'this is a rare occation!"


I hate how much time I waste on here.


gotta run....

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back to finish...


I am horrible at listening:confused: that makes problems in my marriage, with my dear kiddos and friends. where is the tears face?


We don't often eat together as a family. This used to really bother me but I've given up. Dh is often dieting or not around. I do sit down with the kiddos but feel like we're missing out.


I grew up in a very strange enviroment/ setting. I won't go into details and most people don't know.


I fit in more with much older people then with those my age. weird. One of my very best friends in this area is about my mothers age.



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1: I bought myself a Felicity American Girl doll and took it away fom a three-y-o who does not belong to me b/c she wasn't playing nicely with her at my colonial tea party in honor of Thomas Jefferson's birthday. (Gosh -which onfession are you going to tease out of all those? I only intended one!)


2: I write run-on sentences.


3: But only when I'm not writing fragments.

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1. I recently started letting my kids watch Xena episodes.

2. My 6yo hates Xena but I tell him to go play in his room while we watch.

3. I like Xena :blush:

4. I took advantage of the fact my younger son has the stomach flu to let both kids watch TV all day and worked 8 hours on my part time job.

5. I hate cooking with a passion.

6. Everyone is sick of the food I cook.

7. I drink caffeine all day long and sometimes even take No Doz. If I didn't I would be a vegetable and nap all day.

8. Often when the kids are at their nature program for 5 1/2 hours on Mondays I watch TV shows instead of working on my part time job.

9. I have a changing table in my living room. My youngest child is 6. It was in my bedroom, then moved to the kids room, then I moved it downstairs a few weeks ago when I cleared out their room to assemble their new bunkbeds. It is a very nice one that I am hoping to sell but I haven't gotten around to selling it yet.

10. I have a desk near the front door and a disassembled twin bed that the charity wouldn't take (they said they didn't have room for furniture) but I haven't gotten around to giving them away.

11. I hate vegetables. I was a vegan for a while but not a healthy one. I have tried and sometimes keep trying but it is hard.

12. I often make my kids eat their vegetables even when I don't eat mine.

13. Three years ago we traded bedrooms with the kids. I still have alphabet posters and animal curtains up.

13. If you think I am confessing the state of the rest of my house on a public board you are crazy. :lol:

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OK OK, I confess that I've run the same load in the washer about 6 times now. I just leave it. It stinks. I rewash. Cycle repeats. Where are my socks? Oh, right, they're really stinky. Time to wash them. Again. And I haven't even worn them!



This is SO ME! I went to Sam's Club and bought 2 gallons of vinegar and a huge bag of baking soda to get rid of the musty smell, but it's still the same vicious cycle! Is that not the definition of insanity? :lol:

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My 2 year old kept dropping his blankie around the house and wanting me to find it, so one day I tied it around him toga style and told him it was his special toga blankie. I also chanted "toga, toga, toga" at random times that day because he loves chants and songs.


Well...now he almost always wants his "goga" and if I don't wrap it around him quick enough he chants "goga, goga, goga" while waving his arms at me. Also, all blankets are now gogas and he gets really indignant if one is too big or small to be worn properly.


I find this extremely embarrassing.

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Why? Now I am scared. I had thought Grandchildren would be the bomb. You are worrying me. Is there something I need to know? (No, I am not expecting any, just looked forward to that time.):blink:


For the reason that they are children, they are someone else's children and you had high hopes that finally, you'd get left alone. Then along comes your kid with snot-nosed brats in tow. At least that's how my mom puts it!;)


As for the posts about losing it. Here's my big confession.

I have depression and rage issues that surfaced when I got pregnant with dd6. Must have been some biochemical wackiness combined with stress. Then, yes, you have to factor in how you were raised (with a feminist yeller and authoritarian spanker). And there have been times, especially when I had weaned off meds to try (once again) to see if I could be a "normal person" again, that I would realize it was time to go back on the meds because I was losing it-lashing out at the kids. I wish I could control it. It seems to control me. You hear/read that it is just a matter of telling yourself not to. But it is not!


I would go to bed crying every night for all the pain I figured I had caused that day, praying for God to either help me or kill me, because I hated who I was.


That is why some folks are sensitive to the remarks that seem to say "Come on, you know you can stop behaving like that..." You are right, I can, but only when I am medicated and only most of the time even then. It took me months to even get on the meds the first time because I was listening to too many voices telling me I just wasn't praying hard enough, or just wasn't trying hard enough to be nice. Then my Mom has the nerve to criticize me for not staying off them. I have tried at least three times in the past 6 years-once for almost a year. But it always ends the same: I get worse and worse, angrier and more depressed until I can no longer take it or realize I am a threat to others' or my own safety. Mom says the kids may never know the real me. I say, if the real me wants to scream and yell all the time or hate myself, God and the world, then I'm perfectly satisfied with presenting them with a false Mommy!


Just because you can control your impulse to strike out at irritations does not mean we all can or we are bad parents because we cannot.


This has been your daily "walk in someone else's shoes" moment. Now we return you to your regularly scheduled program.;)



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I'm letting my 5 mo old eat my laptop so I can read here.

That's some strong chompers!:D I assume you meant to word that differently?

Or have I stumbled onto the Alice in Wonderland thread?


Oh, I think I first read it as 5 yo not 5 mo. So the kid is drooling on your laptop and you are ignoring it? Uh-oh. Have the Geek Squad ready on speed dial!

Edited by lakotajm
I think I get it now!
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  • 1 month later...

Wow, where do I start?

-My kitchen is a constant disaster area. Always.

-I never have my room clean longer than 3 days, but I get upset at my boys when theirs looks like mine.

-I routinely forget to grade math.

-And writing.

-I had a grand plan to memorize all these Bible verses this year. How many did we do? Zero.

-I spend way too much time on Facebook. Total time sink.

-I'm supposed to be working from home doing phone sales for a friend of ours. My "start" date was three years ago.

-My younger son has ADD, just like me. It's amazing how many times I forget and yell at him for it.

-I don't brush twice a day. I can't remember the last time I flossed.

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I just discovered this thread and have only read through page 6. I want to say a huge "Thank You!" to everyone who has shared here. You have no idea how therapeutic this thread is for me. I honestly felt like I was the only homeschooling mom in the world who struggles with the issues that have been confessed here. :grouphug:

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Wow, where do I start?

-My kitchen is a constant disaster area. Always.

-I never have my room clean longer than 3 days, but I get upset at my boys when theirs looks like mine.

-I routinely forget to grade math.

-And writing.

-I had a grand plan to memorize all these Bible verses this year. How many did we do? Zero.

-I spend way too much time on Facebook. Total time sink.

-I'm supposed to be working from home doing phone sales for a friend of ours. My "start" date was three years ago.

-My younger son has ADD, just like me. It's amazing how many times I forget and yell at him for it.

-I don't brush twice a day. I can't remember the last time I flossed.

-Mine was too... till I started a revolving chore chart and had the kids sweeping and wiping it all down :lol: Now it's just a disaster during the day, but at night when we're all asleep it's tidy ;)

-How in the world do you keep it clean for three whole days?!?

-I like to think it's loosely scheduled... once a week or so ish :lol:

-I try to read it all... editing and grading when absolutley necessary.

-Awanas, took that right off my hands :D

-I try to avoid Fb, I try...


-No ADD, I just forget they're children. They think it's funny when I tell them to stop acting their age, which is my way of checking myself.

-Dental pick. Way easier than flossing.

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Don't you dare apologize for this thread! It was a breath of fresh air. Really! I feel so imperfect sometimes. Actually, I often feel like a failure because I *think* everyone else around me is managing to keep a clean house, feed their kids all homemade organic food, grind their own wheat, sew their own clothes, get all the school work done (plus things like instruments and foreign language lessons), AND get to the end of the day with a smile on their face because they're always so patient and understanding with their children and they never, ever yell at them like I so often do. It is SO nice to know I'm not alone in all my imperfections!!!!!!!




I confess that my kids are watching "Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiago," "Timeblazers," and "Magic School Bus," and I am counting it as science and history/ geography.


I would NEVER do that!:001_huh::lol: (we watch Sid the science kid)



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I just discovered this thread and have only read through page 6. I want to say a huge "Thank You!" to everyone who has shared here. You have no idea how therapeutic this thread is for me. I honestly felt like I was the only homeschooling mom in the world who struggles with the issues that have been confessed here. :grouphug:


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My two boys helped me pull out some grey hair in the back of my head. I hate grey hair when I am only in my early 40s. I don't want to look old when I am not ready to be old.

I haven't started any hair dye, but I can't let the grey hair spread like wild fire. I have black hair and it is bad when you have to dye your hair black because the grey shows even more. My MIL had blond hair and it is easier to dye it blond and the grey doesn't show as much.

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That's some strong chompers!:D I assume you meant to word that differently?

Or have I stumbled onto the Alice in Wonderland thread?


Oh, I think I first read it as 5 yo not 5 mo. So the kid is drooling on your laptop and you are ignoring it? Uh-oh. Have the Geek Squad ready on speed dial!


For some reason this thread got bumped and I just saw this. Yes, I was letting the 5 month old gum on my laptop and drool on it while holding him in my lap. Luckily, I have my own, personal Geek Squad. :001_smile:

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My advent calendar (HUGE ONE!!!) is still hanging in my living room! :D


:lol: I just took down my Christmas tree at Easter and that is only because my parents were coming to visit.:blush: I was planning on incorporating it somehow into an Easter theme just to get out of taking it down.

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My 2 year old kept dropping his blankie around the house and wanting me to find it, so one day I tied it around him toga style and told him it was his special toga blankie. I also chanted "toga, toga, toga" at random times that day because he loves chants and songs.


Well...now he almost always wants his "goga" and if I don't wrap it around him quick enough he chants "goga, goga, goga" while waving his arms at me. Also, all blankets are now gogas and he gets really indignant if one is too big or small to be worn properly.


I find this extremely embarrassing.

:lol:That is so cute and funny.


My advent calendar (HUGE ONE!!!) is still hanging in my living room! :D

I just threw away the gingerbread house a few weeks ago. It was way up on the top shelf of the entertainment center and I just stopped "seeing" it.

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I just want to say how much I love reading about those of you who are also hooked on cookie dough to get you through the day (or out of bed! :) )


Also, I haven't kept track carefully, but I'm sure I've paid the library several hundred dollars over the last few years in replacement fees and fines. Don't tell DH!

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We had mac and cheese for breakfast and ice cream for lunch (Friday is my cheat day).


Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one. Last night the kids had ice cream sundaes for dinner because I had a horrible migraine (like there's any other kind) and told them they were on their own.

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I just discovered this thread and have only read through page 6. I want to say a huge "Thank You!" to everyone who has shared here. You have no idea how therapeutic this thread is for me. I honestly felt like I was the only homeschooling mom in the world who struggles with the issues that have been confessed here. :grouphug:


:iagree: This is exactly what I planned on posting after reading 2 pages of this thread. Now I am off to read the rest.

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:lol:That is so cute and funny.



I just threw away the gingerbread house a few weeks ago. It was way up on the top shelf of the entertainment center and I just stopped "seeing" it.


OK, this should make you all feel better. At the beginning of the year, I resolved to have my kids do crafts for each holiday/season to put on our glass front door. We did Halloween crafts, and we did fall/Thanksgiving crafts...and that was it. When my mom came by a week or so ago, as she left, she told the kids, "And why don't you take down these leaves and acorns here on the door?" :blushing: Like kitten18, I had just stopped "seeing" them, but the whole neighborhood still could :banghead: I took them down the next day. I'm hoping we can get some summer ones up soon, but I suspect I should leave well enough alone!

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:lol: I just took down my Christmas tree at Easter and that is only because my parents were coming to visit.:blush: I was planning on incorporating it somehow into an Easter theme just to get out of taking it down.


We took down our Christmas tree at an appropriate time and put it in the backyard to take to the recycling place. Then it snowed. And snowed again. Then I couldn't get it past the driveway with my car there - it was too fat. In April my in-laws came for a visit and commented on our dead, dry Christmas tree being a fire hazard. Then it rained for a week. Finally, last week I managed to get it to the alley - luckily our trash man took pity on us and took it. Otherwise, it would have probably stay til we moved.

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Okay, here's one for me:


I am thoroughly burned out with homeschooling and have lost whatever vision I started the school year with. And school is not an option for so many reasons.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I struggle hard with HSing every single day. It's completely contradictory to my personality/nature. I need more alone time than I can possibly get while HSing, yet...school is not an option here either, and neither is making enough money for any of the private schools around here. Some days I just want to hide under my bed *sigh*

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I haven't read every page because I just don't have the time, but I plan on it, soon. I applaud the courage, ladies, and am truly inspired =)


My confessions are....


I am so exhausted by my not even 5 year old's extreme perfectionism that I am in need of a nap by noon sometimes - wanting toys a *certain EXACT way*, and when I fail to do whatever idea he had in his head, he throws a HUGE fit and melts down like a 2 year old. The same thing with food. And his clothes. And school. And on and on and on...


My son is suffering from some sort of insomnia thing and despite every remedy, idea, tip, trick in every book and seeing three different doctors, he's still only sleeping about 5 hours a night. Makes everyone cranky and irritable because when he calls at night, for the 1000th time, he wakes everyone up. It's been going on for months and we have no idea what to do anymore.


Probably due to the lack of sleep, my amazing little boy has lost interest in learning how to read, is having tantrums like a baby, and whines about 80% of the day. Again, we've tried to remedy this tons of different ways, and nothing works. I feel like an absolute failure.


My in-laws bug the high holy heck out of me and ever since they bought our rental and moved themselves in, I've been in a slight depression that I haven't been able to shake and with months of no sleep, it just isn't getting any better. Or any worse, so I guess it could be worse ;)


I'm sure there's more, but taking time away during the day (and at night, now...) for myself is hard with my son. He's getting antsy and cranky. Wish me luck =P

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I struggle hard with HSing every single day. It's completely contradictory to my personality/nature. I need more alone time than I can possibly get while HSing, yet...school is not an option here either, and neither is making enough money for any of the private schools around here. Some days I just want to hide under my bed *sigh*


This is me, too.

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We took down our Christmas tree at an appropriate time and put it in the backyard to take to the recycling place. Then it snowed. And snowed again. Then I couldn't get it past the driveway with my car there - it was too fat. In April my in-laws came for a visit and commented on our dead, dry Christmas tree being a fire hazard. Then it rained for a week. Finally, last week I managed to get it to the alley - luckily our trash man took pity on us and took it. Otherwise, it would have probably stay til we moved.


We have one of those, too.






...and it doesn't even SNOW here.



Frankly, I think DH is too embarrassed to put it out for the garden waste recycling trucks. I think we may be putting it out in January of 2012. That's how this is going.

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We have one of those, too.






...and it doesn't even SNOW here.



Frankly, I think DH is too embarrassed to put it out for the garden waste recycling trucks. I think we may be putting it out in January of 2012. That's how this is going.



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OK, this should make you all feel better. At the beginning of the year, I resolved to have my kids do crafts for each holiday/season to put on our glass front door. We did Halloween crafts, and we did fall/Thanksgiving crafts...and that was it. When my mom came by a week or so ago, as she left, she told the kids, "And why don't you take down these leaves and acorns here on the door?" :blushing: Like kitten18, I had just stopped "seeing" them, but the whole neighborhood still could :banghead: I took them down the next day. I'm hoping we can get some summer ones up soon, but I suspect I should leave well enough alone!


I think that seasonal crafts should be superceded by RED crafts.

Red connotes Christmas, Valentines' Day, and Fourth of July. It can also represent Pentecost, which is the season for almost half of the church year. And it can also represent Reformation Day, otherwise known as Halloween. Plus it is unusual enough that it always looks like you're doing it on purpose. On some secret, but significant purpose that only you know. That's my position, and I'm sticking to it.

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I LOVE this thread!!!!


I confess that I haven't even looked at my blog since March? February? A while ago.


I confess that my house is "company clean". The areas where people actually see are clean. Every other room is a disaster.


I confess to the washing laundry several times too. I hate that because I feel so wasteful. But I'm also tired. Too tired to move the wash to the dryer...fold the clothes in the dryer...put the clothes away.


I confess that I am really loving the fact that I overspent on BJU online courses because it's all I can do to just rip the worksheets out of the book and sit the kids in front of the monitor. I was considering leaving BJU DLO and trying it on my own for next year, but I don't think I will.


I confess that I have had far less patience with my boys over the last couple of months. We're ALL sick of school, but we're ALL doing it anyway.


I confess that I have failed my boys in doing fun school stuff. It just got overwhelming some time around Christmas.


I confess that I really wish/hope/pray that there will be a day when I can put them back into private school.


I confess that I am counting down the days until the boys start summer camp.


Really though, I confess that every single post, all 19 pages, I've been able to relate to.

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I confess that I am burnt.


Today is the last day of our first year of homeschooling.

Between school, working part time from home, my part time evening job out of the house, chasing around the 3 year old, and trying to keep my house from looking like a war zone I'm exhausted. Poor DH is suffering from a lack of attention because I just have nothing left to give at the end of the day.


I'm really hoping summer break helps me regroup and recharge.

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I confess that even after homeschooling for 16 years, I lack confidence in my ability to pull this off.


I confess that my kids are snuggled up with me right now watch g Phineas and Ferb instead of eating breakfast and starting our day. It has been raining for 13 straight days ...and we are all sick of it.


I confess that I just can not keep up with everything everyone expects me to do...so I have shut down and have become a minimalist....meaning...I just don't give a flip if someone is disappointed in MY performance.


I confess, I am not good at having friends. I don't like talking on the phone, or doing favors unless I want to...I don't like feeling obligated to anyone but my husband and kids.


I like my job.....I like having a paycheck...I like havin g money to get a massage or have my nails done or get a haircut or new dress.


I love to cook, but hate to come up with what I have to cook...iow...tell me what you want and I wil be happy to make it... Don't make me guess.


I confess I am making great strides in my organization, but I am no where near where want to be.


I confess that I am totally frustrated and angry about my lack of consistency.


I confess I miss swim team more than my kids do. It was a great excuse not to have to do tons of other stuff...and I had 2 hours every night to sit and read or veg out while they were practicing....now....I don't get a minute alone. Last night I locked myself in the bathroom for 1/2 an hour .....with the warning if there wasn 't blood or flames....don't bother me!


I confess that I hate being on cymbalta for for fibromyalgia.....but idk think it is helping my moodiness more than my pain....ummmmmmm......maybe it is just so I don't give a hoot if I hurt.


I confess that I just can't figure out how to teach my7 year old. He is a different kind of kid...diagnosis: butt head. He is very, very intelligent, but totally resists instruction....he likes trial and error....and if it doesn't kill him, he will try again......sort of Edisonish....


I confess I am jealous of perfect families...and those who had parents who taught them how to be adults. I feel like a poser. Look at me...I am a grown up.


I confess I don't like other people's kids...much. I find them fresh and disrespectful. Mine can be too, but I find them charming.


I confess I drink way too much coffee....


I confess my house in not a mess according to my standards, but it is according to my husbands. Then again, his mother had the linen closet organized with every sheet set wrapped in plastic and by color.....my parents were hoarders. I like minimal stuff....and lots of books. He wants them organized by size and color. Itell him to keep his hands off my books!


I confess I could go on all day long confessing...haha...because I have so much to confess.


I confess I am playing here instead of getting my rear end into my office....


Must go now...this was freeing. :D



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I really could care less about these last 3 weeks of PS for my kids. Both kids need so much remediation it's insane. Yet they're both doing "fine" as per report cards.


So for the last few weeks- I'm packing their lunches and that's it. ds has too many fake tattoos? Oh well. Didn't do HW? Oh well. ds should be reading? Really? Even after I told you that he needs vision therapy and reading is too frustrating for BOTH of us? Again, not doing it, don't care. dd didn't do math? Oh well. She doesn't understand it, and you're asking her to do review of standard notation and fractions, but the chapters that teach those lessons are blank! Not fighting it.


I'm posting on the confession thread instead of starting laundry.


I didn't want ds going on today's field trip, so he's outside half dressed playing wonderfully calm on the porch.


ds was being extremely annoying about breakfast; didn't want what was offered, had a fit that we have nothing he likes. So I handed him his drink bottle with 2 pediasures.

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I just threw away the gingerbread house a few weeks ago. It was way up on the top shelf of the entertainment center and I just stopped "seeing" it.


I just threw ours away too. Only, it was still in the box...unassembled. I bought it back in November...we never made it.



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I confess that I would likely put my 10th grader into school next year if it were possible.


Receiving papers back with the occasional "This is senseless" as a response to a question makes me crazy.


Trying to answer for the 100th time what the POINT is of learning Geometry is making me wonder if there is a point.


I haven't started planning for next year. I'm just trying to get through this month. Or this week. Or day.


I most often feel I am not doing nearly enough for him, and he will be short-changed by my failures.


Reading what others on this Board have managed to accomplish in their schooling usually makes me squirm.

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