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And Now For a REALLY Controversial Issue: Iced Coffee

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I love it! I drink it every day, using the "dead coffee" (coffee leftover from the morning) and adding ice, sugar and half-and-half. Dh drinks it cold with nothing in it, though, which is beyond my ability.


This is what I do. I used to hate iced coffee, and swore there was nothing that would make me like it. In recent years I've had to eat, or should I say drink :D, my words.


On a summer afternoon a few years ago, I was in the mood for coffee, but it was just too hot to want a hot drink. I bought an iced coffee, and was surprised to find that I liked it!


I now prefer to make iced coffee at home -- cheaper and lower in calories. If I'm feeling the need for a "real" iced coffee, I'll actually make a pot of strong coffee to ice later. But mostly I use the leftover as above.

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Iced coffee brings back one of my most rebellious moments of my life. I'm LDS and we don't drink coffee. Ever.


But there was this one time....


I was riding my razor down the sidewalks of Provo, Utah during college with my roommate, getting made fun of by passing cars because we were on razors,


and we stopped at a coffee shop and drank an icy coffee-something drink. :leaving: ...just to be rebellious. And I liked it.


But I've since repented and I've never had coffee anything again. I hope I'm not kicked off the LDS social group forum for that.;)

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What is your opinion of iced coffee? I think it is disgusting. IMO, coffee wasn't meant to be consumed cold, only hot. I find all forms of cold coffee foul: iced mochas, coffee flavored ice cream, even mocha flavored baked goods if they aren't still warm from the oven.



What is your opinion of hot coffee? I think it is disgusting. IMO, coffee wasn't meant to be consumed hot, only cold. I find all forms of hot coffee foul: mochas, even mocha flavored baked goods if they are still warm from the oven.


:lol: :lol:


Sorry! I guess I'm just your exact opposite! :leaving:

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What is your opinion of iced coffee? I think it is disgusting. IMO, coffee wasn't meant to be consumed cold, only hot. I find all forms of cold coffee foul: iced mochas, coffee flavored ice cream, even mocha flavored baked goods if they aren't still warm from the oven. What says The Hive? (Link to inflammatory Facebook note is forthcoming.)


Love it! I make it at home with a Toddy.



Very strong. :D

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Some of y'all are going straight to h. e. Double hockey sticks. Repent now--the kingdom of coffee is near. Don't be left behind.


And let me guess, that Starbucks on Lucifer Blvd. only sells hot coffee... *groan*


Reminds me of the "Got Milk?" commercial where the guy gets to the afterlife, starts shoving cookies down his pie hole, and encounters a fridge of empty milk cartons... "Where am I?"

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I only drink hot coffee - even in the summer. And it has to be HOT. If it's not burning the roof of my mouth I have to zap it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Even my thermal carafe doesn't keep it hot enough after about a half an hour.


But I do love coffee ice cream.

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Yum! I've been making a super low cal frozen coffee shake thing. I use one package of Starbuck's Via, the instant stuff, about 1/2-3/4 of a cup of milk, ice, and sweetner of choice. I use Splenda, but it's good with stevia or agave nectar or just SUGAR too!

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I LOVE blended ice coffees!


I got myself one of these little contraptions at a thrift store:






Oooh! Now I'm going to be checking the small appliance section of thrift shops hoping for a score. ;) I don't want to pay $70 for a new one, but I suppose for someone who buys frappes often enough, it would soon pay for itself.

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I used to think iced coffee was disgusting--until mil had one and made one for me. Yum! It's like coffee ice cream you can drink. It is the only time I'll add sugar to my coffee. I'll make one if I have leftover coffee and it's warm in the house. I probably drink a dozen a year. Can't stand the bottled frappuccino, though. They're way too sweet for me.


I've even had iced coffee black--no cream or sugar. It has to have lots of ice, though.

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What is your opinion of iced coffee? I think it is disgusting. IMO, coffee wasn't meant to be consumed cold, only hot. I find all forms of cold coffee foul: iced mochas, coffee flavored ice cream, even mocha flavored baked goods if they aren't still warm from the oven. What says The Hive? (Link to inflammatory Facebook note is forthcoming.)


LOVE it, especially iced lattes! But it really irks me that coffee joints charge the same for an iced coffee as hot. It's full of ICE, and I only get about half the amount, so why am I paying full price?? So....yes, I can make it at home, and I do, but sometimes when I'm out, and it's hot, I want one. Grrr!

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Coffee-any form, size, or color. Absolutely!


I love coffee and coffee-flavored anything. Hot, cold...doesn't matter. I love coffee-flavored ice cream and chocolate-covered coffee beans. I would have an IV of coffee if it were socially acceptable.:tongue_smilie:




I love coffee! :001_wub:


I even have a "cheater" recipe to make a whole pitcher of iced coffee in the summers.


6 cups skim milk (or made from powdered milk)

1/2 cup instant coffee grounds


Mix together till coffee crystals are dissolved


3 cups coffee mate vanilla coffee creamer


Add to coffee/milk mixture.


Fill cup with ice and pour mixture over top. yummy!

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Has anyone ever tried a Tim Horton's Vanilla Iced Cap? No? I thought not. :lol: They're amazing.

Oh, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Baby!!!


I made the mistake of thinking that the drink at McDs would be like Timmies ice cap. It was just straight coffee with ice thrown in. *gack*


And while cold coffee is icky, I suggest that there is a worse beverage...Peppermint tea that's cooled. Hot, its like drinking Scope. Gross, but effective for when you don't want to spend time gagging over a wastebasket or kitchen sink. Coolish/cold, and its just gackariffic.

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In the summer, my dh makes a fab blender coffee drink by filling the blender jar with ice, adding dry milk powder, a smidge of sugar, vanilla and many shots of espresso :D He started making these when I was pg with our youngest and needed the extra calcium. We only have decaf espresso beans at home so the kids can enjoy with us.

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Has anyone ever made cold brew coffee? It's supposed to be especially good for iced coffee. I keep meaning to try it, but haven't yet.
You can use the concentrate for Vietnamese and Thai iced coffees. I am a relatively recent convert to cold brew, and wouldn't go back.
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I love iced coffee but am rather fussy about how it is made. Love the cold brew method. Putting hot coffee in the fridge is a distant, distant second, and putting ice cubes in hot coffee is an abomination.


I also dislike more than one or two ice cubes, unless the ice cubes are made of coffee, in iced coffee. As a matter of fact, last summer I wrote a letter of complaint to Starbucks because I ordered an decaf iced coffee without ice and the woman behind the counter poured me only two-thirds of a cup of coffee because "the rest is where the ice should go." (Did I mention that I was umpteen weeks pregnant and it was like a million degrees here? So I was kind of loaded for bear already. ) Anyway, I wrote an irate letter and received a nice letter and a couple of coupons back in the mail.

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I love iced coffee. It gets hot down here, and hot coffee makes it worse. I will buy iced coffee if I'm out and want one, but usually I make my own with coffee from fresh ground beans that goes straight in the fridge (no using leftovers that sat on the burner all morning :glare:) and Bailey's coffee creamer. Or just Bailey's, depending on my mood. :D


ETA: I will be trying the cold brew method tonight.

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Ayup, there is. You have to do it the night before, which is what I never get around to doing.
I do a pound of coffee at a time and keep the concentrate in the fridge. It lasts about a week and a half making one *big* cup hot coffee a day.
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Has anyone ever made cold brew coffee? It's supposed to be especially good for iced coffee. I keep meaning to try it, but haven't yet.


Last summer, my teen and I drank loads of cold-brewed iced coffee that she made several times a week.


Here is a recipe. We didn't find it necessary to buy a specific iced-coffee blend.

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