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Do you have something that you day dream about?

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I have a house that I day dream about. Only one part of it really. In my 'dream house' I have a kitchen nook that is lined in book cases. Sometimes it has a large over-sized chair, sometimes it has a small kitchen table. The furniture depends on what I am doing..reading the paper with a breakfast treat at a table or reading a book in an big comfy chair. My reading nook looks over a stream or river, because I love the sound of rushing water. If I ever found this house, I would probably move in in a heart beat! But in our area, for what we would want, it would be Waaaay out of our price range, so it will remain my daydream :)




Do you have a daydream?

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I daydream constantly. Always have. It'd be impossible for me to narrow it down to "one thing". ;)


What is your favorite daydream that you really wish was true? The one that is feasible but just out of reach?

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Funny you should mention your daydream about your dream house/kitchen. About 3 years ago, I started designing plans for my dream house. I actually have it all drawn out to scale now on graph paper, and have everything decorated in my mind. It has helped me get through many a long baseball game/ piano lesson / 6-year-old screaming tantrum!


Even if it never gets built (which it probably won't), it's still fun and it's free to dream!

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A home by the beach! Not a big house, but a comfortable one.


Extravagence when it comes to clothing, shoes, hair, spa, ect.


Having a farm! Fresh milk, eggs, and such everyday.


Waking up one morning and the TV is gone ... it would be a dream come true.

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I've been slowly planning out my little homestead in my daydreams. We love the area where we live now... 3 miles from but still out in the country. I'd like a main cabin with four smaller cabins behind it to rent out and to have available when/ if our parents need a place to come where they can be independent but we can be nearby to be a help. A place where we can house someone who needs a place to stay. There would be a circular driveway connecting the cabins. A large veggie garden, berry bushes, chicken coop, Nubian goats, a mini-vineyard, and an orchard with apples, oranges, pecans, almonds, and peaches. There would be very little yard to mow, places for the kids to play, maybe a pond or stream for fishing and cooling off, a place for a volleyball net, a place for cookouts, and some paths to explore. Oh, and our house would have a lab in it and a room for the kids to get messy with art projects, and there would be a small shed-like cabin for dh and I to share as an office.


Every time I day dream about it, I add, take away, or change things. I like to visit there in my mind. I feel at home there.

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Several years before we adopted, we bought 5 acres on which to build a log cabin. We sold it to adopt. (What WERE we thinking????) I still fantasize about my log cabin. >sigh< and the big window out the back, looking into the woods with a salt lick nearby to attract the deer.

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In my 'dream house' I have a kitchen nook that is lined in book cases. Sometimes it has a large over-sized chair, sometimes it has a small kitchen table.


I don't really daydream because I am too much of a left-brained, concrete thinker, lol. But the idea of bookcases in the kitchen is worth daydreaming about! Cooking and reading are 2 of my favorite things, and I often have a book with me while I'm working in the kitchen. If I have a few minutes while I'm waiting for something to heat or whatever, I sit on my stepstool and read.

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I have a house that I day dream about. Only one part of it really. In my 'dream house' I have a kitchen nook that is lined in book cases. Sometimes it has a large over-sized chair, sometimes it has a small kitchen table. The furniture depends on what I am doing..reading the paper with a breakfast treat at a table or reading a book in an big comfy chair. My reading nook looks over a stream or river, because I love the sound of rushing water. If I ever found this house, I would probably move in in a heart beat! But in our area, for what we would want, it would be Waaaay out of our price range, so it will remain my daydream :)




Do you have a daydream?

I daydream about remodeling -- all the time. At least once a week, I get out the graph paper and the architectural symbols to draw up my latest daydream. This week, the daydream is a master bath with room to turn around. ;-)


I also daydream about how life might have been -- if my dad had not died 23 years ago, if I'd birthed the baby we miscarried, etc. "What if" daydreams, for lack of a better name for them.



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Me too... I daydream all the time, but most frequently when I am falling asleep. My daydreams vary from the doable to the fantastic. I have built and remodelled numerous "dream houses" (though we have always rented) in my dreams... as well as been the captain of an interstellar space ship! How's that for unattainable? Lol!

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In my 'dream house' I have a kitchen nook that is lined in book cases. Do you have a daydream?


I was so excited about this idea that I told my dh I want one in our future dream house. Maybe it could even be a sunroom off the kitchen.


His response? He named off a few books to put on the shelves.


The Cake Also Rises

A Tale of Two Biscuits



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What an interesting question! - I daydream all the time, too, but I never really thought about it like that before. I'm almost always thinking of something I'd like to be working towards. Sometimes it turns into a real project, and sometimes it just remains a dream. I couldn't tell you how many notebooks I've filled up with lists, diagrams, and plans. At the time, I always feel as if I'm working towards something I really want to do, but then as I research and learn more about it, sometimes I discover that I don't actually need to do it after all. Or it will lead to something else entirely!


I think the nice dream of the nook lined with bookshelves sounds so cozy! Books are so comfortable - I love to be surrounded by them.

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I daydream all the time, too. My daydreams are different and often conflict one another in content.


I often fantasize about having a career--and often being a single person with no kids (a totally different person than who I am).


I daydream about living in Canada and iceskating in Ottawa in a long wool skirt (with Glenn Gould's Bach Variations playing in the background).


I dream I have a huge flower garden and ride a bicycle all over a seaside town.


I dream that we have a lot of kids-some bio, some adopted and a big house.


I dream that dh and I go on a Florida vacation for a couple of weeks alone.


I dream that my dc go to school and I stay at home and clean, cook, and primp and my dh comes home amazed by my beauty, charm and lovely meal. My dc then enterain us with witty stories of their day at school. Then we all play a fun word game as a family and go to bed early.


My favorite is the Canada one.

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I daydream all the time. My favorite daydream is kind of weird, but I love it. Years and years ago I saw a picture in a magazine of a wooden deck looking over the ocean. The deck was bare except for an ironing board and some beautiful fabric and a really pretty ironing basket. I hate ironing, but if I could do it on a deck overlooking the ocean, it might become my favorite chore.


When I'm not daydreaming about ironing on my dream-deck - I imagine the perfect beach cottage behind the deck. Nothing fancy, kind of Outer-Bank-ish worn, whitewashed wood and worn floors and a really cool kitchen.


I coudl go on for days.

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Sure. I daydream that I have awakened in a quiet home filled with the smell of fresh gardenia as I step out of my bed unto a rose petal covered floor. As I head into my dining room, all of my children are engaged in reading fine literature while the smell of vanilla fills the air as my dh prepares a wonderful breakfast of freshtoast covered in whipped cream and topped with strawberries. As I turn to grab a cup of hot hazelnut flavored coffee in my favorite mug, just as I begin to press my lips against the mug for a sip.....I snap out of it and I am sitting on the couch during one of our read a loud moments and my lovely son lets out nauseating gaseous fumes from a location I am too ashamed to mention. Oh, daydreams. How I love them so.:D

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Sure. I daydream that I have awakened in a quiet home filled with the smell of fresh gardenia as I step out of my bed unto a rose petal covered floor. As I head into my dining room, all of my children are engaged in reading fine literature while the smell of vanilla fills the air as my dh prepares a wonderful breakfast of freshtoast covered in whipped cream and topped with strawberries. As I turn to grab a cup of hot hazelnut flavored coffee in my favorite mug, just as I begin to press my lips against the mug for a sip.....I snap out of it and I am sitting on the couch during one of our read a loud moments and my lovely son lets out nauseating gaseous fumes from a location I am too ashamed to mention. Oh, daydreams. How I love them so.:D



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I daydream about:


How I would remodel our house -- enlarging rooms, moving walls, adding rooms. My DH says if we actually could afford to do all that, we'd be better off just buying another house.


How my yard would look if I could afford to hire a landscape designer and a crew to put in all the plants and a gardener to take care of it all -- until I learned how, of course.


Hiring a company to cut down all our oak trees, which lose leaves 2x a year, and to take out all the bushes and other trees, too -- we'd replant with new ones that I like better.


Going to Europe with DH and our DC for a very long vacation -- probably a couple of years.


Going to Disney World with DH and our DC.


Spending a month at a dude ranch with the DC.


Having the chance (and the money) to buy season tickets to the Red Sox for all 6 of us -- and that we would be seated right next to one another.


Owning a piano and taking lessons (for all of us).


Buying new furniture covered in Crypton fabric, which I think is the next best thing to sheet metal.


Having a cabin on lots of acreage in a mountain forest, where my dog could run free.


Having a beach house right on the beach, steps from the ocean, in the South so the water would be a lot warmer.


Moving back down South, where I don't feel like a fish out of water.


Winning the lottery -- not just a little bit, usually over $350 million -- and what I would do with it.

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I used to have a day dream of what my life would be like when when I grew up. I imagined a tiny, well-kept white cottage with a front porch. The entire small front yard was a mass of blooming flowers like an English garden. The tiny rooms were sunlit and white washed with big comfy chairs and lots of little tables strewn with books and art supplies. At the windows hung delicate lace curtains which blew in the breeze. The open, unscreened windows allowed the cats to come and go at will. And, the ocean must have been close by because the sea gulls screeched and glided overhead. All was sunlight and beauty.


I've had that day dream from the time I was about 12. I was shabby chic before there was such a thing! My family knows of my day dream and will often point out quant houses with charm as we are out riding. In our family they are known as "little Lisa houses."


It's funny though, there was never a husband or kids in the picture... ;)


Now that I have a real life and a wonderful husband and great kids, I don't find that I day dream much anymore. What I tend to do now is notice the little things around me and appreciate them: the birds (we feed them and have a ton!), trees, flowers, the cats...


I think I don't day dream as much, partly, because I am fulfilled. My soul doesn't have a deep-seated longing like it used to for that intangible something that was just beyond my grasp.


Also, life has forced me to become more practical, less idealistic. I may be more content, but sometimes I miss my day dreams.


I will say I was a more inspired artist when I had more day dreams. There is something about the struggle for completion and longing for wholeness that drives creativity in a way that being settled and comfortable just doesn't.

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I daydream constantly. Always have. It'd be impossible for me to narrow it down to "one thing". ;)


I daydream all the time too! I sometimes get annoyed with the kids because they dare to interrupt a good daydream, in fact!



I agree with both! I daydream all the time about all kinds of things when I'm sitting and waiting for appointments, practice to be over, etc. And how dare the kids [or hubby!] interrupt a good one! LOL


Mostly its about winning the lottery and having the money worries be over with........

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A room with floor to ceiling bookshelves lined with good books. You know the kind, with the second story and the ladder that glides along? With an enormous fireplace and a huge squishy red leather chair and ottoman. Next to the chair, a beautiful floor lamp and a dorm refrigerator with Mt. Dew (I know, I know), Butterfingers, frozen Twix, and an unlimited supply of fresh pico de gallo and pita chips.


Yeah, that'll do.:closedeyes:

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OK come on some of the rest of you have to dream this. I mean it's Mr. Darcy for pete's sake. Note I am very happily married to a great Mr. Darcy type guy. I live in my dream house. It's just when I was recently reading Pride and Prejudice and I closed my eyes for a bit it I was Lizzy and .....

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OK come on some of the rest of you have to dream this. I mean it's Mr. Darcy for pete's sake. Note I am very happily married to a great Mr. Darcy type guy. I live in my dream house. It's just when I was recently reading Pride and Prejudice and I closed my eyes for a bit it I was Lizzy and .....


Okay, a little confession, this was going to be my second daydream!!!!:blushing: Good thing I'm so in love with my dh of 15 years (as of tomorrow!):drool:

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Really, these are used up and worn out (six kids will do that) and finishing my book. Maybe when I finish my book, I can buy new books. Actually, it is in the budget for next year. I've been dreaming about it since my first kid. I promised myself that when I was done having and feeding kids this would be my reward. Yay! I can't wait.


I also dream of the thing that shouldn't be mentioned. More and more these days. I think that it's my age. :tongue_smilie: Liking this guy today. :tongue_smilie:

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Anywhere. Sometimes it's in London, one of my favorite cities. I plan what I would do & where I would go, by myself. Sometimes I do that for my own city of Houston. Sometimes I just imagine being in my own house, alone, for two solid days, and what I would do.


Can you tell I'm an introvert? (With a large family whom I love more than my own life & wouldn't give up for anything, of course!)



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I daydream about having my days all organized and running smoothly. You know... the kids are all happy, getting along and eager to do school and help out, my house is clean, I have time to do all the chores and some hobbies, and I still have a nice dinner on the table (with tablecloth and candles) when hubby comes home. Then I have all my work done and can relax and just spend time after dinner playing games with the kids until bedtime, at which point my hubby puts them to bed and we spend some adult time alone together.

Ahhh...my fantasy world is so much more peaceful than the real world:tongue_smilie:

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I daydream about a healthy body... about having the physical be unnoticed background in my day-to-day life. Barring a miracle, this is not possible, so I try to discourage this fantasy.





Oh Eliana, I have this dream as well. I am working so hard on realizing it and I have hope that someday maybe . . .

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