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5 years from now

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What do you honestly want to be different about your life 5 years from now?


I will be more focused on what God thinks of me and not people.


I wish it could be done in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 weeks......


In five years, I will be living a more authentic life- matching my values with my lifestyle, parenting, schooling, etc.


How is that for broad?

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What I honestly WANT to happen is that my ds will be a happy, productive, well-adjusted 18 year-old on his way to a good college in 5 years. Unfortunately that's not very likely to happen. What I more realistically HOPE will happen is that my ds will be a generally cheerful, reasonably functional young man with SOME kind of plan for his future, whether in college or an appropriate career of his choice.


My dd is on a better track, and all I want for her is continued growth and progress appropriate to her age and personality.


And I would like me to have worked through some of the angst that's been in my life lately and to have found a measure of peace regarding some long-term sorrows. Also, it would be nice for the economy to have improved and for us to have a healthy nest-egg stashed away, and for all the landscaping in the back yard to be finished.

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I will actually be a productive person because I will be getting enough SLEEP!


Oh, and my (not)marriage ought to be better. We can't sit in a 7 year itch for 7 years, can we?




Rosie - I could have written your exact post myself! :grouphug:

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I can't imagine life in 5 years.


Ds16 will be graduating from college with at least his bachelors and possibly his masters (he is in college full time now). He plans to live at home through college if he can, so he will likely be moving out around this time. He will be my first kiddo to move out.


dd12 will be 17, graduating from high school and who knows what she will be doing. She is my child of variety so there is not predicting her life.


dd4 will be 9. I hope that her medication and therapy will have come together and that she will have a manageable life by this point.


dh is going to loose his job this summer. He is going to take a job (create a new job actually) a ways away, so in 2 years we will be moving to be closer to where he is working.


Sooo in 5 years I will likely have only 2 kids at home, living in a different state and owning our own business (hopefully profitable by this point ).

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Most important to me right now is my health since I'm coming out of 9 months of being disabled. This is not usually my top priority, but that's how I feel right now.


I want to be stronger, more flexible, thinner and healthier.


I want to be closer to God and more faithful in my Bible study and prayer life.


I want all my children to be flourishing but my DD10 to still be 10. :lol:


I hope to still be living on the farm and sharing it with others.


I would love to have a grandchild by then!

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Wow...in thinking about it, life should be quite different!


I will have one about to graduate high school and one taking exams to enter dual-enrollment with the local cc.


I will hopefully be enrolled in several classes at the cc, myself.


I'll have a third dd rockin' the house through puberty. :lol:


My hubby will have been able to further his career.


Maybe I'll even have some nieces and nephews! (sis is FINALLY getting married this Sept.)


Maybe, just maybe, I will have run five more marathons and even possibly an ultra-marathon. :D

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Hmmm...I will hopefully be almost finished with law school. DD will be still homeschooled or at the classical charter school. DS will be almost ready for kindergarten, which I expect we'll homeschool. DH will be done with his bachelor's and either teaching or going to grad school or both.


We'll be living closer to campus.

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In 5 years, I hope to still have my husband and my two children in my life. If we are all alive, then the rest is details I can't possibly get wrapped up with now. If anyone is gone, our lives will have changed in ways I can't possibly predict.

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Well, I guess in 5 years really I'll be starting all over again. I will just have finished the third history cycle with the bigs and starting over again with the first cycle for the babies (who will be starting school then!)


Kinda makes me tired to think about it. :001_huh: And, at the same time, I'm looking forward to doing it all again!


Almost everything else, I'd be happy if it stayed the same! A little thinner, a little wiser, a little more time with my hubby that I love.

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1) To have successfully graduated two children who are sufficiently prepared to follow their passions... and watching them do so.


2) Buying our tickets and preparing our passports so we can go watch our second oldest fence in her first Olympics!


3) Happily collecting royalties from my new curriculum publisher.


4) Happily collecting royalties from my fiction publisher (who I signed with 3-4 years earlier :D ).


5) Speaking at my first homeschool conference.


6) Starting high school with my oldest son.


7) Teaching my youngest son about the middle ages (his second go-around).


8) Working alongside my husband in the business we are starting right now.


9) Being debt free.


10) Buying the space for our artist colony.

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I want our business to be profitable, at a point where we can take a vacation without things falling apart - or sold, netting enough money to send our boys to college.


I want to be in a settled place, spiritually.


In 5 years, I hope to have some hair left. And not on my face.

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Oh! Pick me! Pick me! (jumping up and down, waving arm high...)


In 5 years I would like to have:


no debt, outside of mortgage


already taken a vacation to Grand Canyon (my two year plan) and have a savings in place for a Costa Rica Zip-Line vacation... lol (these are dreams... I hope they can be worked into life...)


More education...


an up and running part time photography business, strictly following my dreams... low pressure... 100% joy


have upgraded/fixed several things around the house... (siding needs repair/replaced)


Hmm... I know there's more...

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Before the end of 2016, my baby will be 13. My BABY! Ack! :willy_nilly:


I will also have a 16 yo daughter, a 19 and 22 year old. Two will be graduates and more likely than not, dd will be at least part time at the community college.


Myself? I have no idea what I will be doing with myself then.


I am actively working on self education and acquiring practical skills now. Maybe, I'll start some kind of little business (on purpose this time ;)) related to something I can do or make.


Maybe I'll just raise some chickens, get dairy goats again, and put in a bigger garden. :D


Or finally take those flight lessons. :coolgleamA:

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I want to have a job that I enjoy in the field I'm trained in. I would like to be at least working on my BS degree. We don't have much debt, but I hope to have what we do have (other than the mortgage) paid off (hopefully MUCH sooner than 5 years).


Hopefully still 3 kids unless it is financially reasonable for us to plan another between now and then. 5 years from now is about the point where I'll probably be deciding whether I want to have another or get fixed.


I hope we're either still living in the same place, or have moved totally voluntarily to somewhere we like better. If we stay here, I hope we'll either have brought in a new house (probably not a reasonable expectation within that time period) or, at the very least, made major improvements on the existing one.


If we are still here, I hope that the kids and I will have found a bit more of a social niche.


In 5 years, DS will be in 7th grade, DD will be in 4th, and the baby will be in K. I hope they are reasonably happy wherever they happen to be schooling (but hopefully still at home), and roughly at grade level or above.


And hopefully about the same weight, but in better shape :)

Edited by ocelotmom
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Five years from now we will be 1.5 years into a debt free life. In that time, I would like for dh to find a much lower stress job. This means a pay cut, but who cares. The only thing we will have to worry about will be saving to pay cash for cars or possibly incurring a short term car payment. With the house payment and second mortgage gone, I will just be so grateful that we can afford for dh to take that income hit and do something rewarding and hopefully, for an employer that is NOT a slave driver.


We also hope to be doing some international traveling. Not a lot, but some. I will likely pick up with a little piano performance again, though I am not planning on pursuing it to the level I did before the children came.


Ds #1 will be in college, ds #2, will be a senior and winding down his homeschool journey, and ds#3 will be a homeschool sophomore/junior. I expect that my free time might just expand a little. DD will either be in med school, working on her physician's assistant degree, or certified nurse midwife degree. She still hasn't decided. But, I doubt she'll be around much!


I do hope that dh will be able to take the time to finish the last of the renovation of the house and that we'll be able to save for a garage/work shop for him and by then I do plan on either conquering the bind-weed issue in our garden or plowing and fencing a new garden plot!



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In five years:


My son will be in college or getting ready to graduate. I'll know the pain of the FAFSA form.


Historically we've moved every five years. We just moved in November, I don't want to be moving again. I like my new house, I don't want to move again. I've never said that before and dh agrees too. It might actually be a miracle. We should have the house at least halfway paid for by then, yes we got a deal.


By then I will have published something, even if it self-publishing. I am steadily working toward that goal.


Perhaps I will be through menopause and the PMS and hormonal insomnia will have passed. (hey, you asked)


Perhaps I will invest in a baby grand piano, won't have room until we no longer need the classroom.


In five years I will own a Jeep Wrangler. That much is certain. I've wanted one forever and it's never been practical. Once ds gets his driver's license he will get the Jimmy and dh has promised me a Jeep. I will ride around town with the top down and the doors off. I will still crank up the radio and sing along. So if you're in the Midwest and see some woman with long curly gray hair belting out a tune from the 80s as she drives around in a tricked out Jeep, it might just be me.

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My homeschooling journey will have ended. I'm hoping to have more time to exercise and more time to volunteer at church. AND.... I'm even hoping I might have a grandchild by then! Hoping to be the best grandmother I can be. (Sounds a little stupid, doesn't it? BUT... that's where my heart is. Better start stocking up on chocolate chips.)

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Hm. 5 years from now..


DD will be 10(!!) and hopefully still homeschooled.


I will have gotten my bachelor's, and be in my 3rd year of graduate school. We will be living hopefully in Texas (my first choice school), North Carolina or Tennessee. We will either be in Brazil or making preparations to go there for 6+ months for research. I will be pretty proficient in French and Spanish and will have been studying Portuguese for 3 years. DD will also be studying those three languages.


Life for us will be incredibly different in 5 years. The changes will start summer of 2013 after I graduate.

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In 5 years from now I will have an almost 12 year old, a just turned 9 year old, and a 4 year old.


I guess I'll be venturing into that scary stage of having a teen LOL. And I'll be beginning preschool with our yet-to-be-born son or daughter.


I hope to have lost all the baby weight from my current pregnancy (along with my last one too). :glare:


I hope to be closer with the Lord and leading my children towards Him.


I hope to be exercising daily, as I used to do prior to pregnancy.


I hope to be taking a few more photography clients.


Maybe I will have a niece or nephew since I have none right now (I have two younger sisters).

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Wow. .. . . .for me, this is intriguing and timely to think about.


Five years from now. . . . . . .


My dream is that I'd hope my hubby has a job doing something he loves. It's been 6 years since that has happened. . . . . but really, on that front, I'd PRAY that five years from now he'll have gainful employment. Right?


My eldest dd will be out of college.


I'll have a son college.


Three more will be trucking through - 11th grade, 9th grade, 5th grade.


Wow. That puts a lot of things in perspective.


I'd also hope that my fledgling science teaching business will be well-established, that I'd have a good number of piano students, and playing bassoon regularly.


And quilting. Maybe I could be quilting by then?


Thanks for letting me daydream . . . . .

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I want to be exercising consistently and thinner!


I want to be on the music team at church.


I want ds to be happy, healthy, in college, and working towards his dreams.


I want to be a foster mom, and (hopefully) working towards adopting.


I want to be working part-time at something I love -- possibly teaching drama with our theatre group.


And since our 25 year anniversary will be there, I WISH we could go to Europe! :tongue_smilie: But I'd be happy with Prince Edward Island, too.



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Five years from now:

I hope I have son in laws

I hope I'm a Gramma

I want to have 2 books finished.

I want to be healthier- I have a knock-down knee issue. It is cooking my grits right now. I'm basically lame.

The first 3 kids will be launched into adulthood (our oldest is, my 20 yo and 16 yo are on their way)

My notsolittles will be 13 and 16- high school ; ) I love high school!

I want to be in a Christian fellowship that is authentic and deep.

I want to be teaching p.t.


Our house will be done and gorgeous. Our landscape will be far more edible (just bough 16 berry bushes - hopefully they won't all end up as rabbit and deer fodder).

And so much more.....

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What do you honestly want to be different about your life 5 years from now?


I would love to keep improving on our families relationship. We have a great one now, but I would like it to be even closer. I love that my adult kids talk to us each day...what a blessing.


I also hope to be a great quilter by then. ;)


I'm hoping to have a better understanding of the Bible and apply it even better to my daily life.


I'm hoping to be back in Europe by then with my dh for another assignment.

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5 years from now ...


DD will be 15 :svengo: and hopefully puberty will show some positive changes with her autism (I've been told that kids can "get better" or "get worse" with puberty). She'll be happily homeschooled or cyber schooled.


DS will be 10 and probably bigger than me. He'll be properly diagnosed both medically and psychologically/neurologically, and we'll have everything managed. He'll magically have developed some respect for females including his sister and myself. He'll be able to express himself without getting too angry. He'll be on target or higher than a 4th-5th grade level in all academics. He'll also be happily homeschooled or cyber schooled. I'll tattoo a smile on him if I have to! :glare:


Me- At the very least I'll know whether I want to go for nursing and become a prehospital nurse or a medic, or possibly back in school for peds OT. By then, the kids should be behaved enough that I can get a sitter and at least volunteer with my brandy-new EMT certification. Well, it isn't going to be new by then.

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Five years from now...


I want to be 100% debt free with a sizeable amount in the bank.

I will be stressing out about choosing high school curriculum.

The trees in my yard will finally afford us some privacy.

I will feel more whole, leading the life God truly wants me to lead, and I will be at peace with it.

I want to have a better relationship with my mother.

I want to be thinner, healthier, and able to successfully maintain it.

I want my marriage to be going strong & for us all to be healthy and happy.

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