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A complete distortion of my words

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And I hate to add this, but I have had this percolating in the back of my mind.... I think there is a certain amount of anger that you are a woman. A successful, articulate, educated, well-respected woman.


Some people, and some certain types of men, get that all up in their craw.


So true! This is an excellent point and I am convinced that it is part of what is going on.

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So true! This is an excellent point and I am convinced that it is part of what is going on.


:iagree: The attacking crowd is one that is unabashedly against educating girls. You, my dear, are a bad bad influence on girls. Showing them they are smart and capable and can go get PhDs and whatnot. Shameful. :tongue_smilie: (sooooo completely tongue in cheek kidding here, of course.)

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This is probably a bit too broad-sweeping:) I have many friends who believe AiG has done the right thing, but are fully in favor of strong, educated women;)


You're right. I typed that with Doug Phillips' face in my head but one would hope that even among AiG supporters, his "vision" (pun intended) is the exception and not the rule.

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What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.




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Please--as if there are any other message boards!


Will do what I can in my small world. I'm afraid, though, that these boards are most of that world.


My situation is the same, so I'm not of much help. But I am praying for you and for a good resolution to this mess. :grouphug:

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Yay! I'll go like you right now.
It looks as though "friend" is converted to "like" in the process of changing from person to public figure, so you may already "like" her.
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I just "liked" your page and the Peace Hill Press page on facebook, and I will continue to support you and speak favorably about you and your work. I had the immense pleasure of hearing you speak several times at the Midwest convention, and I continue to be impressed by your work and dedication to homeschoolers, students, your work, and your faith. I look forward to reading more of your work over the years and introducing my children to your books when they get a little older. Keep up the good work!



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I had a discussion with two co-op friends over this last week-both Ham supporters. I tried to expose them to a different p.o.v. regarding the convention. They saw it as a freedom of speech issue.


Prior to this whole kerfluffle, I had never heard the name Ken Ham before.



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Prior to this whole kerfluffle, I had never heard the name Ken Ham before.


Me, neither. And while I was reading the boards tonight, I suddenly remembered that an old friend of mine, whom I am in touch with on Facebook, worked at the Creation Museum when it first opened. I sent her an e-mail to ask her some questions, and she called me! I haven't talked with this girl in about 18 years. But anyway, it was an enlightening conversation about this man. She wasn't surprised to hear about this "kerfluffle." (what a funny word :lol:)

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Dear Susan,


I just "liked" your FB pages too. I have to say that I am mostly a secular person and all of the Bible-related hairsplitting Ham has begun seems especially ridiculous to me. But...I hate it when people behave toward someone else in their "business arena" in a way that is mean, unprofessional, unethical, undeserved, and beyond any typical sense of reasonable behavior. I think you rock..I love your books...and I have tremendous respect for what you do and how you do it. TWTM and this forum (thank you for this forum, thank you !!) are my greatest guiding lights as I navigate the early years of homeschooling. I appreciate your work and efforts very much. I'm sorry you are having to deal with all of this. :grouphug:

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Susan, I'm sorry you are going through all this. Your poise is to be commended! I will continue to rave about your work and to recommend your curriculum as TWTM was my inspiration (and still is) for my family's homeschool journey. Praying for all of this to calm down very soon. :grouphug:

Edited by jenL
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Me, neither. And while I was reading the boards tonight, I suddenly remembered that an old friend of mine, whom I am in touch with on Facebook, worked at the Creation Museum when it first opened. I sent her an e-mail to ask her some questions, and she called me! I haven't talked with this girl in about 18 years. But anyway, it was an enlightening conversation about this man. She wasn't surprised to hear about this "kerfluffle." (what a funny word :lol:)


(Being rude here...but I had to say that while I'm being rude, that is one phone call I would have loved to eavesdrop on. :tongue_smilie: )

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful and insightful review. I honestly do not understand how it could be so misconstrued, especially as illustrated (and reiterated) in the quote, " It means, in the end, that we must take incarnation seriously." How true that many of us erect life boats of our own making, when the truth of the mysteries of God are more than we could ever dream or imagine.


I am sorry you are going through this. Stay the course!


With love and gratitude for your service to the homeschooling community,


Edited by Cindy in the NH Woods
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May I ask why SWB's review did not include anything negative about Dr. Enns book? Typically a book review will give both the good and bad about a book, or at least show the weaknesses along with the strengths. Is there nothing to question in Dr. Enns book? I am just curious, not looking to start debate! :001_smile: Thanks for your input.

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1. Kerfuffle is now my favorite word.


2. What is that saying about even bad publicity is good publicity? Think of all the people who will check out WTM initially out of curiosity over this whole thing and will be so impressed they will become WTMers!


3. My favorite saying: "The best revenge is living well." Rise above, continue to flourish. That will burn your critic's butt more than anything else. :D

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May I ask why SWB's review did not include anything negative about Dr. Enns book? Typically a book review will give both the good and bad about a book, or at least show the weaknesses along with the strengths. Is there nothing to question in Dr. Enns book? I am just curious, not looking to start debate! :001_smile: Thanks for your input.




I'm sure there are plenty of things to question but that wasn't the purpose of the article. I've never read a book that I agreed with completely but if I'm writing a review I don't focus on the negative.

Edited by pdalley
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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.



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Dear Susan,


This is about how one reads the Bible and who's in and who's out. I am very sorry that you are personally having to endure this vitriol.

We are close to the family of another public figure who just this month was outed as a heretic via twitter. To have to endure the public character assassination by anyone with access to a smartphone has been very painful for the family.

These are interesting times in which we are living. Perhaps your next book could be The Art of the Public Kerfuffle. :)

Carry on with your head held high. Any thinking person sees this guy for what he is.

Blessings and full support,


Edited by claire+3
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We've BTDT on a much smaller scale so I know how helpless and frustrating this can be. The whole situation is striking a major nerve with me. We had a pastor (in Norfolk actually...don't cross the tunnel Susan!) malign us behind our back. We were very "crunchy granola" when my kids were little...alternative medicine, attachment parenting, etc. We found out through someone else that he was telling others that we were "new age" and not to fellowship with us. Never asked us anything to see if that was true or not. It's an awful, awful feeling to have your character attacked, especially by another Christian and one who is a leader. I can't fathom enduring this in public and having your livelihood attacked too. I just want to get all irrational and drive to Cincy and scream "Shut UUUUUUUP!!!!" in Ham's face or something.

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I posted this on another home school board I frequent. I have some of Ken Ham's books, and I have some of SWB's and JW's books. I adore them all! I cannot for the life of me understand what your theological views (perceived or real) have to do with your history books and grammar/writing books. I don't need to know someone's theology to learn from them how to diagram a sentence, or how to understand the influence of the Greeks on the rest of the world. I am perfectly capable as a mother and teacher to discern what is true and what is false regarding the Scriptures.


Susan, I'm sorry you and your family are dealing with this. My fear is that the home schooling movement as a whole will be divided, and this will in turn make us vulnerable.

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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.





hmmm.... what can I buy today from your company? hmmm.... hmm.... shopping time!


and :grouphug:

praying for the whole situation.



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Doug Phillips called on everyone to purchase something from AiG yesterday (because GHC is basically taking money away from AiG's sales by not having them at the convention).


We can do the same at Peace Hill Press today (not that we need anyone to tell us to do so) to make up for the loss in business they might be enduring.


Let's love on PHP!!


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I am so sorry for you and disgusted by what is going on. I hope this goes away soon, for your sake and for the sake of the Christianity and the homeschooling community. This does not show a pretty picture of the latter two.


The bright side: This whole debate is revealing so much about the people involved. I personally never learned that much that fast about anybody. Good education in decency, grace, manipulation of facts to suit one's own purposes, and the benefits of a classically and logically trained, Christ-centered mind.


As for me and my household, Susan, your posts confirm that we are following the right role model for a well-educated mind. I hope lots of other people come to understand this as well.


Keep your curricula coming -we're using ALL of them, yes, Peter Enns' as well. :)


Blessings (and I mean this!),



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I just converted my FB profile to a public figure page. I probably should have done it before now...so please go "like" it!






Done. And even though it probably doesn't help you much in the whole scheme of things, at least I've felt like I've showed my support. There was no way in heck I was liking Ham's page even though it was killing me not to respond to that drivel. I would have just gotten banned anyway.

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I was just about to post the same thing. Really, if there is anything...*helpful*...I can do, please, please let me know. :001_smile:


What I did last weekend was buy a copy of SWB's Norton Medieval History volume and a copy of two of Peter Enns' books.


This week I'm planning on writing to the convention organizers and tell them how much I enjoyed the workshops I attended, specifically SWB and Peter Enns. I will also be writing to the vendors that I appreciated visiting with.


As soon as I finish reading the parents' guide for Telling God's Story, I will write an honest review of it on Amazon and for my blog. (There are already a couple 1 star reviews that have nothing to do with the specific book.)


I am also considering writing to a couple of curriculum publishers that I am using or have been considering. They either use AiG material or materials from a similar viewpoint. I want them to know that I am now hestitating to use anything from that viewpoint because I have been so turned off from the fruits of the spirit demonstrated by AiG and its fans. I think that it is more important that a science curriculum, for example, spend several weeks covering science topics than trying to prove a point about the timeline of life origins.


I will be buying a couple Jim Weiss audio through PHP rather than iTunes.


Finally, as soon as the writing material is available in the fall, I'll be purchasing Writing with Skill and the level 5 grammar books. Can't wait. And I will buy from PHP directly, rather than through a supplier that does a deep discount, which comes mostly out of the PHP profits.


In other words, I will put my money where my mouth is, commit to spreading honest reviews of PHP and OBB texts and not give a particular loud person more bandwith by referring to him on my blog.

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I just converted my FB profile to a public figure page. I probably should have done it before now...so please go "like" it!






I think this was wise. I love "liking" you, but was concerned that it also meant you were losing whatever private space you might have had.


BTW, thank you for introducing me to Peter Enns. I loved his workshops and am eagerly reading the Parents' Guide to Telling God's Story.

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What I did last weekend was buy a copy of SWB's Norton Medieval History volume and a copy of two of Peter Enns' books.


This week I'm planning on writing to the convention organizers and tell them how much I enjoyed the workshops I attended, specifically SWB and Peter Enns. I will also be writing to the vendors that I appreciated visiting with.


As soon as I finish reading the parents' guide for Telling God's Story, I will write an honest review of it on Amazon and for my blog. (There are already a couple 1 star reviews that have nothing to do with the specific book.)


I am also considering writing to a couple of curriculum publishers that I am using or have been considering. They either use AiG material or materials from a similar viewpoint. I want them to know that I am now hestitating to use anything from that viewpoint because I have been so turned off from the fruits of the spirit demonstrated by AiG and its fans. I think that it is more important that a science curriculum, for example, spend several weeks covering science topics than trying to prove a point about the timeline of life origins.


I will be buying a couple Jim Weiss audio through PHP rather than iTunes.


Finally, as soon as the writing material is available in the fall, I'll be purchasing Writing with Skill and the level 5 grammar books. Can't wait. And I will buy from PHP directly, rather than through a supplier that does a deep discount, which comes mostly out of the PHP profits.


In other words, I will put my money where my mouth is, commit to spreading honest reviews of PHP and OBB texts and not give a particular loud person more bandwith by referring to him on my blog.


I love this. I'd been considering starting a blog anyway, but I may put some more effort into it sooner than I'd intended just so that I can write some posts about PHP.


The Amazon reviews are a good idea also. I'm going to go ahead and write a review one the PHP items I already use, and will be sure to write a review on Telling God's Story when I read it.

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I love this. I'd been considering starting a blog anyway, but I may put some more effort into it sooner than I'd intended just so that I can write some posts about PHP.


The Amazon reviews are a good idea also. I'm going to go ahead and write a review one the PHP items I already use, and will be sure to write a review on Telling God's Story when I read it.


On Amazon, I like to rate thoughtful, thorough reviews as 'helpful' and brief reviews as 'unhelpful'. :)

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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.





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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.




Dear Mrs. Bauer,



I agree there are separate issues going on. Specifically, I was wondering if there was anything that Dr. Enns wrote in his book that you found questionable or weak. I think that is reasonable to expect in a review of his book considering the subject matter. Obviously, it is a book intended to make you think and question. A pure academic would have questions about it. That's what I was wondering.


The issues with Ken Ham are a separate issue in my eyes. It is an unfortunate situation that I hope can be worked out soon and amicably. Since I am not you or KH, I choose to not get involved speaking about it.

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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.




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Dear Mrs. Bauer,



I agree there are separate issues going on. Specifically, I was wondering if there was anything that Dr. Enns wrote in his book that you found questionable or weak. I think that is reasonable to expect in a review of his book considering the subject matter. Obviously, it is a book intended to make you think and question. A pure academic would have questions about it. That's what I was wondering.


The issues with Ken Ham are a separate issue in my eyes. It is an unfortunate situation that I hope can be worked out soon and amicably. Since I am not you or KH, I choose to not get involved speaking about it.


Ange, I have a question for you that I think is germane to the discussion. I saw on Ken Ham's FB page that your husband? (I think it was your dh) said: Hi Ken, I talked one-on-one with Peter Enns yesterday after his presentation at the homeschool convention. Very disturbing conversation to say the least... Keep up the good work of proclaiming the whole Truth in a world full of half-truths and outright lies. I'll be praying both for AiG AND Peter Enns... :)


I was genuinely wondering what he found "disturbing?"

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I'm curious as to whether AiG or Ken Ham have responded to your communication efforts yet, Susan? I see that Ken Ham is ready to blog again about Enns' writings (pulling quotes out of context) and those "who endorses it."



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Actually, no matter what you think of the review--or even what you think the review implies--I don't even think that's the main problem now. Going after someone's livelihood, and using a perceived theological disagreement to market your own books instead, ought to be outside the pale of acceptable behavior.





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Dear Mrs. Bauer,



I agree there are separate issues going on. Specifically, I was wondering if there was anything that Dr. Enns wrote in his book that you found questionable or weak. I think that is reasonable to expect in a review of his book considering the subject matter. Obviously, it is a book intended to make you think and question. A pure academic would have questions about it. That's what I was wondering.


The issues with Ken Ham are a separate issue in my eyes. It is an unfortunate situation that I hope can be worked out soon and amicably. Since I am not you or KH, I choose to not get involved speaking about it.


Just an honest question but is this the best time for this? Maybe it is, maybe Susan prefers to discuss it and be done with it so we can move on. I just think, if I were her and someone was publicly attacking my character and distorting my words, I wouldn't really want to spend a lot of energy discussing it further. At least not right now. Particularly when the review was 5 years ago. If she had written it recently then I would probably feel differently. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that as an alternative way of looking at your question.

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Ange, I have a question for you that I think is germane to the discussion. I saw on Ken Ham's FB page that your husband? (I think it was your dh) said: Hi Ken, I talked one-on-one with Peter Enns yesterday after his presentation at the homeschool convention. Very disturbing conversation to say the least... Keep up the good work of proclaiming the whole Truth in a world full of half-truths and outright lies. I'll be praying both for AiG AND Peter Enns... :)


I was genuinely wondering what he found "disturbing?"


:confused: I am wondering when asking a question about a book review required a background check on my family? Well, if you want to know what my husband spoke about to Dr. Enns, you will have to ask him yourself. I am happy to provide you my husband's email address thru a PM if you desire, and he will share the conversation with you. Let me make something clear. I am not here to attack SWB, her business, or anything else she does. I simply wanted to know whether or not she found any weaknesses in Dr. Enns arguments in his book. I find it interesting that everyone here is intent on not asking that and being condescending to someone who does. As for Dr. Enns, I find his perspective baffling, but I would like to undersand how he comes to it. My husband also went to Dr. Wile's workshop about being open-minded, but not so much that your brains fall out. It is a very good point to seek to understand viewpoints different from your own...it is important to question your assumptions. Am I the only one doing this here? I think it is sad what is happening on these boards, and I for one (for all the speak of inclusiveness) do not feel welcome at all if I dare to not swoon over SWB or ask a question that may in the end mean I disagree with her. I respect SWB for her academic work. I do not agree with some things she has said, but that is true for all of us. I am not supportive of personal attacks. I thought the purpose of this board was to learn, to find new ideas and grow in our common homeschooling endeavor. I guess I was wrong.

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:confused: I am wondering when asking a question about a book review required a background check on my family? Well, if you want to know what my husband spoke about to Dr. Enns, you will have to ask him yourself. I am happy to provide you my husband's email address thru a PM if you desire, and he will share the conversation with you. Let me make something clear. I am not here to attack SWB, her business, or anything else she does. I simply wanted to know whether or not she found any weaknesses in Dr. Enns arguments in his book. I find it interesting that everyone here is intent on not asking that and being condescending to someone who does. As for Dr. Enns, I find his perspective baffling, but I would like to undersand how he comes to it. My husband also went to Dr. Wile's workshop about being open-minded, but not so much that your brains fall out. It is a very good point to seek to understand viewpoints different from your own...it is important to question your assumptions. Am I the only one doing this here? I think it is sad what is happening on these boards, and I for one (for all the speak of inclusiveness) do not feel welcome at all if I dare to not swoon over SWB or ask a question that may in the end mean I disagree with her. I respect SWB for her academic work. I do not agree with some things she has said, but that is true for all of us. I am not supportive of personal attacks. I thought the purpose of this board was to learn, to find new ideas and grow in our common homeschooling endeavor. I guess I was wrong.


Ange, I did not mean to upset you! I thought your husband handled himself well and was genuinely curious about his thoughts, as someone who had a private conversation with Dr. Enns.


As far as a background check on your family goes. Um, it just happened that I was reading Ken Ham's facebook and noticed your dh response because it WASN'T as snarky as some. Then within a few moments you posted about being there and your dh talking with Dr. Enns....it wasn't rocket science.

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:confused: I am wondering when asking a question about a book review required a background check on my family? Well, if you want to know what my husband spoke about to Dr. Enns, you will have to ask him yourself. I am happy to provide you my husband's email address thru a PM if you desire, and he will share the conversation with you. Let me make something clear. I am not here to attack SWB, her business, or anything else she does. I simply wanted to know whether or not she found any weaknesses in Dr. Enns arguments in his book. I find it interesting that everyone here is intent on not asking that and being condescending to someone who does. As for Dr. Enns, I find his perspective baffling, but I would like to undersand how he comes to it. My husband also went to Dr. Wile's workshop about being open-minded, but not so much that your brains fall out. It is a very good point to seek to understand viewpoints different from your own...it is important to question your assumptions. Am I the only one doing this here? I think it is sad what is happening on these boards, and I for one (for all the speak of inclusiveness) do not feel welcome at all if I dare to not swoon over SWB or ask a question that may in the end mean I disagree with her. I respect SWB for her academic work. I do not agree with some things she has said, but that is true for all of us. I am not supportive of personal attacks. I thought the purpose of this board was to learn, to find new ideas and grow in our common homeschooling endeavor. I guess I was wrong.


Background check? Really? Um, it was posted on FACEBOOK for pity's sake. :glare:

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Just an honest question but is this the best time for this? Maybe it is, maybe Susan prefers to discuss it and be done with it so we can move on. I just think, if I were her and someone was publicly attacking my character and distorting my words, I wouldn't really want to spend a lot of energy discussing it further. At least not right now. Particularly when the review was 5 years ago. If she had written it recently then I would probably feel differently. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that as an alternative way of looking at your question.



I think it is relevant because it is this book and Dr. Enns views that started this fiasco w/ KH. So it is very relevant, and I am sorry that Mrs. Bauer has the added stress of this situation w/ Ken Ham. However, that does not mean that she should not respond to the question. If you are going to put your beliefs out there, as in publicly publish them, then you need to be ready to defend your position and answer questions. Publishing Dr. Enns book has put her in a position that requires some responsibility. Her review left me w/ many unanswered questions to how she came to her own conclusion to support Dr. Enns work or if she had questions about it. The sitaution with KH just makes it all the more relevant really.

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I think it is relevant because it is this book and Dr. Enns views that started this fiasco w/ KH. So it is very relevant, and I am sorry that Mrs. Bauer has the added stress of this situation w/ Ken Ham. However, that does not mean that she should not respond to the question. If you are going to put your beliefs out there, as in publicly publish them, then you need to be ready to defend your position and answer questions. Publishing Dr. Enns book has put her in a position that requires some responsibility. Her review left me w/ many unanswered questions to how she came to her own conclusion to support Dr. Enns work or if she had questions about it. The sitaution with KH just makes it all the more relevant really.


Do you have a question about the Bible curriculum? Because that is what PHP has published. The situation with Ken Ham makes questions about everything anyone has ever written or said feel extraneous.

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