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Apparently Hooters is an appropriate venue for a 14yo's birthday party.


I just saw a status update from a friend. She asked her ds where he wanted to have his 14th birthday party and he said Hooters. She received several responses, most along the lines of 'lighten up, let the boy have some fun', etc. One man replied that he took his 10yo's soccer team to eat weekly following the game...um?! The general concensus was that one was too uptight if they would not allow their child to attend his party because of the venue.


Anyway, the point is that my friend is seriously contemplating hosting a 14yo's birthday party at Hooters. Wow. Just :001_huh:.

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The general concensus was that one was too uptight if they would not allow their child to attend his party because of the venue.


Well, that's a slippery slope, isn't it? I can think of a lot of venues I would not let my children attend parties at.

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Someone on my friends list posted pics recently of their son's first birthday party at, you guessed it, Hooters. At one year old, my still nursing boys would get very confused with a birthday party there thinking I'd brought them to a buffet. :)



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Someone on my friends list posted pics recently of their son's first birthday party at, you guessed it, Hooters. At one year old, my still nursing boys would get very confused with a birthday party there thinking I'd brought them to a buffet. :)



I wouldn't be allowing my dc to attend a party at Hooters, either. Yuck.

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Apparently Hooters is an appropriate venue for a 14yo's birthday party.


I just saw a status update from a friend. She asked her ds where he wanted to have his 14th birthday party and he said Hooters. She received several responses, most along the lines of 'lighten up, let the boy have some fun', etc. One man replied that he took his 10yo's soccer team to eat weekly following the game...um?! The general concensus was that one was too uptight if they would not allow their child to attend his party because of the venue.


Anyway, the point is that my friend is seriously contemplating hosting a 14yo's birthday party at Hooters. Wow. Just :001_huh:.


Your friend knows it's stupid and inappropriate but has no guts which is why she's contemplating it. Just because the rest of the world is insane, doesn't mean you or she or we have to be.

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Your friend knows it's stupid and inappropriate but has no guts which is why she's contemplating it. Just because the rest of the world is insane, doesn't mean you or she or we have to be.


:iagree: I wonder if he's trying to look cool for friends? I'd ask him to name a couple more choices.

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I'm totally being a devil's advocate here ;ob (I'm ultra conservative/modest), but if her son has ever been to the beach, It certainly won't be any worse than that. Probably better. But at age 14......yeah.....no way in my house LOL! Funny the double standard we have sometimes....it's ok to go lounge around in the sand surrounded by scantily clad women, but not go eat around them. hmmmm.

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I'm totally being a devil's advocate here ;ob (I'm ultra conservative/modest), but if her son has ever been to the beach, It certainly won't be any worse than that. Probably better. But at age 14......yeah.....no way in my house LOL! Funny the double standard we have sometimes....it's ok to go lounge around in the sand surrounded by scantily clad women, but not go eat around them. hmmmm.


It is completely sexist (Hooters). The whole purpose is to titillate the men and devalue the women.


Hey, beach is the beach.

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I'm totally being a devil's advocate here ;ob (I'm ultra conservative/modest), but if her son has ever been to the beach, It certainly won't be any worse than that. Probably better. But at age 14......yeah.....no way in my house LOL! Funny the double standard we have sometimes....it's ok to go lounge around in the sand surrounded by scantily clad women, but not go eat around them. hmmmm.



I gotta agree with LGWhoHasGoneNotQuiteSoWild on this one.


The beach is IN context while a restaurant is OUT of context. While I am not religious I would not wear certain items of clothing (pajamas, swimsuit, flippers and snorkel mask) into a temple/chuch, etc. (for services). Those items of clothing ARE appropriate IN their setting.


Hooters, however, I find inappropriate anyway. As LG said, it's whole point is to turn guys on. ick.

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We received a Christmas card this year featuring a photo of the family's two elementary-school aged sons posing with Hooters waitresses. They were just standing there, nobody doing anything wildly inappropriate, but I still just wondered...why? Why on earth do that?


Then again, the hostess at the non-Hooters style restaurant we visited last week was dressed even more revealingly than the Hooters ladies. She was a lovely young lady, but when she bent over to give us the menus, Hello! My husband said later, "I feel like I know her better than I should." And I wouldn't object to a birthday party there...am I a big hypocrite? Maybe. I think I can live with that. :)

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I gotta agree with LGWhoHasGoneNotQuiteSoWild on this one.


The beach is IN context while a restaurant is OUT of context. While I am not religious I would not wear certain items of clothing (pajamas, swimsuit, flippers and snorkel mask) into a temple/chuch, etc. (for services). Those items of clothing ARE appropriate IN their setting.


Hooters, however, I find inappropriate anyway. As LG said, it's whole point is to turn guys on. ick.


Yes. I have never been in one.


The other day dh and I were out and in looked out the window and saw a restaurant called Twin Peaks and advertising scenic views.


I told dh, "Well that's a stupid location. All you see from there is 6 lanes of traffic."


Dh patted my knee and smiled and said, "um honey that's not the view or the peaks they are advertising."


He found my ignorance very endearing.


I wanted to know how the heck he knew that. Hmmm?


He swears it is common knowledge, not personal experience.


It better be.

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I gotta agree with LGWhoHasGoneNotQuiteSoWild on this one.


The beach is IN context while a restaurant is OUT of context. While I am not religious I would not wear certain items of clothing (pajamas, swimsuit, flippers and snorkel mask) into a temple/chuch, etc. (for services). Those items of clothing ARE appropriate IN their setting.


Hooters, however, I find inappropriate anyway. As LG said, it's whole point is to turn guys on. ick.



:iagree::iagree:Beach is a beach, while you know what Hooters is famous for...

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I had a business meeting at a Hooters once. Once was enough. My female boss and I were the only women in attendance, and when we left, we made a pact to always be too busy to meet at Hooters again.


My SIL has taken her DS to Hooters since he was a baby (he'll be 15 in two weeks). She complains about him being exposed to "unwholesome" images, but doesn't have a problem with Hooters.


I would never have a party for a teenager there, nor would my kids be allowed to attend. I'm prudish like that.

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Then again, the hostess at the non-Hooters style restaurant we visited last week was dressed even more revealingly than the Hooters ladies. She was a lovely young lady, but when she bent over to give us the menus, Hello! My husband said later, "I feel like I know her better than I should." And I wouldn't object to a birthday party there...am I a big hypocrite? Maybe. I think I can live with that. :)


But that restaurant isn't advertising its scantily clad waitresses, is it? My objection to Hooters isn't that we'll see something there that we wouldn't see elsewhere during the summer, but that the whole premise of the restaurant and its advertising is having hot waitresses available for men to ogle.

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:lol::lol::lol: Almost lost my drink on that one!



Someone on my friends list posted pics recently of their son's first birthday party at, you guessed it, Hooters. At one year old, my still nursing boys would get very confused with a birthday party there thinking I'd brought them to a buffet. :)
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I don't associate Hooters with porn, but there's a reason it's called "Hooters" and it has nothing to do with owls. Flat-chested women need not apply.


This. It isn't porn, but that just isn't a business model I care to financially support.


I don't understand the 18th birthday parties at casinos either.:001_huh:

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But that restaurant isn't advertising its scantily clad waitresses, is it? My objection to Hooters isn't that we'll see something there that we wouldn't see elsewhere during the summer, but that the whole premise of the restaurant and its advertising is having hot waitresses available for men to ogle.


That's kind of what I thought, too. It would have been nice if the hostess hadn't been quite so...upfront about her assets, but it seemed more like an ill advised wardrobe choice than a corporate agenda.

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14? Heck, some distant cousins of mine let their 7 yo have his birthday party there because "he loves the ladies." No, really. They really did. So, I'm totally not surprised.


It's not porn by any stretch, it's just... unclassy and sexist. I don't find a lot of porn as sexist as I find Hooters, honestly.

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:iagree::iagree:Beach is a beach, while you know what Hooters is famous for...


Their hot wings, right? :tongue_smilie:


I don't associate Hooters with porn, but there's a reason it's called "Hooters" and it has nothing to do with owls. Flat-chested women need not apply.


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would call it 'soft' or 'light' porn. The corporate premise is to sexually arouse, and it's exploitation of women--and yes, I know the women are consenting to the exploit. They are still being exploited and promoting exploitation and normalizing exploitation/objectification.


That aside, I've never been in a Hooters, have no intent to ever patronize one. The company that really ticks me off is Victoria's Secret with their giant mostly-naked women pictures in ALL the windows of the corner storefront they occupy in my local mall. I can avoid Hooters, but in my fairly small town there are things I can sometimes only get at the mall. And now I feel like I can't walk through there with my children.

Edited by LemonPie
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