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An ice storm. Certainly not followed by 10 inches of snow.:glare:


Me, neither! I've had enough--but it doesn't take much for me to have had enough! ;)


Yuck! May I ask where you are? I have several friends in St. Louis that are posting similar thoughts on Facebook.


Oh....and I won't tell you that's it's 74 degrees and perfect sunshine where I am today. ;)


Thanks for not telling. :D

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Hey, it's Oklahoma - home of the ever changing weather. We took advantage of the beautiful weekend because we knew that we would probably be iced in for a few days. I'm just trying to figure out if I'll be able to get Ds to class in Tulsa on Tuesday morning. For some reason, TCC never closes.


I need to clear out the garage tonight so we can get all the vehicles in before the ice starts. And where did I put those Yak Trax???

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Hey Once, I am in SW Missouri and we had the same lovely 70+ degree day yesterday and ice and snow predicted for tomorrow night. I love snow, but this isn't sounding like fun. I also find it much harder to deal with after being out eating frozen yogurt and biking yesterday!

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Seriously, this winter can END any time now. I'm not near you, but we are supposed to get 5" of snow on Tues, and another 12+ inches on Wed. And I am already looking at over 2 feet of snow in my yard right now. :glare:


Every day I ask DH, "Now WHY did we move here from Fla? Oh, it was YOUR idea...OK. Thanks." :lol::banghead:

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Yeah, we're suppose to get a 1/4 " of ice, then rain, then snow. that would be Monday, Tuesday, and Wed. Seriously, my kids have missed co-op (Wed. co-op, which is BAD to miss, cuz it's 10-4pm). Piano lessons, and Tues afternoons at Gramma's for 2 weeks. and I. AM. GOING. NUTS. SERIOUSLY crazy. Piano lessons are 90 minutes, and there's a coffee house across the street. Gramma's from 2:30-6:00. Oh, and we won't even talk about how many date nights we've missed due to weather & illness. I'm really ready for tulips, baby chicks and bunnies!

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Feeling your pain, though to a less severe degree. I'm in north TX. Yesterday and today were the most gorgeous days..it got up to 80 yesterday!! Tomorrow is supposed to be typical January, I think. Tuesday's high is the same as Monday's low, and Tuesday there is supposed to be ice/sleet/frozen stuff coming from the sky. :glare:


I'm also a week overdue. My current baby birthday theory is that she is going to come February 1, because a) there are already so many February birthdays in my family and b) there's going to be ice. I'm really hoping I'm wrong...

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People are crazy already. Schools are called off for the day, and nothing has even started. Last night, we stopped at Costco for milk and red wine (storm essentials, you know...). There were no carts, and people were stocking up like mad on things like gallons of mouthwash. What are you gonna do with that, pour it out in the driveway to make the snow minty fresh?

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8-12 inches predicted here! UGH, UGH, UGH, UGH!!!!!! Plus some freezing rain.


It's only three degrees outside and I am really tired of this.


At least I went grocery shopping this weekend, dh put in a supply of gas for the generator, the ducks have plenty of food and in general LOVE this kind of weather, and our wood supply is in good shape.



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Well, we have firewood and a stocked pantry. I love the snow and the ice can be fun, too.


I'm looking forward to it! I hope we get lots of it. Of course I pray that there is no loss of life and everyone remains safe and comfy, too.


What I don't Do Not, DO NOT NOT NOT want is for us to miss Latin. We had a computer problem sometime last semester and got behind a week. If something happens to the electricity I can live with that as long as it doesn't happen from 9.15 - 10.40 T/R AND during the time we need to be accessing the computer for hmwk. I will drag that child and computer in the sled to the nearest working wifi if I have to. Last ice storm that was a good few miles away.


The only thing we don't have that I wish we did is a generator.

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I've heard that we're expecting anywhere from 12 to 20 inches, but I've not confirmed that forecast with any reputable source.


Yes, we are in central Illinois also, and the forecast is for 18+ plus 20-30 mph winds (gusting to 40+). It has been 12 years since we had a snowstorm like this, and the last one before that was 1985.

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Ice is the worst thing ever! I still remember the last time we had ice like that... Paths were simply impassable, especially because there was a thick layer of snow underneath and then some more on top, and of course temperatures stayed below freezing for several days in a row.

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I also sent dh to work with clothes, sleeping bag, and toothbrush today!



Our last blizzard made the roads impassable, and dh drives further to work now than he did then. Even if he can make it through, they shut highways down and cars block the main roads when they just stop in the road. So I am keeping an eye on the weather too.



I don't mind the weather, except for worrying about him. I don't mind being snowed in. But I do like having him around and not sleeping at work or in his car on the side of the road!


We did lose power for a week once in an ice storm. And that means no heat for us too. So I am making preparations. (We are good on mouthwash though!) I am just baking today to make sure I have food on hand that doesn't have to be cooked on the campstove if we lose power. Fun fun.

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The first wave of sleet just passed through here and left a light covering on everything. No traveling to Latin class today. Looks like we're in for the day--or two or three, depending on how much is still to come!


I'm just a little east of you in St. Ann and right now it seems all we are getting is light rain. I hope we skip alot of the ice and go straight to the 10-18 inches of snow! LOL

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People are crazy already. Schools are called off for the day, and nothing has even started. Last night, we stopped at Costco for milk and red wine (storm essentials, you know...). There were no carts, and people were stocking up like mad on things like gallons of mouthwash. What are you gonna do with that, pour it out in the driveway to make the snow minty fresh?


Well, if they're snowed in and bored, having minty fresh breath might make passing the time more...refreshing. 9.gif

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I'm just a little east of you in St. Ann and right now it seems all we are getting is light rain. I hope we skip alot of the ice and go straight to the 10-18 inches of snow! LOL


It has started again and the railing down the back steps is ice-covered. It has mostly just looked like rain coming down, but once on the ground it seems to freeze. We did have a very short time of hearing sleet hitting the house during the first wave.


Well, if they're snowed in and bored, having minty fresh breath might make passing the time more...refreshing. 9.gif


Excellent point! ;)

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I'm not so concerned about the storm, not that I want it, but I'm sick of hearing about its impending arrival from my spouse. :glare: Yes, dear, it's going to storm. Welcome back to the midwest. :lol::lol::glare:


:lol: The orthodontist just called to cancel my kids' appt's for tomorrow.


Me: "Oh?" She: "Yes, we're anticipating bad weather." Me: ":001_huh:"


It's winter. In Kansas. We're always anticipating bad weather!:glare:

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People are crazy already. Schools are called off for the day, and nothing has even started. Last night, we stopped at Costco for milk and red wine (storm essentials, you know...). There were no carts, and people were stocking up like mad on things like gallons of mouthwash. What are you gonna do with that, pour it out in the driveway to make the snow minty fresh?


Mint flavored snowcream? :lol:

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The first wave of sleet just passed through here and left a light covering on everything. No traveling to Latin class today. Looks like we're in for the day--or two or three, depending on how much is still to come!


Dh says they're expecting anywhere from 12-24. Yikes!

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We are under a winter storm watch this week also, with 8-15" predicted. On Wednesday, it is really supposed to snow. Sideways. I've never seen that "cute" little icon before. :glare:



Feb 1



Day: Snow. High 20F. Winds NE at 14 mph. Air Quality:Good, UV Index:2

40%Night: Blowing Snow. Low 15F. Winds NE at 22 mph.



Feb 215.gifBlowing Snow


Blowing Snow. High 19F. Winds NE at 22 mph. Air Quality:Good, UV Index:1



Edited by darlasowders
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