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What name do your kids call you?

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They call me Mommy. I keep wondering if they'll decide that's too young sounding and start calling me Mom or something.


ETA: My mom gets called all kinds of nicknames. One sister calls her Mother, my brothers used to call her Evil Mom Lady (from Calvin and Hobbes, I think?) and another sister calls her Mumsy-poops. :)

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My oldest son calls my dh Captain. I have no idea why, but he has done this for years.


Ha! My husband would love this! :lol:





As for me, I'm waiting (somewhat) patiently for my little man to start saying mama. He's been saying dada for six weeks or so. Sometimes he'll look at me, say "mmmmmmm," and then when I start getting hopeful, he'll laugh, turn, and crawl away. :glare: I think he's going to keep my hands full. ;)

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Illustre signora madre, of course. :tongue_smilie:


Now seriously, it's a good ol' mamma most of the time, I like it that way and they're used to it. I can hardly imagine being addressed in any other way consistently (i.e. not as an odd exception when they joke), even ima is just so weird to me and both kids and I agree it doesn't really fit me.

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Mommy Dearest just makes me think of Joan Crawford:eek: I forgot to say that when they say "Dearest Mother" it must be done in their best fake British accents. :D

:lol: Mom made the mistake of having me watch that movie. She THOUGHT it would make me grateful to have her as my mom... instead, it fed my need to drive her berserk as a teen ;)

Mom. Unless I insist on being called "Mommy Dearest," then it's "Oh, Mom."

When I realize I'm losing it I break into, "What have I said about wiah hangahs???? NO WIAH HANGAHS!!!!!" It lightens the mood :D

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I call myself Mamma, but dd calls me Mummy (which really annoys me) and ds calls me Mumumumumumum :)


Ds calls hubby Dadadadadadadadad. Dd usually calls him Dad, but if he isn't home and she's asking for him, she'll try asking for Richard too, as though that's going to get a different answer :)



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Mostly 'Love' or 'Lovey'. I can't remember when it started, but they rarely call me anything else, even when we are out, much to the amusement of others!! I am amused myself when they say things like, 'Oh, Lovey, you are soo cute!!' when I do something a little silly!!

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:lol: Mom made the mistake of having me watch that movie. She THOUGHT it would make me grateful to have her as my mom... instead, it fed my need to drive her berserk as a teen ;)


When I realize I'm losing it I break into, "What have I said about wiah hangahs???? NO WIAH HANGAHS!!!!!" It lightens the mood :D


:lol: I do too!

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I"m in Hanover County, in Virginia. There is a charming local accent, kinda Southern, kinda odd, but very distinctive. Kids say "mumma". We have always been "Mama" and "Daddy", but the older two will call me "Mommy" when affectionate. The older boy, 6'3", will call me Mommy, when he sees me after a long time, in front of anybody, no embarrassment. The older girl loves to play with English accents, and calls me "Mum" sometimes, I don't like it but don't really care....sometimes just don't answer. When they're hollering they call "Mom" in two syllables. I'm just glad they call me. DH is Daddy and Dad.


Oh, they call me "ma'am" a lot. I worked hard to get them to use "ma'am" and "sir" properly, so, maybe to mock me, the girl, when in teen throes would call me "ma'am" in a slightly sarcastic way sometimes, but grew out of that, so the 14 year old (who was 8-10 when older sis was doing that) calls me "ma'am" a lot, now, and the girl, 21, does too, when its part of conversation. Its not negative or stilted sounding, though.



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