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That's ok, I didn't *really* want to get paid anyway

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Anyone else not getting paid if the government shuts down?? This can be the pity party thread for those of us who will be temporarily po' folk. lol! We're Dave Ramsey lemmings so we'll be fine but I've been in the middle of curriculum shopping and clearly that's going to come to a big fat screeching halt if we have no paycheck. :nopity: It is NOT FUN to stop shopping just when you're getting warmed up. Stoopid politicians. :glare: They are just lucky it's not convention time. That's all I have to say...

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Yes, us, here in northern Virginia. Dh's firm will shut their doors till the gov't is funded. They were told this two weeks ago. No pay.


There are no words to accurately describe how furious I am.


That is all.


Oh boy, I cannot imagine having to deal with that!

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yeah that's why we take no deductions through our paychecks and I just save the money to pay them in my own savings account. No need to wait for them to give me my own money back. I just pay the bill.


Don't you get fined for this? I thought you had to pay a certain amount or pay penalties?


It doesn't affect me, and I'm grateful that we finally got our tax refund so I don't have to worry about that either. But I'm so very sorry that those of you who have income via government jobs have to face this. How frightening! :grouphug:

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I have no clue if DH will be getting paid or if the pay will be late. I'll have to ask him when he comes back from TDY. All of this would have to happen *right* when there's a very good chance we'll be buying a house. *sigh*


To tjlufkin - I know this is OT, but we were at McGuire for sev yrs, but left in 2008.

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Looks like we'll be classified as essential too, but from the sound of it, it just means work now, paid when the money becomes available.:confused:


I think this is how it is for the military, even essential personnel. They have until the fifteenth. If the military only gets paid for one week instead of two, that will mess up a lot of people's budgets.


Seven days, government, get it together.

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Anyone else not getting paid if the government shuts down?? This can be the pity party thread for those of us who will be temporarily po' folk. lol! We're Dave Ramsey lemmings so we'll be fine but I've been in the middle of curriculum shopping and clearly that's going to come to a big fat screeching halt if we have no paycheck. :nopity: It is NOT FUN to stop shopping just when you're getting warmed up. Stoopid politicians. :glare: They are just lucky it's not convention time. That's all I have to say...


Ugh and :grouphug: BTDT with the California budget.

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Mine will be traveling all weekend on government business (without pay?) and has to go in to work Monday for debriefings (without pay?). He's actually *hoping* to get a few weeks off, pay or no pay, because he's been working very long hours and needs a break.


Worst case scenario is that they get paid on the fifteenth, but only for one week instead of two. Military pay is all in advance. So, everyone will technically be getting paid until the 22nd.

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Yeah, this is us! DH is sometimes considered essential, depending on what the needs are. But he says that even those who ARE considered essential and have to go to work will not get paid until the money becomes available...... if it does.


So, not an exciting thing to look forward to, that's for sure! :(


I'm thinking that if WE have to lose pay, Politicians, Congress, the President, Hollywood people, sports people---all that are paid outrageously high amounts, should also NOT get paid!

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I am very frustrated over this whole deal. Govt. officials are making it sound like we have nothing to worry about. Service members will still continue to earn pay, even if the govt. shuts down. Sure, earning pay is nice...however, it's not going to pay my bills if I don't actually GET any money!!! Grrrr. Oh well. No sense worrying about it since I can't control it, right?

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My dh is Active duty Navy also and we're preparing to not be paid (or at least to only get 1 weeks worth of pay) Luckily we put a huge chunk of our tax refund (we always file ASAP) away for a big trip we have when dh rotates to his next duty station, so we can use that until they get things figured out.

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I feel badly for anyone who finds themselves affected by the funding crises.


I do want to add that my dh is not in the military and he is not a federal employee. He is employed in the private sector. However, the nature of his firm's work is dependent on the federal government 'doing business.' Because of this, everyone in the firm was told two weeks ago that if the gov't shuts down, so will the firm. The firm will re-open when the gov't begins doing business again.


A shut down will affect countless individuals and families who are not federal employees and who are not in the military.

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Don't you get fined for this? I thought you had to pay a certain amount or pay penalties?


It doesn't affect me, and I'm grateful that we finally got our tax refund so I don't have to worry about that either. But I'm so very sorry that those of you who have income via government jobs have to face this. How frightening! :grouphug:


Not that I know of. My accountant has never said anything about that. We have some number for deductions that results in almost nothing getting taken out all year, then we just file and pay.


**Edited to add....I think it's cause we claim 13 exemptions so we are still declaring something. It just results in almost nothing taken out. This year my husband added a second job so we owe quite a bit more than I planned but still better for us having that money all year to use.

Edited by mommybee
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Yeah, this is us! DH is sometimes considered essential, depending on what the needs are. But he says that even those who ARE considered essential and have to go to work will not get paid until the money becomes available...... if it does.


So, not an exciting thing to look forward to, that's for sure! :(


I'm thinking that if WE have to lose pay, Politicians, Congress, the President, Hollywood people, sports people---all that are paid outrageously high amounts, should also NOT get paid!


I can see the politians, congress, president but I'm not sure you can lump the Hollywood/sports people in that same group. btw! I'm agreeing with you on all the others.

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Looks like we'll be classified as essential too, but from the sound of it, it just means work now, paid when the money becomes available.:confused:

Yup. I'm wondering if we should hold off on paying bills if we have to wait for them to settle the budget. I mean, I don't want to ruin our credit or anything, and hopefully it won't be an issue BUT my priorities will be food, rent, gas money for DH to go to his temporarily non-paying job.

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I can see the politians, congress, president but I'm not sure you can lump the Hollywood/sports people in that same group. btw! I'm agreeing with you on all the others.




I don't see what Hollywood personalities, sports stars, etc have to do with it.


From a practical point of view, hotels, restaurants, etc that are in DC are going to suffer enormously if this shut down dows take place. Taxi cab drivers, bus drivers, metro (rail) workers, parking garages. People who provide the support services to the buildings full of government employees will also suffer from this.

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Yes, us, here in northern Virginia. Dh's firm will shut their doors till the gov't is funded. They were told this two weeks ago. No pay.


There are no words to accurately describe how furious I am.


That is all.


This is us too. Unless the Military bill in Congress passes and then we will be exempt as DOD contractors.

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DH is a DoD contractor. I read rumors yesterday of a stop-gap measure for DoD only that would provide funding all the way through the end of September. It was on a CNN article, but I can't find mention of it anywhere today.


A couple day shutdown wouldn't bother him too much - he can't take any PTO until mid-July. Anything beyond that starts melting away the new deck savings fund.

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We're active duty military, so dh will be working regardless of the pay situation. It's my understanding that we'll get half a paycheck on the 15th, so technically that puts us being paid through the 22nd of the month. It is going to suck for so many military families that live paycheck to paycheck. Thank goodness we still have some of our tax return in the bank.

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I feel badly for anyone who finds themselves affected by the funding crises.


I do want to add that my dh is not in the military and he is not a federal employee. He is employed in the private sector. However, the nature of his firm's work is dependent on the federal government 'doing business.' Because of this, everyone in the firm was told two weeks ago that if the gov't shuts down, so will the firm. The firm will re-open when the gov't begins doing business again.


A shut down will affect countless individuals and families who are not federal employees and who are not in the military.


That's sort of our situation. My husband is a business owner. He owns trucks that haul shipping containers from the ports throughout the Pacific Northwest. If the government shuts down and the customs office that checks the shipping containers shuts down, we will essentially be shut down also. The thing is, we aren't government employees, so there will be no back pay for us. We'll just be out of luck for however long the government is shut down. And...truck payments still need to be paid, insurance still needs to be paid, licensing is coming due (that in itself is several thousand dollars). And that is just our business bills that will still continue, not to mention our personal household bills. This thing is a mess, and will not only wipe out our savings rather quickly if it happens, but it will take us months, if not years to recover from it. Those politicians -- on both sides of the aisle -- don't care about how this will affect the people. They need to get their act together.

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DH is a DoD contractor. I read rumors yesterday of a stop-gap measure for DoD only that would provide funding all the way through the end of September. It was on a CNN article, but I can't find mention of it anywhere today.


A couple day shutdown wouldn't bother him too much - he can't take any PTO until mid-July. Anything beyond that starts melting away the new deck savings fund.


It has passed the House.



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My dh is civil service at the Pentagon. At the moment he is non-essential, unless some big tasker comes in from someone "on high" tomorrow and then he is essential until it's finished. Last time there was a shutdown it was for 21 days and they retroactively paid everyone, but they are saying not this time, except of course the military who have to work. I'm torn, he needs a break because he has been working 10 hour days with high stress. If it happens I sure hope it is short!!



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That's sort of our situation. My husband is a business owner. He owns trucks that haul shipping containers from the ports throughout the Pacific Northwest. If the government shuts down and the customs office that checks the shipping containers shuts down, we will essentially be shut down also. The thing is, we aren't government employees, so there will be no back pay for us. We'll just be out of luck for however long the government is shut down. And...truck payments still need to be paid, insurance still needs to be paid, licensing is coming due (that in itself is several thousand dollars). And that is just our business bills that will still continue, not to mention our personal household bills. This thing is a mess, and will not only wipe out our savings rather quickly if it happens, but it will take us months, if not years to recover from it. Those politicians -- on both sides of the aisle -- don't care about how this will affect the people. They need to get their act together.


You have illustrated precisely how this does indeed deeply affect so many people who are never mentioned in the news stories.


We are going to tell the general contractor that he cannot come back and finish our job till the crises is over as every penny we have will be held onto. The general contractor (who is barely back on his feet financially after a health crises last winter) will not be able to pay his men, and so on and so on and the dominos continue to fall.


Someone was quoted in something I read today as saying that most of the country doesn't even know that a shut down will likely happen -- this will all be news to them. Around here, pizza, movies, and that kind of stuff will not happen for alot of people.

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BUt it has a rough road in the Senate and the President has said he will veto it because it is time for a complete budget! Drives me crazy because they have had over a year to do this!! They shouldn't be paid if there is no budget. That would certainly move them along!!!



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I worked for the federal government during the last shutdown, which lasted about 3 weeks. We did get paid (I can't remember if it was delayed), but everyone was shocked that it lasted it that long. Shortly thereafter we got hit by the DC blizzard and were home for a few more days (almost a week and half if I remember correctly). So, most of us eventually got a paid vacation, but we didn't know day to day if they were going to pass the bill. Hopefully they will have learned the lesson.



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I worked for the federal government during the last shutdown, which lasted about 3 weeks. We did get paid (I can't remember if it was delayed), but everyone was shocked that it lasted it that long. Shortly thereafter we got hit by the DC blizzard and were home for a few more days (almost a week and half if I remember correctly). So, most of us eventually got a paid vacation, but we didn't know day to day if they were going to pass the bill. Hopefully they will have learned the lesson.




Unfortunately there are extremists IMO who do not want federal workers (and not to mention all the contractors) to get paid this time since you know feds are just lazy, good for nothings:glare: (Of course, I am being sarcastic.)

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The company my DH works for is a DoD contractor. We have no clue how this will affect us personally, which is frustrating. My area is 75% dependent on the base. It would devastate the area. The restaurants will be empty, the stores bare, pizza delivery stopped and those businesses who are hanging on by the skin of their teeth will shut down.


Get your act together, Federal Governement.

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A one-week extension is not going to get signed and they know it.


I don't think it should get signed either since it has several points of an agenda instead of pure deficit cutting IMHO. Their special issues should be addressed separately IMO if they are serious about deficit cutting.


Plus, how can anyone plan with multiple one week budgets. It makes it very difficult to do. I know our household will continue to hold off on any expenditures as long as this nonsense goes on.

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We live in a military community and over 75% of our church is military or contractors. This will affect us all deeply. Even if the military gets paid if charitable giving goes down (which is usually a reality) then dh may or may not get paid.at.all. (He is a pastor and our church runs on a week to week budget. Dh will make sure that all essentials are taken care of before he draws a check.)

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I don't think it should get signed either since it has several points of an agenda instead of pure deficit cutting IMHO. Their special issues should be addressed separately IMO if they are serious about deficit cutting.


Plus, how can anyone plan with multiple one week budgets. It makes it very difficult to do. I know our household will continue to hold off on any expenditures as long as this nonsense goes on.


I agree on both counts. But, it's the posturing that annoys me. :glare:

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This couldn't hit us at a worst time! DH is a federal employee, and he is currently switching from one agency to another. As of tomorrow, he'll be completely out-processed from his current job and won't in-process at the new one until Monday... unless the government shuts down, in which case.... :confused:. I mean, he won't be unemployed, but he definitely won't be considered essential, so we certainly won't get paid.


Also, this is the start of a new school (online college) month for us, so we just charged the $3000 tuition on a credit card, but we won't get our GI Bill money from the VA if the govt. shuts down which means the card is almost charged up and we won't be able to pay it all off until we get our money. :glare:


We have enough money to last us a month... but we'll now have to pay interest on our tuition. UGH.


Not cool....

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Dh is civil service and works with the DOD. He's been classified as mission essential. It would be nice to know if he's going to get paid. No one seems to know. We are Dave Ramsey people, too, but haven't made our way through all the steps yet. It won't be good if the shutdown lasts a while.

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BUt it has a rough road in the Senate and the President has said he will veto it because it is time for a complete budget! Drives me crazy because they have had over a year to do this!! They shouldn't be paid if there is no budget. That would certainly move them along!!!




I've heard several analysts on the news today (several channels, I like variety) say that it'd have a better chance of not getting vetoed if they'd left out the non-military add-ons.

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