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    Anderson, IN
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    Scrapbooking, reading, photography
  1. I'm planning on doing the archaeological dig with my son this Friday that goes with the Introduction chapter of SOTW 1 (we started school yesterday). I have a few ideas of items to bury, but I was just wondering if any of you have done this activity, what you buried, and if you have any tips! Thanks so much!
  2. :iagree: Strategies That Work by Stephanie Harvey would be an excellent books for learning reading comprehension strategies. It was written for the classroom, but there's a lot of valuable ideas in there. It's very well-written and shows you exactly what they would do to teach the strategy. Until just a few months ago, I was a fifth-grade teacher in our neighborhood public schools, and we explicity taught reading comprehension strategies all the time. Some kids just "get it" on their own, but most don't. I don't think you need a separate curriculum to teach reading comprehension; just use whatever books you're already using and apply the strategies to them. I would definitely check out that book, and there's also a ton of information on the Internet about reading strategies. I hope that helps! ~Bethany
  3. Most of the time you can print PDFs, but sometimes the print icon is faded out, so you don't have permission to print. With a catalog I would think that you could print out what you wanted. Most of the time the PDFs I've seen that don't let you print are sections of books that they want you to ultimately buy.
  4. :iagree: So true. Some days I'm not even sure how to define myself anymore! I know being a mom and a wife are the most important roles I can fill right now, but it's hard, especially having given up a career that was very important to me. Some days are just harder than others!
  5. Thanks so much for the encouragement, ladies. In my head, I know I'm not alone and that there are plenty of other people in the same position I am. But sometimes my heart doesn't match up with my head! I definitely think I'll be spending some more time on this forum, if nothing more than to chat and see what others are doing. Several of you stated that the other lady I know who homeschools doesn't really have it all together, and I know that. It's just hard to talk to her because she doesn't ever want to take advice or try anything new. So I feel like I never have anything to contribute to the conversation. Just frustrating. I'm working on finding other homeschoolers, but it's still sad to me that my relationships with my non-homeschooling friends might change. I hope that they don't, but I can already tell that things are different simply because of this one decision (granted, it's a big one!). Again, thanks for the encouragement! ~Bethany
  6. Anyone else out there ever feel alone? I'm new to homeschooling, and most of my friends would never consider homeschooling. Until a few months ago, I was a fifth-grade teacher in our local public schools, but after sending my kids to daycare and seeing how that and my stress level were affecting our family, I finally decided to be a stay-at-home mom. Since then (and knowing a little too much inside information about our public schools) I have decided to homeschool my son, who will be starting kindergarten. Lately, with the combination of leaving my job to stay home and choosing to homeschool, I have felt very isolated and lonely. I have a family member who homeschools, and she has been wonderfully helpful, but the only other person I know in my area who homeschools seems to have it all together and is not really someone I can vent to. My husband is very supportive; I just wish I had some more womanly support! Anyone understand?? ~Bethany
  7. Susan, I just "liked" your page and the Peace Hill Press page on facebook, and I will continue to support you and speak favorably about you and your work. I had the immense pleasure of hearing you speak several times at the Midwest convention, and I continue to be impressed by your work and dedication to homeschoolers, students, your work, and your faith. I look forward to reading more of your work over the years and introducing my children to your books when they get a little older. Keep up the good work! Bethany
  8. I am new to the whole homeschooling world, and I'm in the midst of deciding what to teach my children and what products to use. This entire issue has opened my eyes to quite a few things, and it has been helpful in clarifying my own opinions and feelings about these subjects. I am grateful that SWB has been so honest and open and trustworthy with her handling of this situation, and it has simply proven to me that her ideas are definitely worth reading and considering. If anything, I am now a more staunch SWB fan and will definitely be looking into teaching Telling God's Story. Thank you!
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