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I am in love with...


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I have found what I love. Funny thing is, some of the things I love are things I bought, sold, re-bought, sold...etc. Now I am in love with them. Here's what I love:


All About Spelling

Institute for Excellence in Writing (SWI and TWSS and so excited about the new PAL)

Drive Thru History: Oh My Gosh!!! This is good! My 5 yr old even likes this one!

Mark Kistler Online Course: The kids can't stop laughing. He is a hoot!

Workboxes!! How did I homeschool without these?!


There are so many threads like this, but what are you in love with this year?

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CLE Math

Apologia General Science (the boys are estatic that we do experiments almost everyday!)



I am also loving finding our path and being comfortable (finally) with my choice to make TWTM work for me without feeling guilty for changing it to fit my kids. It has been a long 6years to come full circle to rest on my original choice. (Now I need to convince my dh that I need a new copy.)

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I do the exact same thing...buy, sell, re-sell, buy again. :glare:


I am in love with

R&S English (grammar not the writing)

R&S Spelling (doing the dictation or "tests" the Spelling Power way)

Saxon Math (starting with 5/4)

Apologia Science (more the jr.high than the elementary although that's working fine)

TruthQuest History

Latina Christiana and First Form/Second Form Latin

Writing with Ease (narration portion only)

reading whole books for lit...no guides, no nothing, just WTM questions.


I'm looking to fall in love with a writing program. We used IEW for a while but I want to move on. Of course, I could sell it and then realize that it was IEW all along and re-buy it. :lol:


I'm going to give Imitations in Writing a try.


I just started reading Beowulf on the Beach that someone recommended here a little while ago. Love it!! I think I might actually tackle the great books in highschool now. I had previously given up that dream.


It's funny about the buying and re-selling and then buying again. Many times it's because I tried something with my dc when they were too young OR I used the beginning of a program and didn't like it and wrote the whole program off. I do NOT like elementary Saxon, R&S Phonics or pre-school, or Prima Latina. I also don't like Apologia elementary for very young students. I'm going to *try* it with my 2nd grader next year only because I think the notebook they've added to the program will help her out immensely. My 3rd and 5th grader are doing great with it this year.

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I love everything we are using right now, but the ones I have sold/resold/dropped/picked up again and am now totally enamored with because I see how the process works...


First Language Lessons

Writing with Ease


I should know by now to trust SWB in her area of expertise :).

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Things I or we really, really love right now:




Right Start

Art of Problem Solving

SOTW + AG & audiobook

Calculadder, ReadyWriter, and AlphaBetter drills--I don't often see them mentioned, but I love all three.

Classics for Kids podcast

The Complete Idiot's Guide for Music History--I know, I know, the title, but it's great for practicing outlining, and has great suggestions for WHICH albums to buy as representative

They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science

TIP's Growing Up Heroic

Macs for Dummies--again, I know, I know, the title, but dd is learning things that her father and grandfather, who are both in IT professions, don't know!

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

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Things I am loving right now:


Key to math series

Life of Fred Fractions

Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary

Wordsmith Apprentice


Love the idea of but have not figured out how to implement:

English From the Roots Up


Things that I have held onto and still love:


Natural Speller (nice to have as a reference)

Mastering Mathematics (sometimes go back to these for extra practice)

SOTW Activity Guides

All Through the Ages (for book lists)

Maximum Math, Science Scope, and Guides to History Plus (for scope and sequence)

My favorite homeschooling reference books: all of the ones by Cathy Duffy, Rebecca Rupp's Home Learning Year by Year and the big resource book, Beechick books, Every Child Can Succeed by Tobias, Upside Down Brilliance The Visual Spatial Learner (a rare one that I cannot part with), Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum.

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Besides my hubby and 4 precious little ones . . .


Math Mammoth

All About Spelling

SOTW Audio cds

MFW Adventures (we finished this week! My boys CRIED! They absolutely loved this program. :001_smile:)

Little Hands to Heaven (perfect for DD4)

Rod & Staff stuff :)

The Well Trained Mind Forum

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Things we're excited about this spring:


  • Singapore Math
  • All About Spelling
  • Growing With Grammar
  • Elementary Spanish
  • RSO Life
  • Mavis Beacon Typing (kids)

We've also been excited learning about our states, but we're not using any particuluar curriculum.

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David Attenborough. He did a bunch of nature documentaries for BBC. Ariel loves them and they're very well done, though her heart belongs to Jeff Corwin. :lol:


Shakespeare's Animated Tales. We have only seen a couple, and I think they're a little odd, but what an awesome way to introduce Shakespeare to children! She asks to watch these on the weekends, along with Horrible Histories and Histeria clips.


We haven't fully started yet, but really excited about GEMS and The Animal Kingdom from RFWP. We also just started Professor B math and hope it will be a winner.

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We have been wanting to start Spanish. Can you link me? TY!

It's available with a Discovery Education streaming subscription. I listed all the lessons here. You can also buy it, but it's more expensive than getting a subscription through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.


Which reminds me, I've been totally excited about Discovery Education Streaming, doh, I should've listed that. A couple things people listed on this thread can be found on there.

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It's available with a Discovery Education streaming subscription. I listed all the lessons here. You can also buy it, but it's more expensive than getting a subscription through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.


Which reminds me, I've been totally excited about Discovery Education Streaming, doh, I should've listed that. A couple things people listed on this thread can be found on there.

Oh... okay! Yep. That was the one I had on my wish list due to it being recommended to me on here before. :) Thanks for the links! Your blog page is so helpful!

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I've done my fair share of curriculum hopping with the whole buy-sell-buy again cycle too. Which is probably why I buy as many things as I can as printable PDFs now, because then I can't sell them.


I am in love with

Real Science Odyssey

Story of the World

Saxon Math

All About Spelling



It's still early in this go around but I think I may just be falling for FLL and WWE as well.

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Classical Writing Poetry

Classical Writing Herodotus



This is especially funny because of our past experiences. :)


CW Aesop - didn't love it, but used it with first two kids before selling

CW Homer - really didn't care for it, used it with eldest for a few weeks

CW Diogenes - really, really didn't care for either level, read through both and sold without using


And NOW - I am loving CW poetry with my dd 11 - she is enjoying it too,

and I couldn't resist buying and reading through Herodotus and it looks great! I'm planning to begin it this fall with my eldest.



Things we have loved for years:


Singapore math

MCT grammar

Hooked on Phonics

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I have found what I love. Funny thing is, some of the things I love are things I bought, sold, re-bought, sold...etc. Now I am in love with them.



I think sometimes after we've bought it, sold it, bought it, etc., in between we've tried all the other stuff, we've tested it "all" and then make a better decision on what we really love. And sometimes what we didn't love in level 2 for example, is perfect in level 4.


I'll say BJU spelling (4)!

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I'm out of love with things that I used to love, and am looking for things to love again. This is because my ds learns so differently from my dd's and becuase my middle one is enough different from my eldest. What I do love is that my middle dd is taking a writing class she loves with an accredited English teacher.

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It's available with a Discovery Education streaming subscription. I listed all the lessons here. You can also buy it, but it's more expensive than getting a subscription through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.


Which reminds me, I've been totally excited about Discovery Education Streaming, doh, I should've listed that. A couple things people listed on this thread can be found on there.

Thanks for the link. I would like to check it out.

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It's so good to hear it's not just me!


My big liked it/sold it/bought it again is Rod & Staff English (grammar, not writing).



Things I've loved all along:


  • Singapore Math (worked with all my kids, despite different learning styles)

Things I loved, put on the shelf, and love again:


  • IEW Writing - The Medieval History lessons are going so much better than the SWI/SICC with my boys. Don't know if it's the way it's presented, or if it's just that older ds is more mature now and ready to do it, or if I have more experience with the program, or all of the above.
  • IEW Poetry Memorization

Never found a program I love:


  • Science! RS4K was the most successful, but I didn't outright love it. Apologia was a disaster. MODG Biology is barely OK. Next year oldest dd is doing science at community college and I still have to figure out something for the rest of them.


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This year?


I continue to love Story of the World as my son reads it himself now....


I love Russian Math 6. I say that about every ten seconds....


I love this really old picture Bible I've had for years. It includes a bunch of thoughtful questions on each page and my son is reading through it on his own now, contemplating, praying, it is a very good experience....


He is also currently using a 12 month prayer journal for kids created by Franklin Graham and I'm loving that....


I have loved some of the miscellaneous workbooks I've found for this year to help reinforce learning for geography and chemistry. They have saved me from having to create endless written work, memory work, etc. They provide a painless, five to ten minute reinforcement I can use daily or several times a week, as I see fit.


I have loved Elementary Greek this year, although he's not going to continue with Greek (three languages is simply too, too much!)... and I have continued to love Latin Primer the second time through (now that I have it organized; I hear the newer version comes better organized).

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Singapore math (hoping Singapore Science will be equally successful)


CAP's Latin and Greek products (hoping Spanish is equally well received next year)


Scholastic News Bilingual edition


Child's History of the World and many, although not all of the Sonlight Reading selections


Dover coloring and paper doll books


Shurley English Jingle Time CD and coloring book.


Scholastic LA books-so far we've done Grammar/Punctuation, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Parts of speech mini-books, Grammar Cop, editing, and quite a few others.



Audio Memory Grammar Songs and Geography Songs



Handwriting Without Tears


Kindermusik for the Young Child




Scratch Programming

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Guest Cindie2dds

Pathway Readers

Singapore Math for the older, and Math Lessons for a Living Education for the younger

Language Lessons from Queen's for both

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Right now for curriculum:


Singapore Math

Rod and Staff Spelling

My First Chinese Reader

Arabian Sinbad


I'm also loving what we are doing for science, history, and geography this year. We are using a mix of living books and activities.

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MEP Math. All three of my children (in different places) say this is their favorite subject.


Covenantal Catechism. Such a rich spine for Bible. The memory verses chosen have been quickly picked up. They like the songs. They've (and I've) learned a lot.


IEW Poetry. My 2 older children are almost through Level 1 and the sense of accomplishment is palpable.


OPG. My 6yo finished and is a great reader. My 5 yo is half-way through and a great reader already. My 3 yo is getting -at, -am, and -an words. It is thorough, not too painful, and successful. What more could I ask?

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This year we have loved:


Saxon math

Abeka phonics (yes, my son, not just me)

Sonlight Read Alouds for 3/4, 4/5, and K


We have really enjoyed Galloping the Globe

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I love:

My local library which I never really used that much until I found WTM and began HSing:001_huh:

Mark Kistler as well-the lessons are amazing


History Odyssey level 2 is so amazing


The "What your _____ grader needs to know" books

RSO Earth

The lectures by SWB that I listen to over and over

Story Grammar

Prima Latina


Not sure about and sold:

AAS but thinking I may have jumped the gun

Saxon Math for older DD

Spelling Power-don't really get it


Hoping I will like:

Math Mammoth for DD

CLE art

Trail Guide for next year American History



Hoping to find:

something that make sense in spelling


Not liking:


Song School Spanish

Horizons 1 math

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