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Ham on my plate

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I was hoping this whole thing would subside, but now it looks like it's fallen into my lap and I'm supposed to "weigh in" on it. That curriculum warning email that is going around has made it into Canada to the school (that enrolls homeschoolers) I work for. One of our teachers received the "warning" email and now the administration is looking for my opinion on the matter.


The issue, for me, falls more into the behavior category. I don't like how certain parties behaved and I don't like big crazy WARNING!! emails. I think people are generally intelligent and that they are capable of choosing the curriculum that meets their families' needs. I get mad when there are a frenzy of emails circulating that incite fear and bitterness. I'd rather people read things for themselves and make their own decisions. Let them take what works for them and leave what doesn't, but why does it have to be a crazy battle?


So, someone asks you to weigh in on the issue...what do you say?

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I would restate my groups Statement of Faith (if there is one) and any behavioral guidelines, and give reasons why one publisher or the other is in conflict with these.


Personally, I would be encouraging parents to search the Scriptures and consult with their local church to determine what they believe, and I would withdraw my support from companies that failed to act with integrity. I probably wouldn't take a position if it didn't directly effect my group, though--it seems like that's just furthering the "telling others what to believe and which books to buy" issue.

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I would say this (reworded yours a little bit):


This issue, for me, falls more into the behavior category. I don't like how certain parties behaved and I don't like big crazy WARNING!! emails. I think people are generally intelligent and that they are capable of choosing the curriculum that meets their families' needs. The frenzy of emails circulating just incites fear and bitterness. I'd rather people read things for themselves and make their own decisions. Let them take what works for them and leave what doesn't. It doesn't have to be a crazy battle.

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What are you being asked to weigh in on? If it's the curriculum, we're happy to send full review copies so people can read it. Just let us know.


Apart from that, why do you relatively sane Canadians have to, um, CARE about kerfluffle in Cincinnati?


Genuinely curious,




Apparently, everyone cares. I'm waiting for it to show up on Perez Hilton.

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The issue, for me, falls more into the behavior category. I don't like how certain parties behaved and I don't like big crazy WARNING!! emails. I think people are generally intelligent and that they are capable of choosing the curriculum that meets their families' needs. I get mad when there are a frenzy of emails circulating that incite fear and bitterness. I'd rather people read things for themselves and make their own decisions. Let them take what works for them and leave what doesn't, but why does it have to be a crazy battle?




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I would restate my groups Statement of Faith (if there is one) and any behavioral guidelines, and give reasons why one publisher or the other is in conflict with these.


Personally, I would be encouraging parents to search the Scriptures and consult with their local church to determine what they believe, and I would withdraw my support from companies that failed to act with integrity. I probably wouldn't take a position if it didn't directly effect my group, though--it seems like that's just furthering the "telling others what to believe and which books to buy" issue.


:confused: This is new to me. Do people really consult with a church to determine what they (the person) believes? If you believe it wouldn't you already, ya know, believe it? How could a religious leader TELL you what you believe already?


I completely agree with "withdraw my support from companies that fail to act with integrity". That's just good business! :)

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Apparently, everyone cares.


Not really. I had hoped clicking the title would lead me to a tasty discussion about pork products. Then I read the body of Sarah's post and remembered there is something going on between one group and another but I don't care enough to figure it out.


Bacon-wrapped something-or-other, anyone? ;)

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What are you being asked to weigh in on? If it's the curriculum, we're happy to send full review copies so people can read it. Just let us know.


Apart from that, why do you relatively sane Canadians have to, um, CARE about kerfluffle in Cincinnati?


Genuinely curious,




I thought we were going to be like the Swiss. Canadians are just as susceptible to the irrational forwarded email as Americans, I guess.


I imagine I am being asked about the curriculum in particular and whether I have any thoughts in general. I had planned on purchasing the curriculum anyway, but probably not until April. I suspect a lot of homeschool groups are having to deal with this in one way or another right now. Especially if those groups also have conferences.


I'd like everyone in my circle to be able to take an objective view. I have some fairly simple conclusions:


1. When you speak at a convention you should be respectful of other people (especially if those other people are also at the convention).


2. I don't have all of the answers. Am I going to point a finger? Are you?


3. People have enough intelligence to figure out if a particular program is going to be a good fit for their family or not. Are conferences going to start censoring what comes into the vendor hall? I sure hope not. And I just finished reading Farenheit 451 so I know what happens if we go down that road...


I admire the graceful way that you have dealt with this issue. I am hoping to formulate an equally graceful reply - and hopefully one that will help people realize that we Canadians really don't need to get caught up in the kerfluffle.

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Wow, Sarah, you are having a banner weekend. Before you know it you will have perfected the art of the rational response to ridiculous circumstances.


I know! What is going on?


My sister finally understands why I can't go. I'm still hoping they do a small ceremony before they leave, but who knows. The upside is that now I don't have to wear red stilettos! That's something that was definitely *not* on my bucket list.

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Apparently, everyone cares. I'm waiting for it to show up on Perez Hilton.


Hey, at least then we'll know we've made the big-time! :tongue_smilie:


Not really. I had hoped clicking the title would lead me to a tasty discussion about pork products. Then I read the body of Sarah's post and remembered there is something going on between one group and another but I don't care enough to figure it out.


Bacon-wrapped something-or-other, anyone? ;)


I've pretty much stayed out of it. I read the samples and came to my own conclusions about whether or not it would work for my family, and have otherwise avoided the controversy. I didn't even realize it had gotten this big.... bacon-wrapped anything sounds pretty good to me! :D


Wow, Sarah, you are having a banner weekend. Before you know it you will have perfected the art of the rational response to ridiculous circumstances.


HOLD ON! I didn't think such a thing existed.... :lol:

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When people have asked me I've mentioned that there are strong views on both sides of the spectrum just as there can be with any other controversy in belief. Just because oodles of people are "taking sides" doesn't mean I have to. I'll look at a curriculum based on what is in it and whether I think it is good for us to work with or not. Period.


This is one homeschooling mama who is NOT interested in taking sides and who definitely feels people can make the right choices for themselves. I can even be friends with people on both sides unless they choose to shun me.


I have friends on who believe strongly on both sides of the political spectrum as well. I also have friends on all sides of religion (or lack thereof) - not just people on both sides of this. I honestly don't see it as all that different, I guess I'm weird.


Mainly, I wish more people would live and let live acting on the main belief of "to each their own."

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:confused: This is new to me. Do people really consult with a church to determine what they (the person) believes? If you believe it wouldn't you already, ya know, believe it? How could a religious leader TELL you what you believe already?


I understand this a little. I had not really looked into the Westminster Catechism(WC). I likewise don't know what the church really believes. I know what I believe and it's pretty basic. (I figure the more basic I get, the easier it is to tell someone else.) But I wanted oldest dd's memory work to be something that would carry her through life. So I did ask my pastor if the WC would be wildly different from church cannon. The answer was there are differences but if I used that in my school, it would be "ok". I can't remember what word he used though. WC and church cannon would not be hand in glove but they wouldn't be hugely far apart either. He said WC is Presbyterian, btw.


I read through much of the book I have before giving it to dd this past fall. I did make notes where what I believe is different from what they say in the book. I feel at her age she can decide what she believes. As long as it's Christian. :001_smile:

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I don't know about you, but to me....This STINKS of libel. Is this even

Legal? Can we now send out widespread warning e-mails on any curriculum or writer we disagree with?


Really, what is this man thinking? I am so upset and disappointed, because I used to have such a deep respect for Mr. Ham. Maybe he is mentally I'll or something, but his behavior is not only unprofessional and disturbing, but it is very unChristlike.



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...and I've been following this situation. I love history, you know. I'm probably going to be in one of your history books one day, so get it right, OK? Could you all just, like, go eat cake or something? And my friend Rodney King says, "Can't we all just get along?" It's really very simple, even for me.

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When people have asked me I've mentioned that there are strong views on both sides of the spectrum just as there can be with any other controversy in belief. Just because oodles of people are "taking sides" doesn't mean I have to. I'll look at a curriculum based on what is in it and whether I think it is good for us to work with or not. Period.


This is one homeschooling mama who is NOT interested in taking sides and who definitely feels people can make the right choices for themselves. I can even be friends with people on both sides unless they choose to shun me.


I have friends on who believe strongly on both sides of the political spectrum as well. I also have friends on all sides of religion (or lack thereof) - not just people on both sides of this. I honestly don't see it as all that different, I guess I'm weird.


Mainly, I wish more people would live and let live acting on the main belief of "to each their own."


Not weird at all....or at least to me. My problem has always been that I can see all sides of an issue and I usually don't feel it is my place or job to pick a side. I guess I am not all that opinionated, except where I am.:D


I don't have many Christian friends....it has never been a problem.



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Is this one of those things where they are asking you to speak for an entire group? I hate when I get into those situations where I am the "homeschool representative" and must explain (or defend) the entire lifestyle to a party full of people. Seriously, why are they asking you to explain something you did not participate in?

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