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What are you doing for 5th grade?

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DD will be doing 5th next year, she is 10. She has spent the last 12 weeks in public school and has aced it with straight A's and perfect 100's. The thing is she has not learned anything she didn't know. The personal reasons for having to "temporarily" put her in school are gone now and I can continue homeschooling her. I really don't know what to do for next year, I have been afterschooling her anyway to keep her up to where she was.

I am going to the homeschool convention tomorrow and plan to pick up some curriculum, but have not decided on anything in particular.


What are you doing or will be doing with your 5th grader?


So far:


Math Singapore and maybe we will do some Teaching Textbooks

History: SOTW (not sure which one, we may start over and go with one)

Handwriting practice

Science: Science 4 Kids

Music: Piano


my brain hurts...what should I think about purchasing tomorrow?


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As far as SOTW goes, 5th grade is a great time to start over with ancients because then you have time to go through the cycle twice before graduation. If you get the activity guide, I think it gives literature suggestions to correspond to the period, otherwise you'll want to decide on some great literature for next year.


At the conference tomorrow you might want to think about grammar and writing. Were you using anything for grammar before she went to public school? Rod and Staff is a popular choice. Some people use Jr. Analytical grammar in 5th and then Analytical Grammar (in 6th, 7th, 8th, I think). Writing - popular choices include IEW, Writing Strands, Writing Tales, Classical Writing, Jump In. I doubt you'd be able to see Writing Tales or Classical Writing at the convention - but you can see samples on line.


Also, you might want to think about whether you want to start Latin or another foreign language.


Unless I'm forgetting something, I think that would cover the basics - with what you already mentioned. Of course, I'm sure there will be 100 of other little things to catch your eye - aren't conventions fun?! Have a great time!!!

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I don't really have a clue what grade to call him. He'd be fifth by age, I guess. Anyway, here's what we have on the planning board for next year.


History & Literature: Home-made ancient history reading list, appropriate stories from ChildĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s History of the World, appropriate sections of the Parragon Atlas of World History, plus Netflix DVDs.


Geography: Florida Virtual School World Geography.


Math: Probably the last 2/3 of the University of California College Prep open access Algebra One course, spread out to take the full year. If he speeds up and finishes that faster than I anticipate, I may try and get him started on the FLVS Geometry course.


Science: Home-designed course on the history of ancient science, using Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way and Science of the Past books as a base, plus additional reading and Netflix DVDs. Hands-on activities based on Ancient Science: 40 Time-Traveling, World-Exploring, History-Making Activities for Kids.


Latin: Galore Park Latin Prep.


Greek: Eucleides' World.


Spanish: The Learnables Grammar Enhancement


Grammar/Vocab: Galore Park English Prep 2 plus Classical Writing: Aesop. And IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m planning to have him do the Word Roots software we didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t get around to this year.


Art: Florida Virtual School 2d Art Class.

Logic: Nothing formal next year. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s already finished the three-book Dandy Lion series, and everything I look at seems like just more of same. However, I did buy a bargain table book at B&N called the Giant Book of Mensa Critical Thinking Puzzles, and I think IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll have him work a couple of those each week.

Outside Classes/Activities:

HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll continue piano lessons and choir. I assume he will also continue his dance classes (currently tap, ballet, jazz). He participates whenever he can in various theatre productions, and he definitely wants to stay involved in the model rocket club with his dad.

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We did 5th ala Waldorf, which means


Ancients Persia, India, Egypt and Greece (mythology and history),

Fraction review, decimals, metric system

grammar (based on Voyages in English 5, but in Main Lesson book)

Latin (LC1)

German (I made it up as we went along)


US Geography and State Report

Drawing and watercolor

Music (trumpet and violin)

PE (swimming and track)

Handwork (knitting - dog ate the needles so we didn't finish)


I adapted CW Aesop to our main lesson blocks, for writing and grammar review).

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5th grade


Math: Teaching Textbook 6

History: Trail Guide to World Geography

Science: Sonlight 5

Grammar: Rod and Staff 5th grade

Writing: IEW

Literature: LLATL

Spelling: Spelling Workout E

Latin: Latin for Children A

Bible: Bible For All Ages



Co-op Tuesday


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Latin, I forgot Latin. We did Minimus and then did LFC but have not done Latin in almost 1 1/2 years so I think I'll start that over with LFC.

Thanks for that reminder!


Grammar: We did FLL in 1/2nd grade and then went to Easy Grammar and Daily Grams. I can continue Easy Grammar or I am considering switching to Rod and Staff.


Typing! I have got to teach her keyboarding, definitely need to add that in for next year.


Thanks for jogging my noggin! I am loving these suggestions

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I haven't thought this through entirely yet, but here's a start (my fifth grader is a girl):


Math: Saxon 6/5

History: Veritas Press Explorers-1815

Bible: Veritas Press Gospels along with BJU catechism and selected memory passages

English: Rod and Staff 5

Latin: Latina Christiana 2

Literature: Veritas Press suggested reading: Anne of Green Gables, Old Yeller, Johnny Tremain, Cricket in Times Square, The Secret Garden, as well as finishing up the Narnia series

Handwriting: no curriculum--just letter practice on notebook paper...maybe a copy book of poetry and Scripture

Science: undecided...probably an Apologia book (zoology?) along with a BJU textbook and/or library books

Spelling: Spelling Workout F...need to add a vocabulary program

Music: continued piano and violin study, children's chorus, youth symphony

Art: HELP!


O.K. Thanks a lot. We just finished up fourth grade with a nice, satisfied feeling, and now I'm overwhelmed about fifth grade!!! :glare:

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We mostly follow Amblesideonline.com.

So my 5th grader (wow that sounds old!) will be doing the following for the first term (13 weeks) on a weekly basis:


History - read one chapter of This Country of Ours (American History, after French Revolution)

-read 5-6 sections of Abraham Lincoln's World and writing a summary of each section in a notebook. She has to make and update a Table of Contents as well

-read Of Courage Undaunted (Across the Continent with Lewis and Clark) spread out over 13 weeks

-activities and supplemental books as well


Science - Apologia's Exploring Creation through Zoology III (lapbooking probably too)

-read 2 chapters of Hillyer's Child's Story of the Animal World

-read Ocean of Truth (biography of Isaac Newton) - throughout the 13 weeks

- two-three classes at local Museum of Natural Science per month


Bible - 2 Bible Study Guide for all ages


Language Arts - GWG 5 - 3-4 lessons per week (depends on how busy the week is)

Spelling Power

Copywork from Spelling Wisdom


Math - Singapore


Literature - read the following throughout the first 13 weeks

- Wild Animals I Have Known

- Shakespeare play (haven't decided which)

- Plutarch Life

- one poem per day


Foreign Language

- Undecided



- probably Mind Benders



- Music Ace Deluxe once/week

- drawing class (outside) twice per month

- composer study (listen to 5-6 compositions over the term), read a biography

- artist study (select artist, print pictures, view 6-7 over term and read a biography)

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I'm planning our 5th grade year now... Here's what I've got at this point (subject to change):


Math: MUS Epsilon

Composition/Writing: IEW SWI-B

Spelling/Handwriting Practice: Spelling Wisdom Book 1 (Charlotte Mason approach)

History: Finish SOTW 4, then restart rotation to SOTW 1, adding more meat this time around

Science: SonLight Science 3 (Biology)

Latin/Vocabulary: Lively Latin (if we end up doing Latin); also word roots w/ English from the Roots Up; Vocabulary Cartoons

Spanish: Undecided but leaning toward Espanol Para Chicos Y Grandes w/ a supplment of The Fun Spanish

Geography: Finish our Trail Guide to World Geography study (which we're currently in the middle of); then, move on to a study of our state using State Study from a Christian Perspective

Logic: Various & assorted books from Prufock Press & some from the Critical Thinking Co. Also, sudokus, etc...

Art/Music: probably Handle on the Arts

Other: Horse-riding; Dutch class; possibly some art classes or workshops

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My ds/10 will be coming home next year after 1 year in ps. He has hated it, but it was necessary for me and him. Here is what I am planning for him:


Math: TT Math 5


History: Sonlight Core 3


Language Arts: Sonlight Core 3 Language Arts Advanced


Science: Sonlight Science 3


Handwriting: RFHW book D


Latin: This is still up in the air


Spelling: Sequential Spelling 1


Vocabulary: This is still up in the air

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My dd will be doing the following next year---


A Grammar Intensive


Total Language Plus (co-op class, we'll definitely be going back to Homer B a little later)

Apologia Zoology (co-op class)

MFW Geography (co-op class)

TOG Ancient History (history, bible, and literature with VP memory cards)

Math Lof Fred Pre-Alebra, Dolciani pre-algebra (?)

Piano (weekly)

Art (weekly)

PE (hopefully we'll start running)

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I have a 5th grader next year. The plan, loosely:


History- Moderns using SL Core 7 and SOTW 3 &4

Geography- mostly via the literature, but we may go through Trail Guide to WG again since it didn't particularly "stick" when we did it last year.

Science- I think we're going to do an unofficial, laid back fun year of science following their interests and some books I have laying around that we never have time to use (The Private Eye, Janice VanCleeve, etc)

Lit- SL

Writing- SL LA 7...maybe. If it isn't too much. If it is, dunno.

Grammar- GWG 5

Vocab- WW

Spanish- keep plugging away with RS, also have Espanol Para Chicos y grandes that we used 2 years ago (took a formal class this year) so we may do it again.

Latin- Minimus

Art- Probably nothing formal, trying to keep the schedule as lite as possible

Math- MUS Epsilon and Zeta, Key to Fractions and Decimals series

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Lively Latin I

Writing Tales 2

Shurley 5

Christian Kids Explore Chemistry


Singapore 5A/5b CWP 4, w/Saxon 65 speed drills

Maybe Open Texture Greek I

Drama, basketball


Many of these will be done in conjunction with coop, otherwise I couldn't get it all done.:D

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We did 5th ala Waldorf,



We're having a wonderful Waldorfish/LCC mix for 5th grade this year:


History: Egypt, Persia, India, Israel, Egypt & Africa (OM6 English/History Syllabus, a Waldorf guide, Core Knowledge units & Enrichment4U units)

English: CW: Homer A, plus pulled tales & fables from history

Science: OM6 Life science & nature study

Latin: Latin Prep I & Lively Latin I

SPanish: easy picture books

Math: Dolcinani Book II & livingmath.net units

PE: Ballet, lyrical, Jazz & Volleyball


At Waldorf co-op:

Art: Drawing with Block Crayons, Forms Drawing & water color

Music: recorder & classical guitar

Crafts: Knitting, Crochet & claywork

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My 5th grade plan for next year:


Saxon Math 65

Latin's Not So Tough 3

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek 2

Spelling Power

Aesop B (writing & grammar)

Biblioplan Year 2 (history, literature, geography, art history)

McGraw-Hill Science 6

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LOL..so literally...the dog ate the school work? (the knitting needles)



We did 5th ala Waldorf, which means


Ancients Persia, India, Egypt and Greece (mythology and history),

Fraction review, decimals, metric system

grammar (based on Voyages in English 5, but in Main Lesson book)

Latin (LC1)

German (I made it up as we went along)


US Geography and State Report

Drawing and watercolor

Music (trumpet and violin)

PE (swimming and track)

Handwork (knitting - dog ate the needles so we didn't finish)


I adapted CW Aesop to our main lesson blocks, for writing and grammar review).

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This is what is on the line-up so far:


Tapestry of Grace Year 3 (History, Literature, Government, Writing, Geography, all in one curriculum)


Saxon Math 76


Shurley Grammar 5


Wordly Wise 3000-2


ABeka Penmanship Mastery


Spelling Power, Level I


BJU Science 5


Strong books for the long winter here


Piano instruction


Explorers Bible Study


AWANA club



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My ds 10 will be doing:


Latin Prep/Lingua Latina


Elementary Greek 1/2


Classical Writing Homer A


Finish up Right Start Level E, move into Singapore full-time


As for the rest ... ? As a family, we're doing Early Modern/American History. I might have him go through SOTW again, as I'm sure he doesn't remember much from 1st grade. I'll also assign him additional reading. If we finally get to move as we plan, we'll do tons of American History field trips.


Literature? I'll pull stuff to go along with history. My 12 year old will read the Iliad; my 10 year old may or may not participate with that.


Science? I hate to commit ;-) We're considering Bite Size Physics, and Scouts, and Lego League.


Piano lessons

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Here's what we're doing next year in 5th grade:


BJUP HomeSat for: Math, English, Reading, Spelling, Bible, History, Science


For handwriting, I use Educational Fontware and make handwriting worksheets based on the word lists in Sequential Spelling.


Math: In addition to HomeSat (which we don't spend a lot of time on), we'll use Life of Fred Fractions and Math U See Epsilon (fractions). We do an enormous amount of work with math facts.


Latin: Hope to finish Latin Prep 1 and move on, probably to LP 2, but maybe something else.


Spanish: HomeSat Elementary Spanish and Elementary Spanish (on United Streaming)


Science and History: In addition to HomeSat, we use United Streaming a lot.


Logic: Orbiting with Logic


Typing: DS is using using Garfield's Typing Pal. Should finish it soon, and we'll do something else.


Piano: Self study


Computers: Self study (programming is his life)


Enrichment: DS goes to a one-day-a-week enrichment program for PE, music, art, etc.

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Gee, ya'll make my little plan look wimpy!


Rel: Daily Family Study

Math: R&S5

Gram/Writ: R&S5 and WWE

Spell: R&S5 or all about Spelling

History/Geog: History Ody L2 Ancients

Art: Calvert's A Child's History of Art: Painting

Read:Assigned list pulled from varied sources

I might add Reading Detective Book A


Granted I will have a new Kinder, a 3 yr old and a new baby to contend with as well. Or I may try (again) for Oak Meadow 5th. Love that integration!

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I like Getty Dubay Italics for handwriting.


What about a writing program? Writing Strands? Other? There are a wealth of good programs out there now.


I use Abeka for grammar; Rod and Staff is also good; Intermediate Language Lessons is good, and there are others, too.


Spelling or word study? I like Spelling Workout and the upper levels (G,H) are good word studies, too. I like Wordly Wise for vocab studies.


I tie our reading into our history studies and mostly use library books for that. Memoria Press does have out a mythology study utilizing the D'Aulaires Greek Mythology book. I didn't purchase it because I want to cover more than just Greek myth next year.


Bible studies? I like Memoria Press, again.

Language studies of some sort? I like a new program I've seen - can't think of the publisher right now - it's called Latin for Children, Spanish for Children, Greek for Children.....

Geography? I like the Beautiful Feet guide and maps, along with the Holling books for US studies.....


Have fun!

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Spelling, totally forgot about spelling. Wow, I'm such a great mom, I have managed to forget in 3 months time over half the subjects she needs. :D


I want to thank each and every one of you who contributed what you are doing, it has really helped get me back into "school mode" and help me get my thoughts organized on what I need. As always, you ladies are best...

thanks bunches!

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My youngest will be a 5th grader next year.


Math: Singapore Math - I offered to let her go back to Moving with Math (which she did last year), but she has decided that even though MWM didn't make her cry, it also didn't make her think, so she wants to stick with Singapore.


Science: either Scott Foresman Science 5th grade (she has used SF science for the past two years) or two books from Prentice Hall Science Explorer (my middle dd started that series in 5th grade)


History: SL Core 3 with Advanced Readers


Writing: either US History-based writing lessons or Fables, Myths, and Legends from IEW


other LA: Megawords, Sequential Spelling, Flashkids Language Arts, maybe Fix-it Grammar (IEW) also


I know that I have a lot of things listed for LA, but my dd is dyslexic, so we have to hit that area harder than most.

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Here is what I have planned for my 5th Grader:


Math: Saxon 6/5

Grammar: Flashkids Language Arts Grade 5

Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling Workout Level E, Wordly Wise 3000 5, Ridgewood Analogies Book 2

Writing: Writing Tales 2

Literature: A mixture of things, not all used at the same time- Core Skills: Reading Comprehension Grade 5; Story Elements Grades 5-6; Read and Understand Poetry Grades 4-5; read various literature selections with study guides

Science: My Pals Here 5a/5b (not sure if it will be enough as he LOVES Science)

Social Studies: Trail Guide to World Geography, SOTW Vol 1, also a unit on Presidents/Elections in Oct/Nov.

Art/Music: Handle on the Arts

Latin: Lively Latin 1

Health: (he is currently in PS and asked to do health next year; strange child) Harcourt Brace: Your Health Grade 5

Logic: Mindbenders


It looks like a lot, but not everything will be done everyday. We're just going to start off slowly and take it as it goes.

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This was a great thread for me, being new to homeschooling! DS10 was in ps until March of this year. I've been buying curriculum here and there... but I guess it's time to really lay it out and make a decision! So, this is what I think we'll be doing:


HISTORY & LITERATURE: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance and Reformation, and The Age of Exploration, using A World of Adventure (AWOA) from Learning Adventures as our guideline, and supplementing with lots of real books and notebooking. This unit study also incorporates geography.


We might find that this span of history is too much for one year. We've spent nearly six weeks this year just on the Ancient Mesopotamians and the other ancient cultures leading up to and coinciding with Ancient Egypt & Greece, and there's not nearly the amount of information to absorb as there will be in the Middle Ages and beyond. So, we'll play it by ear.


SCIENCE: Six 6-week units on biomes (and, specifically, the desert and desert animals), the human body, geology (including earthquakes and volcanoes), astronomy, botany, and oceanography, again using AWOA as our guide, and supplementing with CGC (because I already own it).


However, I'm beginning to wonder... while I like the multiple facets being studied, I also like the Apologia approach of just one subject all year long... so, I don't know. I might change my mind!


LANGUAGE ARTS: AWOA also includes writing, spelling, grammar, and literature units. However, I will supplement with IEW, Easy Grammar 5, English From the Roots Up, and Natural Speller.


MATH: At this point, Saxon 65, but still exploring other options.


FOREIGN LANGUAGE: We're covering Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes in Language Arts, but DS has expressed a strong desire to learn French. I took several semesters in college, but can only remember a bit, so I'd love to review it, as well; I can, at least manage most of the pronunciations, so will be able to help DS in that way. But, I'm still looking for the best program. I was going to use The Easy French, but now I'm wondering if I should investigate other options. Any suggestions?


ART: Lamb's Book of Art !


MUSIC: Piano lessons, drum lessons


PE: Baseball, plus a weekly PE class at our homeschool cover



I think I've covered everything... :001_smile:

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My 5th grade dd plan:


Math: Finish RS E by Christmas. We just started using BJU 5 Reviews book along with RS, so after RS, I think I'll continue with BJU5 for the rest of the year.


Language: Planned on BJU for this year, but I'm taking a hard look at CLE at the convention. If so that will cover grammar, spelling and handwriting.


Spelling: ??? horrible horrible speller...may continue with Calvert CD..not sure.


Writing--IEW SWI-A


Reading: CLE 5 along with readers from sonlight, vp


Science--BJU 5 Homesat


History: SOTW 4 with added literature


Classical Converstaions

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My dd will be 10 in October.


Math - Either TT5 or may be backing up in MUS - not sure to where

History - Winter Promise Sea and Sky

Science - Winter Promise Sea and Sky with maybe Apologia Zoology lapbook thrown in.

Writing - Writing Tales or IEW

Spelling - Spelling Power

Grammar - Maybe Easy Grammar

Bible - Kay Arthur Bible Study


That is basically it. We have some art and piano options too. I am going to the Florida Convention at the end of May and hope to make all my decisions by the end of that.

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We are changing from a fairly eclectic style to more LCC for next year. I just finished the 1st edition of LCC, and it just makes sense to me. I am patiently waiting for the 2nd edition to ship so I can finalize plans, but what I planned so far is:


Latin: LFC A


Comp: CW Aesop B


Math: Singapore Math 4b/5a.. maybe 5b as well


Logic: Logic Liftoff


Music: Alfred's Music Theory, also learning the keyboard


Art: God & Christian Artists (Barry Stebbing)


History: MOH 1


Science: God's design for Chemistry, mixed with BF's History of Science

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For 5th grade, my daughter will be doing:


*Ambleside Year 2

(covers: history, history tales/biography, geography, natural history/science, poetry, literature, art, music)

*Math: Rod and Staff 5

*Lang Arts: Rod and Staff English twice weekly, along with oral narration, written narration once per week, copywork and dictation

*King James Bible



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I'm still sorting things out, but it will be something like this:


Math: Singapore 6

History: Beautiful Feet World/Early American History

Science: CKE Earth & Space / Apologies Zoology 2

Grammar: ??? I just finishing R&S 6

Writing: Wordsmith Apprentice

Literature: Book Club, history readers

Spelling: Spelling Workout F

Latin: Latina Christiana II

Bible: Awana, plus incorporated in our history studies

Logic: Mindbenders, Grid Perplexors, etc

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Bible - Remembering God's Awesome Acts (Sonlight Bible)


History/Lit. - Sonlight 5


Math - Singapore 5/Chalkdust Basic Math


English - Rod & Staff 6 (done orally), Wordsmith Apprentice (finishing mid-year), Wordsmith and Home2Teach (online classes), Daily Language Review, Vocab from Classical Roots 5, HWT, Typing Inst. Deluxe


Foreign Language - Galore Park Latin Prep 1; So You Really Want to Learn Spanish 1


Science - Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn Science 1; Science Explorers


Logic - Mind Benders


Music - Piano lessons; study Bach, Beethoven and Mozart


Art - Art Fraud Detective; Draw Squad

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History: STOW 1 paired with other reffrence materials to bring up to grade level: Abeka Old World, Ancient Times (school text..great pics and primary sources), and Kingfisher.


Reading: Now old enough for greek mythology the BEST series was Monsters of Greek Mythology by Evslin, Bernard. And we followed the reading list in The Well Trained Mind.

Grammar and Vocab: The Bride to Latin Grammar. Really Great! This works better for us than A Beka. DD likes to get to the meat of it, does the work and it "sticks". She does not need a seemingly endless workbook.


Writing: Writing Strands 4


Spelling: Megawords 3 (wanted to do 4 also but 3 was harder for her than 1 and 2)


Math: Saxon math 65


Logic: Mind Benders A3


Science: Biology we used several sources: Real Science 4 Kids added to this we used How Nature Works and A Beka Science 5 as a supplement, skipping around.


Oral Language: A Beka


Art and Music: We studied using many library sources and then we did various projects.


Religious Study about 15 - 20 minutes about 3 times a week.

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Here is what I plan to do with my older son next year:


Math: Singapore 5A/5B

History: SOTW I repeat cycle

Science: Science Super Sleuth: I am combining literature and science. I found this literature that shows you how. I will try this next year to see how it goes.

Reading/Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare and Plutarch and Ambleside's year 5 suggestions

Writing: Writing Tales II

Latin: Latina Christiana

Logic: Building Thinking Skills Book 2 part 2 and Mindbenders B1

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What I'm planning for next year 5th grade dd10:



Saxon 65

R & S English 5

Writing Foundations level 2 ( it's an IEW-like course)

Spelling Workout F

Biblioplan year 4 1850-present (incorporates SOTW 4)

God's Design for Physics

Art: Drawing and Painting Fundamentals

Continue piano or begin flute or both

Swimming lessons

Homeschool Co-op bimonthly classes

Latina Christiana 1

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DD will be doing 5th next year, she is 10. She has spent the last 12 weeks in public school and has aced it with straight A's and perfect 100's. The thing is she has not learned anything she didn't know. The personal reasons for having to "temporarily" put her in school are gone now and I can continue homeschooling her. I really don't know what to do for next year, I have been afterschooling her anyway to keep her up to where she was.

I am going to the homeschool convention tomorrow and plan to pick up some curriculum, but have not decided on anything in particular.


What are you doing or will be doing with your 5th grader?


Well, "anxiety" is probably more accurate. Wow, how did 5th grade just sneak up on me like this? Where'd my baby go? And this is going to cost HOW MUCH? *this is where I usually think I'll pass out*


So far (nothing etched in stone yet):


Math: MUS Epsilon, Murderous Maths


Latin: Latin Prep I


History: SOTW III (yes, I know...) w/ Kingfisher


Language Arts: IW- Aesop; Spelling Workout (I think - we've not done spelling before, as he's a pretty intuitive speller, but I can't seem to keep up w/ WRTR lately and I don't want him to lose ground)


Logic: Mindbenders, A Case of Red Herrings, and perhaps some supplements from RR (can't just order what's on the list, right?) first term; will probably add Introductory Logic second term.


Art: Artistic Pursuits (I think.)


Music: Meet the Great Composers; continue piano lessons


Science: NO IDEA. Absolutely NO. Clue. Probably biology, but beyond that, I am still at sea.


Spanish - Again, no clear decision on curriculum for this.

Greek - Probably just Hey, Andrew! this first semester.


my brain hurts...what should I think about purchasing tomorrow?



I love this quote! What did you end up buying? Find anything fun? I hated writing "no idea" on so much of my list, but had to tell it like it is. Thankfully, I'll have it figured out before I have to order it. (I hope! LOL!)



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Hhmmm lets see, I really have been pouring over this myself and don't have all the particulars yet, but for my 5th grade ds I "think":tongue_smilie: it will be something like this:


Math: Saxon 6/5

Spelling/Vocab: BJU Spelling, Wordly wise 4, English from the Roots Up

Writing: Understanding Writing

Grammar: Junior Analytical Grammar

Handwriting: BJU 5th grade Handwriting

History: SOTW 1 with various other resources

Geography: ??? other than what goes with history maybe Trail Guide...

Reading: Selections to go along with history and science and various other selections for free reading. For comprehension will be using Drawn into the Heart of Reading Curriculum as well.

Science: Real Science 4 Kids in conjunction with the Great Adventures of Science series for lapbook work.

Latin: ???

Foreign language: maybe spanish ???

PE: swimming, baseball, and maybe martial arts

Art: Study art in relation the history we are studing.

Music: Still undecided what instrument to try, will be studing a few composers throughout the year.

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Fifth grade plans for my dd (subject to change and not finished yet)


Math Videotext Algebra and Life of Fred

Science Rainbow Year 1, extra experiments from adventures with atoms and molecules and Physics for everykid. This will be taught to dd and one of her friends

History Ancients, Story of the World volume 1, Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, History Bible, Story of Mankind, Outrageous Women of ancient times, Dave Macaulay videos, Schlessinger Ancient Civilizations videos, History of US Vol 1, History of Science vol 1 and more...

Language Arts Growing with Grammar 5, Vocabulary Cartoons, Write with the Best or WriteShop

Literature I haven't picked our main study novels yet--usually I have 4. Extra reading and read alouds will include Black Ships Before Troy

French tutor is moving:sad: , I'm looking

Latin my teaching this year failed miserably. I haven't reviewed all my options. I am considering a used copy of Rosetta Stone Latin a neighbor has.

PE ballet, field hockey, gymnastics

Art still working on this

Music considering an instrument

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Our plan:


Math - BJUP 5

Grammar - Easy Grammar 5/Daily Grams 5

Spelling - Spelling Workout E

History/Literature - TOG Year 3

Writing - Writing Aids with TOG

Handwriting - Handwriting Skills Simplified 5

Science - God's Design Chemistry

Art - Phonicis of Art

Music - private piano

PE - karate lessons, homeschool PE class

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Well, this is my plan as of today, but I must say that it changes quite frequently :glare:


Literature: LLATL 5th Grade

Spelling: Phonetic Zoo B

Writing: IEW Ancient & LLATL

Grammar: LLATL & finish Easy Grammar 4

Vocabulary: LLATL or Wordly Wise 5th Grade

Math: TT 7 or Saxon 7/6

History: SOTW Ancients & MOH 1 & Historical Fiction

Science: CKE Physics

P.E.: Soccer Team & 1-mile jogs 3 times a week

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Our plan as it stands today. Tomorrow could be another story. ;)


Bible - Kay Arthur studies


Math - MUS finishing Epsilon and moving into Zeta, some "Key to..." books thrown in for good measure


Latina Christiana II


Grammar - Growing with Grammar 5


Writing Tales 2


Spelling Power


Various literature titles for study and discussion


NOEO Chemistry 1


History a al The Well Trained Mind, using Kingfisher


possibly: Handle on the Arts to cover art/music/architecture/drama.



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